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/lit/ - Literature

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19759317 No.19759317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>current book
>how you’re holding up

>> No.19759323

don quixote
day won't pass without a thought of hanging myself

>> No.19759331

The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman
I teeter between suicidal thoughts and naive optimism

>> No.19759332

Data mining thread, don't post your real information

>> No.19759336

>Sex and Character by Otto Weininger
Just finished Julius Mobius's Physiological Idiocy of Women

I look forward to being an even more successful lady killer ;)
But goddamn am I Blackpilled about Globohomo and fatherhood

>> No.19759337
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I think I'm going crazy. I think years of social isolation and depression have fucked my brain. I feel like a shell of my former self, like I'm a zombie that walks around pretending to be me but the real me is long dead.

>> No.19759339

Black Sun by Ed Abbey
Just bought a new used car after I totaled my old one several months ago. The feeling of having a bought a new car has had a chain reaction. I didn't want to go to grad school, and I don't think I will. I want to pack up my camping gear and hit the road for a while.

>> No.19759342

you sound like me (>>19759331) last year. Read the Greeks, changed my life.

>> No.19759344

Hey I want to know too :)

>> No.19759349


Mailer essays
Pleased with the present moment, trying to stop annoyance at having to deal with the snow later from drifting in.

>> No.19759351

Heh I may type like a neck beard lollygagging tranny meming /b/tard homosexual but you trust me IRL I'm actually a buff giga Chad STEM GOD making GORILLIONS

>> No.19759360

Get lost, incel.

>> No.19759361
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>current book
the NRSV Bible (Judges)
>how you’re holding up
I love writing but I fucking suck at it and feel like I never be taken seriously because I can't get published
also I found a testicular lump the other day and have to go to the doctor tomorrow

>> No.19759362

>Ludwig Boltzmann His Later Life and Philosophy, 1900-1906

feeling irreversibly pussyless

>> No.19759366

>Read the Greeks
I heard that either Plato or Aristotle (or both) had some interesting takes on ethics. I've been meaning to study ethics for a while. Which works should I read?

>> No.19759388

Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle

>> No.19759392

Blood Meridian
I'll realize on my deathbed that I was already dead the day I was born

>> No.19759399

>Mr. Sammler’s Planet by Saul Bellow
>I’m doing alright. Made it my goal this year to make serious gains in crypto. Consequently, I’m studying as much as I can when I’m not working or reading. Need money so I can find a woman and breed her. Our economy is rotting, bros.

>> No.19759406

Thoughts, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention.

>> No.19759408

>Need money so I can find a woman and breed her. Our economy is rotting, bros.

heroic that you haven't given up yet ... I just have a monthly stash for escorting and the remaining days I make due with onaholes

>> No.19759412

<Till we have faces
>not good man not good

>> No.19759446

29 imminently
that celine book whose title i keep getting mixed up with that eugene o’neil play
coming to terms with the irrevocable failures, things i’ll never be or have. just finding solace in the mundane. living isn’t really so bad taken day by day

>> No.19759460

19 & Blood Meridian. I'm trying to get through all the classics.

>> No.19759463

>The Portable Nitzsche
>my teeth hurt

>> No.19759465


>Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar
>Sexus by Miller

>stressful times but I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m content and feel good spiritually so not much is rattling me. Trying to focus on human connections over money and objects. Had to lose a friend this week which always hurts. My dating life is better than it’s ever been at least

>> No.19759473

Not holding up
Rec me something

>> No.19759485

Analects of Confucius
Running a constant fever because of an autoimmune disease seems to have destroyed my intellectual capacity

>> No.19759522
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pic related
give me recommendations

>> No.19759526

you should finish books

>> No.19759527

23, Ramayana and Ficciones, I’m doing great reading wise but felt sick yesterday

>> No.19759537

Tale of Genji (Waley's)
Doing decently well, stopped torturing myself and am allowing myself to have hobbies again, found some motivation to start working out again.

