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19761011 No.19761011 [Reply] [Original]

So, is this worth reading?

>> No.19761031

Would you rather walk around with this book in public for a week or piss your pants in a public place?

>> No.19761057

I'd piss myself, not even a question.

>> No.19761077

Sometimes I imagine a teenager in the 2040 stumbling across these 2016 books in a second hand bookstore and try to imagine how they would react, what frame of reference would it be received in, would it be completely unintelligible like an alien artefact, a piece of post-trans-meta-ironic kitsch?

Then I remember there will not be any physical bookstores in the 2040.

>> No.19761103

Honestly it depends on the estimated size of my bladder.

>> No.19761108

Depends on if Trump becomes president again. If he does, that whole wave of internet culture will probably get a second wind and might just reach the 2040 while still being somewhat recognizable. If not, it's destined for utter oblivion. Already it feels incredibly dated

>> No.19761110

Big enough that everyone around you would surely notice you pissed your pants

>> No.19761117

I remember about 10 years ago when my neighbour moved away they put out all these books on the sidewalk for free. I found all these 80s Evangelical Christian books about how the world was going to end in '92 or something. I expect it would feel something similar to that.
There was some Satanic Panic stuff as well, so maybe the Pizzagate material will be recognizable as elite vampire pedo rings seems to be an evergreen current in American folklore.

>> No.19761222

just play it off cool hehe B/

>> No.19761500

I always had troubles understanding why people think the whole premise of pizzagate is ridiculous in the world where Jeffrey Epstein's dealings are publicly known.

>> No.19761523

A more abstract version of the premis is more than plausible. The problem is that the specifics of how it's operating is based on some, and I'm being extremely generous here, shoddy detective work, and it's belief that Donald Trump will be the one to end such things is pure delusion.

>> No.19761553

it's less about the substance of the belief than the form in which its delivered. there is a certain funk of an internet fetish fandom around things like pizzagate, modes of expression derived from /x/ creepypastas and erotic fanfiction, that even a normie can detect without being able to put their finger on what precisely is wrong with it. it's like how there's a difference between a drawing of an anthropomorphic animal in an old cartoon and actual furry artwork - even if that particular furry drawing has nothing explicitly sexual in it you can tell something's not quite right. the furry himself doesn't see it, he's too deep in that bubble - but normal people will find his work offputting, picking up unconsciously on subtle clues of an underlying sickness. the same is true of your average theorist of elite child abuse who doesn't get why people recoil from him when he starts talking about how steven spielberg secretly sodomized the little girl from poltergeist to death - the problem isn't so much lack of evidence as the faint whiff of precum rising from his crotch.

>> No.19761578

Just rip the cover off


>> No.19761592

>There was some Satanic Panic stuff as well,
Which turned out to be true with the released FBI documents.

>> No.19761595

Doesn't work like that. Either you are brandishing this book with the cover untouched for a full week or you are soiling yourself surrounded by people

>> No.19761596

>and it's belief that Donald Trump will be the one to end such things is pure delusion.
No one has believed anything near to this since 2016.

Starting to think people who criticise pedogate just receive the ideas in an already stereotyped format.

>> No.19761598

>A more abstract version of the premise is more than plausible
If you know anything about cointelpro, attacking a weak and poorly accepted premise and ignoring all others is one of the first line tactics in discrediting a conspiracy theory as a whole. Whether or not the abstract is true, deep counter intelligence formed the mainstream strawman.

>> No.19761615

Q shit exploded during the last elections and that was all about Trump defeating a secret cabal. the funniest thing of all. To think that a secret network of military personnel would choose a chan site to communicate the government overthrow with the world.

>> No.19761659

lmao that shit is absolutely alive it's just no longer in vogue in your particular corner of the internet. remember when resurrected jfk junior was meant ot appear in dallas last november to reveal trump was still president? facebook boomers eat that shit up

>> No.19761664

I went to a used bookstore and noticed that they had over twenty copies, which was more than they had of any other book, of Alvin Tofler's Futureshock sitting on one shelf. I've always wondered what books would fill that role in future if used bookstores continue to exist in the coming decades.

>> No.19761684


>> No.19761696

I kinda want to read it just out of pure curiocity, but fuck, I literally can't find it anywhere

>> No.19761699

If you had to ask...

>> No.19762058

N o

>> No.19762127
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 134623653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people genuinely believe that JFK and Bobby Jr will come back from the dead, expose the paedo establishment and endorse Trump.

>> No.19762957
File: 37 KB, 329x499, 517pJkiWG-S._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read Baked Fed's book but pic related is basically unintelligible unless you followed gg closely, thanks to her insistence on recounting events without naming "victims" (to avoid re-victimizing them), perpetrators (to avoid platforming them) or any specifics of what happened (because it's always gender-based hatred, the specifics are a pretext).
Even if you followed gg closely parts of the book are still impossible to put into context.