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19810727 No.19810727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just how can anyone take this man seriously...

>the first book was the bible, i mean literally, at one point there was only one book..

>> No.19810753

This episode was sad. You can tell he has lost it. The rambling. The bowtie. The Bill Cosby stubble. Reduced to posting cute animals on twitter.

>> No.19810786

>'the meaning of words is coded in the relationship of the words to one another'
He has become a senile old man. This is sad to watch.. Its not even funny.

>> No.19810787

I can't believe people pay attention to this retard in 2022, especially considering he's a self-help guru who's addicted to drugs and living in squalor.

>> No.19810796

>his first book was the Bible

Based will be buying a copy

>> No.19810803

LOL they finally did it. They broke this guy. Compare this video to the early videos of him.

>> No.19810804

Pretentious midwit appealing to midderwits.

>> No.19810807

>this man destroys subversive athiestjews in public debates using his faith and wisdom

Very Based

>> No.19810811


>reviewing the fucking Joker on Joe Rogan


>> No.19810815
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whoooah that's fucked up

>> No.19810822

I dont like seeing people decline like this, poor bastard

>> No.19810825

Peterson himself is an atheist. He doesnt believe in divinity of The Bible. He only sees worth in it as 'structure' for his romanticized neoliberal state.

>> No.19810832

He’s right though, there were scrolls and stuff of course, but the first pieces of paper bound together at the spine were little copies of the gospel

>> No.19810839

>"Joe-a-quin Phoenix has masculine features, but graceful movement. Charmisa. Such a good actor. Very powerful movie, man..."
>the IHOP waiter approaches the table to refill the JRE coffee mug Peterson, sitting alone facing the wall at a corner booth, insisted he drink from when he reserved his table on the phone

>> No.19810843

That's fucking terrifying

>> No.19810847

He actually believes in and has a deep relationship with Christ.



>> No.19810848

start with the greeks

>> No.19810849

way more true than just true - J. Peterman

>> No.19810874

Can't bring myself to watch it.

The post-coma stuff is depressing, alongside the religious pandering. He's pro-Islam now as well just to own the "globalists."

>> No.19810877

>you can debate whether he actually lived and whether theres credible objective evidence for that
>i ***probably*** believe that
>im amazed at my own belied and I dont understand it
Hes not sincere. A sincere Christian wouldnt even entertain such ideas.

>> No.19810885

a lot of what he's saying is kind of true, or the main thrust of his point is true, but he's saying it in such an overeager way that it makes it very easy for someone to pick it apart and misinterpret it. that said, other some parts of what he said just sound like he's giving into the creative production of mental structures too much, without thinking it through. so some of what he said is just wrong, like somehow the bible being the basis of all further communication rather than just an all-encompassing influence in a more general way.

>> No.19810897
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for a guy who doesn't know anything, seems like people sure love to talk about every little thing he has to say

>> No.19810902

You left out the part where he quietly qualifies: "I mean, as far as our western cultur--"

>> No.19810910

Because western culture started with the New Testament...

>> No.19810928

He goes way schizo here but his general point is right. After the the fall of western roman empire, "western" culture was completely separated from Ancient culture. This is the so called "dark ages". The Greeks were completely forgotten in west for a few centuries until westerners rediscovered them through Muslims (who were fastidiously studying and expanding on the Greeks). This is a very narrow and western-centered view Peterson espouses, but during that time the Bible was the west's sole and most fundamental book.

>> No.19810941

>until westerners rediscovered them through Muslims
This is a common misconception, it was the Greeks themselves fleeing Byzantium after the sack of Constantinople that brought these ancient texts with them to modern day Italy, France and Germany.

>> No.19810953

Poorly articulated but he's fundamentally right

>> No.19810955

Or vice versa: early Italian humanists who had sojourned there and brought back texts with them

>> No.19810964

Yes that obviously played a part as well.

