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19766921 No.19766921 [Reply] [Original]

What's a book everyone should read?

>> No.19767018
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the last binge ever by londonfrog

>> No.19767021

You start

>> No.19767463

That one

>> No.19767662

Whatever book they want

>> No.19767678

I've read culture of critique, should i also read the rest of the trilogy?

>> No.19767790

He already did you blind retard

>> No.19767805

I've asked this 3 times, and I've still not gotten an answer:
How can I buy this book, in it's physical form, in Europe. Since I live in the middle of nowhere I need it to be an online store that's trusty.

>> No.19767813
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>> No.19767816

CoC shills never actually tell you how to get the book they just say it's based and everyone has got to read it. Very annoying.

>> No.19767845

I've tried reading the PDF, but it's annoying and cumbersome. At this point, I'm starting to think they just watched that summary of it. Now they're using the source material to signal their based and redpilledness. Whatever man, my country has no jews, why do I even give a shit.

>> No.19767855

>"CoC shills"
lmao found the jew. What are people supposed to tell him? He didnt even mention what country hes in. Also, its a niche book so naturally not a lot of publishers will have it.
You could always print out the pdf and have it binded if you dont like reading on a screen.

>> No.19767885

I don't think there is a book everyone should read. I don't feel the need to universally 'spread' the ideas I've internalised as the opinions of most people aren't something I see as valuable or validating.

I might arrange to publish something posthumously if it feels like doing so would sublimate my futile survival instinct into a more permanent remnant of myself, beyond just raising my spawn. But probably not.

>> No.19767928

Shipping inside EU is trivial. I don't think it matters, since I'm getting the book in English anyways. Paying a few extra bucks for shipping seems irrelevant.

>> No.19767940

I don't wanna get arrested

>> No.19768045

>Shipping inside EU is trivial
As trivial as it is you still have to find a bookstore that ships internationally
Here, I found one that ships in my country

>> No.19768048


>> No.19768382

The ones they feel they need to read
You make your own canon

>> No.19768392

Well, I read the PDF. What am I supposed to tell him? I don't know how to get a physical copy.

>> No.19768411
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>> No.19768420

Adding C+P to this, Dosto is based and should be required reading

>> No.19768423

The Book of Matthew

>> No.19768429

>my country has no jews, why do I even give a shit.
For one, because you said your country is in the EU. Secondly, what European country doesn't have Jews?

>> No.19768482

>dude some jews did things i dont like
wow must read very cool

>> No.19768509

I read it, what was I supposed to pick up? Socialists are bad people/children?

>> No.19768552
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>> No.19768557

Where to buy Culture of Critique so that I won't have glowies tracking my purchase and deducting social credit points?

>> No.19768563
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Unironically amazing book. Also read the Bible. Preferably and uncucked one that was not printed in China.

>> No.19768578
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The 1929 translation. Not the cucked penguin version

>> No.19768604
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>> No.19769420

Just read the pdf

>> No.19769425

>Not the cucked penguin version
whats the difference, i have the penguin version and didnt notice anything wrong

>> No.19769426

Imagine if people actually read good books instead of this drivel.

>> No.19769502

In the most superficial layman possible way, yes. Context for Dostoevsky's writing is important. Much like post-USSR, pre-USSR socialists were the most angsty cringey faggots you could imagine (USSR socialists were based because they killed all the academia gaywads). Dostoevsky's BTFOs them on a regular basis in a number of his books and many essays explaining all the details have been written about it.

>> No.19769651

nigger send this book I'm interested

>> No.19769679
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>USSR socialists based in any kind of way

>> No.19769747

You are a retard
Retards like you shouldn't be allowed to read

>> No.19769761

>History of banking
How much influence did (((they))) have?

>> No.19769772

Imagine being such a dullard that you thought this book is saying anything meaningful.

>> No.19769787

Lmao, go ahead and refute it. I want to laugh.

>> No.19769850

"Evolutionary analysis." done.

>> No.19769854 [DELETED] 

Wait... you can't lmao

>> No.19769878

As expected, you don't even dare to put forward an argument.

>> No.19770171

>as expected
I don't dare?

>> No.19770204


>> No.19770214
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>> No.19770217

not an argument

>> No.19770233

Chill out. He’s just affectionately referred to as Dosto to avoid the fact he’s sometime Transliterated as Dostoyevsky or Dostoevsky in English. We don’t care about your aggressive autism and “AKTUALLY”input.
Do you think Alyosha’s message to the children at the end of BK was to say “fucking die nigger” to your fellow anon? Are you suffering? Come on.

>> No.19770544

Search on duckduckgo, it's the first link. It's hard to find using google. I'm guessing it must be good.

>> No.19771454

The parts worth reading were neutered in later editions because they could be used to support national socialism. Penguin used a neutered version for their edition.

>> No.19771486

I think if every kid was forced to read the Communist Manifesto in high school, there would be a lot less communists. Gotta take the mystery and allure out of it. Same with Mein Kampf. You'd have less neo-Nazis because the kids would all hate Hitler after reading his boring book.

>> No.19771866

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.19771972

Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin

If you're man, Iron John by Robert Bly

>> No.19772063

thanks. verific not required

>> No.19772308
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>> No.19772439

That one is an excellent choice, my fren.

>CoC shills never actually tell you how to get the book
Lying piece of shit of a kike. The PDF is free online and very easy to get. This is said every time the book is talked about.

Kikes and lefty cowards try their best to censor it so buying a physical copy is very difficult. Just print the PDF yourself on Lulu and have it delivered to your home.

>> No.19772447

>my country has no jews
Fucking idiot. If you live on this planet, jews are going to massively influence everything you watch/read/listen to. They're gonna take your tax money and use it against you to flood your country with brown subhumans and prosecute you if you dare to object.

>> No.19774504

Not him but just about every major event mentioned there is traced back to jews. I don't think he mentions non-jews setting up and running a bank once.

>> No.19775050

This. Jewish subversion of lending became common place in Rome. Cesar was basically murdered because he tried to stop (((Them))). They were banned from over 100 nations for these reasons

>> No.19775332

got a pdf of the 1929 version?

>> No.19775338

"Which Way Western Man" by William Gayle Simpson

>> No.19775916

thats' like a tertiary theme, more importantly
>the new faith as seen through Alyosha and Zosima ("in excess of nature" / "remember today when you were good boys")
>responsibility as being requisite of a moral life / anti-psychologism ("everyone's suffering from aberration!" / Lisa wants to murder a child and eat pineapple compote)
>the struggle for faith in a world without miracles (the devil wants to worship like a peasant woman / Ivan can't handle spiritual freedom)

>> No.19775921

I have this version and these niggers need an editor. Many typos and I think I remember one paragraph being repeated twice

>> No.19776598
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>> No.19776923

I'm pretty sure CoC is on both Amazon and Thriftbooks right now

>> No.19776930

fuck if I know