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19782510 No.19782510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.19782521

Spengler predicted this.

>> No.19782527

Yes, zoomers are 10x more intellectual than millenials. The Trump era probably helped since every intelligent zoomer wanted to be able to btfo and out argue the liberals (or whatever opposite side) and learnt everything they could about economics and political philosophy.

Contrast that with high school kids in the early 2000's, playing their gameboys or something.

>> No.19782535

yes. i unironically read the works of proudhon (fucking hate him now) at 16 and later read the green book when i was 17 as well. tbf though, most zoomers who are "in to theory" seem to only read the communist manifesto and don't go much further than that, however. i've noticed a lot of zoomers who are really into postmodern fiction lately
t. 20 yo zoomer

>> No.19782543

You zoomies don't even have any clue. We used to read wikipedia back when it was based and racist.

>> No.19782545

No, zoomers watch their favorite ecelebs debate each other and parrot their views

>> No.19782551

I have to agree. The Zoomers have advanced rapidly. Millennials are still crying about Harry Potter and watching Friends reruns while downing antidepressants.

>> No.19782555

most zoomers are using mom's credit card so they can get twitch streamers like xqc or hasan call their username out loud

>> No.19782556

yo fr fr, no cap???

>> No.19782561

About as true as /lit/ being filled with well-known authors.

>> No.19782566

like me

>> No.19782577

Zoomers are more to the left than millenials

>> No.19782580

zoomers are all over the place

>> No.19782590

"left" is laughable, more like western zoomers have convinced themselves that trans identity and blm are somehow revolutionary, anti-capitalist ideas when in reality they are just as much the same mindless consoomers as previous generations.
t. 22 yo old zoomer

>> No.19782593

>well read
This. I think you really overestimate zoomers if you think they read a ton. It's probably due to the fact that 99% of them live online. It's not *that* hard to make yourself seem smart online even if you're a retard in real life.

>> No.19782597

>The Zoomers have advanced rapidly.
Do you really see evidence of that around you?

>> No.19782602

Zoomers in high school = edgy and indifferent to politics
Zoomers in university = brainwashed woke and sentimental

ie the same as every other generation

>> No.19782604


>> No.19782633

Zoomers have a very wide but shallow knowledge compared to previous generations. For example, the average zoomer "interested in history" can probably tell you all kinds of random trivia spanning millennia, but if you ask him to elaborate on any one topic, even one he claims to know a lot about, at best you'll get a rephrased Wikipedia summary. Same with an average zoomer "interested in" politics, art, geography, ecology, or any other topic.

>> No.19782634

Zoomers are more divisive is all, both more madly progressive and right wing.

>> No.19782651

the truth is millennials have been the real disaster for the human race. don't try to debate me.

>> No.19782653

every person who does not engage in the academic world (i.e. 95% of the human population) does this. it's not unique to zoomers

>> No.19782684

This is somewhat accurate. Zoomies spend a lot of time on youtube watching those "history summed up in 5 minutes" videos with funny drawings and cartoon characters designed to hold their attention.

>> No.19782695

Zo*mers don't read. Only thing Zoomers know about is gender equality and TikTok. Elites have to keep them retarded -- even more retarded than Millennials.

>> No.19782717

That still doesnt change they are pretty much all left wing.

>> No.19782725

>they are pretty much all left wing.
Boomer retard relies on mainstream media for his understanding of what zoomers believe.

>> No.19782729

True. When I was growing, the only time politics was brought up in school was in 12th grade Economics and National/State Gov classes. Nowadays millennial teachers are inundating their students with politics beginning with kindergartners.

>> No.19782742

I'm literally a zoomer (as much as I like to tell myself otherwise).

>> No.19782745
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>leave the zoomers to me.

>> No.19782770

to you that means anything left of hitler

>> No.19782789


Time for your applesauce, old man. What, are you angry that the young'uns aren't mindlessly watching TNG like you did? Are you angry that they read books aside from White Fragility? That they don't think about Buffy the Vampire Slayer all day? I mean good lord dude

>> No.19782799


>> No.19782801


>> No.19782805

Depends what you mean by left wing. Most Zoomers are at least okay with LGBT stuff, BLM, etc. if not supportive.However, you are extremely deluded if you think a majority of Zoomers support communism or the like.

