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19760934 No.19760934 [Reply] [Original]

Christianity is the religion that makes the most sense

>> No.19760944

yeah, totally, except for the part about God having a son, who actually died and then came back to life again, and that we have to believe that.

>> No.19760947
File: 104 KB, 1000x1500, cs lewis and the search for rational religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone with even a modest understanding of clinical pathology knows that delusions are seldom—if ever—total in a way that “undermines the whole mind of” the person suffering from them. Being delusional is not a generalized state of mind. . . . Delusional people are deluded about something—sometimes about more than one thing. But they are rarely, if ever, deluded about everything. It is a psychiatrically well-documented fact that people who are delusional—even severely delusional—in some respects are perfectly competent in others and occasionally even brilliant. As psychiatrist Cleridge McCurry puts it, “It is perfectly possible to be delusional or even psychotic and still behave rationally otherwise.” This suggests that even if Jesus was delusional (or even psychotic) about being God, this is compatible with his being perfectly sane in other respects and even being a great moral teacher.

>I still think the dilemma is a false dilemma and that other rhetorically less explosive alternate views about Jesus are open to us. . . . First, the Jesus of the synoptic Gospels is very ambiguous about who he is and makes a number of claims at are not only quite different from each other but also inconsistent with each other. That alone undermines both the dilemma and the trilemma. Second, “The Jesus of the synoptic Gospels says p” does not entail “The historical Jesus said p.” That inference depends on a priori belief in the historical accuracy and general veracity of the synoptic Gospels. But that just begs the question. Third, according to mainstream New Testament scholarship, the synoptic Gospels were not written by eyewitnesses, but by later writers who based their accounts on oral traditions and (in some cases) earlier documents. In short, these Gospels are accounts of a person about whom their authors had no firsthand knowledge, whose character they have fictionalized and idealized, and whose words they have variously interpreted, perhaps inadvertently misreported, and freely embellished with ascriptions of deity.
John Beversluis, CS Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion

>> No.19760951

A reasonable argument however I would disagree with
>the clarity of the gospel

The bible is hardly clear cut.

>> No.19760952
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that's why it's called a miracle !


>> No.19760960



>> No.19760967

>I draw cross eyed people with mspaint
>also Comic Sans lol

Why is this guy being shilled here constantly?

>> No.19760995

the arguments, IMO, are in a bad order rhetorically

a megalomaniac would back down faced with crucifixion, because he's only in for himself
a mad man would not talk about reasonable, logical and good things

now, and I'm kind of literally playing the doubles advocate here, but

a mad man would saying crazy things until his death
a megalomaniac, like many we've seen, would deceive people with sweet words

I've heard it's all proved and even makes sense, but I guess some of it will always be Faith.

Pretty sure you can just tell Matthew 22:37-40 and that "word" for verbum and Logos translation deal

>> No.19761018

Buddhism makes the most sense. At least it actually tries to deal with and solve the problem of suffering and its root cuases. Christianity is just a fraud that blames everything on a fictional hereditary disease called "sin".

>> No.19761022

Boomer comics are peak /lit/ and stand above anything ever posted on this board.

>> No.19761023

...Just like the fictional hereditary Buddhist disease called tanha?

>> No.19761042

fuck off larping retard

>> No.19761050

I think that you mean "original sin" but Buddhism has karma.

>> No.19761055

Karma is just causality

>> No.19761070

>G0d sent his hecking sonny boy to die for the sins which he himself assigned arbitrarily to all humans so he won't have to have another autism attack and flood the entire planet because sins apparently work like cash debt (btw pay your local rabbi :^)
Anyone who believes in this horseshit should be put in a ward. I'm serious. You're a failure of modern civilization.

>> No.19761075

No, judaism is.

>> No.19761085

why is *that* what you have a problem with lmao

>> No.19761086

Where in the Bible does Jesus claim to be the Son of God?

>> No.19761088

Why are theology fags spamming both /pol/, /his/ and /lit/?

>> No.19761106
File: 2.83 MB, 7888x8896, 1631790722575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John 20:17
Matthew 11:27
Matthew 16:16-17
John 10:33–36

And in Mark 9:7 God himself speaks

>> No.19761120

Zoomer internet warriors in their teenage contrarian, rebellion phase. When you were a hardheaded teen and thought you knew the answers to the universe, didn't you have the impulse to share it wherever and whenever you could?

It's an interesting phenomenon that the fired up western youths of today take on Christianity as their worldview, this would never happen if boomers weren't so secular. I think larping Christian crusaders are preferable to the depressed millennial hipsters who adopted existentialism and cringy Dawkins atheism (me)