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19755856 No.19755856 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any CONTEMPORARY books on the decline of the West? I'n looking for something relatively ideology-less and unbiased (i.e. no rightoid bullshit like those Drumpf's books)

Inb4, I had read Shpengler, and its not contemporary anyway

>> No.19755860

Basically nothing new since the Post-Marxists. Internet just accelerates it.

>> No.19755868

democracy is retarded. thats all you need to know

>> No.19755873
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>> No.19755930

the decline of the west was really a 20th century issue. Now the west is a shithole and everybody knows about it, so everything worth saying has already been said. Now literature on the revival of the west and its prospective future, that's valuable.

>> No.19755942

I hate that capeshit has an absolute monopoly on cinemas now. Absolute garbage.

>> No.19755952

But it doesn't. Sure it is what sells the most, but there are lots of great movies being made. Did you watch Drive My Car yet? It's super cool. Pig was also a great movie this year. Licorice Pizza seems cool too, but haven't watched it yet.

Sure, Hollywood mostly produces crap, but that's nothing new.

>> No.19755962

Mutt cope

>> No.19755997

Houellebeq's Elementary Particles/Atomised; Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death, Fussel's BAD,

>> No.19756026

Both ideas developed by Walt Disney, whose grandfather was an Irish. Foretold and such in Finnegans Wake

>> No.19756047

People are increasingly atomized and lonely in a system where all traditional institutions (family, nation, religion) have been dismantled or are in the process of being dismantled.
Power fantasies are appealing to them.

>> No.19756064

Holy shit have sex dysgenic commie fag

>> No.19756080

Wasn't Walt's dad a carpenter at the Chicago world's fair where HH Holmes killed loads of people and his mum a Canadian? Tbph the combination makes a lot of sense for how that's turned out.

>> No.19756102

>Are there any CONTEMPORARY books on the decline of the West?
monsieur houellekek

>> No.19756538

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19756991

age of entitlement, caldwell

>> No.19757009

It still does? Holy shit. I haven't even watched movie trailers in years. I remember that it was around 2014-2015, maybe earlier, and I thought that people must've been just about to get tired of this crap. Is it really still going in 2022?

>> No.19757078

I keep seeing these nitpicky juxtapositions relating to china by retarded leftoids and right-wingers alike and there are some aspects I agree with China about. But then I remember that this is the country with a significant gutter oil problem in restaurants and streetfood, appaling social trust, condemned ghost cities being dynamited, and virtually zero entrepreneurial class. Xi is really good at talking the talk I guess and giving narcissistic westerners on the internet something to feel smug about.

>> No.19757097

>German Train is somehow chinese prize
why are you people like this. China is a second world shit hole like Russia who also bought german trains.

>> No.19757108

America Against America

>> No.19757131

imagine cherry picking this image so hard. we are doing so much more with 1/3 that ppulation.
chinks have so much manpower and its squandered . you, are a midwit. and if you cherrypick reality it will always have issues.

>> No.19757210

You can't even speak your own national language (english) properly. fuck off

>> No.19757215

I dont speak chinese. has it been translated into any other languages like english or russian?

>> No.19757228

You leftists are so stupid. It is about globalism vs nationalism, which is ideology, and Trump being pro-(civic) nationalist.

>> No.19757237 [DELETED] 

>seething shitskin

>> No.19757239

>You leftists are so stupid.
I'm a fascist
>It is about globalism vs nationalism, which is ideology, and Trump being pro-(civic) nationalist.

See, this tendency for inane ramblings is why I mentioned no rightoids/drumpf in the OP

>> No.19757242

It has been partially translated to English.

>> No.19757249

Where? Got a link?

>> No.19757281

>globalism vs nationalism being the cause of the economic fall of the west is inane ramblings
How? Do you want some fart-huffing marxist pseud to use academic language to you so you can satisfy your vain need to feel intellectual?
>ackshually im le fascist
Which is left wing in many respects

>> No.19757642


i wanna know this as well

>> No.19757712

"Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich"

>> No.19758365

I, too, read Devil in the White City

>> No.19758456

It's bigger than ever. Actually, every "good guys eventually win against the strong (but not stronger than them) bad guy" rakes in ridiculous amounts of money.

The spiderman capeshit movie released last month raked in 1.5B already.

>> No.19758516

wait a sec mcu is gonna redo Blade? aw fuck is nothing sacred

>> No.19758526

>what is google

>> No.19759001

They will completely fuck it up bro.. RIP Blade.
That opening part scene in the basement. Producers could never do something like that again.

>> No.19759041

Here you are.

>> No.19759221
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>> No.19759512

that post could have easily been interpreted as /pol/-tier, please take your meds

>> No.19759566
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I'm a huge MCU fan but phase 4 has been pretty bad.

>> No.19759600
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Yeah, anything Peter Turchin has written is basically "you made too many elite aspirants through higher education and didn't have room in your power hierarchy to absorb them so now they will destroy society because they'll rather burn it all down and build it up again than not have their deserved privileged position."

>> No.19759632

what's your favorite thing about it

>> No.19759717

The characters. Captain America is my favorite. I think he's the most well written and Evans gives a great performance.