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/lit/ - Literature

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19790418 No.19790418 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books written by Black folks which aren't shilled for political purposes but because they are unironically good and measure up to white folks' literature?

>> No.19790421

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.19790444

>capitalizing black but not white

>writing his own books

>> No.19790471
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fair point about the capitalization
retarded /pol/-tier take on Dumas.

>> No.19790478

>retarded /pol/-tier take on Dumas.
What's /pol/ tier about it? He wasn't black and he didn't fully write his books but had a collaborator.

>> No.19790506

he was black enough, and he was certainly the main author.
It's a decent question by OP, and your response to a decent answer comes across as kneejerk dismissal. that's what's /pol/ about it.

>> No.19790512

books are racist and made by the white devil. Dance by the bonfire instead.

>> No.19790533

Their Eyes Were Watching God, Cane

>> No.19790704

I read Cane because so many anonymous say it's different but it's still a nigger writing about niggers.

>> No.19790741

paper is white,
ink is Black

>> No.19790768

really makes you think

>> No.19790809
File: 140 KB, 866x1390, R6f62af17f44363315033fa6b19f198c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invisible Man isn't bad at all.

but we're having trouble here guys

>> No.19791096

I thought "A Brief History of Seven Killings" was pretty decent

>> No.19791208

Ishmael Reed

>> No.19791219

Thomas Sowell is an aight nigga. He still makes commie niggers seethe.

>> No.19791222

John McWhorter books about linguistics

>> No.19791303

>he was black enough
Not sure what this means but he wasn't viewed as black in France, where he's from, but as mixed. Otherwise, he would've been a slave of some sort. He was not even a mulatto.
>It's a decent question by OP, and your response to a decent answer comes across as kneejerk dismissal. that's what's /pol/ about it.
I'm not "dismissing" the question, I'm saying the answer doesn't fit the bill.
>and he was certainly the main author.
His two most famous books, Monte-Cristo and Three Musketeers, were co-written with Auguste Maquet (along with many others). This is historical fact.

>> No.19792663

The fact that you expect black literature to 'measure up to white literature' reveals that you already have prejudiced opinions of blacks, and would likely dismiss anything we suggest. Your question suggests that you believe that all white literature stands above all black literature.

>> No.19792676
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>> No.19792704

The Sellout is hilarious and unironically promotes resegregation.

>> No.19792852
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Africa's greatest writer.

>> No.19792878
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The works of Socrates.

>> No.19794026

Invisible Man is excellent, it's about race but the point isn't "racism bad", it's more about humans being judgmental and cruel to one another in general, and race is just one way that desire is expressed. Feels like a very realistic glimpse at the life of the average intelligent black guy in the mid 20th century, trying to find his place in the world. Idk how to explain it well but it avoids all of the modern garbage and makes a novel about race actually compelling and honest

>> No.19794035

why've I heard the word folks so much recently?
its starting to piss me off.

>> No.19794054
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at best they can appropriate writings made by whites and pretend. Niggers cant write. Its not a coincidence all the "great" works by niggers are centered around civil rights. Maybe if they stopped trying to play victim and growed the fuck up they can start to produce some actual art. That being said im sure somewhere theres a good book written by a nigger

>> No.19794105


>> No.19795845

Giovanni' Room by James Baldwin

>> No.19795855

Sowell is decent, even if he wrote non-fiction.

>> No.19795858

>and growed
delightful patois

>> No.19795872

This is like saying Dostoevsky is a Russian writing about Russians. No shit, man. Literature reflects the experience of its author. Read Invisible Man.

>> No.19795957

go back to pol

>> No.19795993

>he wasn't viewed as black in France, where he's from, but as mixed. Otherwise, he would've been a slave of some sort.

There were no slaves in mainland France in Dumas's time - only in the island colonies (abolished in 1848).

>> No.19796164

>having non conforming views makes you /pol/
fuck off newfag lmao

>> No.19796375

Because the media needed a gender neutral word to describe large groups of people, and 'people' was deemed to be sterile and dehumanizing.

>> No.19796391

The uh folksy affectation of media types using the word "folks" is infinitely more off-putting

>> No.19796650


Define black.

Define white.

Explain why it should matter that an author is black or white.