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19779203 No.19779203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why was my post about the jailed kid in the UK immediately deleted? The subject matter was pertaining to books and literature, and specifically books that one can be jailed for owning. This falls strictly within the board's topic rules, so the mods have no right to delete it.

Reposting it again:

How long until this becomes a common legal practice throughout the world?

Also, isn't The Anarchist Cookbook largely made up of bullshit to which even the author himself admitted?

>> No.19779322

>Downloaded right-wing literature
>Somehow expected to avoid punishment
How stupid can one get? “Hmm, let me support the ideology the government, media, and corporations oppose, I’ll be fine.” You /pol/ types really need to start realizing how dangerous being a right winger, or even appearing to be one, actually is.

>> No.19779346

>having a book is a crime
yeah, the book is the problem, not the authoritarian government.

>> No.19779369

Let me spell it out for you: no fucks are given whatsoever and you're playing with fire

>> No.19779370

What white supremacist and anti semitic literature was on his hard drive that was so bad that he had to be in jail?

All I can think of is protocols of elder zion, turner diaries, some stuff Henry Ford wrote, the christchurch manifesto etc. Should people really be in jail for owning that shit?

>> No.19779387

>How long until this becomes a common legal practice throughout the world?
Used to be in the based era of ireland.

Personally this gives me hope of a return to trad values (destroying any information that corrupts the state, like a noble philosopher's republic)

>> No.19779398

Convicted of having a book? Wha?

>> No.19779420

Yeah and you're a bootlicker

>> No.19779430

>You /pol/ types really need to start realizing how dangerous being a right winger, or even appearing to be one, actually is.
I feel like this does vary from country to country, but the capacity for corporate entities to act as an informal government should be a concern for all.

>> No.19779431
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>t.useful idiot who will be thrown under the bus the moment the NWO officially takes over

>> No.19779432

You're just asking rhetorically, right?

Anyway, to put an interesting spin on this thread, I saw that conservatives in the US have recently been purging critical theory from school libraries, rather than focusing on bringing back all the 'yikes oof problematic' classics that the progressives banned. Imo it's important to keep in mind that people like >>19779387 would be in full support of censorship and imprisoning people for 'possession of subversive materials' as long as they get to define what it means, so I wonder if there even exists a political faction that isn't tilting toward authoritarianism at the moment. Even if the era of woke cultural domination were to come to an end in the next years, it would probably just be replaced by a different orthodoxy (postmodern trad-LARPers, namely).

>> No.19779436

what do they say, a coward dies a thousand deaths?

>> No.19779464

He's not a useful idiot at all, he just recognizes that a regime will defend itself from its enemies in whatever way it deems necessary.

You on the other hand are under the fatuous delusion that liberal democracy somehow owes it to Nazis and fascists to let them read whatever books they want, books that might make them attempt murder on innocent civilians.

>> No.19779478

your ideology seems like it may very well make you attempt to murder innocent civilians as well. do I have license to do whatever I deem necessary to stop people from reading books that may cause them to start thinking like you?

>> No.19779489

Cringe reply that doesn't even remotely address anything I said. A regime naturally has enemies, only a retard thinks anyone has an obligation to treat their enemies fair.

>> No.19779494
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>Anyway, to put an interesting spin on this thread, I saw that conservatives in the US have recently been purging critical theory from school libraries
Not a conservacuck as both political parties in the US are part of the same coin, but people are 100% justified in banning any forms of CRT taught in schools and universities, as such things are obviously part of the anti-white and subversive jewish cultural marxist agenda.

>rather than focusing on bringing back all the 'yikes oof problematic' classics that the progressives banned.
That's because they're controlled opposition and once in a while need to resort to such public demonstrations in order not to appear completely apathetic to their voting base, however still playing within lines.

>Imo it's important to keep in mind that people like >>19779387 # would be in full support of censorship and imprisoning people for 'possession of subversive materials' as long as they get to define what it means, so I wonder if there even exists a political faction that isn't tilting toward authoritarianism at the moment.
I'm pretty sure that most people would prefer to live in a god-fearing country where any form of degeneracy should be punishable by prison time instead of the current clown tranny and pedo infested world.

>Even if the era of woke cultural domination were to come to an end in the next years, it would probably just be replaced by a different orthodoxy (postmodern trad-LARPers, namely).
As long as this orthodoxy espouses traditional moral values and is focused on the wellbeing of a nation's native peoples I don't see what's wrong with that. But we both know that will never happen, instead we're steadily heading towards a total imminent collapse of civilization as we know it, as we can already see everything falling apart in the last couple of years.

>> No.19779495

That's not an "interesting spin". The complaint about CRT in schools are the certain practitioners of it instilling weird white guilt into kids, which has nothing to do with learning.

Censorship runs down a two-way street, anyhow. This isn't interesting.

>> No.19779500
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>You on the other hand are under the fatuous delusion that liberal democracy somehow owes it to Nazis and fascists to let them read whatever books they want, books that might make them attempt murder on innocent civilians.
Right on sister! Bash the fash! Show those evil chuds how we do it!

>> No.19779502

>Even if the era of woke cultural domination were to come to an end in the next years, it would probably just be replaced by a different orthodoxy (postmodern trad-LARPers, namely).
If those are our only two options, then the best world would be one in which all artistic and academic work esteemed or celebrated by American progressives was destroyed. The period in which they've dominated the arts and culture has whether, coincidentally or not, has probably been that of the single greatest decline in the quality of those things not associated with the total collapse of a civilization. I really don't think losing the works of James Baldwin, Black Flag, or Jacques Derrida is really all that much of loss all things considered.

