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19790075 No.19790075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any honest books about female sexuality?

>> No.19790091

Probably tik tok would be more useful to learn about that. I’ve just seen some videos about women complaining about being fucked and dumped by the same guy, a Asian girl dressing whorish to caught the attention of some bankers, and a lot of teenagers wet because a relative good looking boy was playing some easy chords from a harry styles song (not even the entire song)

>> No.19790094
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>> No.19790103

Eros and the Mysteries of Love.

>> No.19790109

here's the gist of it, at least when dealing with emotionally healthy women (hard to find)
>wimp "nice guys" = nothing
>tough "bad guys" = something
>supreme gentlemen (and not the Elliott Rodger kind but rather the Atticus Finch kind w/ weightlifting, including Finch from GSAW) = the best thing. you have an edge, but you've transmuted it into something beautiful
ofc, ymmv depending on your qualities, and if you're a short ugly midget, life is on hard mode for you, but it's still possible to make it with some compromises

>> No.19790159

they're easy to find
they're all in russia

>> No.19790161

lol Russian women are insane. every country has its own problems rn

>> No.19790162


>> No.19790164

I don't know, I've dated some Russian women and found them far superior.

>> No.19790167

diaspora Russian or Russia Russian?

>> No.19790169

Slavic women are the most shameless whores in the world. Western women have rotten morals because of Instagram and Tiktok, eastern euro women never had any morals to begin with.

t. slav

>> No.19790192

perfectly fine by me.

>> No.19790206

how so?

>> No.19790234
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>> No.19790239

This + The Manipulated Man (Esther Villar)

>> No.19790254
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>> No.19790257

Not OP but I'm not going to read all these books. Which ones are the best?

>> No.19790260

Sluts cant cook

>> No.19790324
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This book is pretty good. A pairing of current findings in the literature with quotes from interviews with women. Also includes information of female mating strategies outside humans, although it isn't in depth if I remember.

It has the flaws of all evolutionary psychology books in that it presents a bunch of studies supporting a hypothesis, and presents it as a solid theory. In fact, this stuff is incredibly hard to test. There is no such thing as a "normal" human outside culture. Existent hunter gatherers all live in extreme climates that might skew their behavior and observation of them has been filled with bias and controversy. Essentially, people have been caught making up a lot of shit to support the Noble Savage ideal, such as magical islands where everybody fucks and no one is jealous. In fact, male relatives seem pretty cohesive and protective around female sex in tribal societies, which makes sense since their behavior affects how genes they share get passed on.

A lot of evo psych is someone deducing why a pattern they think exists would be driven by evolution, doing some experiments to vet their idea, inviting tons of confirmation bias, and then stating there ideas as fact. Also, like with all psychology, they just say "x was significant." They don't tend to use P values. This is an issue because if 10,000 studies are published a year, 1:100 results occuring by chance will happen 100 times a year, and publication is biases for novel results. They also skip over effect size and replication. Lots of findings don't replicate. Effect sizes can also be tiny but significant. Researchers like to spin narratives out of these tiny effect sizes.

For example, for people who reguarly lift, ideal plant-based protein diets vs animal-based result in statistically insignificant differences in muscle mass. There is a significant difference in body fat %, with meat eaters getting leaner. So meat is better right? Well the effect size is about 1/10th of 1% body fat, so you wouldn't see it, although this is with an ideal plant based diet, so meat is still great for lifting, all it really shows is that if you give yourself the same exact amino acids, the source doesn't matter much.

Implicit bias blew up as an idea because it lets you "diagnose" racism. In fact, the interval validity of those tests, how much scores vary each time the same person takes them, is well below benchmarks used in psychology. Your implicit bias varies too much day to day to be very meaningful. Then, tying those scores to any sort of outcome showing racism also has proven almost impossible. I know of one single study (on if grocery clerks with higher scores get more customer complaints) that shows implicit bias actually predicting outcomes. Most find no relation. Same goes for a TON of evopsych.

That said, the descriptive stats on how many women say they have done X or Y are informative and the theory is still interesting.

It is also written well for nob-experts.

>> No.19790340

Paglia's Sexual Personae is pretty good. The Greeks are also good for this, especially, I think, Euripides (Medea, Bacchae, Electra) and Aristophanes

>> No.19790386

pictures like this is the exact reason why I hate women

>> No.19790392

*Non-experts. Although I guess men might learn more from it, so maybe (k)nob experts is true too...

