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19794581 No.19794581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book so boring?

>> No.19794600

The geopolitical considerations are very much outdated and there is not nearly enough antisemitism or incendiary statements as one would believe making it not very entertaining. The most interesting parts are his wwi memories but they as well suffer from adequate if not sub-par writing

>> No.19794601

Because it's the writings of an immature, narcissistic manchild with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.19794602

1) Adolf Hitler is a failed to enter technical college student.
2) Adolf Hitler isn't very good at writing: he didn't spend 12 hours a day writing and 4 hours a day thinking about writing, and 8 hours a day dreaming about writing.
3) Adolf Hitler animated a sexual-libidinal system in the German right wing. Consider reading Klaus Theweleit's Male Fantasies here. Hitler could speak to the gay fascist shit inside German straight ( gay ) woman hatred. He couldn't write furry fan fic though.

4) You aren't a proto-nazi right wing German, so Hitler isn't tickling your clit.

>> No.19794609

Hitler was a great talker, not a great thinker. Reading his ideas is like reading the words to an opera.

>> No.19794638

>great talker

Not really, all he did was shout and yell boring cliches and platitudes to low-IQ audiences.

>> No.19794684

What makes you say that, anon?

>> No.19794702

As he said. A great talker.

People loved his stupid Austrian accent.

Its almost as if he Made Germany Great Again.

>> No.19794705

>with delusions of grandeur
Were they really delusions, given that he partially accomplished almost everything he set out to do?

>> No.19794737

He didn't manage to create a 1000 year long Germanic world order, but he did manage to take over Germany.

>> No.19794761

so you're saying he was a sacred king sacrifice to allow the DDR to come into being?

Nice one punchy, as if I have a cunt in my motorcycle, making it a sex motorcycle.

>> No.19794770

Meuin Kampf is all about ranthing about how the world sucks and how the Jews are ruining everything. It's a LiveJournal with 300 pages.

>> No.19794775


>> No.19794782

It's definitely too long but the pieces about ideology and propoganda are mind blowing since he actually did in the end all the things he said there. Coming from an Israeli.

>> No.19794792

You’ve never read it

>> No.19794803

save yourself months of wasted life and painful mental acrobatics by watching the «JrEg extremist book review»

>> No.19794831

I've read it and it was just an extended emo rant. Woe is me, because Jews!

>> No.19794844


>> No.19794847

Post your speech tranny

>> No.19794848

You didn't read shit homo

>> No.19794864

The biggest cope.

>> No.19794865

I have read it. I expected something like Nietzsche's Zarathustra. But only the ramblings of a schizo complaining about his life.

>> No.19794939

I thought the chapter about his gay flings in pre-war Vienna was quite interesting.

>> No.19794951

>expecting Zarathustra from a retard inexperienced at writing
If you actually read Zarathustra, you probably didn't understand it, but it's more likely that you haven't read either.

>> No.19794953


>> No.19795490

Not true

>> No.19795520

Whats the best english version? I got the 30s version but heard its not very good. Also is there any spanish version? Cant find one on google/duckduckgo

>> No.19795842
File: 74 KB, 719x374, 02D5A50E-DE24-4C21-9895-B8D6FDF4C5F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas dalton, people here who read My Struggle pick a shitty translation and read like 20 pages and just claim the whole
book is trash.

>> No.19796330
File: 479 KB, 1000x1521, obama-promised-land-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a motherfucking political biography, political biographies are meant for the plebs to read and then be convinced to vote for a candidate

>> No.19796374

Gimme the qrd on the Ford translation. /pol/ types praise it, as do Hitler-loving sites and Goodreads, shouting down any criticism. But I saw some of the criticisms and noticed some of them were corrected at least in a PDF version of Ford I glanced ("Braunau am Inn" was originally rendered as "Braunau Am Inn" before instead being rendered as "Braunau on the Inn"). So, is Ford a meme or is it really the best?

>> No.19796944

You didnt read shit. Most of the first half of the books are rants against the Hausburg family and their apparently long term occult keikaku to genocide germans and replace them with docile slavo-hungarian (?) servants. Jews at best gets some mentions here and there

>> No.19796973


not the real one, dummy.

>> No.19796979

>a promised land

>makes usa foreign policy worst with libya and yemen

at this point, ron paul should have won