>> No.19810969

cool term
t. borderline midwit

>> No.19810973
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>french cuffs

>> No.19810978

I have heard this a lot recently but it isn't entirely true. Perhaps the Byzantine Greeks were partly responsible but a great portion of it was the translation of Arabic works and translations into Latin in the second half of twelfth century. There were Arabic-Latin translators fully dedicated to translate both original Islamic works as well as the Arabic translations of Greek texts.

>> No.19810980

Doesn't seem that simple based on his video with Pageau.

>> No.19810981

Beyond parody at this point

>> No.19810989

It's not. Many of the ancient Greek texts were actually translated into Latin from Arabic, especially through Palermo after it was acquired by Normans. That's not to downplay the Greeks, but there was a large amount of literature which came from the Arabs too (hundreds of years before Byzantium ever collapsed).

>> No.19810990


>> No.19810991

It's a real shame. He used to be sane. But he was the nail that stuck out. They wouldn't let him be for long.

>> No.19810999

>The Greeks were completely forgotten in west for a few centuries
Not true, they surely weren't at their previous height of popularity but you still had Christian thinkers interpreting Plato and Neoplatonism and so on.

>> No.19811006

>body motions/emotions have meaning despite them not existing in a post-/structuralist signifier-signified relationship
Seems pretty fucking simple to understand

>> No.19811010

Greek as a language was, however. Graece sunt, non leguntur.

>> No.19811019
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There's some statues of Plato at the Cathedral of Sienna

>> No.19811022

I havent watched it yet. What was he saying that seemed crazy?

>> No.19811029

People are just exaggerating as usual.

>> No.19811041
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>> No.19811058

There is no meaning in moving an arm unless you look at the movement in relationship to the world around it. Peterson is now a post modernist?

>> No.19811080


>> No.19811085

Dude went down the Jung route and didn't make it back.

>> No.19811092

>There is no meaning in moving an arm unless you look at the movement in relationship to the world around it
So you've never taken a linear algebra class?

>> No.19811109

>the world around it
Um, sweaty, you just did a heckin representationalism. Didn't you know? There's nothing outside the text

>> No.19811111

There is no meaning to the movement of an arm in itself unless you look at WHY the arm was moved.
Fuck you people are stupid.

>> No.19811117

Look at my get then suck my dick bro >>19811111

>> No.19811127

Not even Jung himself did.

>> No.19811128
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Hey everyone, I'm an academic, look at my mannerisms!

What a fucking pseud lmao

>> No.19811133

The sign of demonic possession.

>> No.19811134

No shit. But that's not the same as saying that meaning can only exist within some sort of post-/structuralist signifier-signified relationship

>> No.19811138
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>meaning is already implied by the motion of the arm by its situation within all my a posteriori knowledge of moving arms. Hegel quotes a German proverb: a thrown stone belongs to the devil.
>raising the question, aaauhm, of causality serves to make this meaning explicit

>> No.19811158

damn anon your so smart

>> No.19811170
File: 400 KB, 1106x610, adefd9393affc58bb7d3eda1c58ee52a(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now...in many ways the first book was the bible. i mean literally. beacuse...at one point there was only one book, as far as our western culture is concerned, there's one book. and for a while, literally there was only one book, and that was the bible. and before that was scrolls and papyrus
Complete midwit.

>> No.19811176

This is actually pretty based ngl

>> No.19811178

>The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the B42) was the earliest major book printed using mass-produced movable metal type in Europe.

>> No.19811197

muh Eurocentrism

>> No.19811199

Yeah so peterson is a retard thanks for playing.

>> No.19811202

he is talking about the western canon in that video

>> No.19811213

Peterson should have taken some time to study philosophy. You can tell he has some interest in it but he ends up being painfully raw and dilettante.

>> No.19811214

Can someone riddle this out for me
>Europe and large parts of the rest of the world enter the "dark ages"
>A time largely generalised as being brutal and regressive
>*Slavery virtually ends*
>*The average persons life majorly improves*
Not very barbaric, is it?

>> No.19811219

He wasn't always like that.