Like I said, I recall this being quite good, although I read it around the same time as A Natural History of Rape so I get them mixed up a bit. That book looks at rape through the lens of evolutionary biology. It triggered feminists because it said rape wasn't about power because age at victimization follows fertility/age almost perfectly across cultures. Given this though, it seems ridiculous to say rape isn't about sex. I've also actually seen it trigger spergs on 4chan too because it said rape wasn't the norm in pre-history. This is based on human morphology. A big penis is a big liability and only makes sense if females choose mates. Male to female strength and size isn't that far apart, making rape risky. A woman with a knife could easily give a male attacker a fatal injury. Humans also defend each other, so even though a single male has a strength advantage of almost all women, he has to worry about other people attacking him. There isn't the huge difference in morphology you see in rape heavy animals like walruses, where the male is multiple times larger and can pounce on the female.

Males also don't have huge differences in strength/size like gorillas. Hominids can also plan ambushes. Even an exceptional hominid male can't run around raping women in the band, because her male relatives can bash his head in with a rock as he sleeps. So forcible rape is a reproductive technique generally for warfare. That said, social cohersion, normally by male relatives, is very common in history. It is an innate trend that appears to grow stronger with agriculture and property rights becoming important, since knowing the father guides inherited wealth, which boosts survival.

Another great evo psych book that covers the topic, and a lot more, is Pinker's The Blank Slate. I know, I know... Pinker is absolutely obnoxious on Twitter and has some pretty shitty recent books. However, this one really is a gem. Best rebuttal of hyper libs trying to dominate the study of human behavior and biology I've seen. It looks at how human nature contradicts left and right wing ideology.

Leftists get a lot because they can't let go of the "blank slate" of Locke and "noble savage" of Rousseau. In fact, studies of existent hunter gatherers and forensic anthropology converge on tribal societies having homicide rates above Europe if you take 1914-1945 as your measuring period. Right wingers get things wrong because they embrace Hobbes, and humans acting individually in a state of nature. Humans are social animals and act in groups. The right has almost deified the idea of "homo economics," the man who acts as an individual to maximize individual sins, which isn't how it appears to work at all.

The Blank Slate has some good parts on sex too.

>> No.19790431

Finally, I'd add some personal experience to what I've learned from work on this.

Mating does not follow the Alpha/Chad - Beta/Incel paradigm put forth here. Most men have sex.

>>19790386 the shirt is not accurate. It's funny because it is partially accurate, and a part we don't like to admit. But women also mate based on men who are kind, funny, show intellectual prowess, etc. There is a reason shit like Twilight and 50 Shades has pretty boy leads, not hyper Chads who bench 450 and pull 700.

The three guys I know who have had the most sex are not Chad. Two are short and slight, one with early balding. One is lanky and thin. What they have in common is being super horn dogs who don't fear rejection and constantly put themselves out there. Two also acted borderline rapey when we were in HS/college aged, but a lot of women would give in to it and then date them. Other guy gets by on being funny and confident.

Meanwhile, the guy I know who has had abs and mass since middle school, played in bands, was great at sports, and very smart mostly had LTRs, wasn't going after chicks near as much, and got married sort of young.

At churches I see homely, nerdy guys with pretty attractive wives all the time. These guys are having more kids than the people I know who are successful on Tinder fairly often. Reproduction is a lot more complex than the memes.

The memes are more modern men's anxiety over becoming bovine consoomer Last Men. We'll make fun of women for $900 hand bags, but absolutely NEED to drive a $40,000 truck as our commuter vehicle, because a commuter car isn't masculine enough. I know guys with multiple high end assault rifles and a go bag for some sort of coming crisis (and the truck of course), who can't run and miles or do a pull up, and who had trouble when we go camping because they don't know any knots and can't deal with rain. A lot of that shit is projection.

>> No.19790454

Quality of women matters a lot more than quantity. If you hit on 10 women a day you'll obviously get at least a few positive responses. I started college as a virgin and that was the strategy I used to get over girl anxiety and lose my virginity. But most of the girls I cold approached I didnt find very attractive.

>> No.19790455

>Most men have sex.
kek, no
>There is a reason shit like Twilight and 50 Shades has pretty boy leads
yes as facial symmetry is an indicator for low mutational load , high immunity, etc..
>I see ugos all the time with hot wahman brah
cool story brah.

>> No.19790457

they're not afraid of coquetry and actually try to look good. Western women are all emasculated and won't lift a finger, because they know the spineless Westerner men don't have much of a choice.
t. Russian who moved to burgerland

>> No.19790522

>By adulthood, sexual activity is nearly universal: 97% of men and 98% of women between the ages of 25–44 report having had vaginal intercourse (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).


A. The chart people like to post about men having this huge jump in not having sex is about having sex in the last year, not being virgins. But even if you take it that way, it still means a significant majority have had sex by 18-25.

