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/lit/ - Literature

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19781314 No.19781314 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best suggestions for a book that will challenge me so much it could change me.

Hard-mode: No political crap, I'm not really interested in falling into left or right-wing ideology.

I mean spiritual, metaphysical, philosophical stuff, stuff that is larger than life, larger than petty politics.

I'm NEET if it matters

>> No.19781323

Principles of mathematical analysis by Rudin.

>> No.19781328

Write a diary, then read what you wrote in 5 years.

>> No.19781338

I did exactly this and cried when I read it.

>> No.19781343

The Bible.

>> No.19781349

The Stoics. Raw.
Marcus Aurelius's Meditation read or listened to on repeat. No matter what you're doing. Until you can taste every quote like a fig or draw of fresh spring water that ever bubbles up.

This is how I broke my depression and rebuilt myself.

>> No.19781876
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Here’s my list that helped my the most in your situation:

Atomic habits it’s a meme but it’s good

Beauty by Roger Scruton

The /fit/ beginners sticky

Brave New World Aldous Huxley

Zorba the Greek by Kazantzakis

Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse

With Each & Every Breath
A Guide To Meditation

The Foundation of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin

General advice:
Prologue: A book won’t change your life only direct action will change your life. Also don’t try to do everything all at once or perfectly. Start with the smallest, quickest, easiest thing you can do comfortably and gradually building up your mental strength.

Clean up your diet: Very important eat more protein eat more vegetables cut out the worst stuff in your diet soda ice creams, alcohol, fast food, and etc. You don’t have to start a crazy diet but just start slowly weening yourself off processed foods.

Get some vitamin D3: it’s probably winter time where you live so get some vitamin D3 + K https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Vitamin-D-3-000-Softgels/dp/B0032BH76O/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=29C9ZPZJKOHUH&keywords=vitamin+d3&qid=1642722582&sprefix=vit%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-6

Also get some Omega-3:

Get a journal: just let it all out on the pages Anon. Everyday just record how you felt that day. Takes maybe five minutes

Get a part time job: This is probably going to be the hardest one for you but try to get any part time retail job working a few days a week. It sucks I know but it actually will make you feel better and put some money in your pocket. You don’t have to have great social skills or anything just try to take a real interest in your coworkers and try to the best you can be. Apply to go back to school if you haven’t graduated and it’s feasible for you.

Final thoughts. Just try to keep an open mind about who you are and who you want to be. We are the sum of our actions. Every small positive action you take is a vote for the person you want to be. Again don’t get stressed out go at your own pace as long as you are moving forward. Don’t hyper fixate on your goals. You should try to be happy now seeing positive changes in your daily life. I wish you well Anon.

>> No.19782162

https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-Chapter-1/ made me believe in God and Christ

>> No.19782172

lurk more

>> No.19782232

the republic by Plato
the Enneads by Plotinus
introduction to magic by Evola
a tour through laozi/zhuangzi
the Bible