>> No.19782806

zoomers smoke heroin while watching trannies rapping on tiktok, what are you talking about

>> No.19782810

I'm an older zoomer.

>> No.19782813

Zoomers spend a lot of time online and so they read shit like that yes. In my experience millenials don't really like HP it's more like Gen Xers. But I don't think they read much.

>> No.19782818

he probably birthed millions of literate zoomers.

>> No.19782821

They're left wing by either definition. Not every zoomer is 100% commie but many of them are heavily socialist.

>> No.19782826

Agreed. You use the example of history buffs, the 'Civil War obsessed boomer' is basically a stereotype and it speaks to the differences in learning. If a boomer wanted to learn about the battle of Gettysburg, he would have to go to the library or bookstore and hope they have a book adequate for his needs. If not he'd have to call some number to order one. Add into that visiting the site or finding a book with a ton of photos if he wanted to see it.
Meanwhile a zoomer just needs to look up 'Gettysburg fr fr' onto Google, skim Wikipedia and google images and then he can pose as an expert. At most he can order the first book that comes up with one click.
The boomer certainly had to put in a way higher time investment to learn about a subject. Therefore he will probably want to keep reading about it to further his knowledge. A zoomer has to put in the bare minimum of effort to learn about any subject he wants to so won't feel as attached to any one.

>> No.19782840

i'm not reading all that

>> No.19782871

I'm 26, sort of a twilight between millennials and zoomed, and I have to agree. As brain addled as the average zoomed is, the ones with a predilection for reading, philosophy or intellectual pursuits in general are super competitive and had access to what would be obscure academic interests from an early age. Most people older than me or even at my age have a very low bar for any intellectual pursuits and basic bitch shit like Lynch or reading Camus will get oohs and aaaahs, zoomers seem more self-aware of their ignorance, sometimes to a fault.

>> No.19782881

Generations are bullshit. Only Solar cycles matter.

>> No.19782887

It's really starting to piss me off that it's easier to pull up a 10 part youtube series about learning something like boating than it is to find a cheap/free book on the subject without first already becoming a book expert on this shit. My brain is fried. It takes too much work to work and live, I don't want this level of friction when it comes to things I'm supposed to be doing with my free time.

>> No.19782902
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>Generations are bullshit. Only Solar cycles matter.

>> No.19782930

If Zoomers and Millenials are so different, why have the same fucking meme books been posted on here for the last decade?

>> No.19783006

I am 22 years old and I do not care about the Zoomer-Millennial dichotomy. At best it's just a waste of time, at worst it is yet another tool of (insert whichever group you think runs things) to divide and disrupt society.

>> No.19783009

> T. Gen X

>> No.19783012

Haha not very strong now, look at your old frail body. I could probably beat you in a boxing ring.

>> No.19783015

Tankies don’t read, no zoomers do. It’s all Wikipedia and larping

>> No.19783023

I have read 15 books this month alone, no picture books of manga.

>> No.19783039

post them

>> No.19783047

Zoomers haven't existed far enough into adulthood to have a proper identity yet. Most of the shit people said about millenials 10 years ago is the same shit the same retards say about Zoomers now. Give it 10 years.

>> No.19783056

25 and I totally second this. The unintellectual zoomers are worse than the unintellectual millenials, but intellectual zoomers are out for blood.

>> No.19783067

Not even close, and I say this as a zoomer at an Ivy League. They're just as dumb, if not dumber. What zoomers are is extremely overconfident, especially compared to meek millennials.

>> No.19783077

>are out for blood.

>> No.19783081

yeah we know zoomers don't actually read
you just watch youtube videos lol

>> No.19783089


>> No.19783106
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Define "Zoomer".
Define "Millenial".

>> No.19783113

Regardless of their thirst for knowledge compared to braindead millennials, zoomers are physically the weakest generation I've ever seen, even with the hyperfocus on lifting and taking care of your looks, driven by an insecurity from tiktok-watching.

