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19751113 No.19751113 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on /wg/ Writes Edition
Previous Thread >>19736351

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction, Gardner
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>The First Five Pages
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript

list of /wg/ authors pastebin and anonymous flash fiction anthology

>> No.19751137

First for 13 year old gay sex fan fictions

>> No.19751151

I literally cannot stop thinking about art hoes whispering in my ear for me to knock them up because they think I write well

>> No.19751166

>page read count going up on KU dashboard

feels good, bros

>> No.19751180


>> No.19751197

Are the writers of the fanfic thirteen years old, or are the characters frenching each other's buttholes in the fanfiction thirteen years old?
Or was the story written thirteen years ago?

>> No.19751220

Everytime the thought comes up just imagine it's your mother saying that instead of an art hoe. you'll stop thinking about it in no time.

>> No.19751234
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Mansa Musa, the indecently wealthy ruler of Mali offers you your own weight in gold if you write him a story about a humble pilgrim losing his way in the desert and stumbling onto an oasis where he meets a water sprite who fears she will die when he pool dries up and is swallowed by the desert.
What do?

>> No.19751241

I write the story. That 's a pretty easy set up to work with

>> No.19751249
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Book idea:
>Sci-fi about a matrix-esque simulation device that's used to gauge the true personality of people by putting them in dangerous/high-stakes situations and moral dilemmas to see how they act. It starts out as a seemingly disjointed series of short stories each detailing one of the test scenarios, and the protagonist (who is actually participating in a job interview) slowly starts to realize that something is wrong.

>> No.19751262

Fuck you, anon, I’ll write this one!
Musa’s gold will be mine (plus, I very likely weigh more than you).

>> No.19751268

God I hate that I love women. It makes me so angry that I’ll never be in love again. I’m old and used.
Kindle Amazon thingy. You make fractions of pennies when people read your smut.
… write the story?

>> No.19751281

Both of you are prostitutes. Write what you want, not what someone else wants.
You have failed Mansa Musa's secret test of character and as punishment you will live a life of hollow success, showered in money from your work but never feeling artistic fulfillment.

>> No.19751297

can't even find time to write my own shit what makes you think you're special? fucking scammer.

>> No.19751305

I can literally write a story for myself and also write a story for someone willing to pay me gold. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. We are all exploited and I’m too much a coward to kill myself.

>> No.19751311

See now, here's a man of integrity.

>> No.19751313

>write a flash fiction of this
>collect $6.8 million dollars worth of gold for 20 minutes of work

>> No.19751315
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Don’t want to discourage you…but there’s an existing novella you should probably be familiar with just to be sure you’re not too close to a prior work. They’re looking at a film adaptation with John Boyega, so it’ll be a pretty well known premise soon.

>> No.19751318

>never feeling artistic fulfillment
So everything stays exactly how it would be except now I'm rich?
What's stopping me from writing my hyper-violent hyper-erotic body-horror symbolist fiction in private and for myself, now that I'm wealthy enough to have no need to waste my time working?
Is Musa going to physically restrain me every time I think about writing my Borges influenced oppai loli milk farm story?

>> No.19751322

why is there a mugshot beside the cover

>> No.19751326
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>more death game bullshit
Why is this the zeitgeist? It's so absurd.

>> No.19751332

It’s a Saturday. I should do some writing. Anyone think of any good Burgerpunk prompts?

Also the other anon said my cover and first stories are shit, how should I fix that?

>> No.19751338

Easy way to make a violent story with an ensemble cast of characters that aren't locked into two factions (like in a war)

>> No.19751344

Hamburgler is dead
Krusty the clown must find the whoever did it to clear his name

>> No.19751379

You can fix the first stories by rewriting them

>> No.19751394

I kinda like the shitty try hard cyberpunk snow crash few chapters. It kinda shows the evolution of the style, but I also completely understand that whole “it doesn’t get good until x chapters in” is a cop out. I am open to redoing the cover, the current one is something I threw together rather quickly.

>> No.19751445

I'm with you; I have my first three books up as a sign to show how far I've come as a writer when the fourth comes down. I won't be taking them down even if they're amateur.

>> No.19751464
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Someone loses his job at the drivethru because he cannot understand the horrible vernacular of the customer. Perhaps themes of alienation from the fast food culture he adored as the protagonist recognizes the food, mascots, slogans, uniforms etc less and less. He can't even seem to order himself anymore when he's off work because if he doesn't know what he will receive after ordering it.

>> No.19751474

Can someone show me a real, finished outline? I have no idea what one looks like.

>> No.19751508

Now I want to write a story where some supernaturally rich dude pulls a test like this and the writer is perfectly fine with it and growing artistically anyway, so he keeps showing up to bitch and moan about how the writer should be feeling bad while concocting increasingly ridiculous schemes to enforce his point that all backfire comically.

>> No.19751546

You want to see some of the autistic level outlines I got from gunners in law school?

>> No.19751562


>> No.19751629


>> No.19751754

What kind of fiction are you writing?
My outlines are like this: first I write a general synopsis of the whole story. It's usually around 2k-3k words. Then, based on that, I plan 'arcs', which are the main parts of the story. For these arcs I write chapter-by-chapter outlines. Here I add or remove things from the story and move things around to better fit the structure. These chapter outlines are simple bulletpoints of the things that must happen in the chapter. I plan an arc before I get to that point of the story, but not much before. Sometimes I don't finish all the chapter outlines, but work on them as I progress on the novel.
All of this is left with plenty of room for flexible changes, should I need to patch things up or realize I need to add some things now that will later be relevant.

