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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 299x168, joan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978405 No.1978405 [Reply] [Original]

i was gonna wait until college but i don't think it would be hard

what to do, what to do...

>> No.1978409
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, Fabulous Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you saying there are people who don't know?

>> No.1978411


>> No.1978416

it's more about not having to lie anymore...

it's a complicated thing

>> No.1978418

No. They'll laugh and hate you.

>> No.1978431
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>> No.1978432
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i thought as much

>> No.1978440

But then everyone hates you anyway, you fucking queen.

>> No.1978449

if you come out then you can see who your true friends are

>> No.1978458

It's 2011. People under the age of 40 still give a shit if you're gay?

>> No.1978464

but is having friends that aren't "true" friends better than having no friends?

>> No.1978470


>> No.1978472


Actually, I'm 19 and if one of my friends admitted that he was gay, I think I'd kill him. Especially if it was this one friend who I thought looked at me a bit weird one time.

Maybe not kill him, but I'd fucking beat the shit out of the faggot. And get that trophy for most bases stolen 2010.

Fucking faggots.

>> No.1978473

Yet another quality lit thread from the tripfags.

>> No.1978478

well i think that you're the one who deserves a beating you bigot!

>> No.1978484

Fuck you for making all us gays look like attention whoring faggots.

>> No.1978490


I'd like to see you try, you piece of queer shit.

Anyway, if you're in any way interested in literature, and you actually want to come out, then read Faggots by Larry Kramer. You may well enjoy the novel, and you;'ll probably fap. I did, and I consider myself straight.

>> No.1978494

sometimes i ask that question too and i don't know what the answer is.

it's sad

>> No.1978498
File: 90 KB, 633x640, Azusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a confusing person

>> No.1978503


Confusion is often a sign of stupidity. Have you considered that your problems may ultimately stem from the fact that you are not, in fact, all that bright?

>> No.1978507
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>> No.1978521

Joan Baez and gay people deserve better than this thread

>> No.1978540
File: 23 KB, 354x529, mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good answer, retard.

>> No.1978544

>can't win argument
>posts unrelated picture to dead-end conversation

>> No.1978553


>> No.1978554

we weren't arguing he was just attacking me for no reason god what's wrong with people today

>> No.1978567

OP should realize that people don't hate him because he's gay, they hate him because he's an annoying prick.

>> No.1978570

Do you even feel bad about making this thread?

Not even Brownbear attentionwhored this bad. Oh, and, the only reason you want to "come out" is for the attention.

You should feel like shit, but you probably don't.

>> No.1978582

>Oh, and, the only reason you want to "come out" is for the attention.
some people are actually killed for being gay

do you really think i'd use such a serious problem to attentionwhore?

>> No.1978584

>randomly attacks other tripfag
>posts unrelated greentext in order to be noticed.

>> No.1978598

I've still haven't come out of the closet either Fab.
The atheist closest.
I am in the middle of bibleland.
It's a hard thing, I feel you bro.

>> No.1978613

all we can do is help each other through these hard times

i hope it will get better...

>> No.1978629
File: 19 KB, 550x244, it-gets-better-banner-550x244[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better.

>> No.1978633


That isn't the same.

>> No.1978639

yeah i remember sassy gay friends saying that but it's not like whoever made that knows everyone and everything

what if it doesn't get better?

>> No.1978641


>> No.1978648

Visting faggot from /mu/ here.

OP, I didn't know there was still a place in the world remaining where gay people feel the need to be closeted. Oh well, just come out, some people might talk shit about you for a few weeks, but you're used to that - you're a tripfag.

By the way, you're cute.

>> No.1978651


Hardly anywhere is safe! and just think about most of africa, the middle east, eastern europe, and asia! If you come out there you could easily be thrown in jail, beaten up severely, or even killed.

Someone knows nothing about the world at all.

>> No.1978653

>africa, the middle east, eastern europe, and asia
Yeah, but you don't live in those places. I was talking about the western/4chan-visiting world.

>> No.1978657

>he doesn't know that the US is basically a 3rd world country when it comes to culture

>> No.1978663

>he lives in Texas

>> No.1978664

I don't live very far away from texas...

>> No.1978670


>has never been on /int/
>doesn't realize that 4chan is actually visited by most of the world.

>mfw I'm a Russian-American (and a slavic studies major) who goes back and forth between Russia and America all the time, and if you acted gay in Russia you would be beaten by skinheads.

>> No.1978681

>not being a homosexual skinhead

>> No.1978685

>when you think that the non-anglosphere countries are any significant percent of 4chan



>> No.1978691

>what if it doesn't get better?

It does. But in terms of years, not months. If your only worry with coming out is what'll happen immediately after it then you're not thinking long-term enough. What's your long view?

>> No.1978704

>tripfag attention whore thread
>40 replies

>threads about books
>no replies

dear god this board is shit

I hope a biggot skin head bashes your skull in

>> No.1978711


>thinking 4chan can be anything other than shit

lol ok bro.

>> No.1978729

i just want to be happy

and i don't want my mom to hate me

can you help?

>> No.1978737

Why do you think she would hate you?