B. That study grabbed headlines because it had novel results. Others show a similar result. And the same exact survey showed females not having sex almost catching up to males in 2021.

C. The trend is men and women getting older before having sex, not them not having sex at all. By age 30 the overwhelming majority have.

>> No.19790530

I've fucked maybe 40 prostitutes and a few dudes, but I still don't feel as though I've had real sex.

>> No.19790545


I don't know how RT and other Russian propaganda has been so good at getting the 4chan demographic to think Russia is trad land. Women lose their virginity earlier, have more partners, and have WAY more HIV than the EU or USA. Drug use and alcoholism are also much higher in Russia, and it had a larger Muslim population than Western Europe and instead of amorphous "no go zones," for police in small numbers, it had to grant the Muslims political autonomy, their own state within a state, oil rights, and literally pays them tribute not to fight every year. Russia lost multiple times as many men in Chechnya against a much smaller, much less well armed resistance, using super loose rules of engagement (they leveled Grozny), with supply lines within their own country, than the US lost in Afghanistan and Iraq combined over two decades.

>> No.19790552

i'll look into that study m8, however i do have some doubts b4 i jump into it.
1.does that study consider the looks of the people, and if yes is it self reported?
2.was this study conducted on couples where females had already done the choosing part?
3.Was losing virginity self reported?

>> No.19790561

Obviously there was no union of hearts with any of those prostitutes and I'm not assure the anus is the best way to any human's heart. The vagina, on the other hand, is the undisputed fount of life.

>> No.19790568

This is going to be hard for you, but you need to go outside, to a grocery store. Look at the couples, all of them. Turn off the part of your brain that only confirms what it wants to see. See how many dudes are gross and borderline retarded and how many bitches are fat and ugly. Bring some paper to count and rate them. Be a scientist and hold yourself to some standards if you're going to believe in looksmax statistical bullshit.

>> No.19790592

The redpill about female behaviour is that most woman select men for their ability to be social and/or deceptive. Thats why you see so many attractive woman with loser men, those men arent losers, they where better at deception then you where.

>> No.19790594

just answer the questions m8.
>Bring some paper to count and rate them
i think randy thornhill has done it, but obviuosly not literally with pen and paper.
and y in the world do u think rank ordering people on the basis of their looks is some soort of a hard thing to do?U and I are literally doing that indirectly in all kinds of ways.
>Look at the couples
that already gives a very biased sample and since women are hypergamous they are more likely to rate an above average guy as an average or below average looking guy.
>shut up bro, don't ask questions

>> No.19790597


How else are you going to know who had sex? Do they need to watch them for you to trust it, lol?

81% of men have had at least one marriage by age 40. Granted, that is growing, but that isn't necessarily tied to sex. 61% of all adult men have been married. Do you think people get legally married and don't have sex? Men are faking marriage licenses to avoid people thinking they are virgins? How do all these women who only want Chad end up married?

>> No.19790611

Chad doesnt even exist, for example, I am 2 meters, look fairly brutish, slightly ugly, have a house, car and job, go after woman a lot, rarely have succes, but alright, like to read and I am fairly intelligent, now even though I am in this 1% of outliers, I am not chad because I am not ripped and have a face straught from the cover of a romance novel.

>> No.19790612

>I don't know how RT and other Russian propaganda has been so good at getting the 4chan demographic to think Russia is trad land.
4chan "demographic" is one of the easiest to influence.
Especially /pol/tards, they will fall for LITERALLY EVERYTHING, even the biggest bullshit, as long as you make a thread phrased either "have you taken the x-pill?" or "stop falling for the x-jew!".
>"have you taken the jaw-pill? moving your jaw left and right repeatedly for 10 hours a day will make you a chad"
>"stop falling for the soap-jew! washing makes you less aryan and is what jews want to subjugate whites"
The amount of false shit on /pol/ being repeated like gospel is insane.

>> No.19790618

>Especially /pol/tards, they will fall for LITERALLY EVERYTHING,

Like telling people to sex-obsessed, poor, retarded muslims are the hight of trad society, and not a sober intellectual from the enlightenment who could speak fluent Latin.

>> No.19790624

Exactly right. They don't want sincerity, they're sitting ducks for a certain kind of premeditation and manipulation. Some ethnicities appear to be better at this than others.

>> No.19790630

You're avoiding facing your own truths by your own metrics. You see the problem here.

>> No.19790636

I just learned I can lure woman in by telling stories about my ex who keeps phoning me she wants to be my boyfriend again, even though she is pregnant with another man's baby and woman lap it up.

Horrible red pill. But doable if you are lit and you like to read.