>> No.19779504
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>only a retard thinks anyone has an obligation to treat their enemies fair

>> No.19779509

That is true, but if the regime is held up the belief of freedom of speech and ideas, then when their own ideas get defeated freely they will either lose naturally or have to enforce their ideas, and thus lose face on their own values.
Essentially, liberal democracies will lose the trust of the populace (which they require), if they stop being liberal. If they don't stop being liberal, they will potentially lose as well, since it seems people are naturally more inline with iliberal ideas, ideas which are allowed free reign in a liberal society.

>> No.19779511

Anon, if people like you had political power you would literally parade your enemies behind toolsheds and shoot them in the head, because that's what you guys did last time, but your enemies literally just don't want you to read certain books.

You should be glad liberals even think you're human.

>> No.19779512

Absolute madness. The funny thing is, when the legalistion he's being held under was brought in, all the right-wing racist cunts were in favour, because it was aimed at jihadis.

>> No.19779516

Of course they were, and that's what all the retarded /pol/yps in this thread are doing their standard bad faith routine on. They literally don't give a rat's ass about free speech or any liberal rights, they just want free reign to spread their propaganda to as many people as possible, and why the fuck should their enemies allow that?

>> No.19779522

Liberal democracy is a disgusting abomination and I pray every day it is destroyed

>> No.19779524

I completely agree. Chuds and right-wingers should know their place and be grateful that they don't get a boot in the face for their racist and bigoted views

>> No.19779532

maybe liberals deserve to have that happen to them

>> No.19779533

Disagree or agree, it doesn't matter, what matters is that liberal democracy just like any other form of government, will defend itself against its enemies, and it's no use whining about this fact.

>> No.19779534

This thread just involves LARPing Jews debating each other to create a false dichotomy as Black Rock/Vanguard buy up everything.

>> No.19779536

The absolute state of bongland.

>> No.19779538

You support a status quo that has killed and displaced millions but oh no muh heckin nazis.

>> No.19779539

>all the right-wing racist cunts were in favour, because it was aimed at jihadis.
What's wrong with having legislation that protects your citizens from foreign crazy kamikaze fanatics blowing themselves and taking the lives of innocent children and women? Are you baiting here? Or are you samefagging?

>> No.19779542

They absolutely do. Liberals get the wall too.

t. marxist leninist

>> No.19779545

why shouldnt it apply to domestic crazies then?

>> No.19779546

No, I never said I support it, I said you NatSocs are a bunch of pathetic pissants who are whining that the society you live in considers you political enemies, and will treat you like political enemies. As they should, because YOU are, in fact, their political enemies.

>> No.19779547

Because some of us do care about things like freedom. It was wrong to lock people up for having jihadi literature and it's still wrong when it's Nazi literature. Being a retarded subhuman cunt is not a crime, and I don't want it normalised that the government can lock you up for wrong think and then have them come for me in 20 years after they elect someone sympathetic to poltards

>> No.19779550
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any time this name appears in a report like this, there is something suspicious going on. this is a fucking shady organisation
the kid was apparently jailed for owning a copy of anarchist cookbook, but you can buy that on amazon (a watered down version, anyway). it is not illegal to own. there is some other motive behind jailing him.

>> No.19779554

>You support a status quo that has killed and displaced millions
Yes, because most of those people have been white

>> No.19779556

>Because some of us do care about things like freedom

Yes, of course you do, until you yourself get political control over society. Then you don't. You're just an opportunist.

>> No.19779559

>why shouldnt it apply to domestic crazies then?
Because I'm pretty sure owning a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the Culture of Critique does not warrant for 2 years of jailtime. But I don't expect from a retarded self-hating leftist tranny like you to exhibit basic rational capabilities

>> No.19779560

No, I was saying 'I told you so' to people 20 years ago. They're probably not reading.

>> No.19779565

I believe in free speech, but I think it should only be allowed for humans. Materialists who "think" about the world in oppressor-oppressed dynamics are flesh robots programmed in binary. The most accurate term to describe them would be bete-machine.

>> No.19779576

Also, let's be honest here, I think having a library full of psychosexual sadistic literature like Spare Key by R. Frederick Hamilton is much worse than far-right or commie propaganda. I do think people with large libraries of such transgressive fiction should at the very least be under surveillance.

>> No.19779579

>If those are our only two options
but should they be?
look at the discourse in this thread - a lot of it is larping, of course, but it's not that far removed from how politicals think. all the cliches, the "it's different when we do it"-meme, the "you agree we're right, so what value would be lost if we burned every book that disagrees with us?"-rhetoric, the dehumanization of ones political enemies, the fantasies of violence and domination, that's what's bubbling underneath the pretensions to moderation, with ideas like defending "liberal values" or "the moral fabric of society" merely being convenient pretexts.

>> No.19779585

The UK government currently sponsors, with taxpayers’ money, the murder and dismemberment of millions of little innocent babies, worse than what Hitler did, and yet wants to be high and mighty about “right wing extremism”. I agree, purge the death-loving Nazis who support a regime which murdered 11 million. But first you have to stop murdering people yourself.

>> No.19779586

>I believe in free speech

No you don't NatSoc. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.19779594

Pointing out hypocrisy is the avenue of the slave moralist.