>> No.1978773

i think i'm her least favorite child

>> No.1978780


everyone else report too

take this cancer back to >>>/adv/

>> No.1978784

but /lit/ is my home

>> No.1978794


If you're feeling the need to do it, then do it. If you aren't, then don't.

Keep in mind that college changes your perspective about quite a few things.

Wait, I'm not an adv, what the hell?

>> No.1978798


No, faggot. It's not. It's a board for discussing literature. You want to whine about your family not accepting the fact that you like to suck on dicks, you take that shit elsewhere.

>> No.1978799

you can hold off on telling your parents but not being out to your friends is a good way to drive yourself crazy. not even the semi-interesting kind of crazy found in people who aren't completely out to themselves, just shitty crazy

>> No.1978800

i meant for this to be a rude sage, though. knock it off kid

>> No.1978803


>> No.1978817

that's not fair

yeah but i don't like my friends

>> No.1978818

I feel bad for you.

I'm actually in tears atm because I had to deal with this, too ;_;

>> No.1978819

>i am quentin

>> No.1978820


How is it not fair? That's what the other boards exist for. So other homos whining about homo shit can get together and be gay and leave the rest of us in peace. You want to start a literature related thread? Great. You want to whine about your life? Go to /b/ or /adv/.

Reported, by the way.

>> No.1978823

Homos whining about homo shit is the essence of literature. But yes, this thread is trash. At least evolve like the feminism trolls and pick some shitty book to pretend to talk about as a springboard for your /r9k/ thread

>> No.1978825

well i think /lit/ is all of ours and we all get the chance to use it how we want

i don't think it's fair of you to say that i shouldn't be able to use /lit/ in my own way

>> No.1978826


>Homos whining about homo shit is the essence of literature

And hey, if he started a thread about David Sedaris or something, that'd be fine. But this tripfaggotry has to stop.

>> No.1978827
File: 292 KB, 600x900, 134379437983479353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one thing in the world worse than being out of the closet, and that is not being out of the closet.

>> No.1978829


Then you think wrong and I hope you get banned.

>> No.1978832


>> No.1978835

you know what?

it sounds to me like you just want lit for yourself and you're trying to tell other people what they can and cannot do

you're the one who deserves to be banned

>> No.1978838

>i don't think it's fair of you to say that i shouldn't be able to use /lit/ in my own way

Do you even read, you lousy faggot? Stop shitting up the board. There are other boards DESIGNED for your boring, personal problems. This isn't one of them. Go to /adv/.

>> No.1978841

Look faggot, this is a board about literature.
It is for talking about books, not for talking about your gayness, and certainly not for blogging your fucking personal struggles. You exemplify both why people hate tripfags and why people hate gays. Thanks for making it worse for the rest of us.

>> No.1978842

you're so selfish

>> No.1978854

Tripfag threads have been created and reported millions of times. We all know this. It is abundantly clear that the mods will do nothing. We all can extrapolate this.

I have learned to just tolerate, ignore, or participate as is my fancy at any given time because there is no real resolution.

That said: if you were going to come out you would just come out. I don't think coming out is even on your agenda.

>> No.1978856

>Not coming out of the closet
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

OP, you need to do this.

The only way that such a thing can be avoided is if there is, in fact, a doubt in your mind that you are indeed not gay.

If this doubt exists then stay in the closet until you have that issue figured out.

Otherwise, seriously, you need to go ahead and do this. Your reticence is hindering your ability to grow as a human being.

>> No.1978857

Reality check:

You are shitting up a literature board with a thread all about YOU. It has nothing to do with literature. It has everything to do with YOU and YOUR life.

The only selfish behavior going on here is all from YOU.

>> No.1978858
File: 32 KB, 450x373, 1307366078589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>claiming you can use /lit/ however you want
>attention whore
>whine about your life
>call others selfish

>> No.1978861

Fab, are you the one who is a philosophy major or is that Onionring? I keep getting all of you guys mixed up since you are all so similar.

>> No.1978866


Tripfags are lit.

>> No.1978868


>because there is no real resolution.

If we all just endlessly berated them until they went away, instead of encouraging them, things might get better.

>> No.1978869

wow how selfish of me

asking for a teensy bit of help from the only people i really know and trust with a serious life problem that could potentially change everything for me

but you won't answer my cries for help, and why?

because it's not what you think the board should ideally be used for?

that's more than just a little horrible

>> No.1978871
File: 14 KB, 200x199, n26970861429_153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep your faggot problems to yourself.

>> No.1978872

Fab, I'm just curious, what's your kind of man?

>> No.1978873

have you seen onionring around lately?

i think she left for good or something

>> No.1978875
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1311144626277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trying to evoke feelings of loyalty and camaraderie from complete strangers
>trying to make those strangers feel guilty for not wanting any part of your faggotry

>> No.1978876

you're inhuman

one that loves me

>> No.1978878


You're an abomination.

>> No.1978882

Fab doesn't do anal. Hell, he doesn't even suck a dick nor get his dick sucked.

He's not even gay, but I imagine any guy inexperienced enough to shack up with him is gonna end up bored shitless.

