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19774826 No.19774826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The real blackpill of this book isn’t that Liberalism is a fundamentally broken system, it’s that we’re incapable of creating an alternative to it in spite of how bad it is

>> No.19774876

Your individual rights only exist by the majority consensus and state power and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.19774896

Why is that?

>> No.19774957

If the main point of this book isn't roughly "Democracy is retarded and will never work, and dumb normies can't be left in charge to guide the ship of the state," then the book is midwit and a waste of time.

>> No.19774958

These pop polsci books are just as much of a grift as self-help.

>> No.19774971


>> No.19774972 [DELETED] 

Until a political scientist has the gargantuan balls to say that niggers and kikes are the problem, and not economic and class differences, political books will be pointless reading and we will never make progress as a society.

>> No.19775034

stop reading bullshit. Liberalism is a hoax. It should not exist. The world is and always will be controlled by Money lenders, Central banks, and their cohorts. The real blackpill is that Usury started on a global scale in Ancient Rome and led to the subversion and destruction of the west. Liberalism is a symptom of a dying European culture and people. The users have created it as a coping mechanism to deal with the current situation. Making us middle class slaves seem like we have a voice and that it matters. (It doesn't)

>> No.19775044

>stop reading books

>> No.19775049

This is the essence of it right here.

>> No.19775062

kek. Books are fine. Just read the non-cucked ones.

>> No.19775095

>This is the essence of /lit/ right here.

>> No.19775116

Which are?
>inb4 History of Central Banking

>> No.19775123

>Jesus whipped the money changers until they fled the Holy site.
>As he cleansed the Temple of greed and profit, Jesus quoted from Isaiah 56:7: "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers." (Matthew 21:13, ESV)
>The high priest received a percentage of the profit from the money changers and merchants, so their removal from the Temple precinct would have caused a financial loss to him. Because pilgrims were unfamiliar with Jerusalem, the Temple merchants sold sacrificial animals at a higher price than elsewhere in the city. The high priest overlooked their dishonesty, as long as he got his share.
>Jesus drove out the money changers from the Temple on Monday of Passion Week, just three days before the Passover and four days before his crucifixion.

This but unironically.

>> No.19775128

Holy Bible, and I was a double major one in history one in economics so I connected the dots

>> No.19775132

Why Liberalism Failed isn't about "economic and class differences," its a critique of the fundamental axioms underpinning Liberalism. Please try to read a book before you post on this site. Not even necessarily the book being discussed, just, y'know, ANY book.

>> No.19775145 [DELETED] 

Still not talking about how niggers and heebs are the problem, ergo it's a pointless book. Shut your sophomore liberal arts mouth, cuck. You aren't smarter than me.

>> No.19775161

>"Democracy is retarded and will never work, and dumb normies can't be left in charge to guide the ship of the state,"
The sad truth is that modern Democracy never was about the people and despite what the elites are telling you, you have no power or say at all in a democracy.

>> No.19775164

"Democracy is bad because the stupid populace shouldn't rule" is the most midwit critique of all time

>> No.19775166

Weak bait

>> No.19775171

kinda based desu. Nuke NY & Israel, deport all joggers to Africa and then live like the Amish. There a better solution than whatever the best political "scientist" can come up with.

>> No.19775175
File: 1.22 MB, 1161x1347, BUYMYBOOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important reminder.
Always buy the inferior books shilled by /lit/ pseuds. Definitely don't buy or read the classics.

>> No.19775178

vast differences between economic classes (Wealth gap) exist because of central banking. Orchestrated Boom bust economic cycles have been going on since Roman times. Every. Single.Time. The users come buy up the real estate and cheap assets during the bust and unload them during the economic boom cycle that follows. Thats how they control global finance

>> No.19775186
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>> No.19775196 [DELETED] 

I want to kill all richfags though. White richfags are honestly worse since they're just selling their own people out for profit. At least Jews are just exploiting goyim.

>> No.19775199

The "stupid populace ruling" is literally the definition of democracy lmao. The two are inseparable.

Freshman english majors who never read Aristotle and Hobbes, please kindly shut the fuck up and go back to the Joyce fart threads. You have no clue what you are talking about regarding anything.

