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19753467 No.19753467 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ this is painful to read.

I almost want them to die at this point.

>> No.19753590

>this is painful to read
Give examples.

>> No.19753632

>Pulitzer prize

>> No.19753650

>The boy lay with his face in his arms, terrified. They passed two hundred feet away, the ground shuddering lightly. Tramping. Behind them came wagons drawn by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen of them, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites, illclothed against the cold and fitted in dogcollars and yoked each to each.”

>> No.19753653

>and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites
uh bros what if the end of the world happens and we all end up getting raped?

>> No.19753661

I have a feeling those are the kinds of people who get killed first no questions asked just immediate summary execution

>> No.19753675

Literally any dialogue between the guy and the son.
> I'm really hungry, Papa.
> I know.
> Will we be able to find our stuff?
> Yes. I know where it is.
> What if somebody finds it?
> They wont find it.
> I hope they dont.
> They wont. Come on.
> What was that?
> I didnt hear anything.
> Listen.
> I dont hear anything.
> They listened. Then in the distance he heard a dog bark. He turned >and looked toward the darkening town. It's a dog, he said.
> A dog?
> Yes.

>> No.19753718

You should be my catamite ;)

>> No.19753728

I thought it was kino

>> No.19753741

McCarthy is a truly HEINOUS writer of prose, his technical style is complete shit, his philosophical ideas are some of the most surface-level meditations over baby's first nihilist musings, yet his themes and characters are interesting enough to carry a novel all the way to the end. For a prosefag like myself, reading his books is like sitting in some kind of limbo between great prose and a barely passable graps of written language.

>> No.19753871

>t. has never been around kids as an adult

>> No.19753874

kids arent that retarded.

>> No.19753878

imagine running up to that faggy little kid and punting him in his stupid head lol

>> No.19753892
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>> No.19753897

>boy born during apocalypse
>has probably never seen a dog before let alone hears one

>> No.19753906

Benedict Cuminmysnatch has implied gay sex with him in The Power of the Dog (anthrax really). He also looks gayer than ever before in that movie too.

>> No.19753909

i meant the way he talks. kids dont speak like braindead morons.

>> No.19753910

DAMN this dude popped out of Nanny McPhee's snatch?

>> No.19753915

>t. has never been around kids
Just shut up you stupid incel. Kids ask questions like that all the time because they are CURIOUS AND KNOW NOTHING AND REALLY ON THEIR PARENTS TO INFORM THEM ABOUT THE WORLD.

>> No.19753917

That's probably a good thing!

>> No.19753918

>t. hasn't read the book

>> No.19753923

no idea what your problem but the kid objectively speaks like a brainlet

>> No.19753925


Neither character talks like a real human being. The kid especially is glaringly simple. I'm sure McCarthy did this for some artistic purpose but it's shocklingly on the nose.

>> No.19753929

You are a brainlet.

>> No.19753935

The boy is probably autistic. He didn't have a normal upbringing after all. He was born to a world already gone to shit. Also McCarthy based some of the dialogue on his own son.... yeah.

>> No.19753978

I thought that the frankness of the dialouge was supposed to represent the apocalypse changing the way people communicated with eachother, with the directness reflecting the genuine relationship between the father and the son

>> No.19753994

i guess thats a reasonable idea. he took it too far though imo

>> No.19754009

It's just a slow, boring read, I've been stalled at around pg 80 for a month now

>> No.19754046

You know shit about technique, fake prosefag.

>> No.19754710

Didn't interest me in even after 30 percent. Dropped it.

>> No.19755940

Can I jsut watch the movie instead?
Is it close enough in plot to the book?

>> No.19756714

pretty hot desu

>> No.19756730

you're an idiot

>> No.19756734
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>> No.19756777

It's been a while since I read it, but isn't it only 100 pages? And aren't most of those pages dead space because there's like a paragraph every page?

>> No.19756836

Great movie but Benny Cum really sucks at playing a cowboy. I almost stopped watching twenty minutes in because he sounded like Roger from American Dad's impersonation of a cowboy. Why would they cast a Brit in a western?

>> No.19756876

Pure dialogue in a novel almost always seems a bit dumb.

>> No.19757438

The Road is hands down the worst book I've ever read, and I've read dozens of completely shit books. Only redeeming quality is that I ran into Jodie Foster while reading it and she complemented my choice of book.

>> No.19757457

you should have lost all respect for her in that moment and ahted that book even more for ruining her for you.

>> No.19758262

>”Behind them came wagons drawn by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen of them, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites, illclothed against the cold and fitted in dogcollars and yoked each to each.”
Ave, true to Caesar!

>> No.19758290

That's very easy and painless to read. Are you trying to say the content is disturbing? ("Hard to read"?)

>> No.19758311


>> No.19758389
File: 93 KB, 605x692, 1592170195331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been years since I read this, but I remember that I stuck with it to the end because there was no way some truly awful shit wasn't going to end up happening. The world this father and son inhabit is completely hostile, basically just armed and organized cannibals and their victims. No fucking way this is going to end well. I thought McCarthy was going to have the balls to write a truly dark ending, because what other option did he have given the setup?
>oh wait they're actually nice lol
>if only my dad had been more trusting of the other inhabitants of cannibal apocalypse world, maybe he'd still be alive right now
This ending was a complete cop-out. The idea of a happy ending in that world is not at all plausible. And no, the dad dying and the boy being rescued does not fucking cut it. There was also a moral message implied about the dad's refusal to trust, which falls completely flat because he was totally right not to trust anyone given the shit they'd seen. What a joke.

>> No.19758541

Why is the world an apocalypse in this book?
Give me the tl;dr.
Where do they think they're going to get away from the apocalypse?

>> No.19758679


>> No.19759154

Still a better story than Blood Meridian