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File: 98 KB, 1280x720, mark fisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19758639 No.19758639 [Reply] [Original]

Him having passed away almost exactly five years ago, what remains of his works and theories?
Which have held up decently and which tell us more about the world of the 2000s and first half of the 2010s than contemporary reality?

>> No.19758993

I like him but feel his writing is the worst of "continental" philosophy: pure poetic non-fiction with little actual analysis in mind. Meaning, his writings are more of the artsy type of philosophy and I don't regard his words as pieces of truth but rather heartfelt expression.

>> No.19759079


I read this as "his works have value if you aren't literally an autistic soulless computer" and now plan on doing a deeper dive into his work based on your anti-recommendation.

Thanks anon.

>> No.19759094

Are there any decent charts giving a good overview over his works or influences?

>> No.19759122
File: 193 KB, 917x1200, compaison-of-plato-and-aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Braindead niggers like you ruin philosophy with your faggotry, fuck off or start with the Greeks.

>> No.19759146


Why would you assume that I don't know my Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Epicureans, et al. just from my post? Continental philosophers as a general rule have to be MORE familiar with the history of philosophy than analytics right?

Have fun posturing your way through grad school the same way it sounds like you're posturing your way through your undergrad though nerd.

>> No.19759808

I think he is THE culture critic of the 2000-2016 period. Exiting the Vampire Castle was not just a great piece but a historical event.

>> No.19759820

As i hit 30 and a lifetime of being a mu tard i started to agree with him that music is nothing but rehashes and we are trapped in a cultural stasis

>> No.19760190

>what remains of his works and theories
>the toxicity of social media
>cancel culture; "the slow cancellation of the future"
cybernetic pseudo-philosophy masquerading as philosophy

>> No.19760237

>what remains of his works and theories?
What should remain of it? He killed himself because he realized he was an useful idiot.

>> No.19760247


>> No.19760276

>reddit spacing
Off my board, nigger

>> No.19760316

Based knower

>> No.19760322

>He killed himself because he realized he was an useful idiot.
And what is the alternative? To stop pushing for leftism when we know it's only real threat to the establishment just because the establishment co opt it and use it against us?

>> No.19760396

He was a run of the mill critical theorist and academic fraud who was allegedly a nice guy, thus making friends who then later became influential in the insular and exclusively socialist world of British media culture such that, after he died, they lauded him enough in shitrags like The Guardian that he is still talked about by depressed teenage nobodies on social media. His legacy is just a circlejerk for a dead friend conducted by London millenials that you are a nameless spectator to. He also helped found two independent publishers, Zero and Repeater, currently in differing stages of crashing and burning. His blogging helped to streamline low effort popculture theorizing and helped to spawn the careers of even lesser minds like Nick Land, Reza Niggerstani, and many another pap smear on Twitter. So all in all, not much of merit remains.

>> No.19760780

Agreed wholeheartedly. not worth bothering

>> No.19760800

basically true but he was spawned by Land, not vise versa

>> No.19760873

I wonder hauntology can be real in a historical materialist framework. Ghosts aren't matter.

>> No.19761074

based /mu/tard going over to politics and philosophy. Modern music is indeed terrible and brain-damaging, which is evident by browsing /mu/. It's by far the most genocentric board and one of the most degenerate
>music is nothing but rehashes and we are trapped in a cultural stasis
Isn't this just a rehashed take from Spengler's critique of culture in a society's winter phase?

>> No.19761257

>Mark Fisher spawned nick land
Holy shit are you retarded lmfao

>> No.19761807

His works aren't either that soulful to begin with. My main problem with his philosophy it's that most of it stems from a passive effeminate point of view where stuff just "happens" to you. His attempt to systematic thinking results in gay nostalgic shit like "dude pop music driven by sales was like more innovative in my times and shieet" and all his justifications are Agamben-tier muh-feel bitching, like if neither of them understood Deleuze but rather went "oh he's so emotional so cool lol". But yeah, go read him and be depressed because communism is le untried, POP culture is le boring now (fucking low-brow) and the 80s will never come again.