>> No.19811221

he looks like bill nye, it seems like he's finally accepted who he is

>> No.19811224

Your mind has been poisoned by post-structuralist sophistry. May it rest in peace

>> No.19811231
File: 15 KB, 480x360, inferential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could say, auhmm, that his knowledge of philosophy is inferentially articulated. One negative mark on his deontic scorecard of discursive commitments.

>> No.19811232


The dark ages myth is perpetuated by enlightenment-loving liberals

>> No.19811233

They retconned "dark ages" to mean a period where there's little historical documentation. It used to be shorthand for the period after Rome fell and there wasn't a major empire in the West to hold shit down.

>> No.19811240

>people stop believing in religion for the wrong reasons
>culture, literature, philosophy all massively decline
>family unit disintegrates
>usury results in financial slavery
>everyone is waiting for a chance to cut everyone else's throats for material gain
>everyone is sad and lonely--but trust me it's a biological disease called depression! it's just hormonal imbalance! there is nothing wrong with the world!!! look at the GDP rising it's so good!!!!!!

>> No.19811242

>what are social constructs for $5, Alex?

>> No.19811243

>the Bible is *the* cultural touchstone of the West
This isn't contentious in the slightest

>> No.19811247

The body has no power act through its own mass. The body is passive and can only be acted upon. The movement of an arm has no meaning by itself.
Read Plato you stupid nigger.

>> No.19811250

You know Don Quixote was the first book, right?

>> No.19811257

He's a clinical/research psychologist. His window into philosophy is concentrated based upon that. I haven't seen most of his output, but I've never seen him reference Binswanger/Boss outside of the classroom. He could probably give a great lecture on how phenomenology has influenced psychiatry but no one from the new audience he's built up as a media personality would care.

>> No.19811258
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>>what is mind-independent reality for $5, Alex?

>> No.19811262

But he's going above and beyond that with all his language stuff.

>> No.19811267
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>first novel = first book

>> No.19811270

Yes, but given his interest in Jung and his frequent interest in philosophical topics he would have massively profited if he had seriously studied philosophy

>> No.19811271

>The movement of an arm has no meaning by itself.
That's great dude, but Peterson isn't saying that

>> No.19811276

Jonathan Pageau is openly christian and talks about current events sometimes through that perspective if anyone is interested and if you've lost interest in Jordan Peterson

>> No.19811278

>with all his language stuff.
Are you ESL? He was a bit schizo but really not that hard to understand

>> No.19811286


>> No.19811289

So explain then, how can meaning be found in the movement of an arm without considering the relationship between the movement of the arm and the world around it?

>> No.19811295

Had anyone told this guy about a book called Don Quixote? Or he's too dumb to know there are books out there that aren't written in english?

>> No.19811299
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He was a good ol ontario boy who unexpectedly placed himself deep into the burger's multi-media mind grinder, with all the celebrity worship, politics, and attention that it comes with. He never stood a chance

>> No.19811314

You are such a fucking retard, dude. Peterson is denying the post-/structuralist theory of meaning in which meaning is only found in infinitely deferred relations of signifier to signified

>> No.19811322

Peterson is such a fucking retard. I'm fairly certain non-western Indigenous peoples invented the book before europeans. He only says this stuff to keep his capitalist koch brother handlers happy

>> No.19811323

That seems like a pretty great meal. What the fuck. Why those poor fags were eating better than me?

>> No.19811329

He was talking to an AI engineer about how AI would find meaning in a text. For fucks sake. You brain must be as drug fucked as Petersons.

>> No.19811342

>books didn't exist until the printing press
the absolute state of lobsters

>> No.19811344

how are chinese or korean books relevant in a discussion about western canon?

>> No.19811346

>You brain
Nice spelling, drug addled retard

>> No.19811350

So before the printing press there was just papyrus and scrolls? Because thats what Peterson said.

Unless you’re actually dumb enough to think there were no books before the printing press

>> No.19811357

The fact that he only wants to talk about the western canon is proof of his capitalist european bias

>> No.19811365

So in western culture there was papyrus and scrolls then the bible appeared as the first book? And if you believe that, id you receive an American education?

