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19780820 No.19780820 [Reply] [Original]

I need books about propaganda in the modern day in this medium. What should I read? Particularly stuff like Alinsky. I haven't read Bernays but I would love some introductory work.

>> No.19780825

Also picrel.

>> No.19780837

Also this type of subversion and shittry threads is kind of an open secret now so don't gaslight me. We know who you are because you clearly don't blend in with the culture of the board. Ywnbaw.

>> No.19780838

So this is why we have so many Deleuze threads lately?

>> No.19780860

It's why we are having a lot of subversive threads and possibly a subversive [J4nny] but I'm sure the Deleuze threads were here before the subversion anyway.

>> No.19780885

I think being capable of shit like this and being 100% serious about it is part of the reason why these people win culture wars so often. I couldn't ever imagine doing something this gay, but it probably is a microcosm of what works on an institutional level since organizations are brainless and respond to organized pressure.

>> No.19780899

Is that pic from last year?

>> No.19780911

>I'm sure the Deleuze threads were here before the subversion anyway.
You sound very subversive to me, anon. Almost as if you were a leftist trying to infiltrate Deleuze into the board culture.

>> No.19780918

Well, this explains the Marx and China threads

>> No.19780960

Also explains all the commies arguing why communism was actually hecking great and nice on here and /his/

>> No.19780963

Read Bernays for real. He's the king of this.

>> No.19780964

It's from 2016.

>> No.19780972


Why does /leftypol/ smell like boomers and feds

>> No.19780975 [DELETED] 

Yes anon there's a secret plot based around a 2 year old post to post Marx threads on /lit/ to further the cause of transhumanist post modern Marxist bioleninist white genocide through sissification.

>> No.19780980

Spotted the troon. Your days of gaslighting are over.

>> No.19780981

I thought transhumanists were almost universally libertarians. Look at the amount of whining leftists do about space colonization and Elon Musk.

>> No.19780998

There were actually fairly inorganic posts by transgender pseudo-leftists, the kind who say shit like "bioleninism," being made for a while. But that's just a small group of people shilling, not a coordinated effort.

There are a couple /leftypol/ tourists who shill threads and keep them alive but they are just here because they see 4chan as the right wing boogeyman website so they want to go fight the good fight and waste their Friday.

The average /lit/ user doesn't appreciate how much this place is a mecca for twitter, discord, and reddit tourists who see it as the original source of the derivative filth they consume.

>> No.19781007

This board is quite easy to astroturf. Remember those Islamists who flooded the board with Islam threads last year? They were all from the same Discord group.

>> No.19781016

Oh look it's the expert on the makeup of this board. Fuck off my board you astroturfer.

>> No.19781027

What's wrong with the idea of bioleninism?

>> No.19781032

Look another one of you has come.

To all of you in the thread, don't engage with this creature in conversation. Instead lookup the words "casuistry" and "pilpul" and the method of hairsplitting instead. It is an elaborate gaslighting scheme that deliberately gets nowhere. It is the "ooze" like a slime that slips from the hand then gets back together. Learn to identify them. I will clean up my board.

>> No.19781034

I think it's funny that shills with a political or ideological message usually end up quarantined to one thread but the most successful board colonists have been the clearly "not from here" visual novel/anime weebs who have colonized all the generals and forced the Writing General.

>Oh look it's the expert on the makeup of this board
Yes, I am here.

>> No.19781036

What you have against bioleninism? It's a good concept, but more than that it's just common sense that useless people will be more willing to unite themselves under a political banner, because otherwise they have no way of getting any power, unlike competent people who can be individualistic.

>> No.19781045

Honour and dignity is what I have against it. And no, I will not be elaborating.

>> No.19781050

Deleuze is connected with Nick Land, and we have a lot of those types of people here.