>> No.19790639

>Do you think people get legally married and don't have sex
loads of cases which eventaully ends up in women cucking men and divorce raping their asses.
> Men are faking marriage licenses to avoid people thinking they are virgins?
more like getting fooled by women
>How do all these women who only want Chad end up married?
meet the 30 yr old used up, financially desperate roastie.

>> No.19790641

>They don't want sincerity, they're sitting ducks for a certain kind of premeditation and manipulation
Correct, dark triad personality is by far the most effective pussy magnet, followed by height.

>> No.19790645

Also btw it hilarious visiting prostitutes and telling them elaborate lies about a girlfriend you dont have.

Want a girlfriend, become a liar. thats it, will get you 90% of girls.

>> No.19790665

u'll be accused of rape if u happen to be ugly retard

>> No.19790669
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This only applies to Russian women btw, Ukrainian girls are innocent qts that just want a good man to rescue them from the Bratva that wants to sell them into sexual slavery.

>> No.19790672

Height is overrated, I'm tall as fuck (194cm) and it never helped me get pussy.

>> No.19790673

Anon, if you can’t have sex, why are you reading?

>> No.19790682

pigs don't count as humans

>> No.19790687

Well yeah, there's a certain threshold of ugliness beyond which not even manipulation or sociopathy will help you. 4/10 and below probably.
If you're intelligent enough to pull off believable lies you're fine. Intellect doesn't matter at all, all "intellectual" arthoes and literature students gladly bang illiterate coke dealers.

>> No.19790690

Go to any brothel in Western Europe and ponder some innocent hohol qts

>> No.19790691

Unironically, men are from venus women are from mars.

>> No.19790695

>arthoes and literature students gladly bang illiterate coke dealers.
drug-sex bartering does not count

>> No.19790698


>> No.19790699

Because you lack the dickhead personality, just refer to the picture in OP. It's still a skill you can learn though. Turbomanlets below 175 cm are nearly hopeless no matter how socially skilled (malicious) they become.

>> No.19790703
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>Ukrainian girls are innocent qts
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA what the fuck man, this is even bigger bullshit than muh "russian girls are trad wifes".
Every ukrainian teenage girl gets a summer job as a "hostess" in Dubai or Emirates where they spend few months and pretty much whore themselves out to rich arabs. STDs and aids are just as common as in Russia.
Also if you're foreigner from the west in ukraine girls will literally jump on your dick and do everything to make you fuck them. After you do they will threat you with rape accusation in order to extort money (not much, like $500). This is so common that every man in my department got a training about it and how to avoid falling for them. I've heard from ukrainian men that they use this rape accusation tactics on them as well, not to extort money but instead to force them into marriage.
TL;DR: ukrainian women are biggest and nastiest whores
t.lived and worked in ukraine for 8 years

>> No.19790706

Kek, they still pay for the coke.

>> No.19790707

impress upon them in any way that you are more valuable than they are and youre in

>> No.19790708 [DELETED] 

High school chad gets the virgin muffin

>> No.19790709

maybe mieko kawakami's eggs and breasts
not really about sex 100%, but it kinda goes in that direction, it is more about hitting the wall and being less desirable while years go by for a woman

>> No.19790710

>Turbomanlets below 175 cm
when did 175cm become the cut-off anon??i'm fucked, noooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.19790714
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High school chad gets the virgin muffin.

>> No.19790717

May I will, I’ll rescue one from that horrible life.

>> No.19790719

>Because you lack the dickhead personality
That's what I mean, height alone means nothing. And dickhead personality will get you laid even if you're short.

>> No.19790731

Girls can sniff out fakers. They're smart enough to see past your Patrick Bateman wannabe ass. You either need to completely submit or actually (gasp) have redeeming qualities without being a petulant manchild.

>> No.19790735

In my opinion feminism has done horrible damage to good, healthy relations between the sexes. Men are discouraged from being manly and most turn out as needy losers because that's what happens if they're not taught to be strong. Women are encouraged to be manly and independent but still still want a strong man because that's just their nature. And manly women and feminized men trying to date each other results in a lot of bitter men and women. My advice is to read good books, lift weights, make friends with men, and make sure you have a decent stable income and eventually you will attract a nice woman.

>> No.19790746

m8 go get some air you're tailspinning

>> No.19790748

If the books you listed never showed the difference between
>men women want to fuck
>men women fucked
then they're not worth reading. Women cannot just go volcel because all the dudes in the tribe are unattractive.
Your anecdotes follow this as well. Women who cannot pick the best male will pick someone tolerable. That doesn't mean that your friend whose talked to 30 women last week, and weasled himself into getting low quality sex 3 times is attractive. It means he was tolerable. Women also often use sex for self preservation, or to acquire material gains. That does not mean they WANT to fuck the ugly rich guy.
I think any "research" involving women who are not completely materially satisfied on their own, with their pick of males (like in 2022) is irrelevant when researching female sexuality.
>who makes women cum
Is the key to female sexuality, because it immediately eliminates the instinct towards self-preservation, it eliminates women fucking desperate simps just because they're feeling lonely. Female erotica also probably gives decent insight into female sexuality, since there's no self-preservation involved. And idk about you, but I've never seen an erotic novel with a fat guy on the cover.