>> No.19779600
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>I agree, purge the death-loving Nazis who support a regime which murdered 11 million. But first you have to stop murdering people yourself.
Oy vey

>> No.19779601

No, it’s a perfect demonstration that someone does not actually believe in the principles he espouses, but is merely a charlatan looking to trick people.

>> No.19779602

I find liberals more annoying than white far-right ethnonationalists, and I say that as a minority myself.

>> No.19779604

Ive never seen such a cowardly post in my entire life.

>> No.19779607
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>> No.19779608

Anon, the primary feature of having sovereign power is that the rules don't apply to you. You're just a whiny bitch who can't handle having political enemies.

>> No.19779611

Cry about cowardice all you like, it won’t stop you for being jailed for being right-wing. You can be brave in prison NatSoc.

>> No.19779617

Hi chang

>> No.19779619

Ive read anarchist cookbook it’s fucking worthless. It’s literally LARP-tier lefty fanfiction. It’s worse than theTurner Diaries because it pretends to be a guide and not just a work of creative fiction. The bombs and smoke grenades and shit they give recipes for are not real, and I doubt the author ever actually independently verified these or even tried to make them. It’s like he just found a screenshot of a recipe on /b/ and then just tossed it in the book without even reading the whole thing, let alone trying to make it. Then the rioting/protest shit is literally just communist fanfiction about union protests. It’s laughably boring.

Can’t believe this kid got sentenced to prison for having a copy of lefty fanfiction.

>> No.19779627

>le bad faith

Wow, genuine cringe!

>> No.19779630

I wonder how I'd feel about being on the receiving end of positive discrimination. On one hand it'd be nice to have certain positions (in academia especially) basically handed to me, on the other it'd make me unsure of whether I really deserve to be where I am at, career-wise.

>> No.19779641

You're annoying too, just not as much as self-loathing liberals. My life hasn't been easy, and you need to stop thinking in over-simplified memes. In America, only blacks, Hispanics, and women receive hand-outs. Other minorities not so much. I don't know about Europe because I have never visited.

>> No.19779644

You know nothing about me. My entire goal as far as culture is concerned would be to use the influence of the state to do whatever it can to revive all of the modernist experimental art that the Nazis banned,
I'd be perfectly fine having every neonazi imprisoned or worse to save a single recording of Schoenberg's music.
I'm very much not fond of Hitler and his weasely friends. All biological determinists, like these so-called "race realists" are just as inhuman as the leftist machine men, even if for different reasons.

>> No.19779645

It is bad faith though because you're not exactly libertarians worried about rights and freedoms being eroded are you, you're just NatSocs annoyed that the government dare treat you like what you are, namely their enemies.

>> No.19779646

>unsure of whether I really deserve to be where I am at, career-wise.
This is the most “white people” thing I’ve read all day. Who cares if you deserve it? If you have it, good! If you don’t have it but want it, get it! If “positive discrimination” helps, then it’s good. Deserving it doesn’t come into the equation.

>> No.19779650

>should be a concern for all
Corporate entities are on my side so get fucked chud

>> No.19779653 [DELETED] 

Okay kike

>> No.19779656

wew, what a disgusting mentality. it matters because if you aren't where you are because of competence, you are dependent on the good will of the people who are giving you the handouts.

>> No.19779664
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Glad that you're being honest

>> No.19779665


>> No.19779668

You’re going to be dependent on people higher up the food chain no matter how competent you are, assuming you are at least minimally qualified. Might as well have them like you, it matters more than your own competence anyway. At least when it comes to career progression and the like.

>> No.19779669

You choose to respond to him rather than me because you prefer to perpetuate this delusional dichotomy. Both of you think in retarder memes about complex problems. The post-industrial, secular, and scientific globalized world order has been a complete and utter failure for many reasons. Black Rock/Vanguard want people to continue with their petty partisan political arguments as they continue buying up everything from a divisive population.

>> No.19779674
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>> No.19779681

I don’t believe governments have sovereign power, they are subject to natural law like the rest of us. The current holocaust of the unborn is probably the worst case of mass murder in history, numberswise at least. The measly 6 million Jews, assuming the numbers are right, is nothing compared to the over 50 million babies slaughtered in the US alone since mad doctors were given permission to perform abortions in contravention of the Hippocratic oath. And yet the government claims to care about preserving life? I doubt it. At least when the Gestapo kicked down your door and called you a swine you knew what they were about. Here we have a government literally more bloodthirsty than Nazi germany scolding us about how mean we are for holding right wing views. That’s the tragicomedy of it.

>> No.19779688

Corporate entities are only on their own side. You shouldn't think of them as real allies.
Not even the slightest bit Jewish. Just someone who realized that far-right types are, for lack of a better word, degenerates.

>> No.19779692

>Black Rock/Vanguard want people to continue with their petty partisan political arguments as they continue buying up everything from a divisive population.
Not him, and I kinda see where you're getting at, but if at this point you still haven't realized that it's already too late for even a superficial reconciliation between the two sides, you don't know how bad things have really become. The Occupy Wall Street subversion marked the end of any hopes for a global uniting against the ruling class. Now everything is about trans and pedo rights as well as muh white systematic oppression

>> No.19779693

Women’s right to choose, chud. A fetus is not a baby.

>> No.19779694

I don't care about either dead Jews or aborted babies. Kys, sentimental garbage.

>> No.19779702

>Not even the slightest bit Jewish. Just someone who realized that far-right types are, for lack of a better word, degenerates.
Okay Schlomo. Now bring back the foreskins you've stolen

>> No.19779710

>they are subject to natural law like the rest of us

lol, that's very funny.