>> No.19811377
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>Everyone here seems a bit "ryled" up. May I offer you recognized and recognizing subjects some Quine or Frege?

>> No.19811387

Good. A western bias is appropriate. The literature of the rest of the world is quaint and can sometimes have cute little quips, but can hardly form a mind. If you want depth, rigour, feeling, philosophy, edification, morals, you have to go to the Western canon.

>> No.19811390

>Peterson is a presuppositionalist now
Lmao fucking protestants I swear

>> No.19811425

You're extrapolating a better and clearer position out of him than is there. Sure you can take what he says the best way possible gathering a main point, but he's still saying a lot of other stuff which shows a greater confusion of thought than ever before, and is just wrong. Not every idea in the West can be traced directly back to the Bible, or is centred by the Bible, I understand what he's trying to say about its importance but he's speaking to eagerly to realise how wrong he sounds (whether or not he means something else). He's also not giving the superstructure of culture enough value since he's talking about writings 1. as if influence is something easily packaged and 2. as if it's only in the writings and there's no general cultural bedrock. But he knows there is, and if he had thought about that a bit more before talking here he wouldn't have to talk like a schizo about sampling sources to get a cohesive idea of culture.

I'm also not an esl.

>> No.19811446

wrong, gutenburg originally funded his printing business by firstly printing archie comics

>> No.19811464

It is beyond clear that peterson has never engaged with the Greeks or the early Christian theologians.

>> No.19811470

god you're dull

>> No.19811482

Not me, but the fact that you reference a type-o exposes you as a retarded pseud whose triggered the fact that they're a retarded pseud has been pointed out (on an anonymous message board). Retard. Pseud. Retarded pseud.

>> No.19811483

>waah waah why won't JBP talk about the Manchus and the CCP on an American podcast, why is he so focused on western canon
>people outside monasteries totally had access to books before the printing press was invented I read it on reddit
Good thread guys

>> No.19811485
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Not really, sort of related but I remember hearing a story where Wittgenstein realized that his entire theory of language got BTFO by some Italian's rude gesture.

>> No.19811486
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>One book? Look, best I can do is, like, half a book. The Bible you know is NOT the book you are talkin about here, bud. I mean, look, we dont even have the apocryphal apocalypse of Thomas that was so influential that it was proscribed as heretical, just a bunch of lame narratives in poor Greek for peasants like you and me *puts hands on counter, leans over and laughs* Tell you what, half a book and not a biblion higher.

>> No.19811495

This guy has always been boring as hell, now he's incomprehensible too. Kind of amazing he got so much mileage out of the pronoun thing.

>> No.19811499

Book binding began in India and book binding with paper emerged in the medieval islamic period. The first "book" euros encountered were most likely Byzantines obtaining a copy of the Quran

>> No.19811510

t. halfwit

>> No.19811511

>the first pieces of paper bound together at the spine were little copies of the gospel
Stop blabbering about something you know nothing about

>> No.19811518

Wrong. Where the fuck does this meme come from? Europeans were writing commentaries on Greek texts centuries before romans were conquered by the ottomans

>> No.19811530

Is there anything that btfos as hard as the middle finger? A simple gesture, is like saying "dont care didnt ask" 1000 times.

>> No.19811537

>Now Jughead was really something man, like wow, what an appetite

>> No.19811555

80% sure this isnt how you spell that word which is very funny to me

>> No.19811610

Name one book made before the invention of the printing press even half as culturally impactful as the Bible

>> No.19811627

the republic, poetics, sententiae menandri, the libellus of catullus, the aeneid et al.

>> No.19811634

>Hes not sincere. A sincere Christian wouldnt even entertain such ideas.
"Yes, my Lord - I spent my life in your service gatekeeping the kingdom of heaven so that it if they did not believe what I believed, I would try to turn them away."

>> No.19811639
File: 652 KB, 704x477, e8f8ee36da8bcfe639fcfb97fe5c8086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE HOLY QURAN, you imbecile. The most important book in human history.