>> No.19759544

I'm almost done with two of them, halfway through the other two. I like to keep a rotation

>> No.19759568

>Melmoth the Wanderer -- Charles Maturin
>Doing pretty well, at least compared to may ppo in this thread. In a good manic-sh phase rn with work, reading, writing and other htings. A girl-thing that has been plaguing me for ~1 year will probably be over soon, I hope to good effect, but the uncertainty is killing me

>> No.19759575

because someone would waste 10 minutes creating a 4chan thread to find out the age of 30 people, instead of mining hundreds millions of peoples data through facebook/twitter etc.

>> No.19759613

Frederik Pohl's Gateway
I've been home with COVID since Wednesday, its not terrible but maybe my symptoms are milder because I got the vaccine? I don't know.

I'm currently dating a famous former pornstar and I'll be fucking her on Tuesday so that's pretty neat I guess.

Things could be worse honestly.

>> No.19759629

>duel wielding atomic habits and dracula
>ever since putting my life on a schedule I am way more productive and anxiety has subsided, but can't help shake the feeling that chaos is ever lurking

>> No.19759639

>Empire of the Sun (J. G. Ballard) and Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
An anon in one of these threads a few weeks ago suggested I try L-Theanine as a quick-fix for anxiety -- if you're reading this, thank you anon. I take 2-3 every day (2 in the morning, 1 at night) and they're working pretty well. I feel calmer, more focused and productive, I fall asleep much quicker, and the nightmares aren't so frequent. I've actually had some pretty cool dreams too, but unsure if that's related to the pills.

Still getting my ass kicked by depression and PhD pressure, but I'm in a much better place now than where I was a few weeks ago. Your decision to reach out with that little morsel of advice ended up substantially improving my life -- thanks <3

>> No.19759672

>The Moons of Jupiter by Alice Munro
I'm about to turn 30 and I finally have an inkling of an idea about the direction I want to go in life. It's ...difficult not to sink into the regret.

>> No.19759771

Nothing seriously
Being depressed was better than where I'm at now, I'm just bored all the time; maybe it wasn't but I just want to feel again. Thanks for the blog post thread anon

>> No.19759851

Sadly, Porn
There's way too many damn footnotes, it's exhausting to read.

>> No.19759863

>Just finished David Marr's biography of Patrick White
>Fairly well

>> No.19759902

Don Quixote part two
Not good, bored of everything, maybe it's time to throw the towel

>> No.19759909

Nothing yet, family on vacs are looking for some Evola or Greeks stuff for me so hope that in the close future.
Wandering and worrying about the future and present, got a job, force myself to get a "dream"/objective in life just to not become a NEET only to have doubts about it every second but can't back down now cause already threw a lot of money on it, struggling to drop "bad" habits (daily masturbation, vidya, endless online time waste, being an isolationist hermit) and pick up some good ones (more reading, more exercise, serious take on language studies, trying to be more sociable.). Overall, not bad, I'm a walking carcass anyways so as long as my material well being is not threatened I'm pretty alright.

>> No.19759991

Sorry to hear about your friend mane.

>> No.19760008

war and peace
I'm also in 2 Corinthians in my devotional study
I feel very glad in God. He has refreshed me in Christ and I am peaceful

>> No.19760015

the bible should teach you to do away with vain glory. Praying for though bro. God will heal your nuts I'm sure

>> No.19760036

Don Quixote
Honestly not that bad. I’ve been inspired to seriously write so that’s good.

>> No.19760070

>thinking and being
>not well

>> No.19760762
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>Eugene Onegin (pic rel is a stanza that struck me when I read it tonight), Discourse on the Method, and Phaedrus
>Holding up well; classes have started off pretty well save one. My Junior Composition class is shit, plain and simple. The professor is the worst in her department and I didn't have the mind to check her ratings online before signing up. On the flip-side, my Greek class is amazing: I am the sole student and my professor and I are reading some of the New Testament. The class has been very rewarding so far, really getting me involved with the language in a more organic, direcr way than in the past. Have a small tinder date on Tuesday that I'm looking forward to, this is the first time someone has actually seemed interesting to me on that cesspool. Overall, feeling pretty good!
How is Melmoth? It's been mentioned by a couple 19th century authors I like but I've never seen anyone talk about it on /lit/.