>> No.19781051

>I think being capable of shit like this and being 100% serious about it is part of the reason why these people win culture wars so often.
Only in gay places, like reddit and twitter

>> No.19781059

>transgender pseudo-leftists, the kind who say shit like "bioleninism,"
You're getting it wrong. Bioleninism is a right wing concept. It's an analysis of how and why leftists organize, but it's highly critical of them. It's hard to think of someone more right wing than Spandrell.

>> No.19781065
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I cant help but notice that hardly any books about propaganda have been mentioned in the thread so far. It's almost as though it's being derialed on purpose. Post some titles.

>> No.19781067

kek. LITERAL redditors

>> No.19781077

Let them come. We'll teach them our way.

>> No.19781117

Can't derail a stealth off topic thread; if anything, books would be off topic to the discussion OP wants

>> No.19781122

Not all commies are trannies. In fact, many commies fucking hate them.

>> No.19781133

Or maybe people wanna explore chinese literature and marxist writings

>> No.19781143

Don't care. They all make shit threads and they're all disingenuous.

>> No.19781165

Most commies are just losers who either have no job or study something useless. Basically all the poeple who study philosophy at my university are commies. They are also all the most retarded muh femenism, sexual liberation and gay rights there are.

>> No.19781167

Yep. People from leftypol, clearly.

>> No.19781176

>Basically all the poeple who study philosophy at my university are commies
Bioleninism in action.

>> No.19781208

so those communists yesterday were them? they should read olavo de carvalho, he has a debate with dugin, he probably talks about communism there but the main focus is about the united states and the nwo

>> No.19781221

What is the upshot of that debate?

>> No.19781528

It's not aesthetic? Surely even useless people can appreciate aesthetics?

>> No.19781755

Unironically can't tell if you're asking questions or if it's some sort of passive aggressive way of writing.

>> No.19781781

>Surely even useless people can appreciate aesthetics
Sure, so what? If they are at the bottom of the barrel they will follow whoever offers them power anyway because they instinctively know they can't get any by themselves.

>> No.19781839

People are laughing but are missing the point, this right here is exactly why they win, despite how gay it is. If they want poison the internet meme well by all means they will do it by any means Necessary, they just need a group of unhinged internet incels to spend the whole day fighting the good fight on 4chan. The left wins because they don’t give a rats ass about optics, winning is everything.

>> No.19781857

But this is why the right is morally superior, because while the left don't have any shame to lie and cheat, the right is obsessed trying to show people they aren't racist.

>> No.19781878

oh look it's the one image that gets posted countless times
makes you wonder whether if it was polcels trying to stir the flames
half their board is fake twitter screencaps and fake headlines

>> No.19781883
File: 321 KB, 916x939, A2DBB831-C230-4D6D-B95C-5868FA46E6DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats exactly why they are known as pussies and losers, they play these rules that nobody else plays so it merely hinders their reactions and strategies. That’s like saying killing or I guess for the modern equivalent of ‘radicalism’ downvoting a reddit post by poisoning the discourse, isn’t something worthy to do towards a immoral enemy. It makes zero sense to optic cuck this hard because radicalism is a minority thing, the majority just goes along with it because they aren’t politically active.

>> No.19781905

What’s so superior about losing?

>> No.19781908

>the right doesn't lie and cheat
Lmao. Both sides of the political spectrum is equally devoid of any intellectual honesty.

>> No.19781921

And what is morally superior about shooting innocent women and children?
Right wingers are lacking just as many morals as lefties.
and remember chuds, "civic virtue" is not the same as moral virtue
I hope you all rot in hell

>> No.19781926

If Cucksertives Lie, it’s by not conserving anything they say they do. They don’t lie to win, ever. They want to the liberals of yesteryear.

>> No.19781936

>And what is morally superior about shooting innocent women and children?
What does hypothetical child killing have to do with killing Capitalists? What kind of response is this?

>> No.19781979

>Killing Children is like, Left-Wing.

>> No.19782014
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>> No.19782207

Hecking stallinerino did it against the kulaks bro.