>> No.19775205

>critique of the fundamental axioms underpinning Liberalism
Such as?
And why not critique?

>> No.19775209

Yeah I'm well aware of the definition Aristotle used. 99% of the people who use his critique also just blindly define our current system as a democracy while still using his definition.

>> No.19775211

>I want to kill all richfags though
Gets a pass from me then. I wish you'd be nicer to the average black and semite (who resides outside of Israel) though, anon.

>> No.19775213

not all richfags are a problem. The problem is the richfags that continue to propagate the selfish, narcissistic boomer neo-con mentality that "I got mine" so fuck everyone else! Instead of using their money to redpill people or help fight for a noble cause that isn't being greedy fucks and stepping on their fellow people to acquire more wealth that they don't need. The problem is that there is no community. Tech and money worship have made people resentful, jealous and greedy.

>> No.19775225

Bro look at every single rapper and most black athletes. They are the most narcissistic fucks on the planet. Most of them degenerate. Your community needs to clean up, before you start screaming "Muh white mans da devil!"

White men arent slaughtering thousands of blacks in chicago and baltimore every year. Blacks are doing that to eachother.

>> No.19775228

mostly because those cities are run by Rich liberal jews who treat blacks like cattle in order to win elections

>> No.19775236
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Biden's literal entire cabinet is full 100% kosher. But of course that's pure coincidence right?

>> No.19775247

>The real blackpill of this book isn’t that Liberalism is a fundamentally broken system, it’s that we’re incapable of creating an alternative to it
private laws society aka anarcho capitalism

either that or anarcho theocracy like the Israelites had before the kings

>> No.19775283

>he's not a jew but UHHHH this guy is and UHHH actually yeah he's in charge
my favourite though is
>Miguel is a crypto jew

>> No.19775291


Glow post

>> No.19775296
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kek holy shit. Dont forget congress members with dual citizenship with Israel

>> No.19775306

You wouldn't last a week living like the Amish


>> No.19775321


>"100% Kosher"
>Has to call non-Jews "crypto jews"

>> No.19775327

>jews marrying non jews

>> No.19775333

No I just don't give a fuck about calling out the truth. Not everyone is a spayed and neutered NPCbot who is afraid of the government.

>> No.19775383

There is a real problem with good goyim.
Gentile capitalists like Bezos, Gates, Musk and the Koch brothers don’t have racial solidarity like Jewish bankers do.
Big successful Jews like Jacob Rothschild and George Soros donate generously to their less successful kinsmen in Israel, gentiles don’t do that.
This is what caused the demise of the WASP elites in America, the Protestant work ethic and spirit of capitalism just couldn’t compete against the Jewish revolutionary spirit.
Guess that’s our one great weakness, we were too busy chasing profits to see what was really important, and now we suffer the consequences.

>> No.19775389

trips of choronzontic truth

>> No.19775407


I'm sorry no one is actually interacting with your post OP, this is actually a good book that is more useful than reading Evola or Ma or much of the other shit that gets pushed here.

Deneen comes from an interesting perspective of Catholic integralists that have been gaining power in the Republican party. I can't remember if Deneen himself is Republican or Democrat, but still, the rise of post liberalism is a force that more people should be aware of.

If you found this book interesting, check out the works of John Gray (Philosopher). His book Enlightenment's Wake is a good place to start. His argument is that this idea of liberal universalism is failing (liberal universalism being the idea that we can turn the whole world culturally into Canada or New York). Communism and Liberalism are part of an Enlightenment ideology, where one day we will reach "the end of history." Gray argues that this is bullshit, there never will be an end to history, and that everywhere in the world, except for the West, we see the rise of ideologies that are aiming to challenge liberalism. He points to the failure of liberalism to take root in the nations of the former Soviet Union as proof of the liberal system failing. The liberal system is built on a particular set of rules and customs unique to Western nations, it cannot just be replicated in alien cultures, and even within our own cultures, he points out the undercurrents that threaten it here (the book is from 1996, but much of these undercurrents would develop into national populism, Trump, Brexit, etc.).

