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/lit/ - Literature

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19784670 No.19784670 [Reply] [Original]

Post, R8, etc

>> No.19784738
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It's not here yet but I am just so excited with this purchase. I think it's arriving Sunday will update when it does!

>> No.19784996
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Time to repost everything again.
1/4 second hand books I bought last monday.

>> No.19785004
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2/4 some cheap brand new books that I'll receive tomorrow.

>> No.19785009
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3/4 more brand new books.

>> No.19785025
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4/4 more.
Last year I bought a shitload of SF that was on sale on Bookdepository and Amazon, I'm currently reading those books and I can't complain, they are pretty good.

>> No.19785248

>he reads De Sade

>> No.19785306

Of course I do! I have Justine, The Crimes of Love, The Misfortunes of Virtues and Other Early Tales (Oxford), Juliette (Grove), The 120 Days of Sodom (in spanish and in english, the english one edited by penguin) and the biography written by Maurice Lever.
I love that little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19785318

>£35 for the complete works of jane austen, in hardcover
>£35 buys you a glass of wine and some shitty sandwich in London
how the fuck did that happen?

>> No.19785405
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Reading these three at once

>> No.19785408
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These woodcuts give me the willies

>> No.19785545

How many of the pages are soaked in cum?

>> No.19785579
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>> No.19785851
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I asked for books for Christmas and got buried

>> No.19785859 [DELETED] 

This thread is chud and consumerist

>> No.19785860


Those are some sexy hardbacks

>> No.19785863

My wife gave me (among other books) Švejk for my 27th birthday.

>> No.19785865


Post your stack or gtfo

>> No.19785869


Did you like it? I know it's considered a Czech classic.

>> No.19785920
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Recent cops:
>The Fortunate Union
It's an old Chinese "Talent and Beauty" novel. It's okay so far. Not outstanding, but I see why it captivated the early European Sinologists.
>Mao Zedong - Selected Speeches and Writings (1956-1974)
Only got it because it was remarkably cheap and because I somehow get a perverse kick out of having it on my shelf. And it's also an interesting primary source I guess .
The only remarkable thing about this edition is that it was made for internal consumption of the Hungarian communist party, so it has no date, ISBN, price or even a publisher mentioned. There's a stamp in it that says that this is the 129th copy that was distributed.
>György Rába - Unfaithful Beauties
Book that evaluates the performance and methods of early 20th century Hungarian author-translators like Kosztolányi.
>Zhang Wei - Seven Types of Mushrooms
It's new and short. Supposedly a magical realist novel(la). I hope it's good.
I'll probably read it during a weekend next month.
>Sino-Hungarian Literary Anthology 1.
A bunch of bilingual pamphlets. I got it to try and improve my reading of Classical Chinese.
>Yu Zemin - Fishtank Made out of Paper
This one is weird. It's supposedly an intercultural bildungsroman of a Chinese immigrant living in Hungary in the 90s.
I got it in the hopes of finding something interesting, but I'm very afraid that the whole of the book might have an unbearable style. Don't know why.
The notes in the back and the foreword were very interesting.

>> No.19785958

Interesting choices, anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.19786041

I haven't read it, she gave me seven books and it was the only one that I didn't read.

>> No.19786071
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>> No.19786077 [DELETED] 

>Futurism Manifesto
This exudes LARP vibes

>> No.19786260

That Jane Austen set is great, mgiht have to get it. I have a Wordsworth one that's just one big book with all of her books in.

>> No.19786388

omg anon this is sooooo aesthetic wish i could give this a like and subscribe!!

>> No.19786479

I fucking hate you holy shit. Why can't you drink from a normal bottle or a glass like a normal person? Why do you have all sorts of gay books right there on your desk? Get a fucking bookshelf. This is why I hate "creative" people. They are so arrogant that they can't even drink from normal vessels like the rest of humanity. This shit makes med fucking sick. Fuck you and fuck your gay """""poseur"""" setup. You should be made to do gruelig manual labor for 10 years. It would be good for you

>> No.19786497 [DELETED] 

holy cringe.

>> No.19786518

post macbook background

>> No.19786551
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I just started reading books again after not reading anything besides university-related stuff for 3+ years. I don't think I'm qualified to rate anyone. Anyway, I want to read a bunch of sci-fi books because I used to read fantasy stuff as a teenager. The Left Hand of Darkness was from the library and the other two books were recommendations by an old lady at my local bookstore who apparently has read every sci-fi novel in existence. She chatted my ear off, but I liked her. Both the library and the bookstore were missing a bunch of the stuff that I wanted.

>> No.19786607


>> No.19786712

I know exactly where you live.

>> No.19787258

This would look based if you had a thinkpad instead of Macbook

>> No.19787461

this looks uncomfy

>> No.19787493

Marty and Aristotle are just too dense of writers. ugh sorry. Kafka is cool. No comment on Moore.

Borges is based. Knausgaard seems based but I've never read. No comment otherwise.

based sci-fi fan.. Technopoly is a nice quick read. I own the Ellul but haven't read it it yet.I probably couldn't handle the Baudrillard cus I'm an analytic phil shithead

you either have a very STRONG or a very WEAK and TORMENTED inner life. I am not sure but the cigarettes and water bottle suggest the latter

based early era sci-fi

>> No.19787555


It's always nice when books show up. Which one are you most excited about?

>> No.19787685
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I was transcribing the passages I’m referencing in the book I’m writing for the appendix, so I had to have all the books stacked near me for easy access. The art books are just there for inspiration and to literally block the view on sidewalk level so I don’t see all the bums and faggots outside in my shitty neighborhood.
The one cigarette was from a friend. The rest are joints.

Pic related is my current reading stack

>> No.19787714

I apologize.. have a nice night

>> No.19787987



>> No.19788553

you very obviously put this all together just for the picture

>> No.19788694

Put that milk away before it spoils

>> No.19788922

It’s raw milk. I don’t have to keep it in the fridge. Same thing with red meat and eggs, you can eat it all raw and I do

>> No.19789575

nice, what are the artbooks?

>> No.19790430


>> No.19790674
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These finnish translations of Descartes work were on sale in publisher's website. I think it was pretty good find.

>> No.19791294

looks cool anon

>> No.19791677

I spent an entire semester just reading the intro to B&T. good luck anon

>> No.19791732

Thanks fren, I'll need it. Any tips?

>> No.19792205
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>> No.19792222
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Got about 100 pags left in C&P. Probably going to read the J Dilla book next -- somehow found an advanced copy of it at a used bookstore

>> No.19792223

laugh out loud

>> No.19792234
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>> No.19792244

Make a thread on The Sheltering Sky when you’re done

>> No.19792740
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Got paid today. Went to half price AND Barnes and noble.

>> No.19792756
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> Musashi
Cutbased and truthpilled.

>> No.19792821

PILLS because of moods and stuff, am I the only person who isn't medicated?

>> No.19792943

>cruising handbook

>> No.19792960

Abridging Casanova should be a crime

>> No.19793000

I take them for my cancer

>> No.19793158

Sexy lookin books, fren. I'm also reading the divine comedy currently. Just started Purgatorio. Which translation are you reading? I've got longfellow, but I plan on going through it more thoroughly with Durling and Italian side by side after I'm done

>> No.19793187

looks like Upper West Side Manhattan to me, around the 110s and 120s, close to the river. I bet he's a pampered and narcissistic Columbia undergrad.

>> No.19793263

What's gay about boats? It was the only one at the used bookstore.