>> No.19760794
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Why can't I find a way to publish my fucking book? I'm trying to tell a huge story, a big sci-fi story but hopefully also a literate one. I'm two books in and almost with a short story tacked on, too. I'm trying to find a home for the first book but it's like pulling teeth. I've only gotten one semi-positive response from any of the agents I've queried. I had a small press say they liked it but it was too long. I don't think I could even come close to cutting it to the extent they need. I'm just frustrated. I feel like writing this story is what God wants me to do. But the writing is actually the easy part. I feel very comfortable writing it. Getting it out into the world has proven to be a lot harder. The longer I go on the more I am tempted to self-publish, especially serially.

>> No.19760833

Ago Jesse

>> No.19760839

>Six months after a breakup and nothing has improved. The rare attempts I make at socializing or meeting someone new fail. I hate my job and feel trapped in it. Reading doesn't even help anymore, I prefer to just spend my free time sleeping: I was awake for only about 6 hours in total on Saturday.

>> No.19760872

Long Sun
got a gf ;)

>> No.19760880

man and his symbols
so horrible, the worst i have ever been, i regret that i was born. please merciful Lord take pity on me

>> No.19760891
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Phenomenologie des Geistes
I feel old despite kinda not being old? I don't know where to go with my life.

>> No.19760900

Hard to answer, it changes day to day desu

>> No.19760906

>so horrible, the worst i have ever been, i regret that i was born. please merciful Lord take pity on me
Literally me. I pray to expire in my sleep every night.

>> No.19760918
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i have no job or skills nor a desire to acquire either. I'm actually pretty content for the first time in a while but I still feel guilt about not wanting to improve

>> No.19760942

The Trouble With Being Born
I feel myself losing grasp with reality, apathy is replaced with paranoia and nothing is beautiful anymore. I cannot recall the last time I felt alive.

>> No.19760954

>You Must Change Your Life
>how are you holding up

Doing pretty well. The book is pretty annoying, but I got a better job recently(I'm still cooking for a living, so I wouldn't call it a good job, but 24 an hour, a staff meal, and a set 36 hour a week schedule is a big step up from grinding arbitrarily) so I'm not even finding Sloterdjik's unwillingness to just get to his fucking point that bad.

>> No.19760992

Gravity's Rainbow & The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.

>> No.19760994

Male Fantasies, Klaus Theweleit
i'm pretty content, very sad i can't find a HOI4 mod that lets me play interwar Germany (tcs will never release)

>> No.19761010


>> No.19761039


>> No.19761068


>> No.19761100

I’m reading 3 things at the same time
- Rimworld (sci fi)
- Fortune de France (historical fiction)
- The Art of being French (not meming - lite philosophy)

I’m doing alright, enjoying the first book, loving the second, the jury is still out on the third.

>> No.19761109

The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell by Brian Evenson
Probably going to get a hefty raise soon, teeth are fucked up and it's taking forever scheduling the necessary appointments. Pretty sure I got covid since I completely lost my sense of smell, which really sucks. Just kinda feel empty and apathetic most days, spend too much time aimlessly browsing and lurking instead of doing shit I like.

>> No.19761112

>Churchill - Andrew Roberts
>honestly incredible. Never been happier.

