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19807064 No.19807064 [Reply] [Original]

Recs me something similar to:
John Williams - Augustus
Thornton Wilder - The Ides of March
In general, life of Caesars but shown in fiction form

>> No.19807841
File: 18 KB, 259x385, Memoirs_of_Faggrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and also I, Claudius by Robert Graves.

>> No.19807961
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>> No.19808168

Gore Vidal -- Julian

>> No.19808259

Yourcenar made a pact with the devil to write this book

>> No.19808495

She just researched the history and embodied the man.
Gore Vidal attempts this with his historical fiction, but he rushes it for only really good books.

>> No.19808498
File: 34 KB, 305x475, egil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't recommend this highly enough. Egil is a complete dickhead, but also inspirational. He takes absolutely no shit from anyone, to the point where it's actually detrimental to his safety. It's basically a story of how Icelandic life was in the Viking Era a little before the year 1000 (where Christianity takes over). You go through three generations of Egil's family and how they constantly end up at odds with the family of Harald Fairhair who is a badass in his own right and got his nickname "Fairhair" because he refused to cut his hair until he had conquered all of Norway (which he did because he was an incredible warrior king). Icelandic life is cozy, but the men have REALLY fragile egos and can be talked into killing each other over perceived slights very easily. Very interesting saga that got me to read several others which I also really enjoyed. Planning on visiting Iceland eventually because of it.

>> No.19809142

she spent like 30 years working on it. honestly it's a masterpiece and should be considered classic literature.
GV seems so arrogant and homosexual. MY is empathetic, restrained, and humble, but GV just jizzes on the page. i like Julian but Vidal himself is an arrogant twat, and also a fag. there are a lot of criticisms of Julian that's easy to make. one reviewer took the magic of it out for me. that it's unrealistic and shows vidal put no thought into his writing, he was just in a frantic hurry to shit on christianity (he's part of the tribe, if not ethnically then spiritually), that Julians' criticism of christianity is that there is no proof and it's all self-contradictory, complicated, and people accept it without thought. then he goes to larp as tradpagan and believes himself the son of apollo or whatever. once you see that, the work wont hold up anymore. his polish and style are great but you can tell the arrogance in his voice, he never stopped to think that one over. he tried to make Julian out to be some euphoric fedora who was too smart to fall for christianity, but then all of a sudden for no reason he's joining a mithra cult and worshipping an ancient sun god unironically. vidal never stopped to even attempt to make that plausible or reasoned.

MY is a master. GV is good but will never reach the next level because he built his palace on a foundation of sand. he himself has a poor character and no ability to self-reflect due to his arrogance.

>> No.19809166

I wonder if posterity will view Vidal's generation of writers and artists as the most soulless, causeless, groundless, most Jewified generation in history. Just a bunch of WASPs and post-Bloomsbury snobs with no reason to exist anymore, basking in the lingering afterglow of the war that killed the actual soul of European culture in order to freeze society permanently in a disgusting faggoty mockery of fin de siecle finance capitalist decadence and bourgeois crisis-conscience forever.

Thousands of writers who could be "clever" and "critical" and endlessly self-aware about their own self-awareness of their predecessors but never actually create.

>> No.19809170

Is there anything like this but for US Presidents?

>> No.19809260

exactly. vidal comes off as snobby. he thinks the world of himself and is so hubristic he never considers, 'what if i'm incorrect? is my base assumption sound or do i need to rethink my thesis?' and indeed the end result is soullessness. he's witty, but surface level. just like all jewish writers (including spiritual jews.) they're great at rhetoric but they do not comprehend what truth and beauty are and cannot write them.

>> No.19809405

Interesting points about Vidal. Though I have not read Julian, I've been considering it. But why hold Vidal's homosexual tendencies against him while ignoring Yourcenar's lesbianism? Or do you mean "faggotry" in a less literal sense

I absolutely adore Memoirs of Hadrian at any rate.

>> No.19809831

homosexuality in men is disgusting. his homo lust infiltrates the pages and perverts the course of the story with unwanted sexual descriptions which would likely be outside of character, and thus impacts historical accuracy and the engagement of the reader. MY doesn't let her lesbianism impact her writing and therefore it is not offensive. (other than misandrists, lesbianism is generally not offensive.)

i just really hate male gays. and GV constantly lets you know that he is a flaming cock-lust homosexual and paints all his characters with degrees of homosexuality such that you can never have a moment of peace without having the image of a cock rammed up a poop chute jammed into your brain.