>> No.19761838

>music is nothing but rehashes and we are trapped in a cultural stasis
There is more music than pop and less pop stuff. If you like reading classics, maybe try listening and understanding the western canon too.


>> No.19762122

Enjoyable cultural criticism for being a middle class music & critical theory nerd (and a fucking loser) in my early 20s in the early 2010s. It was useful to get me away from the fake culture war bullshit. Beyond that I'm sure his work has other uses, but I can't say that I give a shit anymore. Maybe he's the reason I read Kant/Hegel/Plato now, or maybe not.

>> No.19762211

This, the only thing he influenced is the passive lefties, who adopt a higher moral ground and moralize about cultural decline without providing any alternatives. He is popular only because of the pervasive victimhood culture - young people like him, because he rationalizes their actionless and meaningless existence by using the lamest trupe in philosophy today - muh society bad.

>> No.19762244

dead meme

>> No.19762263

>My main problem with his philosophy it's that most of it stems from a passive effeminate point of view where stuff just "happens" to you.
How do I escape this worldview

>> No.19762288

holy BASED

>> No.19763562


>> No.19763818

Read Machiavelli and Nietzsche, start lifting and stop engaging in defeatist emasculating shit like contemporary left theory. You have a man to sculpt out and a world to created.

>> No.19763845


>> No.19763852

I have never been a leftist, I have read both of them extensively, I have lifted for years. Yet for some reason nothing is ever internalized and I'm the same aloof directionless retard I was years ago

>> No.19763855

Read Exiting the Vampire Castle, dumbass.

>> No.19763879

This ethic of individuality is important to a significant extent, but it won't change--or save--the world. We need group consciousness and collective action beyond this.

>> No.19763935
File: 22 KB, 320x320, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel
Ive read it. All it boils down to is "h-hey guys, youre cool and I agree with you, but pls dont forget class politics". Its the most tame, cucked type of polemics. There was no spirit in the text, just the same rehashed leftist talking point - guys can we go back to the old leftist theory please. He doesnt provide any working alternative, because he spends all his time and energy crying. In the end, Vampires Castle is flourishing and Fisher is dead, his thought survives as a watered down zizekian analysis for leftist teenagers to posture and repeat same old talking point capitalism bad ad nauseam.

>> No.19763954

Capitalism will adapt to the climate change. All predictions are exaggerations anyway.

>> No.19763966

>Nietzsche, Machiavelli
>ethic of individuality

>> No.19765119

>Exiting the Vampire Castle
The only way of exiting the vampire castle is either by suicide or becoming a neorreactionary. Luckily Fisher decided to kill himself. I can't stand all those disillusioned leftists larping as neoreactionaries. Deep in their heart they still keep believing the same bullshit. They just realized liberals won't listen to them so now they are trying to spread their message among conservatives.

>> No.19765175

Just like Greenwald

>> No.19765202

He was controversial, re: Vampire Castle, but at the end of the day he reaffirmed his humanistic principles and proved himself a good ally of bipoc and trans/queer rights and communities.

>> No.19765226

A lot of neorreactionaries fit that role. Even Keith Woods is kind of like that. They realized the left is the establishment but they still love to push leftist thinkers like Marx and Deleuze by telling you they are secretly based.

>> No.19765265

You obviously haven't read Deleuze if you think he's your average leftist. You should read Based Deleuze by Justin Murphy. He explains very well how his ideas are actually very reactionary and based.

>> No.19765273
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>You should read Based Deleuze by Justin Murphy. He explains very well how his ideas are actually very reactionary and based.

>> No.19765313

I don't know if you're laughing at Justin Murphy or at Deleuze, but they are both based. You know Murphy had Moldbug in his podcast and they got along very well, right? And Deleuze is just great. The body without organs is the best philosophical idea of the past 50 years.