>> No.19761125

>Running a constant fever because of an autoimmune disease seems to have destroyed my intellectual capacity
are you me?
Also 22
I'm reading some Whitehead and some Kant at moment. I'm also slowly reading Breasted's history of egypt alongside the oxford illustrated history of ancient egypt
Jesus Christ this shit sucks ass in every conceivable way. Wonder what fun new symptoms I'll get next. On bad days the brain fog is so bad I literally can't understand every day speech. Plus, I now have exactly zero friends because I can no longer relate to anyone else cause they all live life on easy mode, but think they are living it on hard. Cherry on top is a constant sense of impending doom, a common symptom for inflammatory issues. Literally feel like the floor will fall out from underneath me at any moment.
On a more psychological/epistemological note: I no longer have the slightest clue of what's real anymore. I have had several precognitive dreams in the past that I just dismissed as either extremely unlikely coincidences or false memories. One night I had an extremely vivid dream from the POV of my cat along with a feeling of fear. Never saw the cat again. I have never had a dream from someone else's point of view before, much less an animal. so that was enough to make me start keeping a dream journal for the last year and I have now recorded 3 dream events that have ended up happening in real life within a month of the dream. I guess either determinism is true and we live in a block universe or I am somehow seeing possible futures. Maybe my brain is just unconsciously playing 4D chess at all times, rendering me the best predictor in the world.

>> No.19761139

Beckett's The Unnamable
consistently considering suicide. probably by helium

>> No.19761143

Madame Bovary
Off the booze for three weeks. Feel like my life is over.

>> No.19761152

Revolt against the modern world (and the bible on the side)
Feeling terrific after finishing my thesis recently, and for new things to come. There is underlying anxiety about my future career, there being no time to catch up on my ever growing reading list, and upcoming fatherhood.

However with God's grace I know full-heartedly everything will be fine and turn out according to His will.

>> No.19761176

>31 (almost lost track by now)
>Eclipse Fever

More afraid of people than I’ve ever been, but on the plus side I almost don’t have to deal with people, currently

dw friend just keep on trucking. You wanting to write the book is the important thing. And don’t forget to drop your fellow Anons a pdf when the time’s ripe.

>> No.19761192

The Book of Five Rings
I should start working out again

>> No.19761279

God Emperor of Dune
p good actually. just got a job where im pretty chill and ive been talking for some weeks with a chick who i have chemistry with so i cant complain

>> No.19761290

Fuck this thread is sad. I can't believe we live like this.

>> No.19761293


>> No.19761312
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> 21
> The Three Body Problem
> Terrible but could be worse


>> No.19761326

just turned 19
shadow of the torturer
could be worse; am currently doing civil service and thus not able to get anything done during the week; weekends are very productive though

>> No.19761368

The Pillars of the Earth
Not too optimistic about my future. Whenever I feel down or like complaining about it I just think of this quote from Werner Herzog.
>“I'm not into the culture of complaint.I roll up my sleeves and somehow I get it together.”

>> No.19761372

Broken April by Ismail Kadare
From bad to worse

>> No.19761390

Drei Kameraden by Remarque is a good one as well

>> No.19761410
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François Villon's poems (I read multiple books at once)
I'm doing alright. The relationship with the beautiful woman I was dating has evolved into a friends with benifits situation, which I'm fine with.
I've missed a few days of work cause I'm sick. I had to get tested for Covid, still waiting for the results.

>> No.19761422

A Critique of Pure Reason
Nothing ever happens and I am growing increasingly tired of this purgatory

>> No.19761432

Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
At the present I think video games are awesome and everyone my age is talking about girls but they make no sense to me.

>> No.19761434

>>current book
>>how you’re holding up
if I say those you will doxx me in goodreads

>> No.19761438

Glide (it's a self help book, basically to chill out)
Been ok. Bit depressed about effects of March last year. Me failing a unit in my nursing degree. Adds a year. Losing two front teeth at the same time. The cost of implant surgery for the two front teeth. Just kinda blows.

>> No.19761442

uh i'm fine. wish i was better with women. don't want life to be bland either. at least i have one, thanks to money, not to say about my personal will, which is pathetic.

>> No.19761469

this will be the last (you) you will receive before jannies nuke your ip for no reason

>> No.19761479
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>> No.19761526

>The Theory of Poker Applied to No Limit
>Blood Meridian
>doing pretty great but need to get my sleep schedule fixed. Very mad at myself for not reading more while I was on bed rest after my surgery. Love my girlfriend to death but wish she didn’t hover so much.