>> No.19779711

>legislation that protects your citizens from foreign crazy kamikaze fanatics blowing themselves and taking the lives of innocent children and women?
banning books won't protect you against that

>> No.19779712

>Corporate entities are only on their own side. You shouldn't think of them as real allies.
If this was true they wouldn’t be pushing voting rights legislation or the like. The corporations are on our side. Seethe about it.

>> No.19779720

Go read Crime and Punishment. You talk like a hard man egoist nihilist but you would be overwhelmed with guilt if you actually killed someone.

>> No.19779728

Why can political drones not go a single post without the standard catchphrases and buzzwords? I'm not complaining since it makes them easy to filter, at least, just wondering.

>> No.19779733

There are now two femail jannies - rip lit

>> No.19779735

Women don’t have the right to choose to murder someone.

>> No.19779740

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Du Ponts, and more are all laughing at us. They don't give a shit if either a far left or right takeover occurs. Both Hitler and Bolshevism were inventions of Jews, and some of the biggest promoters of antisemitism came from Jews themselves. Jews have infiltrated both the far right and left. Jews and Masons maintain power by manipulating opposites and extremes. This is all an illusion and should drop your worldly aspirations and follow the Buddha way.

>> No.19779744

Why are angloids so fucking hideous all the time? What's in their water and food?

>> No.19779745

>just give up
shut the fuck up you stupid hippie

>> No.19779749
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>> No.19779752

You stfu you stupid marionette. It doesn't matter what you do. The elites play with opposites and have plans in place for both far right and left takeover. They consolidated their power via Black Rock and Vanguard and even Corona was fake. I know wtf I am talking about, you stupid puppet.

>> No.19779753

Political extremists are usually ugly that’s why they turn to terrorism and the like

>> No.19779761

Any philosophical works that discuss ugly people and their effect on society?

>> No.19779762


>> No.19779769

All of this shit has precedence in the Kabbalah fyi. The Elites follow a kind of Frankist-Sabbatean philosophy which involves creating a false oppositional conflict that is easily controlled or subverted, especially in the age of edge learning. The "vaccine" was about testing injectable nano-neural meshes in the brain along with some depopulation. Corona wasn't real.

>> No.19779772

In Nietzsche’s twilight of the idols he has a childish rant against Socrates for being poor and ugly, stating that this is a refutation of his position. It literally reads like a 4chan post.

>> No.19779780

yeah yeah no one gives a fuck about your hecking enlighten woke bullshit retard you are just schizo chasing ghosts

>> No.19779782

But what if he already started reading the book? Wouldn't he then have served two sentences if he also has to do two years?

>> No.19779788

Hope Not Hate is just the British ADL/SPLC

>> No.19779792

Anarchist Cookbook is shit anyway lmao.

>> No.19779794

Absolutely no good has come from science and technology. Absolutely none. Modern medicine, for example, is fake and based on petrochemicals. It was funded by the Rockefellers to demonize naturopathy and make people docile slaves dependent on drugs and corrupt pharmaceutical industries. Also, the Green Revolution was a failure, and modern agricultural practices deplete the soil and destroy beneficial mycorrihizal fungi via the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
No good has come from science and technology. There is no point in having hope for humanity or any group of people anymore. You must be abandon your worldly aspirations for a solitary path of contemplation. I would mercy kill you if you were to speak to me irl whilst denying what I say. Both the far left and right dialogue is being controlled, manipulated and channeled in ways you cannot understand.

>> No.19779805

There is no bigger ghost than the belief that mankind's collective march is moving anywhere except towards greater destruction. It does not matter who wins or loses at this point. The extinction of mankind is pretty much a given at this point.

>> No.19779813

Then why don’t you fuck off to the woods and wipe your bum with leaves you stupid monkey? You’ve literally learned all this information online, and you’re posting online, whilst claiming to hate technology. If you hated it you’d fuck off to the jungle.

>> No.19779814
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same, even filtering just seethe and cope already improves any board's quality measurably.

>> No.19779820
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>How long until this becomes a common legal practice throughout the world?
Not long, maybe a few years.
>the right-wing racist cunts were in favour, because it was aimed at jihadis
This is deliberately engineered opposition. As Bowden explained many years ago, there are only two things that cannot be absorbed by a Neoliberal world order. One is metaphysical objectivism (what a Liberal would call religious extremism). The other is far-right politics.
>This thread just involves LARPing Jews debating each other to create a false dichotomy
Not just this thread anon. Notice how the "acceptable" face of the nativist far-right is always based on opposition to Islam. This is the kind of right-winger you have to be to appear on talk shows or speak at a university. Conversely, a Muslim extremist can only be platformed when he is opposing Islamophobia from the far-right. Thus the two biggest threats are moved to fight each other.
>Liberals get the wall too.
Don't worry, you'll have a lot more people agreeing with you soon. Book bans have historically had the reverse of their intended effect. People sense that the authorities have something to hide, and become more curious about alternative views.
>t. marxist leninist
Could I ask you to do something really heretical and reexamine atheism/materialism? It makes left-wing groups incredibly vulnerable to being co-opted by Liberals. You could not, for example, do something like occupy wall street in 2022 without it being completely derailed by various idpol issues. I believe this could be remedied by having a solid grounding in metaphysics.