>> No.19811640

peasants in Europe didn't have access to any of these

>> No.19811651

Peasants didn't have access to the bible either, midwit. They were illiterate and the bible was almost only in Latin and available to clergy. You forget about that little detail, midwit?

>> No.19811654

immaterial, read your question again. peasants were not capable of making a cultural impact and are irrelevant

>> No.19811655

peasants in Europe couldn't read anyway...

>> No.19811667

why is it backwards?

>> No.19811668

This is like old, useless men yelling about the unathletic pro football player. You have no insights, your critiques are shallow at best and uncreative at worst, and you are just a rag to be blown by the Zeitgeist's nose. What he said was correct, articulate, albeit pedantic and a bit overzealous in how revelatory it was.

>> No.19811678

It is though. I googled it before writing it kek

>> No.19811683

Arabic script is from right to left.

>> No.19811685
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>This is like old, useless men yelling about the unathletic pro football player. You have no insights, your critiques are shallow at best and uncreative at worst, and you are just a rag to be blown by the Zeitgeist's nose. What he said was correct, articulate, albeit pedantic and a bit overzealous in how revelatory it was.

>> No.19811687

Who's paying you to post here and how poorly did you score on the general cognitive ability test to actually land the job?

>> No.19811689

Your midwit king Peterson isn't a pro football player of anything lmao, the media hysteria elevated him to popularity because of le pronouns are...LE BAD fiasco

>> No.19811693

Ok, but I asked why is the book backwards? the front cover is hidden

>> No.19811694

>even half as culturally impactful as the Bible
..that wasn't peterson's claim midwit

>> No.19811699

His 'belief' is founded on the idea that the historic authentic of Jesus is up for debate.
This is heresy.

>> No.19811700

HAHAHAHAHA - nothing better than Gothic statues of Catullus. Holy shit.

>> No.19811705

You argue in 4chan memes.

>> No.19811706

>What he said was correct, articulate

>> No.19811707

When your script from right to left, you start from the right side of the book to the left side. The right side is the front cover.

>> No.19811709

it's just muslims and east asians seething see >>19811639 and >>19811357

>> No.19811710


47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

>> No.19811711

You have nothing to add to the discussion other than,
>omg youre just a jealous hater

>> No.19811715
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> A pedo's favorite poem collection.

>> No.19811716

>"Jesus may not have been a real person"
>not heresy
Remove yourself from my sight, demon.

>> No.19811718

Amazing. Your response to criticze the word articulate is an internet acronym.

>> No.19811720

If both of you guys are born again then do not argue on here in front of the heathens. God forbid. I love you both, you both bring up good points.

Ultimately we don’t know if he is saved, but being unsure of The record of Gods son brings to mind 1 John 5:10 where it says whoever does not believe the record of Jesus Christ is calling God a liar. So hopefully Peterson is working toward knowing Christ and his resurrection power. We should not frustrate his efforts

>> No.19811721

It's okay - catholics don't read the Bible, I know.

>> No.19811723

I don't think it's Muslims though. He clearly means what he says in a western context. As a Muslim I find nothing controversial about what he said and I think the anon who posted the Qur'an is probably memeing. I think it's leftists seething about him as always.

>> No.19811724

If you think peterson was articulate in this podcast... Just lmao. The absolute state of America.

>> No.19811732

> 1 John 5:10
Really? How about from Christ's mouth?

>> No.19811734

Cope harder. Name one other book that has been memorized by millions of people in its entirety, flawlessly. The Holy Quran is miraculous.

>> No.19811735
File: 209 KB, 600x808, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again, Heretic

>> No.19811736

The abbot Severatus Lupus (died in 862) was certainly familiar with Catullus. The notion of a crude Gothic representation of him hiding in some backroom in a French cathedral is not impossible.

>> No.19811737

Nice - I hear Crayola is having a sale.
There isn't a discussion just you groaning about an enthused professor.

>> No.19811740

So pr*t boy, show me the scripture where one can deny Christ and still go to heaven.

