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/lit/ - Literature

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19801991 No.19801991 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: post a manga, get a book recommendation

I'll start

>> No.19801999
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>> No.19802029
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the hobbit

>> No.19802122
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>> No.19802142
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Manga is Shigurui

>> No.19802143
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>> No.19802330

Between Two Fires, it's Berserk with christian imagery set in medieval times during the plague, also it's fucking awesome.

>> No.19802341
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>> No.19802363

Crime and punishment

>> No.19802381

oh yea, it's the obvious one, but I've already read it, thanks!
read it a long time ago, whats the relationship between it and the berserk exactly?

>> No.19802395

Kengan Asura

>> No.19802401
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Fear by Hubbard

>> No.19802428
File: 345 KB, 1280x867, 325-3251140_image-result-for-oyasumi-punpun-manga-sad-oyasumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19802436
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>> No.19802454

>everyone puts manga down but nobody recs things

>> No.19802473

They are both anime and pretty bad.

>> No.19802511
File: 103 KB, 460x673, nx33575-gfErcv5f2CL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very different thematically, but same setting: The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk

>> No.19802515

>oh yea, it's the obvious one, but I've already read it, thanks!
You might like Anthony Ryan's Blood Song and Mark Lawrence's Red Sister as well.

>> No.19802644

myth of sissyphus

>> No.19802701
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И дoльшe вeкa длитcя дeнь

>> No.19802719

Soldier of the mist
Bardo Thodol
And before anyone posts Evangelion, just read Demian.

>> No.19802727
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>They are both anime and pretty bad.
How would one even adapt пpecтyплeниe и нaкaзaниe into an anime? Half the book takes place in the MC's mind while he's laying in bed in the attic struggling with depression

>> No.19802745
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>> No.19802763

I just watched an anime episode yesterday that was nothing but characters staring at each other and babbling internal dialogue.

>> No.19802941

>И дoльшe вeкa длитcя дeнь

>> No.19802984

Reverse forest gump?
>retard autist that get many possibilites in his life
But instead of acing them he just chickensout all the time

>> No.19802991
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>> No.19803095
File: 207 KB, 1000x1419, FED4A742-FACE-478B-9F36-03BE7C035740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else but CHADgonball Z?

>> No.19803183
File: 29 KB, 336x500, 506E4938-CCED-4624-BBCA-5A73FAA2D914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I’ll recommend this since the plot already feels like a manga and is about getting magic wishes granted

>> No.19803228
File: 175 KB, 263x380, Mushishi,_Volume_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19803244
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>> No.19803774


You know it's actually based on a book?

>> No.19803811
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>> No.19803819

another great series that will unfortunately go unfinished

>> No.19803820

Tristam Shandy

>> No.19803857
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>> No.19803991

Conan the Barbarian or Nikolai Gogol

The Mahabharata

>> No.19804043
File: 127 KB, 1024x658, 0bd609e9d30978e8fe46fbbfdca31a2b98fe54a5_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "it's based off a book"
I know. I've read it. I want more.

Great manga, probably my all time favorite. Might be a weird rec, but A Canticle for Leibowitz. Both deal with humanity dealing with an apocalypse in relatively peaceful ways and have a good sense of time progressing. Not a one to one, but if you like YKK you'll probably enjoy Canticle.

>> No.19804052

>read it a long time ago, whats the relationship between it and the berserk exactly?
Not that Anon but Crime and Punishment came to mind immediately for me too. Not sure why, maybe just a similar tone and some themes (great man)

>> No.19804077
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The absurdist comedy is similar to IJ

>> No.19804086
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>> No.19804099


>> No.19804135

This was a thoroughly enjoyable little pulp book I finished in about a week. As an actual Muslim I think some parts were a little cringey however. The weird helpful doctor who’s just a secret Muslim because he saw a koran once was just hamfisted in for some reason

>> No.19804214
File: 156 KB, 800x1184, akagi_22_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the akagi of lit?

>> No.19804309
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Don't know why but reading this felt similar to me. Maybe it's just the weirdness of both.

>> No.19804354
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>> No.19804389
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>> No.19804562
File: 48 KB, 334x500, B00GBGV402.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt anyone but me knows this one but I'll try anyway.

>> No.19804620

op, can u link me to ur picrel?
yes in arabic

>> No.19804672
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interesting book, ridiculous cover. just gives an omg-i'm-weirdo-lit, bright, faggoty impression. this one has much more truth to it, mauve horror, ambiguous questions like the architecture of deep old cities. not cisco's best but it's a wonderful introduction.