It'd be like having a girlfriend who only ever kissed you or gave you a handjob. Bring a book.

>> No.1978885

and why shouldn't you feel guilty?

it's not like i wouldn't help with your problems

but i guess asking for a small piece of legitimate advice is just too much to handle for the denizens of todays mean, mean world

>> No.1978890

One that loves in which way? I mean, cuddling, kissing, are you the romantic guy?

Also, physically, how do you like it?

>> No.1978893

boys really do only want one thing (._. )

>> No.1978895 [DELETED] 


Are you even male.

>> No.1978894

This tread feels so out of place here

>> No.1978896

yeah i like to be held

i like men of all types except if you're like deformed but i don't hate deformed people and i could still love a deformed person but it's not preferable

>> No.1978898

Because it is.

>> No.1978899
File: 173 KB, 349x509, OPisafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and why shouldn't you feel guilty?

Because you're doing the equivalent of standing on a chair in a library and shouting about how gay you are and how you want to be gay without people being mean to you. Do it somewhere else. We don't come here for that shit. When we want to read threads about people's sex lives we go to other boards.

>> No.1978902

no i'm a boy

>> No.1978904


No you're not. You're a faggot.

>> No.1978905
File: 127 KB, 423x465, himari1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing /lit/ to a library

>> No.1978910

Everyone, just stop posting in the thread. Ignore it until he fucks off to another board.


>> No.1978913
File: 44 KB, 406x391, 0,10114,5175696,00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>retard level reading comprehension

>> No.1978914

i'm a human being you hate monger

>> No.1978918

no you compared lit to a library it's right there in your post

don't try to wiggle your way out of this one, you tard

>> No.1978919


A human being who is a faggot.

>> No.1978921

I like your style, keep doing good bro, good luck with that closet business.

Also, if you need to lie, mainly to your parents, do it. What else you can do.

>> No.1978924


You obviously failed to grasp the meaning of the post if that is all you got out of the thread. Not surprising from a a literal tripfag.

>> No.1978934

yeah sometimes lying is good

it just makes me feel dumb and i want to put it all behind me but i don't have enough money and i would die on my own and my parents probablyt wish i was never born fuck them so bad i hate my parents i'm glad i have /lit/ though

>> No.1978937

if you weren't comparing /lit/ to a library then explain your post know-it-all

>> No.1978942


>it just makes me feel dumb

Because you are dumb.

>i would die on my own and my parents probablyt wish i was never born

So do the rest of us.

>i'm glad i have /lit/ though

The feeling is not mutual.

>> No.1978943


Have you lost your sanity?

>> No.1978947


It was an analogy, you dense motherfucker. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE. /lit/ IS FOR BOOKS. Was the basic gist of it. Jesus, why are you even here, if you can barely read?

>> No.1978949

Please tell me how this thread relates to literature in any way?

Why not post this on /adv/ where its actually relevant and people care?

>> No.1978954

/a/ visitor here.

My god, this place is even more tsundere than /jp/ and /a/ together. Just fuck already.

>> No.1978955


"/lit/ is my home." -- ✿Faggot✿

>> No.1978957



I don't know what that word means.

>> No.1978960

but /lit/ is what we as a community make of it

i just wanted to ask a few /lit/ friends what i should do

are you saying people in the library aren't allowed to talk about anything but books?

you know spreading meanness and sadness in my thread really won't make /lit/ a better place!

>> No.1978962


>you know spreading meanness and sadness in my thread really won't make /lit/ a better place!

It will if it gets you to go away.

>> No.1978964

It's pretty weird actually

it's when on the surface you're sharp and sarcastic but underneath you're lovestruck, fawning, etc

>> No.1978969

The majority of the community comes here to discuss literature
Just because you post more than the average person does not signify importance
The same goes for all of us, except D&E, he's essential to /lit/ and without him, post quality actually would decline somewhat

>> No.1978970
File: 10 KB, 400x263, FacePalm_picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>are you saying people in the library aren't allowed to talk about anything but books?

I already told you what I'm saying. You really can't read. Is your faggot boyfriend typing your replies for you?

>> No.1978973

i won't leave /lit/ just because some bully harassed me in my own thread

>> No.1978974

>It will if it gets you to go away.

>If I feed the faggot the attention he wants, he'll go away!

Does not compute.

>> No.1978977

you're just wrong buddy

>> No.1978981

I really don't have a problem with tripcodes in general. I don't see the point, and I think they are silly, but I don't hate them or anything either.

But I do hope most you tripfriends realise people like OP are why so many people hate tripfriends, and I hope you shun him for it, because he deserves it.

>> No.1978988


Right. And the fact that countless others have stopped by to tell you that you're posting this in the wrong place means nothing.

>>1978974 is right. I'm obviously only giving you the attention you crave. Later faggot. I hope you get gay bashed.

>> No.1978995

>i don't know why anyone would ever want a personal identity
this isn't nazi germany, i'm allowed to have a name

>> No.1979064


I'm pretty sure Hitler had a name.

>> No.1979076

in this case his name is anonymous

>> No.1979132


lmao. Lets be e-buddies.