>> No.19790749

I'm 1.69 m and have a good face, my height is listed on my dating profile and I get messages from women from time to time.

>> No.19790764

Also, forgot to mention that asking women about their own sexual preferences is fucking useless. These chicks will date 3 short guys in their life and extrapolate that they like short thin guys, even though they'd get wet at the thought of Chad from work touching their shoulder.

>> No.19790766
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Just work twice as hard on your social standing and "charm" (cold manipulation) so you can pull dwarf-sized hotties like picrel. She's 150 cm or something.

>> No.19790808

>>"have you taken the jaw-pill? moving your jaw left and right repeatedly for 10 hours a day will make you a chad"
this sounds true desu

>> No.19790839

Tall girls are ugly

>> No.19790863
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Male sexuality is the real mystery.

>> No.19790884

Don't worry. I'm sure that woman hates men as well.

>> No.19790939

Real sex only exists in monogamous Christian marriages for the purpose of reproduction, perpetuation of the race, and glory of God.

>> No.19790965

Do you ever go outside? I went to the mall yesterday and everywhere I looked there were short, fat, balding men walking around with their gfs or wives and kids. Most men definitely do have sex. Most men are normal and not 4chan dwelling autists, and having sex is a very normal thing to do and the vast majority of people do it at least semi regularly.

>> No.19790975

The majority of HIV cases in Russia come from needles, not unprotected sex

>> No.19790991

Lmao. Male saviour complex is pathetic.

>> No.19791000

You're worse than beta males simping for e-girls.

>> No.19791059

If you mean relatively older men (like people above 28-30), then they are from an entirely different, partially pre-internet generation that doesn't even comparable to today's reality.

>> No.19791075

Malls exist these days for families and couples to go shopping rather than necessity

>> No.19791101

I am unironically a 30 year old male virgin.

>> No.19791109

No that's wrong. People are still people, despite the internet. Most people still fuck and do so regularly. That you yourself do not is entirely on you.

>> No.19791112

have you ever considered losing your virginity?

>> No.19791113

Tell me about your wizardry powers. Don't tell me you wasted it all by being a porn addict

>> No.19791123

Considered yes, but acted towards that end no.

Powers have yet to manifest sadly

>> No.19791126

Have sex

>> No.19791130

how does that happen? i'm pretty ugly but i've manage to get laid before. do you just never leave the house? never talk to women or anything?

>> No.19791139

I have no social life. I don't meet new people, much less women. I'm also not a good catch in any sense of the term, so there's that too.

>> No.19791147

I refuse to pay for it, and I am unwilling to put in the social work required to get laid, so in a sense mine is a voluntary celibacy.

>> No.19791153

fair enough. does your virginity bother you that much? i was a virgin until 24 and it bothered me so much that i basically forced myself to get laid

>> No.19791155

it does bother me, but apparently not to the point I am moved to change the situation.

>> No.19791158

Chat up women on the internet, it's easy as fuck to find a gf and have sex if you just try.

>> No.19791169

Better to have never had sex than to have regrets

>> No.19791172

there's something strangely beautiful about late age male virginity. that a guy could be so autistic as to not achieve this basic ass act that most teenagers do without even thinking about it is impressive in its own pathetic way

>> No.19791175

the only way it happens, and im speaking for him, is to be horrifically disfigured or never try

>> No.19791178

Well, that implies that all men automatically try to get laid. Thinking back over the years, I see several situations where it might have happened, but I did not pursue the opportunity.

>> No.19791185

As I sit here thinking about it, I guess my position is that I don't want to have to spend time with some random woman, and much less to have to change my life to fit around a partner. If the cost of that is dying a virgin, then I guess it's a trade I am making willingly.

>> No.19791199

You sound like assertive and confident individual, which is something women find hot. Also only a beta simp would change his life to fit around a woman, so you're good in that regard - when you find a woman that loves you and you're dominant with her, she will do everything to fit around you.

>> No.19791205


>> No.19791239

Anna Karenina (but only applies to upper class women)

>> No.19791243


>> No.19791248

They're all whores

>> No.19791253

(Anon coomed after typing this)

>> No.19791262


>> No.19791276


>> No.19791278
File: 325 KB, 1088x1536, 1643022576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 24, have no job, no drivers license, no degree, no friends, live with my parents and only shower once a week.