>> No.19804979
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>> No.19805026

This is fucking incredible anon

>> No.19805071
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Not specifically volume 30 just the whole manga

>> No.19805287
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Ahem, please make way for one of the greatest manga of all time.

>> No.19805957

Is this the manga with cute girls in cool patterned clothing? their outfit and color is beautiful

>> No.19805962
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gimme something similar to gits otherwise i will read the hungry caterpillar again

>> No.19806061


>> No.19806121

The Holcroft Covenant by Robert Ludlum

>> No.19806124
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>> No.19806140
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Tezuka adapted Crime and Punishment to manga.

>> No.19806157

"do japanese people really?"

>> No.19806159
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>> No.19806271
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Чeл ты

>> No.19806626
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Neuromancer by William Gibson. Heard one partially inspired the other.

>> No.19806697

I just grabbed the ebook versions and that and a few of his others were printed with the esoteric minimalist weird covers as some wackily named press collection. I prefer the one you posted now seeing it. Out of curiosity what do you think are his best? I just started reading his work.

>> No.19806722
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This would make some sense. It's been awhile since I read Punpun, but both men in the stories start young and have their perceptions of women and love shattered almost completely over time.

>> No.19806727

Vaguely and only because of its premise.

>> No.19806741
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only the covers are colorful but still these trad clothes are beautiful

>> No.19806742
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Notes from the Underground

>> No.19806759
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I strongly recommend A man asleep by Perec
No longer human by Dazai
Ice by Anna Kavan
It was a very mediocre manga, as with most of Urasawa's works.
But if you liked it you'd probably like No country for old men felt like a better cat and mouse version of what Monster should've been.

>> No.19806790
File: 2.30 MB, 1667x2500, V01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howard's Conan the Barbarian series

>> No.19806800

Based Leibowitz enjoyer.

>> No.19806814

The Black Company series by Glen Cook. Both military, lots of action and Kanki-level violence.


>> No.19806824
File: 86 KB, 426x640, EF56D1C5-B5C3-46DB-AEBC-D412F99FD0B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gambler by Dostoevsky

>> No.19806885
File: 239 KB, 1121x1600, BLAME! - Log. 1 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Apocalypse by Bakker
Hei no Naka no Korinai Menmen by Abe
Snow Crash by Stephenson

>> No.19806917
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>> No.19806972
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>> No.19806977

fuck off honestly

>> No.19806985


>> No.19807242
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>> No.19807276

Rereading Snow Crash for the 4th time or so, it's very fun.

>> No.19807285
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Preferably without any NTR

>> No.19807482

Obviously Dracula by Bram Stoker, but they are really nothing alike in terms of pacing and action (and some other things).
Devil May Cry novels by Shin-ya Goikeda are close in atmosphere and action, but because they are novels based on video games, they are lighter reading and can be finished in one afternoon.

>> No.19807503

2nding this

>> No.19807675
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>> No.19808092


>> No.19808098
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>> No.19808119
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>> No.19808176

Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcádio Hearn

>> No.19808179

>Hei no Naka no Korinai Menmen by Abe
?? I don't read or speak japanese how am I supposed to read it?

>> No.19808184

wow imagine liking this garbage

>> No.19808192
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>one partially inspired the other
I heard the authors could not have come in contact with each other's works before they finished their own works so there's no influence

>> No.19808311
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>> No.19808319

flashman , the fist one is in afganistan i think

>> No.19808329

The Gamble by Dosto

>> No.19808372

I love this manga. Shame the releases have been so slow.

>> No.19808457

Who are you trying to bait with this?

>> No.19808973

the kalevala to further your deep spiritual understanding
麻雀放浪記 is the essential mahjong novel but it's not translated
do you play btw?

>> No.19808977

Read this last night. Good stuff

>> No.19809022

GITS referenced Neuromancer in the manga, they have some similarities according to people who've read them.

>> No.19809416
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>> No.19809501


>> No.19809647

>The Gamble by Dosto
doesn't really fit akagi, apart from being about gambling

>> No.19809654

The thread where everyone posts manga because none of you dumbasses actually read books, and people who read books dont bother with chinese comics.

>> No.19809685
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bring it on

>> No.19810221
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>> No.19810783
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This is gonna be a tough one

>> No.19810806

Seconding this, could be a very good book…

>> No.19810880
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don't say battle royale

>> No.19810881

Nothing like Fire Punch exists properly in any other medium. It's like Watchmen in western comics, or Apocalypse Now in cinema, wholly embodying its medium. This is unironic by the way, it's seriously that unique.

>> No.19812720
File: 865 KB, 574x825, Screenshot 2022-01-26 at 10-19-25 naoki urasawa monster - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anons, I have been looking for a novel equivalent to this, particularly a villain that captures what Johan is all about. Similar themes and stuff. Pls anons, halp.