>> No.19779832

You think in a very simple-minded and one-dimensional way. I am conditioned by this society and learning to survive in the woods is not easy. Moreover, most property is privately owned, and you can be removed from such land without paying taxes.
The only real solution is not to have children. By having children, you are just making them fodder for the elite. The elites no longer promote meritocracy and view your children not merely as expendable but also valuable guinea pigs. They are using your children as test subjects for augmentations in the future.
One batch of the vaccine was meant to test injectable neural meshes or "laces". I know what I am talking about, faggot.

>> No.19779851

The most obnoxious posts on this site are from fags like you that think they are infinitely more intelligent than they are and are likely 19 years old.

>"interesting spin"
>"asking rhetorically, right?"

You have so little to say but are so desperate to be seen.

>> No.19779856

Why did the allies do it bros ;_;

>> No.19779862

>Absolutely no good has come from science and technology. Absolutely none.
A 100 years ago you could have easily died from a bacterial infection or gotten smallpox. These days, smallpox is gone and various solutions exist for bacteria.

Certainly, science and technology create new challenges, but they killed a lot of old demons. I think it’s a good thing. There’s a reason everyone, be they American liberal, Saudi monarchist, Chinese communist, etc. supports scientific and technological advancement.

>> No.19779888

>A 100 years ago you could have easily died from a bacterial infection or gotten smallpox.
Colloidal silver and green black walnut tincture in combination with intermittent fasting are more effective at dealing with bacterial infections than antibiotics, which actually cause them to evolve resistance.
>they killed a lot of old demons
False. A better utilization of various kinds of naturopathy would have been more effective. Otzi the Ice Man, for example, held a kind of fungus that researchers have only recently learned of possessing anti-parasitical, anti-bacterial properties.
>There’s a reason everyone, be they American liberal, Saudi monarchist, Chinese communist, etc. supports scientific and technological advancement
They are all brainwashed morons manipulated by Frankist-Sabbatean Jews or Masons.

>> No.19779890

Why apply it to Muslims then? Hypocrisy.

>> No.19779911

This.Marginalized people should not have to defend their basic humanity against their oppresors. Are you denying science are you denying white supremacy and structural racism are a thing are you denying the queer community's right to exist?

Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.19779932

>>Downloaded right-wing literature
The Anarchist Cookbook is not right wing literature, at the time it was published it was hugely popular with leftists. The word anarchist in the title should give you some hint that it is not about right wing ideology.

>> No.19779944

so true fuck crakkker settler scum. Let them die from opioids. The Sacklers are revolutionary heroes for killing all these labor aristocrats and an Onlyfans star is more revolutionary than any settler who fought in 1800s labor disputes.

>> No.19779957

Based Maoist

>> No.19779964

>Both Hitler and Bolshevism were inventions of Jews
What an absolutely retarded take. Open a history book and stop embarrassing yourself mate

>> No.19779966

>right wing
I want to believe this post is bait, you can't be this fucking ridiculously retarded can you?
If you are just unironically kill yourself already.

>> No.19779970
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>Political extremists are usually ugly that’s why they turn to terrorism and the like
I agree

>> No.19779988

I recommend Christopher Jon Bjerknes' books and videos on BitChute. Hitler was controlled by Jews in order to cause a devastating war with communist Russia, which was also controlled by Jews at that time. Bolshevism was also an invention of Jews. Mao's communist revolution was also backed by Jews (~90%).
It's possible Hitler was changed by a body double somewhere in the beginning of the year as Celine remarked.
I know wtf I am talking about, faggot. The Kaballah and various Jewish literature, some of which is hidden from us goy, is also about creating a matrix rooted in controlled extreme dichotomies.
You will not come to any real solution if you think according to any ideology that they have touched.

>> No.19779989

>Why apply it to Muslims then? Hypocrisy.
Depends of the books and whether they are well-founded and justified or not. Killing people merely because they're not muslims and don't follow a desert pedo lunatic is retarded.

>> No.19779991


>> No.19779994

Anarchism is obviously right wing. Who is going to impose diversity quotas on corporations, throw me in jail for using a wrong pronoun while refering to (You) and sentence me for college campus harassment in the absence of a centralized state body? In an anarchist society I would own an arsenal of guns, pay my workers poverty wages, beat my sons for being faggots and teach my kids biblical literalism and Young Earth Creationism and there's nothing you could do about it

>> No.19779996

Read the article, moron

>> No.19780008

All Christianity and Islam's histories are fake and invented by Jews. They are all different flavors of Jews. Every single Jew must either be eliminated or force converted. All Abrahamic holy sites annihilated. All of Jewish and Abrahamic history removed from people's memories. So long as you adopt any single thing Jews have touched, including mythology, you will be in trouble, not just on a worldly vantage point but also on a cosmic one.

>> No.19780025

What an odd ordering of words.

>> No.19780036

I'm familiar with Bjerknes and his researches. Some of his theories have some supporting ground, however, his stance on Hitler and the whole natsoc movement being a Bolshevik ploy makes no sense whatsoever and only a person with absolutely zero historical knowledge would dare make such a ludicrous claim. I guess you're still young, so my advice is to not take every word for truth by just one person, read other authors and books as well and form your own opinion and view on the matter. Do the research yourself instead of relying solely on someone else's opinion

>> No.19780044
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>> No.19780050
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>> No.19780054
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Only because you're a subhuman NPC who eats up everything they shit out into your whore mouth. You have no mind of your own, you are a drone.

>> No.19780058
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>t. pic related

>> No.19780071

Ya, definitely more right wing than left wing, going by modern standards. Leftists now are babies who want to be taken care of by the megacorps, right wingers just want the ability to control their own destiny, being of a more noble character.