>> No.19761549

A cognitive theory of consciousness (B. Baars)
Idk I cant complain

>> No.19761559
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The I Ching
horribly romanticly lost and retarded

>> No.19761867

Blood of Elves (Witcher novels) ((I know its gay but I recently concluded TW3 and I want more))
Pretty great. I pity those in this thread who have not found the Lord Jesus Christ

>> No.19762045

Nothing wrong with reading pure entertainment now and then, as long as it's not the only thing you read.
Monkey brain needs to rest

>> No.19762048

>horribly romanticly lost and retarded
Tell us more anon, am willing to listen

>> No.19762083
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>Thus Spake Zarathrustra
>Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
>Beyond good and evil
>A critique of pure reason
>Not sure which one I ought to get a better handle of first
Yes I am a newfag retard who doesnt quite understand how to read these people properly and so I just sort of stare at the page and form theories in my mind as to what these gentlemen from the past can teach me.

>> No.19762107

>Fight Club
I just bought my first house and I'm doing pretty well financially. Also just finished my 3rd manuscript. It'll be the first I actually try to query though. Life's pretty good right now bros.

>> No.19762155

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays
>Not too good, bros... not too good

>> No.19762172

>Nothing wrong with reading pure entertainment now and then
Reading literally anything is a step-up from social media, video games, TV, all of which I have quit at different points over the last 5 years.
But yes, I fluctuate between mindless fiction and non-fiction. The latter puts me at risk of burnout as I tend to make highlights and notetake. I don't tend to bother with fiction.

>> No.19762236

Start with the grecos

>> No.19762242

>A Canticle for Liebowitz
>pretty good actually

>> No.19762249

Who could possibly benefit from knowing what an anon is reading and how shitty his life is? All this info is probably available from other sources anyway

>> No.19762257

4chan schizos screech whenever people ask anything about them. Its probably autism.

>> No.19762265

26, soon to be 27
Pensees by Pascal
I'm doing just fine, avoiding responsabilities like a pro. Should've finished university first semester last year but I'm still going with my thesis, barely doing anything and I haven't talked to my professor in months.

>> No.19762273

>I'll realize on my deathbed that I was already dead the day I was born

Honestly Nietzsche doesn't really need much preparation. If you have a passing familiarity with Greek philosophy and myth you'll get the point well enough. I don't understand why people bother to read Kant as casuals. That shit is for academic philosophers as far as I'm concerned.

Find these nuts you teenage bitch

>> No.19762274

Blood Meridian and harry potter when my brain is too burned from work to understand the former (i'm esl)
Pretty good overall. Today was the birthday of a good friend of mine from work and i was thinking about gifting her a book.
I only know that she likes to read verne and that she doesn't have much time to read so i thought maybe something short and funny like bunbury.
Any recs?

>> No.19762282

>critique of pure reason
>in september i got kicked out of university for three years and i'm trying to appeal the ban so i can return next year

>> No.19762291

Are you reading the I Ching cover to cover or are you doing readings? I had a period where I did at least one reading a day and it was hugely important to me

>> No.19762300

>kicked out of university for three years
Lol what did you do?

>> No.19762323

please tell me you didn't take an epic stand on some culture war issue lol

>> No.19762340

histories by Herodotus and fictions by Borges.
Stressed as I'm supposed to be studying to start a maths degree next year but I'm not sure im smart enough for stem.
Doing an arts degree and then living a quiet life, reading and painting every day while working just enough to support myself sounds heavenly desu but I'm afraid id come to regret it once I get older (I've worked wagie jobs in high school and everyone there who was over 40 just looked like they wanted to die all the time).

>> No.19762874

el biblio.
not to shabby

>> No.19762925

> 19-year-old zoomer Christian.
Get out there, enjoy your life, and don't put yourself in a box at such a young age.
There will be plenty of time to lead a devout lifestyle after your 20s.

