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19755917 No.19755917 [Reply] [Original]

Context/explanation: I've never done a true stream of consciousness free-write. Usually, I end up editing it as I go along and coming with ideas. This time, I'm truly not gonna stop even if I have a cool idea. Maybe the cool idea will go next. I don't care what you think of the quality, but maybe tell me what creative images and ideas come to mind and/or make something out of it yourself.

The free write itself:
Swashbuckling hs way through the crowds of NYC, he stopped a lock diner he liked.

Jacob Owing is my name. Says the man whose name is not Jacob and not Owing. He had a silver watch in his pocket and 10 million more back home. He's not of the mind to take money candy from babies down the neck of strangers running in garments through streets boo-a-loo altogether at once. Boogaloo the bear his friend in dire need of shoe tying shrimp sat on the banks of the Nile watching the shrimp mean skip by mudskips pokemon. Mudskips' pokemon. Mudkip. A crustacean perhaps but not. Not so, its a fish thing, blue blue-gilled like bluetooth dictionary coorection getting at my ass like a yankee doodle dandy riding ona pony stuck a finger in his ass and called ir maca-pony. Shitposting, the great act of saying what comes ro mind in theater seconds beneath roofs in feont of computers. PCs glowing in the background before I must turn off suggestions on this stupid PHONE BECAUSE ITS DISTRACTING ME FROM THE FREE WRITE GODDAMN IT REEEEE. Okay I'm back, but now it doesn't have basic suggestions either like spelling correction or Peddleton Bear I mean Paddington Bear. I mean, who cares. Juxtaposes nicely with a limitation. Wirhin limitation. A pass expires north hot through syringes needles, wasting government funds tax evasion. But lets be positive. The little skipper. That little skipper had drugs, but he lives a good life. Much better than the one had before. Swatching much frag grain grenade to progress his career. Ivy league schools ivy leagues aboves him, like cyndrical chance machine. Maxing his credir card.

Balloons faggot faggotry nigger bitch what? Whaaaat? Yeah yea bro we did it. Rick and Morty every channel noon for the payload, my junk. Just diseased junk STD 8) B).
What whachoo doing Frank? Swatching dem swatches? Imma cap up some memes this is ruining my freewrite and the potential is decreasing I don't even know how to spell free-write, but that's A-OK Yankee Doodle Bro Dandy yessiree it is. I wanted more genre tho. Sister getting HOT settled in nicelt to the hunger bros singing doodle diggy daw dancing hot hot jigs in the morning dew like feathers quill boxing gloves giving menace to society status amongst a few cool neanderthals-they're-not. Grubbing down smoothies to catch the local train. Shouting out to women about their days construction erection and they follow suit with a wiggle of their ass dancing down merry lane. Marry me, he says, he thinks desperatelt to his cat, but he can't be blowing off his careers. Careers!

>> No.19756696

This is unironically my favorite genre but what does it mean?

Are we all just dopamine fucked zoomer junkies fucked by instantaneous media and uncensored immoral free speech and free ideas network centers for generating capital from attention?

Where do we go from here? Could you make a living writing like this, and if so, I would want to. I could make minimum wage but live like a Venetian king on the lake of comos in my head and after death and it's all the same to me. Just send me the paycheck. Send me the papers I need to sign right now. It's early in the morning and I haven't taken my Siesta but I could break my fast for this. Meet me at the park after Sunday's, my fellow dopamine enriched Uranium meaningless fusion junkies. Meet me by the discord servers where we all meet and convert the world to our dopamine fucked ways. I fucked and masturbated myself over these advertising Mad Men intricate attention machines. Now we are the masses and our machines are stocked dopamine cheese and milk and minimum wage herded always, the useless, the meaningless, exiled sons, down syndrome enfants in Abbey's for shovelling oil backed attention tokens NFT's Bitcoins, synonyms, don't think, just vibe. We're out of time. Just flow. We're out of reasons. We're out of enemies. We're out of fears. We're out of reasons of being. Kill me now, it makes no difference to me now so kill me now, we're overpopulated, overstaffed, over drafted that we're exploited for being alive. What have you done in your 30 years? What can you say you're good at in your 30 years?

Dan Abramov making React or Elon or some millions of tech tubers and influencers we're chasing purpose and dopamine but they spent 30 years already and they're damn good but you spent 30 years watching neo TV so you better find a new world where finding TV's matter, an artistic connoisseur tour guide for the cyber elites for training brain signal dopamine's, or else you might as well not exist.

>> No.19756817

bump, recommendations for good SoC writings?