>> No.19782223

Well then if we have people like you and I to do it, why aren't we doing something about it?

>> No.19782275

This. I will not stop unless I get actual books on propaganda. Give me Titles. There was one bro who told me to read Bernays.
Why are you derailing the thread? I promise to fuck you better than Reiko. It is open secret that you do this type of shit.

>> No.19782447

Don't bother with books on propaganda. Nobody who actually creates/disseminates propaganda calls it that anymore. Look up books on marketing and outreach instead. Also take a look at The Last Psychiatrist blog, which come to think of it probably links to a bunch of books on exactly that.

>> No.19782468

Sorry I was half asleep.

Killing children is what right wingers do.
Anders Breivik and that New Zealand guy.

>> No.19783388


>> No.19783743

Since no one has posted any books, I'll just shill the books I always shill in these threads

The Crowd: a study of the popular mind by Gustave Le Bon
Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
Crystalizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays
Mass Psychology by Sigmund Freud
Media Control by Noam Chomsky
Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins
The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo
Trust Me I'm Lying by Ryan Holiday
Influence by Robert Cialdini
The Way of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort
Any of Ted K's writings

That's all you need. There are no grand conspiracies. Vote Biden, the vaccine works, and remember to give your hard earned money to charity

>> No.19783770


Deleuze was a meme a few years back (around 2018) because apparently he influenced Nick Land, who was a huge meme for a while

>> No.19783821

leftist literally can't go a day without killing kids.

>> No.19783823

leftists are disgusting trash. imagine liking someone more the worse they are. they should be genocided tbqh

>> No.19783825


>> No.19784210

olavo, he raped dugin

>> No.19784215

why are you (you)ing me retard?

>> No.19784218

we should embrace racism

>> No.19784777

My diary desu

>> No.19784783

Das Kapital

>> No.19784812

The colour revolution is apparently a good guidebook written by an ex-spook who is now in US government.

>> No.19784870

stop playing innocent you little faggot, this "I just want recs guys" is the oldest trick in the book to talk about something unrelated to literature while avoiding a ban. You came in here with a mission muttfag

>> No.19785189

Kill yourself.

>> No.19785383

Raging tranny detected. Its an open secret. You failed. I can choke you to death with my cock and I know you will love it.

>> No.19785393

Thank you very much.

You will never be a woman.

>> No.19785423

Pilpul tactics lol.

>> No.19785441

Op is a fruitcake but his original op is a perfectly valid question.

I agree

>> No.19785477
File: 2.04 MB, 2172x1710, belgians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add Frances Stoner Saunders to this list, you have to learn about how the CIA influences media

One example of how the NED works

Remember, don't be a direction brain and resist false dichotomies. You can sympathize with a side or conflict that the CIA/NED/deep state is also "sympathizing" with because it serves their interests WITHOUT being a supporter of the deep state. You can use Grayzone reporting without being ignorant of the fact that someone from the other side is probably funding them. It's like Chomsky said, there are no neutral parties, you just have to read from multiple different angles and try to figure out the truth between the lines of them.

No matter your political views, you should know how constructed and controlled most news in the 20th century has been. Nothing is accidental. The liberal democracies really started doing this around WW1. Nothing is unconnected either - Bernays and Lippmann didn't materialize out of thin air. They came out of the pioneering "experiments" in "public relations" (aka controlling public perception of Y, so you can do Y while making people think it's X).

Marshall McLuhan is a bit tedious to read in his popular writings because some of his avantgarde style feels kitschy now but he and his teacher Harold Innis are good.
>Innis's analysis of the effects of communications on the rise and fall of empires led him to warn grimly that Western civilization was now facing its own profound crisis. The development of powerful communications media such as mass-circulation newspapers had shifted the balance decisively in favour of space and power, over time, continuity and knowledge. The balance required for cultural survival had been upset by what Innis saw as "mechanized" communications media used to transmit information quickly over long distances. The new media had contributed to an obsession with "present-mindedness", wiping out concerns about past or future.
With this in mind, watch Hypernormalization by Curtis:

>> No.19785765

Lots of based anons ITT. Telling the commieniggers to shove it. Nobody wants you here, assholes. Take your "glorious revolution" and tell someone that gives a flying fuck.

