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19808380 No.19808380 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to the conclusion that the modern world is its own religion with its own "priests" and "initiations." Are there any books about this phenomena? Particularly because when you look at "secularism" as religion of it's own, you can understand a lot. I need books that build upon this idea.

Additionally, I spoke with an anon one time who said that "people nowadays fear being mentally ill" as a reason for why the "take your meds" meme is popular. He did recommend me a book on this subject but I forgot it's title.

If mods don't feel this belongs in /lit/, please move to /his/ instead, thanks.

>> No.19808403

Read Stirner’s Unique and its Property

>> No.19808436

>/his/ and /lit/ are pretty much completely subverted

are these demons able to see anything at all without a thick, greasy layer of delusion?

>> No.19808501
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>modern world is its own religion with its own "priests" and "initiations."
>Are there any books about this phenomena?
What you described reminds me of some passing remarks Mircea Eliade makes on the closing chapters of "The Sacred And Profane" and somewhere in "History of Religious Ideas". I don't know if he deals with this topic in depth on the latter (I haven't finished the last volume) or some other work, but you should look into his stuff.
Posting a pic of him so you read my post.

>> No.19808519

Read something about American civil religion. The professor at the Carefree Wandering youtube talks about wokism as an aspect of it.
The only other thing I can think of is the concept of "the Cathedral" that nrx guys talk about. Making a comparison between the role of medieval clergy and modern academia and the press and so on.

>> No.19808527

We have a bonded religion but not the concept of worship, the problem isn't science but the cult that replaced it.

>> No.19808536

He's right. Religion board would just be /x/ with 100% more generals.
Precisely why we need to have one.
Just make prophesying a banable offense so the worst psych ward patients stay on /x/

>> No.19808574

>How Dawkins Got Pwned and An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives by Mencius Moldbug
>Political Theology by Carl Schmitt

>> No.19808740

was going to post these thank you

>> No.19808757

>spending half an hour in inspect element to convince yourself that 4channel will get a religion board
But why

>> No.19809190


>> No.19809442

Oh this, Guenon, and Eliade were my starting point.
This Eliade was my starting point alongside Guenon, Stirner, Evola, and general esotericism, but I don't know if anybody passed the torch. We only get footnotes, but I want to see if there is a full analysis from these perspectives.
I'll be honest, this seems like stuff I already know, but it isn't thorough. This modern "civic religion" and what it is, is an idea that is underdeveloped but almost simeltaneously known.
I say we do have a "worship." More precisely, in the form of remembrance, where we are supposed to "remember the grace" of "technology" since it "delivered us out of famine, pestilence, sickness," etc, and "allows us to know." In a way I say these are forms of worship all the time, a perverted form of the Islamic "zikr" or the Catholic "Fatima."
Those two authors were always floating around the edge of people I ought to read. I should definitely read them.
Hylics. You will never be a real Pneumatic.

>> No.19809457

>I have come to the conclusion that the modern world is its own religion with its own "priests" and "initiations."
You and every other jaded teen

>> No.19809581

This thread was moved to >>>/his/12747899