>> No.19783121

>Regardless of their thirst for knowledge compared to braindead millennials
What "thirst for knowledge"? They accept everything they see on social media or Youtube at face value. They like to appear informed, but there's no actual curiosity. It's all for the sake of belonging.

>> No.19783123

Millennials are more retarded now than they were 10 years ago

>> No.19783132

Thanks for proving his point

>> No.19783133

harry potter is unironically a better use of time than reading a bunch of Stalin's schitzo babble. at least HP might be entertaining.

>> No.19783157
File: 20 KB, 1064x186, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you're born earlier than 1997, you will never be part of GenZ, the greatest fucking generation as of thus far. Yiou will always be an anti-intellectual, useless, ridiculed millennial. All of us think you're old and cringeworthy,

>> No.19783160

I guarantee you that zoomers, both left wing and right wing, will flip positions 5 times in the next 2 years

>> No.19783170
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>GenZ, the greatest fucking generation as of thus far.

>> No.19783182

90s borns

>> No.19783189

Zoomers are left wing because the left is the only position which is tackling global warming. Climate change is the most important issue for Zoomers. It is constantly on our minds, it fuels our worries for the future, and it is the reason many of us don't care about anything. Why care if civilization is going to collapse in a few decades? The left at least tries to fix it. Many on the right don't believe in it at all. It's no accident that the right-wing positions popular amongst Zoomers, like ecofascism, are also focused on climate change.

>> No.19783196

>t. 50 year old boomer LARPing as zoomer based on what he read in the Guardian

>> No.19783197

uwu must be 18 to post here

>> No.19783198
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>left is the only position which is tackling global warming
Lmao "Green" parties are just as bad as other parties. At least your last sentence is true.

>> No.19783203

Climate change is an irrational fear. You could improve your own life so much more by focusing on the immediate things in front of you instead.

>> No.19783205

t. "I got mine" boomer fag

>> No.19783212

>It's no accident that the right-wing positions popular amongst Zoomers, like ecofascism, are also focused on climate change.
I wish this was true.

>> No.19783215

Have fun plaguing your mind with something far beyond your control.

>> No.19783217

I barely if ever see leftists offer anything practical or logistical when it comes to the debate, all it is arguing with right wingers that its HECKIN REAL and doomsday projections

>> No.19783218

Hitler was left wing.

>> No.19783223
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i've read some of stalin but i've read much more elsewhere. i also hate harry potter and liberalism so yeah, maybe

>> No.19783229

absolute tard

>> No.19783230

what did he write about?

>> No.19783248
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>> No.19783257

a disgustingly bastardized version of marx and lenin's works

>> No.19783270

Zoomers sure like their tough daddy figures, must be since like half them are raised by split parents

>> No.19783271

>t. never met a zoomer
if you had you would just immediately know we are the most retarded generation in modernity. almost universally uneducated.
> learnt everything they could about economics and political philosophy
you have seriously fucking got to be kidding me.

outrageous bait

>> No.19783283

i dont even think its bait, just narcissism

>> No.19783286

Absolutely false. Previous generations had extensive oral histories outside of academia. Especially pre-war gens.

>> No.19783303

i read an article comparing middle school syllabuses from the the early 1900's with today and the meme about humanity becoming gradually dumber is absolutely true.

>> No.19783332

Lol seething milennial larper. we literally are the smartest generation as proven by test scores and the type of content we consume on the internet. your biggest cultural zeitgeist was... fetishizing girls with colored hair and shitty metalcore..
we pour through tens of thousands of hours into political commentary, art history, music theory, mathematics, world history, philosophy, all through youtube and wikipedia. yeah, perhaps we're not as autistically obsessed or good at ONE thing like millennials are (if they even have any skills), but we have a far wider breadth of knowledge and we're generally better people as a result.
no amount of insults, coping, or bargaining is going to change this fact. the reason why you're mad, is because you're in your mid-fucking-20s, maybe even late 20s, and have failed in every avenue of your worthless millennial life. I'm fucking 19 dude. I'm 19 and argue and destroy people 10 - 20 years older than me on here, and I get to turn the computer off and think about my limitless potential. i go to sleep soundly knowing that while 29 year old boomers are having panic attacks over their receding hairlines and their twilight years (30s) quickly approaching in less than a year, i get to go to university, enjoy my youth, talk to women, have sex, make friends for life, meet wonderful people. it's just so fucking sad dude. imagine being fucking 25 and still browsing this fucking site instead of buying a house or getting married or some shit. get off this site, dude. it isn't for you anymore. This is for your own good

>> No.19783339

ITT: People who actually believe the public can be situated on political axes

>"Zoomiez iz leftiez!"
>"Boomiez iz heckin rightoidz!!"
>"I am a marxist-leninist!"