>> No.19765492

>You know Murphy had Moldbug in his podcast and they got along very well, right?
Well no shit they're both brainless embarrassing grifters

>> No.19766801


>> No.19766826

I'd rather never touch a book again in my life than read something called Based Deleuze

>> No.19767437

don't worry bud, just keep pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and telling yourself it's your fault you can't thrive in a world where even the most basic, milquetoast support structures, or even the concept of social support structures themselves, are being put to death by the kind of people who tell you to exercise as a form of political action. and don't forget - there is no such thing as society!

>> No.19767462

Cringe ass book rec. Can't imagine how hollow your set of core beliefs must be if you can consider yourself a based objective-morality Professional Western Civilization Defender and somehow contort yourself to the point that you agree with a philosophy that has the only measure of good vs bad action as how much it aligns with your desires, or believes that a primary failing of Marxism was not going far enough in its destruction of traditional societal hierarchies.

Oh wait, yeah I can, you'd have to be Justin Murphy, or anyone who rates philosophers on a scale of 'based' to 'not based'. Unironically kill yourself my man.

>> No.19767561

Why would you want to be a materialist

>> No.19767565

>reading mentally weak “men” who killed themselves

>> No.19767572

based soulless robot

>> No.19767574

Or, you know, go outside and stop being a terminally online loser

>> No.19767580

>what remains of his works and theories?
Being abused by every Breadtube tranny with 3 subscribers who wants to sound smart by namedropping some academic.
>"The movie Antz(1998) can only be understood if we first understand the cultural milieu it came out of...'It's easier to imagine the end of the world then the end of capitalism'...

>> No.19767590

that dude looks like a fucking nerd. would bully.
the fact that he's a (((Moldbug))) fag just reinforces my statement.

>> No.19767598

I lift and believe exercise has a positive impact on the body and mind, but the numasculinity culture of self improvement in the face of overwhelming globalhomo is such a cope. It's an almost nihilist individualism

>> No.19767603

Antz is my favorite Woody Allen movie

>> No.19767604

Based. While its important to acknowledge that you can swim in the tides, it's cope to believe that you are entirely separate from the way the tide is moving, which is an absolutely hollow gutted antisocial world

>> No.19767619

why do leftists idolize this fucking loser

>> No.19767629


pure delusion, capitalism and the western world is in a death spiral

>> No.19767635

>Being a lolbertarian
2012 called

>> No.19767640

Rest in piss loser. Imagine killing yourself because you don't get to act out your Lenin fantasies.

>> No.19767643

Yeah the reaction will be to become extremely authoritarian. The past twenty years have been a trial run of western authoritarian capitalism.

>> No.19768149

but you post on reddit

>> No.19768881

I remember listening to some kind of far right podcast, don't remember if it was BAP or Myth of the 20th Century or whatever, but they made a very strong point of coming out against the type of people who talk about fucking off into the woods with a Tradcath wife or whatever as if that's some sort of meaningful political action. There's a huge number of people in these circles who seem to be confusing personal self-improvement type actions, like getting a girlfriend, working out, getting a job, etc, with actual political acts. Doing all of those things is good and you should be doing them but none of them are political actions. I think this is happening because nobody seems to have an actual answer as to what can be done to change things at this point in time, so even the smallest personal change in lifestyle is confused with a revolutionary political act.

>> No.19768921

Just become a Satanic ego-worshipping gymcel bro. Just lean into the egoism and cum into your own mouth like an ouroboric phallus. No way out but in (to your own bussy)

>> No.19768945

Interesting point. Has any current thinker written anything on this matter?

>> No.19768966

you missed the period when the only thing ever released was swing music

>> No.19768974

>Culture has stagnated
>You know what will solve this? 100-year old leftism

>> No.19768998

Not like I can blame the people who just want to go off into the woods when the best people who believe there's no political solution can offer is always vague bullshit like "build institutions bro" or "we need to become the new elite". The types who think they'll become the new elite(at least outside of a smaller area where personal ties would matter i.e; taking over some town council) of course never consider that would mean more becoming a Davos technocrat than a stone age tribal warrior.

>> No.19769008

My diary desu, which is about how rebellion or resistance is a lifestyle choice that can only further entrench the market economy. A genuine dissident becomes impoverished by his actions and loses all quantifiable power and efficacy. You could beat the system, but at the cost of becoming worthless, beyond value.