>> No.19809869
File: 151 KB, 760x973, Tyll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tyll. its about a jester during the 30 years war. one of my favorite books. really enjoyed it.

>> No.19809883

>reee homos are gross
>interesting points

>> No.19809894

That's an issue with any overtly sexual writer. Yourcenar's obviously far more sensitive and could write about a homosexual emperor without it ever approaching smut. Mann and Proust are two homosexual writers who hardly write about sex in anything but veiled terms.

>> No.19809903

>reee homos are gross
Yeah that's the point I was opposing, thanks for reading my post. "Interesting" was probably not the right choice of words anyway.

>> No.19809939

>Yourcenar's obviously far more sensitive and could write about a homosexual emperor without it ever approaching smut.
Actually she did, in the section about Hadrian and his gay lover. She wrote it romantically, not erotically (which GV is guilty of.) MY is a romantic. GV is a coomer. all homosexual men are coomers with no self restraint. they have no notion of romantic love, only of lust, so it takes a lesbian woman to write a romantic non-explicit homosexual relationship in a sympathetic and inoffensive manner. lesbians have the capacity to appreciate beauty. male homosexuals only appreciate what makes their cock erect. MY can put narrative distance and write about the homosexual relationship from a third party point of view. when GV writes about homosexuality he is picturing himself in the same room, or as a participant. it immediately bypasses artistic appreciation and becomes vulgar.

the reason being that he cannot contain his flamboyant cocklust, much like he cannot restrain his own ego from tainting his work. and that is why MY outclasses him, besides all of his own arrogance and delusion of greatness. GV's Julian simply cannot approach the level of Memoirs of Hadrian.

>> No.19809952

You really had no point, did you. You just wanted to go on a ridiculous rant because lesbian porn makes your dick hard and gay porn doesn't.

>Actually she did
It wasn't fucking smut, was it?

>> No.19809980

as i said, anyone else, even a lesbian, can write romance without it becoming smut. a homosexual male can only write smut because a homosexual male is a vulgar, corrupted creature held at the mercy of his own uncontainable cocklust at any moment. and because of this fault, GV cannot write appealing romance whereas MY can, even if MY writes about a homosexual male relationship and GV (tries, and fails) to write both hetero and homo relationships. his homosexuality gets in his way. MY is a professional not at the mercy of her own sexual urges.

learn to read, brainlet

>> No.19810858

>Saul Bellow
>John Updike
>Gore Vidal
>Raymond Carver
All soulless, WASPy, and irrelevant. No one reads them but mfa’s just ticking off the boxes. Meanwhile the most read of that generation are Pynchon, Flannery O’Conner and Cormac McCarthy, southerners and anti-academics

>> No.19810873

>Flannery O’Conner
no cap is she good or not?

>> No.19811946

Short stories with soul. I mean honestly John Updike writes decent short stories too, but they’re pedestrian compared to what O’Conner can produce

>> No.19812036

I don’t think Carver belongs on that group. He gave the suburbs as much soul as they can get

>> No.19812091
File: 1.08 MB, 796x1250, gore-vidal-creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal -- Julian
I second this. Julian is excellent. I also recommend Vidal's Creation.

>> No.19812180
File: 29 KB, 720x400, 1640544038229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Sunne in Splendour" - Sharon Kay Penman
Welsh Princes (series) - Sharon Kay Penman
Masters of Rome (series) - Colleen McCullough
"I, Claudius" - Robert Graves

"Julian" was great

I'm guessing there might be some of that in Ken Follett's Century Trilogy but idk, I'd like to know this too

>> No.19813914

might but that is awful ancient a period.

>> No.19815505
File: 134 KB, 450x645, alpha7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look for these Authors:
Robert Graves
Marguerite Yourcenar
Gore Vidal
Alfred Duggan
John Williams
Peter Green
Robert Harris
Alan Massie

>> No.19815525
File: 221 KB, 1024x768, alpha9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gore Vidal wrote a Book about Lincoln

>> No.19815538

You'd be interested in the works of Robert Graves. Check out 'I Claudius', 'Claudius the God', and 'Count Belisarius'

>> No.19816229

american "history" is absolutely disgusting