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19772220 No.19772220 [Reply] [Original]

>There isn't even a "self" just highly complex oscillating neuronal waves that give you a sense of embodiment and translate the external world into a representation.
>Over the course of your life, you will learn how to react to external influences and how to influence others (consciously) or maybe become oblivious to how you affect others.
>Society rewards some behaviours and punishes others.
>You imagine that you have "beliefs" to assert, "values" to adhere to.
>If you have been systematically bullied you will actually suffer from PTSD.
>Chads and Staceys may breeze through life unimpeded.
>Third worlders struggle through life.
>Nobody asks to be born.
>Consciousness is an adaptive evolutionary trait.
>Most people figure out a way to survive in their corner of what is essentially an indifferent if not outwardly hostile world.

>> No.19772235


>> No.19772241
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time to ROPE

>> No.19772247

>doesn't believe in the self but believes in spooks like society and chads and staceys
you incels will do absolutely anything to avoid going to the gym, won't you

>> No.19772295
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>>Third worlders struggle through life.
can confirm as a /lit/izen from İstanbul.

>> No.19772416
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>>highly complex oscillating neuronal waves that give you a sense of embodiment and translate the external world into a representation.
>Over the course of your life, you will learn how to react to external influences and how to influence others (consciously) or maybe become oblivious to how you affect others.
>You imagine that you have "beliefs" to assert, "values" to adhere to.
I'm going to call all that a "self", and I'm going to call OP a "raging faggot".

>> No.19772438

Things are more than the sum of their parts, not just "chemicals in the brain bro"

>> No.19772455
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You deny the 'self' and yet could not complete one sentence without invoking it as a notion. Ultimately the way you rationalize your sensory experience is arbitrary, and nobody is under any obligation to rationalize it in the same manner, or indeed embrace a rational perspective of identity at all.
If you have chosen to do so, bully for you. But do not think that what you have said here is anything but a spook designed to manipulate others into your cynically depressed worldview.

>> No.19772456


>> No.19772464

>There isn't even a "self" just highly complex oscillating neuronal waves that give you

stopped reading there

>> No.19772469

I used to think like this but then I started smashing pussies. Fixed my faggotry in no time.

>> No.19772471
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>> No.19772488

you can at least try to build a self by imagining it and acting according to who you want to be

>> No.19772493

>Chads and Staceys may breeze through life unimpeded.
I had an ugly-duckling-to-swan phase a few years back and there's so much positive bias when you're pretty it's insane. If you're an attractive white man, almost no doors are closed; when you're ugly, no one cares about your existence

>> No.19772508
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No-one actually sees the lack of self as liberating? You don’t realize the significance of being free from burdens of ego? You are not what you think you are, yet you are you. All’s good, I am free.

>> No.19772543

No you didn't.

>> No.19772546

you're still selfish in your desire to be selfishless. suffering still exist out there.

>> No.19772559

Pussy is easy. Just act like an asshole to everyone while pretending to care about her roastie “personality” (you can learn this). Also be over 6 foot tall (you can’t learn that).

>> No.19772571

It just didn't change anything for me. Still have my views (not necessarily op's). I really wonder how can someone change their worldviews after getting pussy, which is a normal thing.

>> No.19772606

Suffering exists independent of me, there is no point in wallowing in high school tier nihilism and perpetuating further suffering. And I can also lessen the sufferings of others, which is meaning of its own.
>The problem is not the problem, the problem is how you react to the problem.

>> No.19772647

>And I can also lessen the sufferings of others, which is meaning of its own.
well of course, in this sense. I was gonna ask you this

>> No.19772739
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>The representation of the world is the self, and although it can be described deterministically the sheer complexity of it makes it transcend reductionist explanations. The very experience of the self refutes your oscillating waves.
>The self is formed through a fine interaction between the world and the person. To fetishise a total schism between experience and the world is absurd - what would that even look like?
>While there again is an interaction, society is fundamentally composed of the individuals in it.
>Imagining having beliefs and values is literally what is meant by having beliefs and values. Opposing this is like saying feelings arent real because we only feel them.
>Although we are unchangeably linked to the past, the human is more capable of adapting than anything else in the world, both physically and mentally.
>Categorization is a useful tool for understanding the world, but it is important to know when categories betray reality. The "Chad" and "Stacy" types are comes from a highschool-tier understanding of social structure, and imagining them as categorically distinct from you is incredibly naive.
>Struggle is fundamental to the human experience, and likely one of the most beautiful experiences there is.
>The beautifully complex patterns of being is infinitely more rich than the depressing emptiness of non-being
>While consciousness stems from evolution, our experience of it does not.
>Again, our experience magnifies our intellectually insignificant survival into something exalted and meaningful (if it werent so, do you really think you would have made this post?) Moreover, calling the world hostile is a misunderstanding of the self-world relationship.
Methinks you're depressed and trying to intellectually rationalize it. I hope you'll grow honest towards yourselfsgha4 anon

>> No.19772756


You retards are so dumb, but you think you're so profound.

>> No.19772786

>There is no distinction between "self" and world. They are different expressions of the same thing: namely being.
>We experience the world, and consciousness gives us the capacity to reflect upon that experience (framed by culture, society, religion, philosophy).

>> No.19772801

>Emptiness is form / form is emptiness.
>Selfhood is experienced concretely, and is the manifestation of a quantum materiality.

>> No.19772809 [DELETED] 

Discusses consciousness on a Peruvian trout fishing board.

>> No.19772820
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> >There isn't even a "self" just highly complex oscillating neuronal waves that give you a sense of embodiment and translate the external world into a representation.

Retroactively refuted by the incomparable Sri Shankacharaya

>> No.19772832

Yes. But, and that's important: your self is how you reacted and your early caregivers interacted, how those interactions imprinted and affected your dopamine/serotonin/whatever homeostasis and how you repeat it ad infinitum. Self, the way you related to the world, is established early and continues relatively unchanged until you die.

>> No.19772900

>imagining them as categorically distinct from you is incredibly naive.
Every human who has ever existed has perceived and experienced their life uniquely.
And yet we *think* we recognise this experience as a shared human experience (unless someone is "insane"?)
We act on self-preservation, lest we are driven by inferiority complexes, masochism or guilt.
Not everyone reflects on their own selfhood, considers their own motivations or instincts.
The looking can be painful.

>> No.19772921

There is nothing but the Self. Nirvana is the Self.

>> No.19772934

You're experiencing random qualia that sometimes don't feel random, but that itself is a random quale. Everything else is made up. Stop overcomplicating it.

>> No.19772962

Dude so spooked out he has to spook others. Always a sad sight

>> No.19773111

>starts off with question of ontology
>relies on rigid and highly specific ontological entities like memes such as "chad" and "stacy"
everything you think is a castle of sand built on a house of cards OP