We should embrace Whiteness. Whiteness would seem to stand in for the bourgeoisie landowners or kulaks in corporate communism, which would tend to mean anything decent or soulful when held up to what the left's words express in deed. Whiteness is good. Just like Black Lives Matter isn't about black people. Black people can be white, white people can be niggers. It's not about skin color anymore. It's all about the soul.

>> No.19785797
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The so-called "right" in America only cares about anti-racism because their ethical values are left-wing in nature. They are already defeated because they have to play by the enemy's rules.
A right-winger with a spine would easily be able to justify pro-white racism, but our culture is so poisoned by semitism that they would get nowhere in electoral politics.
Democracy is left-wing faggotry and has been since the 18th century.

>> No.19785825

My favorite leftynigger discord posts are the ones that market people like adorno or derrida as "based" and "trad", like anyone buys that

>> No.19785879

Hey tranny, grow a pair and become a Nazi.

>> No.19786506

Not this either, become free from this political mess. Less mental gymnastics.

>> No.19787782

Do they really?

>> No.19787973

Yeah. And they have been doing it since around 2016.

I know this because I used to be part of these leftist circles at that time and quit those ideas around that time because I found it is something I don't want to live like.

>> No.19787978

This. The only based leftist is based Deleuze.

>> No.19788602

Exquisite bait

>> No.19788761

Reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHucTGS5zPw

>> No.19789051

you will never be a woman

>> No.19789082

>They are already defeated because they have to play by the enemy's rules
this is what communists call "hegemony"

>> No.19789091

Chomsky was an intellectual con unrepentant communism apologist, but I liked your post

>> No.19789144

The initial anecdote was hilarious, but the video as a whole was pretty insightful. Is Moldbug worth reading?

>> No.19789364

>But this is why the right is morally superior, because while the left don't have any shame to lie and cheat
>the right is obsessed trying to show people they aren't racist.
and this is where they fuck up. Either embrace it or fight fire with fire and call them a pedo. Stay on the offensive rather than putting yourself in a defensive position.
The left is a walking joke ripe for mockery. They're a bunch of pants pissing pus pussied retards who want to ban mean words.
All these cuckservative idiots have to do is not let the accusations they brazenly throw out get to them. They're just seething monkey children who fling shit and throw tantrums so they get their way. Treat them like the children they are.

>> No.19790096

richard spencer literally defended adorno
adorno wasn't a trad in the sense of defending pre-enlightenment values but he was highly critical of contemporary pop culture. basically an art snob

derrida is just a sophist to me

>> No.19790996


>> No.19792781

Give me some marxists who are compatible with Hitler
My vision is basically Marxist-Leninism or Maoism with an ubermensch Schutzstaffel ruling the workers instead of a politburo

>> No.19792797

Read Ellul

>> No.19793595

Yeah, leftist praxis (I hate that word) and the right's lack of praxis is a large part of why the left has won these stupid culture victories. Most people on the right don't care enough to dedicate their entire lives to petty cultural politics, but a surprising number of leftists do.

Outside of Twitter and Reddit too, but in a slightly different way. The reason film, pop lit and vidya are all culturally tipping is because they know that cultural leftists won't buy their shit if they don't add minorities, gays or troons, while the cultural right (outside of /pol/ and even there it's spotty) will bitch and moan then pay full price for it anyways.

>> No.19793746

Hollywood's killing itself from the inside with all of the woke shit. Everyone hates it (including minorities) but they're too scared to speak out.
The turbo lefties who actually think any of this shit is a good idea are few and far between. Most people are sick of it, but they're also cowards.