No, you're just an idiot.

>> No.19780080


>> No.19780089

>be Bri'ish
>own book
>get imprisoned
do bongs really...? lmao

>> No.19780095

I said Celine was most likely right that Hitler was changed by a body double, which is not Bjerknes' position. Most of what we're told about WWII is false and serves as a founding myth anyways. For example, we know for sure Hitler, most likely the later body double based on my theory, escaped to Argentina. Why would the CIA send operatives to scour Argentina for Hitler then? There are declassified documents on that.
You lack wisdom and true foresight. My point is simple: this entire dialogue with opposing sides has already been socially engineered to a large extent. Most people are not interested in the truth or coming across real solutions. Consider how Corona showed us how we cannot even trust anything from the sciences. Statistics and the empirical sciences are all bullshit. Take the Atrazine controversy for example where Syngenta encouraged researchers to fudge results and hide devastating effects of Atrazine on the endocrine system, which also causes frogs to develop deformities.
I have two STEM degrees. I am also most likely more well-read than you too. There is no hope on mankind's collective movement. This is why I promoted a solitary contemplative path in the end. You stupid fucking faggot. I am not a nihilist either fyi, but I bet given you lack nuance, you will start claiming I am one.
You live in an illusion. The reality is much more bleak. There is a sacred dimension and the Rockefellers including other wealthy families have certain secret occult knowledge. Their goal was to break our connection to such a dimension, and they have largely been successful. Now mankind is at the phase of becoming genetically modified and self-injectable and self-assembling meshes are applied to our brains for the purposes of gathering data and sending it to the cloud (e.g. Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS databases).
You should question what it means to die at this point. We are on the precipice of even worse carnage at this point.

>> No.19780099

You just wish the corporations were on your side like they used to be. Things change, they know we are the future and support liberalism now.

>> No.19780124

Corporations were never on anyone's side. They just go after what's more profitable. That's why you don't see fag flags in countries like Saudi Arabia used by corporations.

>> No.19780134

>protocols of elder zion, turner diaries, some stuff Henry Ford wrote
My library has all three of these, and many more. A whole row of shelves on jews, many on the Jewish Question. If owning them is jail-worthy they've got some explaining to do.

>> No.19780144

Books don't kill people, I DO

>> No.19780146

>like they used to be
Do you honestly think megacorporations were ever on the side of authentic spirituality and Tradition? do you honestly think they were ever anti-materialism and anti-judeo-freemasonry?

To make it more clear, since you are obviously black and very stupid, you do not think for yourself. No matter what the "corporations" and their banker owners shit into your mouth, you will eat it up. If they were telling you to hate jews and heil hitler you would do it, because you're an NPC, you are a dumb animal. Your only defense against this is the likely fact that you're underaged. So maybe by the time you're 18 you will have evolved into something a little more "intelligent", like Ben Shapiro cuckservatism.

>> No.19780148

I'm a little confused about what he did, exactly? The guy owned a bunch of weirdo neonazi shit and also a copy of a book that, very infamously, isn't at all useful?

How did they know he had all this stuff? I mean fuck him I don't give a shit about him but are we inching towards a version of tech that's even more surveillance based? Because I don't love that.

I feel like the real story here is that once any nation decays far enough it can just keep decaying, forever, because technology will become a boot on our throats forever.

Again fuck that guy, he sounds like an idiot neonazi piece of shit but I feel like the bigger picture is much more concerning

>> No.19780154

Any wide-spread use of so-called naturopathic antibacterials will promote counter-evolution in exactly the same way that antibiotics do (unless they're substantially less effective at fighting bacterial infections).

>> No.19780156

Sometimes you faggots do make intelligent posts on this shithole of a board

>> No.19780161

>that's even more surveillance based
They have already been testing it during the scamdemic. Faggots, listen to me:

>> No.19780163
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as soon as you get a copy of anarchist's cookbook you're on a list.

also lurk more, fucking hell.

>> No.19780168


>> No.19780172

if only redditor newfags would lurk /pol/ for a few hours before posting you wouldn't have to spoonfeed them this stuff.

>> No.19780179
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>You should be glad liberals even think you're human
This is the silliest part of the whole US culture war, that the losers are still considered human by the elite. It's that very act of allowing the losers to retreat and lick their wounds that ensures they will never risk everything. Really good example of a master/slave dialectic. All the far-right does, whether by whining or chimping is affirm the liberal/progressive's claim to mastery and authority.

>> No.19780181 [DELETED] 

Is not wronge when every liberal value has corrupted us to degeneracy and one horrible sensitive society.

>> No.19780185

No, they don't. However, colloidal silver in meagre amounts kills both good and bad bacteria indiscriminately; it's been hypothesized one reason elites during plague got it far less frequently is because they ate with silver utensils that leeched into their soups. Also, you can regenerate the good bacteria by eating foods rich in probiotics raw upasteurized sauerkraut, yogurt, and so forth. The microbiome in our guts is like a complex adaptive system and semi independent from our brains.
Anyways, stop fucking debating me. This should be a learning opportunity to you. I am sick and tired of the insipid rabble composed of dimwitted morons like you.
Absolutely no good has come from science and technology, and this is absolute.

>> No.19780193


>> No.19780222

It's much more likely that you're a paid troll who wants to support the push for this absurd narrative.

>> No.19780236

How so?