Even if individual civilians understood politics to the extent that they could genuinely identify with either 'side,' it would mean nothing to do so, and there would be no purpose in categorizing them as such (apart from the real purpose which is mind control).

Do people still not realize that they have no political autonomy?

>> No.19783415

This might be the most embarrassing thing I've read all month.

>> No.19783431

>your biggest cultural zeitgeist was... sex!!!!
why do my fellow zoomies have to be so fucking cringe

>> No.19783452

Ive been on this website since 2005. You aren’t going to leave. Your youth will fade in time and you will be as miserable as the rest of us.

>> No.19783463

You're all retarded

>> No.19783492

Yes. As a millennial I can attest that I am still working my way through the Harry Potter epic and that it is too big brained for zoomies

>> No.19783495

Based zoomer renaissance man.

>> No.19783496

>giving a fuck about tranny zoomzooms
damn that's wild

>> No.19783507

Nigga you just described liberals. Blm/tranny shit by definition isn’t “left”

>> No.19783551

I'm not gen z, never will be, fuck off Zoomer, milenial for life.

>> No.19783638
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Gen z is the least assertive, least independent, most anxious, and most depressed generation in human history

>> No.19783824

>They targeted gamers.
>We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
>We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
>We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
>Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
>Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
>These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
>Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

>> No.19783832

It's expected every generation to be more depressed than the previous because of nihilism.

>> No.19783840

>reading dead ideologies
>written by midwits

>> No.19783841

If I put off reading books, does this mean I’m Stalin? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh god I’m so lonely.

>> No.19783860

I thought there was a clear trend in first world countries were the youngest generations are consistently scoring lower on the IQ test.
To the point where they are at pre-80's level.

>> No.19783870

well that settles it.

/lit/ is officially a zoomer board now. Once a place praises a generation it is common knowledge that that place is inhabited and owned by that specific self praising generation.

t.97 enlightened middle ground centrist

>> No.19783904

Me on the left, gf on the right. We're both peak gen y.
It's almost like people are different regardless of when they're born.

>> No.19783952

If tiktok is any evidence of the intellectual status of the average zoomer, I don't know how anybody can legitimately believe anything you just said. Retardation has reached new heights.

>> No.19784005

What I've gathered from some of my friends that are teachers is that the average zoomer is increasingly more retarded than the older gens, probably due to the constant exposure to social media during their formative years, but it also seems that some of them are putting their autism to good use and fit the left side of your meme.
Also, I've heard from a philosophy professor in a semi-prestigious european university (not the UK) that the younger generations are more interested in ancient and medieval philosophy than the 20th century postmodern theorists and all the current political topics like decolonialism, critical theory and the like.
The dude is an expert in Adorno and he said quite dissapointedly that kids these days would rather talk about Porphyry and Aquinas than Deleuze or Lacan lmao.

>> No.19784008

The fact you lot even think in terms of generational intellectual capacity shows you have a lot to learn.

>> No.19784070

>Zoomers in university
Are they already old enough to be in uni? How ducking old am I?

>> No.19784088

That’s what he is saying, retard. But they are being presented as leftist issue.
I see you spergs constantly say this, but you do nothing to change the situation, be anti-BLM, anti-idpol, speak up about it being a vaunt and switch for economic issues, but no one does.
Leftists and liberals have become identical, past theory doesn’t inform the present. Keep pushing back against the Trump supporters and people who read Evola, though… that is really doing something!

>> No.19784091

Vaunt = bait *

>> No.19784099

Absolutely false. Imagine ever having read Harry Potter. Zoomers and all after them will forever be meme-speaking floorwits who do Fortnite dances in public. Bruhhh bruhhhh fr no cap bussin bruhhhh. Really? Kys.

