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19804518 No.19804518 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I'm in my 20s I'm trying to give myself the best chance. Any other authors like Nathaniel Branden?

>> No.19804583

Read psychocybernetics

>> No.19804593
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Self help kino - internal

>> No.19804608
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Self help kino - external

>> No.19804674

You gotta have a chad face to sell books about money. Kek

>> No.19805030

As a man thinketh, man’s search for meaning, power of now, when things fall apart.

Create a shelf with these and all the titles mentioned in the thread on goodreads and use their algorithm to find more. Avoid anything trying to sell you anything. Good luck.

>> No.19805094

Can someone explain what self-esteem actually is?
A friend once asked me something that I think about a lot, but maybe it's wrong to conflate self-esteem or self-worth
>If you are certain you deserve better but are equally certain that nothing you can do will get what you deserve, is that low self-worth or do you have high self-worth?
Like does self-esteem come from how much we think we 'deserve' or does it come from our confidence in our ability and agency? And if they are in opposition, what does that mean?

>> No.19805247

I'm not sure self-esteem is meant to be associated with external results. Like, I'm good so I deserve good things. I think it's more about having a nonfragile ego such that even if bad things happen to you or you don't get things you want, you don't regard this as some external reflection of internal inferiority. I might be wrong though. Afaik self-esteem was a bit of a fad meme that came and went.

>> No.19805250

>what self-esteem actually is?
getting pussy. fucking lots of hot staceys with big tits and mogging manlets. making lots of fuck you money and having a big house

>> No.19805254

Go to the gym and have sex. That's improvement.

>> No.19805475

But there is surely some point where minimization of the value of one's immediate influence on their external reality is not the sign of a healthy non-fragile ego and goes into "cope" territory? Making excuses.
Or does that just make me a 'hylic', kek
If I'm honest with you I'm inclined to agree it's just a meme - you can't point to any one thing and say "this is your self-esteem" it's a catchall word that in it's vagueness and obscurity can conceal a multitude of sins.

>> No.19805486

Genuine self esteem is only had by honoring your conscience and doing the right thing. The entire PUA, manosphere, self help scene is a lie

>> No.19805518

>Genuine self esteem
What is 'genuine self esteem'? What is another term for it?

>> No.19806335

bumping for answers

>> No.19806394

acknowledging your own principles and sticking by them

>> No.19806439

what about in the context of >>19805094 this question: where you have your own principles, but for external reasons are unable to stick to them.
Is genuine effort enough? Or must you also achieve it and influence your immediate external circumstances?

>> No.19807065

Read Nathaniel Branden's Psychology of Self-Esteem back in my college days. To briefly summarize, self-esteem pertains to your belief in accomplishing a potential; which is different from confidence, which is trusts in your actualized potential.


If you know how to code, and you've been tasked by your boss to do it then you'll probably be confident in the project.

If you don't know how to code, but trusts yourself that you can learn it given enough time and practice, then you have self-esteem.

>> No.19807181

>If you don't know how to code, but trusts yourself that you can learn it given enough time and practice, then you have self-esteem.
I see. And what if your trust in yourself is unwarranted, is that still self-esteem? What's the point that self-esteem because delusion? Because surely capacity is always constricted by environment?
You might be sure you can proceed to the Olympic Finals, but there's no way you'll win the Gold this time.

>> No.19807310

I read a number of self-help and psychology books, including this one, and in my experience they mostly resell well established therapy methods like CBT. You're better off just downloading a CBT workbook, and doing the exercises.

>> No.19807424

What's that?

>> No.19807428

found this article on the self esteem movement and Branden, pretty interesting

>> No.19807432

cock and ball torture

>> No.19807436

cognitive behavioural therapy

>> No.19807438
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>> No.19807457

Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman
>inb4 Jew
Please, just read the book. It will exorcise the pessimism from you.

>> No.19808853

Its arrogance but because the world has treated you nicely it means you're not arrogant, you are a good person with high self esteem