>> No.19811742

Your opinion is reddit lol

>> No.19811744
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, 1630342172697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaooo go clean your room, brainlet

>> No.19811745

but why would the book have to start from the right side? we write from left to right but our books are justified cover

>> No.19811749

>Cope harder. Name one other book that has been memorized by millions of people in its entirety, flawlessly
Mao's red book.

>> No.19811750

Gosh darn, what are abbots doing? Rereading Aristotle? The Holy Bible is the most important book of all time.

>> No.19811751

Are you implying parts of the Bible have less authority than other parts?

>> No.19811754

Stay mad and in defense of daddy peterson. Maybe if you keep it up his daughter will give you some sloppy.

>> No.19811755

>memes instead of thoughts
>memes instead of thoughts

>> No.19811757

No one cares, dude

>> No.19811762

Anon it isn't hard to figure out. It's so that you turn the page in direction of your reading/writing. Latin script is from left to right so English books start from the left.

>> No.19811763

Yes. Read a History of the Bible - the collection is largely based on Guttenberg putting them together and tradition. FWIW because you may be interested, scripture wasn't numbered until pronting press too

>> No.19811765

Yes, so Peterson will be judged for his heresy.

>> No.19811768

Friendly reminder that this guy is a transphobe and is directly funded by the Koch brothers to deradicalize would-be radical leftists

>> No.19811773

>hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken
>the word
Seriously reread John it's clear as day that you can curse Christ too.

>> No.19811776

Post tits

>> No.19811777

your messiah humiliated himself for four and a half (4.5) hours straight. and this is how you cope? sad.

>> No.19811779

Go ahead and curse Christ. I won't stop you. I may pray for you though.

>> No.19811783

I don't see why that would incentivize my defending him. Care to explain?

>> No.19811788

I get that, but why would the cover have to be on the bottom? You could have a script that goes from left to write but still turn the pages the correct way instead of reversing it

>> No.19811792

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

>> No.19811795

To deny the historical authenticity of Christ is to also deny the authenticity of the Holy Ghost.

>> No.19811800

meds now

>> No.19811802

The cover isn't on the bottom. The cover is shown on the pic. Since Arabic script is in reverse order of Latin, everything of the book is in reverse order compared to books in English.

>> No.19811804

If you dont believe Christ was a real person how can you be a sincere Christian?
Like I said... He only sees worth in Christianity as a structure for society. He cares more about the world than Christ.

>> No.19811810

why the hell would you want to read through something in reverse?

>> No.19811815

Teachings of Christ > Jesus's body. It's the same thing for why the virgin birth is totally arbitrary

>> No.19811823

>he doesn't read his books in reverse
Anon I...

>> No.19811842

Anywho signing off and you're in my prayers. God bless!

>> No.19811845
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>> No.19811868

Thanks anon. I guess lol.

>> No.19811986

Whoa did he finally read Derrida?

>> No.19812000

>After the the fall of western roman empire, "western" culture was completely separated from Ancient culture.

Yeah it became christian culture

>> No.19812018

lol at the /lit/ straw grasping even though most of what he's saying is true. sage

>> No.19812022

To be fair there was a genuine period that could be called a dark age for western europe but it was imho only between like 500 and a little after 700.

And Enlightenment liberals didn't invent the idea of the dark ages. It was actually Petrarch and other Renaissance figures. Half the point of the Italian Renaissance was to WE WUZ as Romans after several centuries of Italy taking French and German dick.

>> No.19812041

damn wait until he finally reads derrida's writing about metaphysics of presence, he's gonna FREAK when he realises the bible is shaped by greek metaphysics..... ontotheology is gonna blow his fucking mind

>> No.19812051

What he is saying is basic. And poorly articulated. Like the incoherent ramblings of a stoner.

>> No.19812069

It's fucking hilarious how this board likes to pretend that Peterson isn't relevant or "LE HOW CAN YOU TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY" yet continues making a shitload of threads about him every week.

Yer a bunch of resentful, envious fucks the all of you.