>> No.19780245

the funniest thing about places like 4chan that pride themselves on this like... shitty, edgy culture is that, pretty much like all right-leaning places, are also the most easily offended people on the planet.

also like it's pretty obvious that he pirated all of this which is where my problem is and generally why nfts are dumb as fuck among other reasons

>> No.19780253

You are typing this in a thread where a kid was put in jail for two years for supposedly reading neonazi literature. If you come out against jewish power and as being pro-white in public you will lose your job and possibly go to jail, the mainstream culture will see you as subhuman and not care, people with views far less extreme are frequently deplatformed off the mainline internet or even from their banks and other similar services. You are so detached from reality (it doesn't matter ow clever you are) which is probably why you're a tranny faggot (yes, I can tell).

>> No.19780256

>anarchist cookbook
If that's all t takes would someone with actually useful guides be looking at multiple life sentences? like urban guerilla warfare and military improvised explosives guides?

>> No.19780264

I'm new to /lit/, are you baiting or actually this retarded?

>> No.19780270
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>this entire post
Does your husband or father know you're online? Politics and making money are not for women, sweetie. Please stop humiliating yourself.

>> No.19780277

>smallpox is gone
Smallpox was not affected by the vaccination campaign at all many reports have proven this.
you are confirmed a mdwit.

>> No.19780278

I grabbed a copy of Anarchist's Cookbook from my college library and I have to say, nothing in there is tailored for anybody to make anything whatsoever. The biggest section is the author pontificating on drugs through stupid anecdotes. Everything else is chemist levels of autistic info dumping straight from whatever encyclopedia he could get at the time.

>> No.19780279

>most easily offended people on the planet
you could go to almost any other website on the planet and be permanently banned by their community simply for uttering a single word with 0 context. Any community with shared values will have sacred cows, but saying that 4chan has the strictest ones just seems self-evidently wrong.

>> No.19780281

It's bait or a redditor, either way laugh at it.

>> No.19780291

Go on libgen or one of the e-book sites look for a book I think called fireworks like grandad used to make.

>> No.19780311

I mean I kind of agree with you. Not to that degree, like, if you post the n word for like no reason or whatever you should actually be banned which I assume is the thing you're referencing. But yeah 4chan as a community is, and obviously prides itself on being extremely picky and caustic in a way that is frankly very childish. Which honestly wasn't always the case. Like I grew up on 4chan, it's just gotten more and more hypersensitive over time.

Like Reddit is also terrible but that's because the internet is just awful now. It's basically a mostly empty mall that has the same five shops over and over.

>> No.19780318

Lindybeige is going to prison.

>> No.19780327


>> No.19780329

The globalist judicial system is sprinkling these type of cases to prep the public consciousness for widespread doubleplusungood sentencing. They even do it with selected elites, such as Djokovic being basically deported for corrupting the youth.

>> No.19780351

>I have two STEM degrees. I am also most likely more well-read than you too. There is no hope on mankind's collective movement. This is why I promoted a solitary contemplative path in the end. You stupid fucking faggot. I am not a nihilist either fyi, but I bet given you lack nuance, you will start claiming I am one.
Your conceited and arrogant attitude will be the demise of you, anon. I was about to address the points you made in this reply, but now that I got a better understanding of the type of person you are, it's become pretty clear to me that narcissism runs deep in your veins and that you are too far up your own frail and solipsistic ineptitude to be able to acknowledge your inadequacies as a bitter and unabashedly repulsive individual. You will die a very lone and existentially torturing death if you continue to be so hypocritically detached from reality, which I assume you have long since rejected. And no, I wouldn't call you a nihilist, just an unfortunate person who refuses for once to get out of his shell and receive a deeper insight of himself. May God be with you.

>> No.19780361

Right, you're allowed to just rot as an untouchable. You aren't actually purged like a real heretic or a witch or some other pre-modern enemy classification. So if you choose to rot after having weighed your options, that's the system's way of selecting against you, to prevent the people it likes the least from acquiring enough wealth to capture it. Ruling an empire with stability over conflicting heterogenous populations has come a long way.

>> No.19780365

this guy got 4 years and 8 months for strangling a woman to death


>> No.19780367
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Why are you just ignoring the fact that the entire present-day left can be defined by crybabies wanting safespaces and centrist conservatives like JBP to be banned? all they do is cry about how not using the right pronouns equate to physical abuse or is worse. You are an obese dyke with a childish understanding of the world, or a literal tranny. Which is it?

>> No.19780369

>the n word
Go back faggot

>> No.19780371

I wonder how his treatises on spear fighting will get him?

>> No.19780378

>You aren't actually purged like a real heretic or a witch or some other pre-modern enemy classification
Because that would be far too similar to the "enemies" like Hitler etc. that they use as the epitome of evil and normalfags like you would start waking up to it. It's much better to just placate the goys and keep them under the spell, like you.

>> No.19780379

You're an idiot.
First, meds are bad and have adverse effects on the brain's functional connectivity in the long-term. Most meds are based on overly reductionist studies on a receptor level based on large-scale diffuse modulatory neurotransmitter systems; for example, serotonin is involved in more than just mood regulation, it is also involved basic learning and biomechanics. Various antidepressants cause tremendous long-term damage, and this is ignoring their highly addictive properties.
Second, I am far more successful than you following conventional notions of "success" of this sick society. You think in a very simple-minded way believing the biases and narratives of the masses because you are a weak and stupid bitch.
I genuinely recommend suicide. Some people are beyond the forgiveness of God or the Bodhisattvas of this world, so I highly recommend considering suicide from a more honest angle. Read some pessimistic literature from the likes of Cioran, Ligotti, Celine, or whatever and blow your fucking brains out and suffer for aeons or kalpas in hell.