I deserve a harem of hot girls at my beck and call.

>> No.19791289

this but unironically

>> No.19791292

This except I'm 29 and shower every other week

>> No.19791300


>> No.19791320

>3.Was losing virginity self reported?
We need to see a real scientific study where we monitor the penis of all new-born males until it finds it's way into a vagina-cave.

>> No.19791327

cope. people never ever lie about their sex lives, ever

>> No.19791351
File: 298 KB, 719x719, Bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need to read a book about female sexuality though? They want to be drilled and impregnated by the most handsome man with the most status and wealth they can find. Literally easier to understand female sexuality than male sexuality.

>> No.19791374

Brainlet take. Attractive or has a lot of money and status, especially both = good. Anything else = bad.

>> No.19791375


Perhaps to some extent. I do however believe that I am primarily still a virgin because I have not pursued women thoughout the years.

>> No.19791517

Eww, who picks My Melody over Kuromi?

>> No.19791528

Fuck, this boy is sexy af.
His name is taftaj, love his cute tranny penis, it’s so small!
I wonder if he can still get hard, lol

>> No.19791555

bait photo aside,
The question isn't "what/why are women", it's "where are women". (disclaimer: I do not consider Tinder women to be women) and to those particular anons who get off on being particular, if you were 7ft tall and had a 10ft cock, you'd be walking around all the same, going "where are the women?"

What women find "sexy" is missing the point, the point is that at somepoint if you are straight and have a libido, you have to acknowledge, having a woman to love and that is reciprocal can't be replaced. Men have tried for aeons to do this and failed.
Le stoic gym man has not replaced this emptiness either, he has just realised his emotions are a Pandoras' box and arguably made his situation much much rose.

>> No.19791565
File: 1.08 MB, 3654x3962, enkidu-gambit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the Gambit.

>> No.19791611

higher-IQ people have less sex so you're "without thinking" description is quite apt

>> No.19791619

whilst that is true and a lot of the metoo content was just lib men and women trying to make a tradition out of healthy blackmailing, a lot of it is pure atomisation. Before 9/11, pedestrianisation was the norm, talking to strangers was the norm. Now you simply cannot find the women even if you wanted to find them, even office romances are becoming taboo. A lot of people only know about ""female sexuality"" from the point of routine-check-up-sex like the app provides which can't be seriously called an 'organic sexuality' more than it is a system of some benefits

>> No.19791621

>the world revolves around incels
>everyone fears incels
>incels are the most powerful race in the world
We're approaching levels of delusion that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.19791635

Is it really that much of a mystery? I haev no irl friends and no irl means to properly meet women

>> No.19791641

Imagine writing this. Jesus christ

>> No.19791644
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So, just stop being a nice guy?

>> No.19791657

Effortposts are good, and his points are interesting. Are you a tourist? Are you going to say that he or I aren't "normal" or don't have sex now?

>> No.19791671

Unironically yes.

>> No.19791714

Eastern Europe is objectively more conservative in its outlook than Western Europe. We have a lot of problems because we’re generally neurotic and sensitive people, also we were communist for a long time. But when it comes to the major political issues — immigration, homosexuality, religion — we fall on the right of the west.

>> No.19791723

>I'm l'ALPHA and l'OMEGA

>> No.19791771

Better than cold takes on stale roast. Of course the simpletons can't find the core argument and go for that instead of the diversion. It's simple and true in many ways.

>> No.19791782

>Eastern Europe is objectively more conservative
That's changing as well. Vast majority of college students here (V4 country) are liberal and progressive talking points are gaining traction in larger cities. The % of religious people is decreasing steadily. More importatnly though - despite deeply rooted catholic tradition, local girls have always been unapologetic sluts.

>> No.19791791

Reading black pill stuff and adherents' inability to see others' motivations outside short term, generally material/sensory based interests has led me to the conclusion that many of these guys suffer from anti-social personality disorders, essentially low grade psychopaths.

It's always a focus on immediate stimuli. Women must fuck the unattractive scientist because he has money to get her things. It's not that dating an intellectual fulfills her need to feel intellectually superior. Like, it can't just be that all relationships are transactional, they're also all shallow and about getting sensory gratification, generally sex. Thus also, women are always "gushing wet," when they see Chad.

The poor theory of mind and lack of ability to empathize could be Autism spectrum issues, sure, but the sensory sensation and hyper focus on transactional relationships suggests otherwise. Also, they tend to have extremely high opinions of themselves. They might not be having sex because they're ugly, but they almost always think of themselves as extremely intelligent (which is also why they can see that everything is transactional).