>> No.19812729
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>> No.19812730

Fuck off stop necrobumping, Johan is a shit villain and Monster is a garbage manga, back to >>>/a/

>> No.19812732

Madame Bovary

>> No.19812742

LMAO what the fuck is necro bumping. Your post is more like negro bumping lol.

>> No.19812756
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>> No.19812757

Journey to the west.

>> No.19812772

I agree.

Also this was a pretty decent thread, didn't expect that.

>> No.19812938
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Technically, both are literature, so fuck off.

>> No.19812945
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I didn't even know /a/ still had threads as great as this. thanks for the link, anon

>> No.19812966
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Besides Musashi and the like please

>> No.19813818
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>> No.19814015
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clockwork orange comes to mind, but what else?

>> No.19814022
File: 55 KB, 500x691, 12896d3b43929dedf86d3a06e750ff5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any taiyo matsumoto manga

>> No.19814036

based retard

>> No.19814093
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>> No.19814164
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>> No.19814175
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>> No.19814376
File: 848 KB, 1429x715, book-0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haibane Renmei. I've already read Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World, I'm looking for something more in line with the themes and tone of HR than the relatively uperficial aspects it borrows from that novel.

Not a book but rather an essay, The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. It deals with a lot of similar themes and I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if tkmiz had read it. I wish I had a proper book to recommend, because if I knew of one it would probably be one of my favorites.

>> No.19814438

Simplicius Simplicissimus

>> No.19814460

Argh I never completed reading that one after the scanlation group translating it stopped ages ago. I should have another look if there's a full translation now.

>> No.19815408

Patternmaster series by Octavia Butler

>> No.19815861

Ya zalameh, use the english cover next time.

>> No.19817427

always sucks when that happens

>> No.19817602

Dune/Dune Messiah/Children of Dune/God Emperor of Doom. The story of the Atreides is what Isayama was trying to accomplish but failed.

>> No.19817617
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>> No.19817622

>predicts covid in your path
Also for >>19806759 I'd recommend The Road. Superpowers/blessings aside the setting is very similar.

>> No.19817628
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Forgot image

>> No.19817693
File: 1.06 MB, 896x632, 1643254444413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a full book but Clive Barker's short story "The Skins of the Father" has a lot of similar elements packed into it. Specifically the variety of monsters and their nebulous intent. Also, both have monster rape so there's that. "In the Hills, the Cities" also has a similar monster to a Gantz one in it.

>> No.19817698

I'm a bad judge of content but Alan Watts - The Wisdom of Insecurity is a good match for HnK
Or in Podcast form try Alan Watts - The Joker
Alternatively, Alan Watts - Four Ways to the Center

Anything by Watts is kind of akin to HnK due to Taoist and his heavy Buddhist influence in writing
He's also a genuinely entertaining philosopher to listen to. He's so playful and tricky with his teachings for a 1960s guy
In his "How to get out of your own way" lecture he decribes the gems to a point. "Immortality isn't something to cling to, LIFE isn't something to cling to. When you want to hold your breath you strain and hold it but you lose it. When you release your breath, breathe out, it comes back you to. In the same way God in genesis breathes into a clay figuring to create life."

>> No.19817699

>Fuck off stop necrobumping
You need to go back

>> No.19817845

Beyond the post apocalyptic setting and the cannibalism the similarities are very superficial, Fire Punch has far more going on to it beneath its setting, for example the use of pop culture as lore, or just Agni's character as a whole, you never really feel like it's a survival story, his suffering is mostly psychological despite him being literally on fire.
Anyway the road is just not similar at all, but thanks for contributing anon.

>> No.19818258

Doctor Faustus

>> No.19818351
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>> No.19818359
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>> No.19818365

also this, already read Great Game

>> No.19818372
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>> No.19818386
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>> No.19818483

Are there no book that have a similar atmosphere as the BLAME! books?

>> No.19818517

thanks anon. Those aren't sci-fi right? Anyway I'll check them out both rn

>> No.19818552

This please

>> No.19818553
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>> No.19818746
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>> No.19818798
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>> No.19818803

would also rec checking out Lone Wolf and Cub if you haven't already

>> No.19819104

Just horror. "Skins" has some fast paced, well written, and ultimately doomed actions scenes similar to Gantz, though.

>> No.19819123
File: 36 KB, 264x377, HareGuu_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite being a comedy it dealt with some adult themes, It was light and enjoyable. It felt literally like what childhood is, awkward and magical.

>> No.19819343

autobiography of katsu kokichi