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/lit/ - Literature

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19787166 No.19787166 [Reply] [Original]

is this a good novel to start a reading habit?
fiction is certainly entertaining but is there any knowledge to be gained by reading it?

>> No.19787195

>fiction is certainly entertaining but is there any knowledge to be gained by reading it?
Yes, it's difficult to explain/rationalize all of it (as a genre), but not only does it help with hypotheticals and narratives in general, a majority of it is biased and relishes in that bias. Fiction is great for emotions, people and situations that otherwise you would probably not think about, as well as self-exploration.

>> No.19787234

>fiction is certainly entertaining but is there any knowledge to be gained by reading it?

No, most fiction. Not only is there no knowledge to be gained from it, most fiction is written by recluses and outcasts and is absolutely detrimental to your development into a fully-fledged and functioning human being.

>> No.19787240

Yeah I agree let's just scrap art, who fucking needs it. Just read manuals.

>> No.19787261

t. horrifically stunted and malformed human being

>> No.19787366

That's the book I started my reading habit with in 2017. James Clavell is great, and you'll love this book if you have any interest in Japanese history and trade/seafaring/age of discovery. Took a few months with short breaks to finish as a beginner, but I never got tired of it. 9/10 heavily recommended, great adventure novel.

>> No.19788571

unironically has some funny racist bits but the only real knowledge I think you'd gain from fiction of this genre are characters to idolize. I gain insights into life from fiction all the time as well as inspiration on how to live and view the world. It's art bro.

>> No.19788660

You will unironically gain a lot of knowledge about Japan if you read that novel, assuming you're not already a massive weeb. Clavell did a damn good amount of research and most of the details are more or less correct. This is the novel that turned boomers and gen x'ers into Japanophiles.

>> No.19788669

Can someone pass me the manual to a happy life haha

>> No.19789528

>that passage where the Jap women marvel over Blackthorne's BWC
lmao, based Clavell

>> No.19789532

wow an actual intelligent person for once. god bless, anon

>> No.19790367
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oh no there's two of them

>> No.19790398
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>state dept books

>> No.19790406

Fiction is the junk food of reading.
Empty calories that will make you a fat sluggish worthless piece of shit

>> No.19791397

> damn good amount of research and most of the details are more or less correct.
I heard most of the details are about Tokugawa Japan transplanted on sengoku era japan. So even if your right about the details being correct, they are anachronistic details, no?

>> No.19791469

>non-fiction fag is a complete dickhead

checks out

>> No.19791806

Alo also the main reason why 98% of the subtitles from Japanese media are full of weeaboo stuff.

>> No.19792337
File: 433 KB, 709x482, gooks going at it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anjin-san has a male member of size unheard of among civilized Nipponese males. Surely it would feel strange to put it in my manko, ne?

Literally the plodding novelization of boomer coomer weaboo fantasy.