>> No.19780380

>had drunk 24 bottles of Amstel lager over 10 hours
So he was a poofta

>> No.19780386

We are not anonymous to the government. Saying the n word is unwise at best.

>> No.19780405

Yes, prozac/fluoxetine's active component is flourine.

>> No.19780407

Your gripe with science seems to be that it’s incomplete. But the point of scientific endeavor is to expand scientific knowledge. Ultimately, no system of learning or body of knowledge has explained the material world as well as science, which is why when it comes to this world, science is what we trust.

>> No.19780410

>keep them under the spell, like you
Ah yes you're so above it all.

>> No.19780411

What if we use Niggardly?

>> No.19780420

replication is more important than peer review.

peer review is a ponzi broken system

>> No.19780450

>The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive.
Case closed, possession of that manual (it's not literature unless you want to argue that a cake recipe book or car users logbook is also literature) has been illegal in the UK for at least the past 20 years.

>> No.19780466
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>Kid downloads harmless content to entertain himself inside his bedroom in this apocalyptical world
>gets jailed because some corporate SJW viewed his IP on a honeypot piracy website

At least the Judge made a sound veredict.
>>But Judge Timothy Spencer QC concluded that the crime was 'an act of teenage folly', and sensationally ruled that John could stay out of prison as long as he read classics by Shakespeare and Dickens instead of far-Right material.

Hilarious to look at all the larping in this thread made by commies and nazis alike. Lit doesnt read.
Can't judge, staying here in this place really is


>> No.19780483

Instrumentalism is the correct approach. Science is based on studying patterns of phenomena via a rigid method of replicability and then constructing provisional models for the purposes of prediction. These provisional models themselves do not necessarily imply any kind of ontological commitment.
Modern science, itself, is a flawed instrument that involves rejecting traditional knowledge, naturopathy, and other approaches, which science is paradoxically *now* learning had some validity to it.
The scientific method itself is flawed and requires replicable results, but the nature of the fluctuating patterns in this world can give rise to more idiosyncratic epistemological tools that may be equally as valid given various contexts.
All of science was a mistake and has transformed into a religious system of control that is applied in an institutional level. The new priests wear lab coats.
As an example, the ancients knew the soil is alive. We learned this recently based on studying complex mycorrihizal mycelium networks that aid plants and trees in growth, but synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used in intensive agriculture killed them off, killing the soil in some sense. There are many examples like this of the failure of science in light of the wisdom of ancients.
I myself am an avatar of the Gods and come forth with divine knowledge and a message of how the scientific, industrial, secular, and globalized age were complete failures. It is best to go back to the Iron Age.

>> No.19780490
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>> No.19780503

/lit/ should have country flags so that we know which posts to ignore.

>> No.19780575
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>It is best to go back to the Iron Age.
cringe. take ape pill instead

>> No.19780645
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This post is either retarded or bait, but I'll respond because this can be useful for learning.

Basically, every government on Earth tolerates a certain level of gang/militia behavior. These groups, depending on their connections to the government, become either Auxiliaries, Proxies, or Freelancers to government force deployment. These forces are used as manpower boosters, for their local knowledge, or to commit actions the state cannot officially do itself (torture, extra-judicial killings, terror attacks, etc.)

Oftentimes, these militias are right-wing because right-wing groups have strong connections to the nation or dominant ethnoreligious group. Governments vary in support for these groups with either tacit support (Russia, Ukraine) to turning a blind eye to their growth and activities (US, UK).

In the calculus of nations, the benefit of the existence of these groups outweighs the consequences of their existence. But the nation also does not want these groups to gain too much power, lest they threaten the stability of the state and the state's monopoly on the use of force.

Your premise that the government is in opposition to these groups is false. Its opposition to them is only so far as they don't provide a threat to the nation. The nation usually pacifies these groups by co-opting them. Hence why so many people involved in 1/6 or in the Gov Whitmer kidnapping plot had connections to the federal government. If the government can infiltrate these groups so thoroughly, why not shut them down? The answer is because they are useful for governments to have, so long as they stay in their place.

The government locked up this guy because he existed within that ideology outside of the prescribed limits to which the state allows.

>> No.19780674

Your essay is nice but it's just the government protecting its monopoly on legitimated force. If it didn't do this it would encourage more people to plot against it

>> No.19780731

>Mishima added to the list of banned a books
>entirety of /lit/ gets arrested
>anons are "forced" to claim they've never even read it.

>> No.19780768

I suspect Mishima enjoyers would also be prison shower power bottoms

>> No.19780770

I’m nothing, the post you replied to was the only post i made in this thread. My only position is that Reddit-tier terminology like bad faith arguments and gaslighting are cringe. So, you, my friend, are


>> No.19780802

Classic leftists, not wanting to me scream slurs on a crowded bus... always wanting their safe spaces. While I, a libertine philosopher king, am too busy to care about other people's feelings. Instead I'm mad that other people are mad at me for disregarding others! That'll show em!

>> No.19780821

absolute state of the world
anyone who isn't worried about this should be executed for being a fucking retard

>> No.19780866

This has literally never happened in the entirety of human history, what unprecedented times we live in

>> No.19780870

does not invalidate my last statement

>> No.19780904

you're the biggest pussy on this board full of pussies

>> No.19780939

>This has literally never happened in the entirety of human history
you have a very closeted view of histoy.