>> No.19762987

If you believe, you believe. I can't just say "Father, you are in my heart but I'm going to stay away from divinity until I've concluded my 20s of drugs, alcohol and fucking whores". And what if I die in the midst of that? Tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

By the way, I am a zoomer in the literal sense but do not act like such. I started lurking here before I was old enough to post and I'm a complete hermit. I don't engage in zoomer/normie culture whatsoever.
Now excuse me as I continue reading the summa theologica

>> No.19763059

The Golden Bough
I'm feeling alright today.

>> No.19763066

>I can't just say "Father, you are in my heart but I'm going to stay away from divinity until I've concluded my 20s of drugs, alcohol and fucking whores"
Augustine could do it. Why can't you?

>> No.19763106

Not him but you sound pretty earnest about your faith at least, it's just annoying to see all the larping and condemnation on this board coming from people who 9 times out of 10 don't live anything near to pious lives.
As for the "not acting like a zoomer" if you go and meet real people outside a school setting you will find that the perception you have of our generation (I'm 19) is mostly predicated on shitty online culture that doesn't usually stretch that far into the real world, there are obnoxious faggots from every generation and strata of society, the only people who think zoomers are worse spend too much time on Twitter or have never been out of education.

>> No.19763151

Thanks. He’s been dealing with substance abuse issues lately. I’m the furthest thing from unsympathetic as a recovering addict myself but I had to reevaluate this friendship as it’s brought stress the last few times we’ve gotten together. I had to lose all my friends and suffer consequences before I got clean. I can’t enable. He was bringing up times hes lent me $20 ten years ago when I was using. I found that manipulative as I used in secret so it never looked like I was borrowing money for drugs. He makes twice as much as me and is broke a couple days after pay. He texted me an ultimatum about our friendship after I took him to a couple sports games and had to pay for everything. I did it willingly but still. I tried to give him some advice about drugs but he didn’t want to hear it. I realize this isn’t who he really is and if he ever gets clean, I’ll be right here. Friendships are generally easy to regain when you get clean. I’ll help him if he ever needs it but he has to want to want it and ultimately do it himself. /rant

>> No.19763198


>> No.19763214

Are you living like this anon?
If not, why?

>> No.19763220

>macbeth, lolita, dune

>> No.19763466

The Iliad (tr. Anthony Verity)
could be worse

>> No.19763552

read keats all morning cuz of you thanks anon

>> No.19763557
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Keep trying to find love, Im trying to balance this sort of unfairness of it all. How can I go on to have someone else like me, not reciprocate those feelings, and then not expect it to happen to me in return. The problem is I suppose for the last three people Ive been romantically interested in the same thing has happened, I guess i just get my hopes up again and again just to get them dashed on the rocks. Just went on a date the other day and it went well, we had good chemistry, talking about maybe a relationship. And now the other person is not so sure if they even want a relationship. Im not the hookup type. Maybe Im just reading too deep into what they said and should focus on having fun, getting to know them, and building to a decent relationship. Its just so demoralizing and insulting when it happens again and again

>> No.19763567
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>Omnibus Homo Sacer
>not vety well

>> No.19763570

>The Trial
>could be better, could be worse

>> No.19763571

I am reading the Wilhelm/Baynes translation cover to cover. But I have been consulting the I Ching alot for wisdom concerning relationships funny enough. Sometimes Inthink maybe a taoist tradition isnt exactly the best type to consult for that though. lol.
Maybe Ill start a daily consultation just to consider and meditate on throughout the day.

>> No.19764146

The Trial
in a rush to do something meaningful with my youth

>> No.19764320

>paranoid mage
a little better than usual though I hate having to speak to so many people on a daily basis
I might get some alone time soon but I'm not sure when, people from my past and present keep popping up everywhere I go and live and I can't just ignore them outright, it's exhausting. I just want to keep a single social mask on all day and not have to switch

>> No.19764452

>life is good, this too shall pass

>> No.19764461

i wish it was something like that, where i just stubbornly defended the use of the word nigger or something. the reality is a lot stupider: i was too anxious to complete any coursework, and then I missed the drop deadline for a course, and then was too anxious to write an email in time that would have saved my ass. I was already on probation, and already got kicked out once for a year, so this time around it was for three. being an anxious wreck and being a philosophy student go hand in hand sometimes, i guess.