I wish Gray was more widely read, his philosophy really is a good framework for the current and coming world.

>> No.19775414

Fuck off fed boi

>> No.19775435

I actually wonder if Deneen's book getting posted doesn't set off some kind of alarm in a fed database or something. Literally every time it pops up, people come in to talk about Jews and black people to derail the thread. Almost as if there's a deliberate attempt to avoid discussing its actual contents.

But it is an interesting book. I've actually met Deneen, too. He's a cool guy. Very pugnacious for an academic.

>> No.19775439

>gets pushed here.
This book has been shilled here ever since its release.
Go to bed Patrick

>> No.19775487

The funny thing is you think it's either/or. Nationalism, democracy, and populism (the hoi polloi revolting against the elite) are all intertwined. How to break the unity of the working-class? Divide it. What ethnicity, when allowed to express its perspective at a high level, creates the natural conditions for pluralism among the working-class? Well, I don't have to tell you. You know.

>> No.19775490

There's so many books that analyze why everything is shit. But are there books that then go on to show an alternative? If there's no real alternative, and liberalism truly is the last system of government, why bother with an analysis?

>> No.19775498

Because modern political science is bullshit. And until you acknowledge the real problems, then political science is astrology-tier.

>> No.19775502

Is this guy a neo reactionary?

>> No.19775506

>What is socialism for $20, Alex?

>> No.19775514

youd be skinned alive in an ancap reality faggot

>> No.19775515


Literally, there are so many retards in this thread that I agree and really think that there probably is some concentrated effort by people to disrupt discussions of this book.

The book is well thought out, coherent, and not racist. I'm not going to say Deneen is a savior of mankind, but if you wanted to start a real political movement, books like this are an important intellectual cornerstone for rationalizing a new ideology. We cannot live under the idea that history is a storybook and we are just waiting for its end.

You caught me. It's me, Patrick Deneen. 57-year-old Notre Dame professor, posting on a website renowned for shitposting and racism. I really fucking just want to sell my books to this crowd by leaving slightly positive reviews on a /lit/ thread, rather than going on a publishing tour or advertising my book through op-eds in national magazines and publishing sites. It's flawless logic, how did you catch me.

>> No.19775525


>> No.19775530

explain the british empire

>> No.19775628

Leftism does not work.

>> No.19775631
File: 138 KB, 860x400, 9309-5cb0cbee-0503-4fad-ad14-ec6117e31c74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s that we’re incapable of creating an alternative to it in spite of how bad it is

We HAD an alternative. We had an alternative and it worked just fine for literally thousands of years. Then some retards in France and England started having retarded ideas, so we chucked that system in the trash and tried liberal democracy instead. And now here we are and everything is shitty.

The solution is to remember how good the old system was and reestablish it, as best we can. We need to bring back monarchy and aristocracy.

>> No.19775659

>monarchism worked for hundreds for years
>liberalism destroys itself in 100

>> No.19775666

>bunker trannies are unironically simping for elites now
Fucking lmao

>> No.19775688

Did JIDF make this image? It's too schizo. Just listing the half or so Jews would be more convincing, without all the cryptoJew and mixing in jew-by-marriage. Could still have the marriage part in a following section if you insist.

Can the "new Americans" learn these behaviors? Especially while the school curriculum is running away from teaching them?

You say it's not racist, like HBD isn't a thing.

>> No.19775697

do you know what simping means and can you explain what part of this is simping?

>> No.19775713

Commies are the ones who always defend the rich jews and claim they don't work together

>> No.19775746

and how exactly is this being expressed on the image?

>> No.19775754

Leftists will claim white people got rich because of their privilege and then say jews got rich because of their hard work and not nepotism

>> No.19775757

Almost every thread about Liberalism gets derailed because most people who care about politics don’t read books and don’t actually know shit about how the modern world is constructed. They would much rather talk about media spectacles and culture war nonsense than investigate the system any deeper. Ironically this is one of Liberalism’s main functions, make people believe they actively participate in the system through their political shitflinging

>> No.19775764

so what you're saying is, you need to take your meds?

>> No.19775775

Thanks for proving my point