>> No.19769019

>what if we just outcompeted the existing elite
In the long run this is what always happens. But you're also dead in the long run. And everyone you care about is dead too. This is of course why the overman is homeless and has not a father land but a kinder land. There is no politics which is not slavery.

>> No.19769034
File: 75 KB, 850x400, quote-the-advanced-societies-of-the-future-will-not-be-governed-by-reason-they-will-be-driven-j-g-ballard-109-74-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin mark fisherist, pretends to be working class gay and from the north while actually middle class straight and from the south wont shut up about how favorite shite pop music is actually revolutionary, big fan of dr who, post punk band the idles not his cup of tea but the message is good, is taken in by psyops like 'trans rights'. still cant cope with the based right wing views of supposed heroes such as anthony burgess, jg ballard and ian curtis

v chad acid thatcherist, john grayist neonihilist can be found checking out obscure books on eugenics and eugenics lore at the london school of economics, formative experiences included eton becoming a woke tyranny, reading domminic cummings' blog, (nick land only talks about US politics baka), listens to dank dark ambient bootleg tapes recorded for ritual usage by something called the the order of nine angles, in awe of the TERF wars as a magnificent example of ballardian engineered psychopathology, wants to rebel against liberal parents (mum works counterterror for MI6 and dad is a creative director for saatchi and saatchi )while also living up to their no doubt very high expectations. near psychotic levels of hatred for dr who and postpunk band the idles.

>> No.19769071

I think Bronze Age Pervert was the one who talks about this a lot. He often brings up the Dhimmi or fellahin groups in the Arab world, ie the Christians, Zoroastrians, and pagans who were conquered by the Arabs. For hundreds of years these pre-Islamic groups made up the majority population of most of the Islamic World, yet they were nothing more than peasants who were ruled by the Arab soldiery from cities like Cairo and Baghdad. Ultimately obviously they slowly faded away until they were nothing more than powerless minorities in the lands that were once their own. The main point he often makes is that retreating into the woods to live some idyllic peasant lifestyle is basically just ceding everything to your enemies, and that ultimately you'll end up the same way that the Assyrians or Coptics did because peasants...are peasants.

Sure you're not wrong, becoming the "new elite" will not be glamorous and you'll more than likely have to trudge through a lot of bureaucratic bullshit that is not fun. Honestly though that's the only even feasible solution I really see. If you're not willing to take part in some long march through conservative institutions the same way your enemies did through the liberal ones, then maybe you don't deserve to win anything anyway. There probably won't be any sort of great cathartic moment.

>> No.19769089

mean have you tried bringing up any books around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19769092

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying that a lot have a very unrealistic idea of what becoming this 'new elite' would entail.

>> No.19769116

Sure but that can really be chalked up to the fact that it's a pretty youthful group that doesn't have any experience with how things actually happen in any group or organization on the planet. The enthusiasm is good though

>> No.19769141

If you depend on the elite-controlled state which you are opposed to for securing your property and assets, ensuring you have access to food and water, etc. then you are just an impotent larper. You don't get to take over something you are downstream of. After you acquire enough money for a downpayment on a senator maybe you can start playing politics. Until then you are just a puppet with a hand up your ass, and since you're enjoying the feeling of being edgy you don't notice that someone is yanking you around.

>> No.19769193

He might have had some interesting insights, but he was surely an effeminate loser with a very fragile mind. He'd be one of the few people who'd actually benefit to go volunteer in Africa to help poor children or some shit like that. But the pussy leftists ofc kills himself.

>> No.19769224

what are your favorite books anon? fiction or non-fiction

>> No.19769243
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God Emperor of Dune for fiction, for non-fiction maybe some Nietzsche or Bataille

>> No.19770388


>> No.19770396

swing music is based tho

>> No.19770490

Damn bro you really destroyed those libs with all that facts and logic!!1 You're so smart it's sick bro damn, do you have a youtube channel?