>> No.19764765

>Albert Pike: Morals and Dogma
>Ok, kinda burned out in general, waiting for spring, hoping to get my drivers licence, planning my allotment garden patch with the family, I've worked for 3 years with 2 weeks off each year at the family biz which is doing great but me and my dad are workaholics and forget to eat some days, gonna dall asleep to Walden
The feds are already watching us through the drone bird surveillance devices on the power lines
Good luck on the sac bro, and don't write for other's sakes but for your own passion, besides Luke and Matthew dictated their books to scribes

>> No.19764772

You are in good company my fren

>> No.19764776

>Foucault's Pendulum
>Life's good

>> No.19764782

>The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck

I just keep moving forward. It is all I really can do at this point.

>> No.19764835
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Im good, just waiting to get kicked out of the military. Currently dating the woman of my dreams, and waiting to start the rest of my life in a sense. I feel like I’ve already lived a lifetime, though I’m leaving the military it’s given me so many new friends and adventures I can’t wait to tell my children about.

>> No.19764843

Le Français par la Méthode Nature
The Inheritance of Rome by Christopher Wickham
Pretty great

>> No.19764924

>29 (30 in a couple of weeks)
>The Exorcist/The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (usually read one fiction and one non fiction book simultaneously)
>feeling better than I was towards the end of last year, but still contemplating necking daily

>> No.19765827

>For My Legionnaires
>Got an autist tomboy GF who wants to build a home in the mountains with me, have a job as a millwright lined up when I graduate soon, and life is looking better than it ever has

>> No.19765841

>faust's goethe, part 1 (david luke translation)
taking a semester off. not sure what to do.

>> No.19765905
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>> No.19765910
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The Moral Animal by Robert Wright
Doing OK, looking forward to finishing up Uni in Fall

>> No.19766018

>re-reading Extension of the Domain by Houellebecq
>That is the first thing I read last year and I’m hoping kickstart my reading habit. I’m depressed about being unemployed, but I think I’m going to try and be a butcher. I think I gave up on grad school. I have been sick since the summer ended. I’m in a serious rut :-(

>> No.19766070

Tacitus' annals
up and down, mostly down

>> No.19766125

>late 20s
>Michael Rabo's Chronicle (detailed late antiquity history compiled by a sectarian)
having a mental breakdown
also gonna point out he mentions jews holocausting christians whenever they got the chance. just gonna leave that one here. and the way he mentions it gives the impression this is a known regular occurrence, and yet still the christians even of that day just took it up the ass and never declared war on jews

if christians ever woke up and remembered their own history we would have ten simultaneous holocausts

>> No.19766227

Temple of the Golden Pavilion
slowly but surely improving my life but still can't get past all the dark thoughts and insecurities I have. That's why I'm reading Mishima lol

>> No.19766238

why is everyone here depressed Jesus. maybe reading isn't a good thing after all?

>> No.19766242

>why is everyone here depressed
it's 2022

>> No.19766252

>mirror of my heart: 1000 years of Persian poetry by women
>living on a tropical island, taking 6 months off from work, just creating, reading and hanging out - blissful

>> No.19766302

>crime and punishment
terribly, just terribly. I had such high hopes for this year as well and it's all come undone. Money is tight, I'll probably be living in my car soon and i'm alone. I thought I had set everything up so well.

>> No.19766304

>Manufacturing Consent, Mein Kampf, Dead Souls
>Doing really well, job is tolerable and low hours, relationship with family and girlfriend is good, can't complain!

>> No.19766352

I try to as much as I can if you mean do I live as a Christian should.Not a hermit though.

History of the Gestapo by Jacques Delarue (gift from gf)
Doing pretty well, have a healthy amount of love for myself and those I hold dear.

>> No.19766374
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>currently reading
No country for old men, been a few years since i read McCarthy.
>how you holding up
Im not dead. Still work a job that a 30+ man shouldnt still be working, but hey its easy work and i make more than minimum wage.

>> No.19766780
