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19797509 No.19797509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me a book to explain why modern society is so shit.

>> No.19797518

Society has never been better than it is now

>> No.19797521

literally just shut yourself away from the world and embrace /litfit/

>> No.19797523

We live in the best of all possible worlds

>> No.19797538

we did it reddit

>> No.19797554

Things have always been shit. Disease, famine, war, these have been a constant for mankind since the beginning of it's existence. What makes you feel like you're so special?

>> No.19797556
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poster above you is a reference to Leibniz retard
yes and that's precisely why it sucks. no danger, no adventure.

>> No.19797562

go live in caracas then

>> No.19797569

The only way in which modern society is worse than what came before is the collapse of the family and religion, as well as the destruction of local communities. People used to grow up in big communities in big families with huge social support networks. Now everyone is lonely and shy and suicidal and depressed.

>> No.19797575
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>> No.19797577

What caused the destruction of the family? I know the obvious answers usually given, but if you have any personal ideas I'd love to know them.

>> No.19797598


>> No.19797611

>Now everyone is lonely and shy and suicidal and depressed.
wrong nigga, a lot of men always lived this way, just with the openness of the internet are you seeing these communities out in the open and not hidden away in the quiet lives of desperation they would lead away from public view

>> No.19797626

Capitalism has commodified every aspect of life

>> No.19797630

The technological society by Jacques ellul

>> No.19797643

I doubt that, and even if it were true it would be a modern phenomenon that only emerged around the 60s. Back in the day, men who are incels today would have been filibusters or surplus labor working a mine somewhere. Were their lives sad? Some of them had sad lives, I would mostly call them violent and short, with some of them having at least the hope to get lucky and strike fortune. Men are sad because like say the Orcs from Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans when they can't fight or work they pretty much die, since that's what human men are bred to do. And by work I mean actual work, working in a coal mine kills you at 25 but I will guarantee you is less destructive to the soul than working at McDonalds or a call center.

>> No.19797654

(1) Feminism and contraception.
When women became "empowered" they began thinking it is more noble to enter the careerist rat-race instead of raising a family. They derided housewives as being weak and undignified. The traditional family was obsolete, they argued, because advances in contraceptive technology had made redundant any justification for the old sexual morality. This led to the creation of the modern Western woman -- the slut who has sex with 30 guys before "settling down" to a one-child marriage in which the kid is raised by the state.

(2) Decline in religiosity.
Self-explanatory. Family and community work best in a religious setting.

(3) The ease of travel.
When cars became popular people no longer stayed within local, tight-knit communities. It was easy to move away for work or adventure. This also helped destroy the family.

>> No.19797659

Das Kapital

>> No.19797666

Aren't the obvious answers sufficient?

Collapse of communities and the church leading to skyrocketing divorce (driven by legislation granting women custody and child support), removal of traditional male role models from media and schools, children born out of wedlock, and also easily-available abortion preventing the usual route to marriage (then: couple gets pregnant > has to get married and be a family to prevent social stigma and shame, now: couple gets pregnant > woman has abortion > couple breaks up), promotion of alphabetism.

Reduced wages relative to rents and cost of living results in two-parents households where both have to work, leaving children unsupervised.

Uncontrolled consumerist commercialist materialist culture driven by profit-seeking corporate capture of government and the ongoing collapse of civil society.

>> No.19797676
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I wanted to make a society chart for this very purpose.
Anyways, here are my reccs:
Blindpill chart
The Culture of Narcissism
Bowling Alone
Democracy: The God that Failed
Why Liberalism Failed
Coming Apart
America: The Farewell Tour

>> No.19797677

you've no spirit

>> No.19797803

A new earth

>> No.19797821

>tfw I crashed terribly and plunged again into full-blown atheism.
It's just too fucking hard. I don't even believe that anyone else really believes. It's all some elaborate LARP.

>> No.19797829

Bullshit Jobs is good

>> No.19797839

I was just about to recommend Father Rose's book on Nihilism. Very based.
Anon you are projecting because you struggle with your own faith. You must understand that it is easier to gravitate toward excuses like this than to fight despondency. God bless you

>> No.19797911

Simple physics

>> No.19798551

fuck you

>> No.19798662

how can I achieve such a lifestyle if I have a mortgage?

>> No.19798805

Society of the Spectacle

>> No.19798829

Move somewhere dirt cheap and live off passive income. This may take years of preparation