>> No.19784130

Look at y'all, discussing caricatures

>> No.19784150

I've spotted the zoomer haircut around uni this year. I find it comical but the real joke is that I'm 10 years older than them and still there.

>> No.19784161

3 year zoomer philosophy student. I can confirm this is the case. Platonism, idealism and all kinds of esoteric metaphysical stuff is in vogue among my peers. Some of the guys are right-wing in the traditional sense (as in not fascist or natsoc but think de Maistre types) but we usually keep it to ourselves because of the vocal minority of the progressives ... and the teachers are usually prog. (-ancient/medival department). But in my opinion this change is only the case for the philosophy and history department. Comp. Lit. is still dogmatically progressive. There are however agressively progressive millenial female feminists, we call them comisars.

Overall there is a rightwing shift in faculty of arts.

>> No.19784164

I fall pretty much on the cusp between being a millennial and a zoomer (I'm a millennial) and I really see no difference between young people now and young people when I was their age. Everyone who uses Twitter is a retard regardless of their generation.

>> No.19784169
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>> No.19784198

Many zoomers have graduated from university. Zoomers began to be born from the mid to late 90's.

>> No.19784207

I only read about national socialism and population control. I have now bought and read so much Amazon thought I was not a person but a business.

Amazon basically called me sigma

>> No.19784224

zoomers are inside your mom rn no cap

>> No.19784230

Oof, what a way to prove everything they said.

>> No.19784235
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that's wrong because i'm none of that

>> No.19784245

Lol sad demoralised faggot.
Only need to fuck up some politicians and rich people so the rest start doing their job properly. Changing the course of societies isn't too difficult, just needs someone to start and keep it going for a little while.

>> No.19784360

I am the same age as you, you absolute fuckwit. You disgust me. Repent. You know nothing, nothing.

>> No.19784385


>zoomers are 10x more intellectual

Le bait

>> No.19784392
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Yes they are you fucking weasel
Any group that advocates the equality of a group previously considered inferior (or superior) is left-wing by definition
Not everything is about fucking shekels

>> No.19784401

No, people are generally as retarded as they've always been. Most common theme among zoomers is the same with millenials: "I used to read more as a teen but now I can't read all night like I used to"

>> No.19784403

You stoic faggots are so self-absorbed and you don't even realize it

>> No.19784420

Yeah, communist is an embarrassing phase most kids grow out of by 20. You’ll enter your Harry Potter phase too if you don’t 41% yourself first.

>> No.19784457
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There are 2 types of zoomers: Those who hang out on Discord and those who hang out on TikTok (anyother platform can be assumed to fall on a spectrum between discord and tiktok).

Discord zoomer:
>Safe to assume they fell down a political rabbithole. This rabbithole can involve an interest in political or religious literature, but doesn't have to.
>From experience I can say that it's about: 20% shitposting and/or grooming, 60% political youtube, 20% actually reading political theory.
>These are not popular kids IRL, average-looking to not attractive.
>A minority of zoomers.
>Likely they first got into politics in the years 2015-2017, where they witnessed the transition of new atheism into anti-SJWism, and then fell down rabbitholes from that startpoint.

TikTok Zoomers
>Generally doesn't read, if they read it's some kind of popular fiction.
>All of these people accept the political orthodoxy 100%, or atleast 90%.
>They A) ignored the 2015-2017 political zeitgeist B) were also introduced in that era, but they didn't learn their lessons from it either by condemning them as [progressive buzzword] or haven't really grown up from that phase, turning into 'le classical liberal' or into the coomservative.
>majority of zoomers.

These are two extremes of a spectrum. But yeah, you're meme applies to a very specific kind of zoomer, but the vast majority of zoomers are not like this.

>> No.19784528

Zoomers are only alive rn because their local incel couldn't shoot up the school due to covid

>> No.19784603

>(fucking hate him now)
shut up you little faggot. i could break your neck

>> No.19784624

yeah thats wrong because im a zoomer and I did your mom

>> No.19784649

you didn't need that image for us to know you were a redditor