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19764676 No.19764676 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find and read books about subversive ideas? My local library just doesn't offer them...

>> No.19764684

You can find much of the work of Uncle Ted on theanarchistlibrary. If you're looking for other authors it depends though.

>> No.19764715

I don't get why The Manifesto is his most popular work, when Anti-Tech Revolution is his much better work.
I get the feel most of the people who post it haven't actually read his ideas and are just trying to be edgy.

>> No.19764721


>> No.19764731
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Why didn't Ted just start meditating and befriend samsara instead of letting his mind run away with delusions of a pre-industrial idyll that never existed?

>> No.19764757

Being raised in modernity effectively bars any chance at transcendence of ideology

>> No.19764764

Only if you're a melodramatic malcontent.

>> No.19764769

>letting his mind run away with delusions of a pre-industrial idyll that never existed?
>I've never read Ted: the post
He wrote multiple times against anarcho primitivists who think that before farming society was Eden. Read "Letter to a Turkish anarchist" and "The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarchoprimitivism"

>> No.19764790

I'm well aware that Ted realised the harshness of primitive life. What I'm saying is that this harsh life where human beans were in control of the 'power process' was his own personal idyll and escape from reality.

>> No.19764800
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>> No.19764818

Not really, just seems like you're over-analyzing him. It's basically a fact that you feel more fulfilled if you say, build your own house rather than buy one made for you and that realization is hardy unique to him.

>> No.19764829

If you have access to a university library, that’s a great choice. Public libraries will be of NO use. Unless you want the latest Sally Rooney book or some shit like that. What’s great about university libraries is that they sometimes have the year of publication on the spine label, so you can easily ignore anything published after 1967.

Otherwise, you’ll have to look online. Archive.org is good.

>> No.19764833

Because the Manifesto is an introduction to his thought. Most people don't have the time to dive into the greater thought of obscure figures so they read the most accessible summary of the person's thought.

>> No.19764857

Both levels of fulfilment fade away anyway, and both are equally fulfilling in a state of equanimity.

>> No.19764869

Yes, which is why, as you said in the first post, spiritual fulfillment is very important. It's also very hard to have in a modern industrial society.

>> No.19764880
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>> No.19764892

Anyone know where to get a paperback of The Turner Diaries for cheap? I'm trying to collect all the rantings of pissed of whiteoids like Bronze Age Pervert and Mike Ma.

>> No.19764895

Just look up the title + "pdf". I found one in seconds.

>> No.19764902
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I know its bluepilled as fuck but I refuse to read anything by some asshole who killed innocent people because no one would read his manifesto

>> No.19764915

The manifesto is the best thing he wrote imo.

>> No.19765033

>I don't get why The Manifesto is his most popular work
lmao are you serious? Maybe you should brush up on your history kiddo

>> No.19765044


you're welcome

>> No.19765060

why would you expect a system reinforcer to carry dissent literature exactly

>> No.19766588

That's hardly a refutation anon. The melodrama only arises because it is a symptom of the sickness of society itself, particularly when you factor in the direction its headed.