These people don't feel strong empathy. The pity party shit is because it generations attention and being a victim makes people less likely to suspect you. They also tend to feel little remorse over their actions if there aren't negative consequences. This is where the "rape should be legal," and "muh ebin supreme gentleman shooting random dudes," shit comes from.

There are plenty of hapless incels. The black pillfags predate on them because they lack the social graces and cunning to get one over on most people. Essentially defectives.

>> No.19791802

Women are truly the vectors of the apocalypse everywhere.

Could it really be that simple? Control one factor and the rest will fall like dominoes.

>> No.19791809

Simple: Be goodlooking, be strong, be domineering, be decisive and partake in society.

The more of these you lack, the less attractive you are to women.

>> No.19791825

Women sound demirugic in nature. "If you don't demonstrate your strength by hurting others, I won't love you." Why shouldn't women love men who are nice, kind, gentle-lovers, respect their elders and culture, and follow the commandments of God."

>> No.19791830


>> No.19791835

Accidentally watched a Nick Fuentes video the other day that put it nicely in perspective for me

There really is only one good move with women, and it's disregarding them entirely.

>> No.19791841

good post

>> No.19791854

Because their biology controls them. It tends to select for genes that survive the best. Being nice, kind, gentle, respectful and so on makes you exploitable, naive and weak in a world that allows for evil.

Also, please note that I said strong and domineering and decisive. Not evil. You can demonstrate your strength by beating bad guys. What matters is that you don't comply, falter or show weakness.

>> No.19791862

>Why shouldn't women love men who are nice, kind, gentle-lovers, respect their elders and culture, and follow the commandments of God
because they're boring.

>> No.19791873

>Why shouldn't women love men who are nice, kind, gentle-lovers, respect their elders and culture, and follow the commandments of God
Low testosterone. They're evolutionary programmed impregnated by predatory alpha male, then find some reliable herbivore to provide.

>> No.19791885

>because they're boring.
Women are boing, which is why they need to latch on the exciting men to have a good time.
If females didn't offer sex, they'd have nothing to offer to the male. At least a "nice guy" can be funny, witty, relivley smart, a hard-worker or have any number of positive traits. The same cannot be said for females.

>> No.19791894

The studies that say women are more sexually attracted to alphas during their periods, and betas during their (not period)? is ironically since it implies in the end nice guys get more sex, just not sex that leads to pregnancy.

>> No.19791901

Close, they're shit in a crisis. Men prove their ability by dicking down chaos (women) and the boring man can't do that. They want Shiva, the wild man of the mountain who parties with demons and fucks chaos while doing it. He's still the utmost order, consciousness itself observing itself, but can also have some fun. The wives of loggers are the happiest I've seen a woman.

>> No.19791905
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I am 28 and while I’m not a loser, I’ve never made enough money to afford buying a car and then paying for parking/gas/insurance/repairs. My parents were absent and nobody would ever lend me their insured car to use for the driving test, and because I never borrowed money to build credit, was never approved for a credit card loan so I couldn’t rent a car to use for the test.

I know this sounds like excuses, but when you can’t make anything budge and you don’t get free money from the bank or your parents, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make any money going forward. Nobody promotes you or hires within the company anymore. Literal immigrants get hired for the job right above you despite you working for years diligently.

Finally saved up and bought my first car at 26 in late 2020, and it was immediately chop-shopped in broad daylight and made into scrap. Insurance won’t cover it. Had to toss it. Was going to use it to get my license but now that’s fucked.

Now I can’t even get hired in my city because I’m not vaxxed.

>> No.19791908

>Men prove their ability by dicking down chaos
yeah, but prove to what end? They don't prove to be any more Godley, at least in a religous orthodox sense. Wouldn't that be the Brahman or the Friar? It all leads back to women being demurigic, not spirtual. Woman are "of the world" are are attracted to those "of the world."

>> No.19791937

Just in the nick of time, NFT girlfriends are here:

>> No.19791964

Shakti is pure energy, the Manifest, so you aren't wrong. But without Shakti (a vowel marker something like `) Shiva is read as shava (a corpse). It says that woman is what animates man to act. He can be, purely, without her but that isn't existence. Otherwise he sits in his cave in potential or goes out smoking weed with biker gangs in the graveyards. It's a very clever metaphor.

>> No.19792029


>> No.19792069


>> No.19792148

I’ve declined sex because of fear. That fear coming from my low self esteem.

>> No.19792152
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I don't disagree with you, but i'd qualify a difference in women being shakti's manifestation in a meta sense, and shakti herself. It seems somewhat mistaken to lump Shakti/Sophia in together with biological foids, since she explictley DOESN'T care about looks/status/wealth in her chosen ones, and why would she? She's a Goddess, she has no need to elivate boredom in the same way mortal thots do. Instead, she seems more interested in a persons character, their devotion to her, and in growing people to be their best. While on the subject, what are your thoughts on spirit girls? Faes, nymps, succubi, and the like? It seems like they tend to go after "nice guys" more so than biological foids.

>> No.19792167

Eros and The Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex

By Julius Evola

>> No.19792179

leave it to the pondscum that is a normie to make a virtue out of his banality just to step on the neck of someone different

small pleasures for small "people"

>> No.19792180

Doesn’t matter how you act if you’re unattractive.

>> No.19792201

just stop being different bro

>> No.19792249

The Rational Male

>> No.19792376

Assuming you're right and the other side goes for "nice guys", then it's a lesson. They go for our dregs, our failed heroes. What preys on the weak and foolhardy? The fair folk, of course. How do fey femmes act? Borderline bitches, if you believe in fairy tales. Every tale is either the most heroic pump and dump or a tale of folly like Beowulf and so many others.

>> No.19792400
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If you're a sensitive guy with average sized dick who doesn't (or refuses to) play sociopathic mind games, then staying away from women is the only course of action that won't leave you traumatized and blackpilled. Contemporary western femoid is a vicious beast.

I understand why virgins feel frustrated and bitter, but if I could erase all my real life experience with sex and relationships, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.19792412

I love how evil women are, or, at least are capable of being. There is something beautiful about it.

>> No.19792414
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I have had the most discomfiting series of tingles rereading my post and worry that I may have stumped clear through the hornets' nest. I wish you the best anon, spread the word. I have ways out of this, bad ways.

>> No.19792421

This. I fell for that shit when I was a socially retarded highschooler, I grew out of it quick when I used my "le big brain" to realize I was actually the one causing these failed interactions/transactions and that I was always missing something or failing the process somehow.

It was a double edged sword realizing that all this could be fixed by considering how others feel and what they wanted out of something, but at the same time realizing I don't fucking care and that what they wanted was usually bullshit that conflicted with my interests anyways but more than that it was something I viewed as silly or banal somehow.

It's not perfect yet but it got better when It naturally became my interest to want to be friendly and helpful towards people and that it gave me a sense of that alpha gratification to be useful and reliable.

But you're 100% right about the incel mentality, having lived it myself and actively worked against it, It's a result of a short sighted viewpoint of how your anti-social tendencies are really thwarting your ability to get along with others at a basic level and that your horniness and obsession with sex is distorting this into a whole sexual ideology when that's not even close to the issue. I think my saving grace was the fact that I have never really felt jealousy about anything so since this particular internal compass was working right I was eventually able to fight past the other monstrous aspects of this and see the truth, even if some still remain such as the delirium inducing horny.

If you follow any piece of incel Ideology realize that alot of women might indeed be garbage but that you are definitely worse and are an asshole with 20 problems and that women not wanting to bang you is less of a problem than LITERALLY NOBODY wanting to interact with you period because you are percieved as a useless and unfriendly pest.

>> No.19792423

It's a weird paradox that the only way to be free of women's bullshit is to have been mired in it long enough that you can finally break your own deluded desire for it

If I hadn't wasted so many years chasing ass and dating total fucking morons and excusing all their bad behavior unconsciously because "women are women," I wouldn't know women, so I would still be doing it.

>> No.19792448

>I wouldn't know women, so I would still be doing it
Yeah, exactly. In my opinion, Anon can honestly and peacefully go volcel only after he's lived through a few of those horror stories on his own, otherwise there's always some naive hope.
>maybe it won't happen to me
>maybe this girl is special
No, she isn't.

>> No.19792467

> They go for our dregs, our failed heroes.
Difficult to say, since their nature is elusive. They might not consider the same person a "failed hero" or "loser" the same way society does.

>> No.19792470
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>> No.19792471
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has anyone read this? his book on power was really good so i'm thinking about it

>> No.19792473

The cover aroused me already, gonna read this fine piece of literature.

>> No.19792488

You just want to get crosswise and have your dick ridden til they suck the life out of you. I ain't sayin don't but reconsider. All the lore is true in the same sense.

>> No.19792492

Did you become the leader of your country or a business after reading 48 laws of power?

There's your answer.

>> No.19792516

i also didn't become jesus christ after reading the bible. doesn't mean it wasn't well worth my time.

>> No.19792525

I don't need it, i'm already in a relationship. Still, I have some expirence with them along with what I read about from their lore as well as /x/. They could possibly help alot fo people with lonilness but something prevents. idk if it's us or them.