>> No.19751771
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>start writing a supernatural villain based on spirit of Babylon
>anon informs me it's le demiurge and tells me to read Blood Meridian
Well I'll be damned. I'm gonna keep writing though.

>> No.19751901

Not exactly what y’all suggested but definitely inspired by it. Thank you. Feed back and crit welcome.


>> No.19751976

Wow, my previous draft was so damned terrible.

>> No.19752048

>seven chapters

>> No.19752127

I think it means he works in his briefs

>> No.19752380

Why so you write? What got you into writing?

>> No.19752440

I liked reading books and any time I draw the person looks like a distortion of suffering manifest, so I’d rather use words. I also struggle keeping 4/4 time

>> No.19752451

>any time I draw the person looks like a distortion of suffering manifest
>I also struggle keeping 4/4 time
Just call it tempo rubato

>> No.19752472

ive always been writing. i will continue to write forever. all you need to know. don't bother prying further glowie.

>> No.19752482

>What got you into writing?
Thinking too much and losing sleep over something I needed an answer to.

>> No.19752500

I was reading creepypasta on /x/ in 2009 and thought I could tell my own spoopy story. So I did and people liked it, saved it, and posted it in the next creepypasta thread.

After that I was hooked. Fell into the fanfiction pit for about a year. But now I'm back and publishing original fiction.

>> No.19752515

You know it’s been 13 years since 2009, right Anon? Please wake up.

>> No.19752564

It sucks that football is ending. I always write best when a game is on, it helps my ADD to have something going on in the background I can dedicate exactly 5% of my attention to and still be able to follow it. Putting on a movie or podcast just doesn't work.

>> No.19752573

>Why so you write?
Haha, of course not. What made you think that?

>> No.19752596

R8 my adventure novel ideas.
There's a princess who finds a falling star, it fell in a forest pool.
There's a polymath/DaVinci type locked in a tower, hes trained crows to bring him food.
There's a being/man with blue skin and a mustache who came out of the sea who's looking for the star.

>> No.19752600

Yes. You realize the question was "what got you into writing." Right? As in the past?

>> No.19752608

>Why so you write?
I used to write to get obsessive ideas out of my head. Now I write to try to recapture strong feelings I used to feel
>What got you into writing?
I started back in grade school with something I wrote for my class, then when I was in middle school my brother showed me a L and Light fanfiction he wrote. That's what really got me started.

>> No.19752610

None of these are as good as a dog who discovers aliens.

>> No.19752618

Is it a talking dog?

>> No.19752619

What's the inciting incident, what ties them together?

>> No.19752621
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>> No.19752636

It can be whatever you want it to be, it’s an idea, not actual writing. /wg/ doesn’t write. They just talk about dogs discovering aliens.

>> No.19752655

No idea brother, but somehow these are the three principal elements. I just know I do not want a teenage male chosen one protagonist.

>> No.19752657

same that's why i went with a teenage female chosen one instead

>> No.19752662

I will die if I do not write.

>> No.19752676


>> No.19752747


>> No.19752785

>There's a princess who finds a falling star, it fell in a forest pool.
Cliche, predictable
>There's a polymath/DaVinci type locked in a tower, hes trained crows to bring him food.
Could be a cool element in a character backstory, or B-plot
>There's a being/man with blue skin and a mustache who came out of the sea who's looking for the star.
Give up anon. Just ‘cause it felt epic in your dream doesn’t mean it’ll translate that way to readers.

>> No.19752812

It's more whimsical than epic.

>> No.19752818

I think up novel ideas but don't have the will to write them down.

>> No.19752833

We’ll give them to me. I’ll use them.

>> No.19752846

Don’t worry about that at all, this is the very struggle of the human condition, do it your way.

>> No.19752852

You’ve grown.

>> No.19752856

Reading your stories. Shit, that one about the car batteries in the ocean. Kekked so hard.

>> No.19752902

>it’s perfectly legal
Heh, thanks anon. Glad you liked it. Any crit or feedback is welcome. Don’t really know where any of it’s really going other than a vague idea to write things that make me laugh. Like that bit about boats today, I was cackling. Maybe something will emerge if I just keep writing.

>> No.19752972

I am the dog who discovered the aliens

we all are

>> No.19752996
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We are all dogs discovering the alien called life

>> No.19753037

Exercise: if you were going to write a story about dogs discovering alien life, how would you do it?

Keep in mind, Stephen King already kind of did it in Tommyknockers.

>> No.19753046

step 1:
call it tommyniggers

>> No.19753070

Stream of consciousness dog pov. Various dog characters, main one is the town sheriff's dog, but another important one is a Hobo's dog. Setting is a small town in fuck-knows-where, USA. Throughout the dogs povs we also learn about the different dynamics of their owners lives and the social climate of the town before, during, and after the alien crash landing. As it is a dog's stream of consciousness pov, the narration is a bit jumpy as it emulates dogs' instinct based way of thinking, but each dog also has a lot of characterization and each pov's voice is unique.

>> No.19753080

Good job, anon. Your parents must be so proud.

>> No.19753088

i would set it in the wild west era and instead of a dog the main character would be an outlaw and he teams up with the local sheriff to fight the aliens, rescue the locals, and ride off into the sunset with a big pile of gold that they stole from the aliens

>> No.19753099

A dog happens to stumble upon a scene where a group of aliens are violently probing some humans. He walks away because he is a dog and doesn't understand what an alien is.

>> No.19753101

What would you call it? 'Cowboys vs Extraterrestrials'?

>> No.19753108

Give me some time. Will post result.

>> No.19753113

Must say I enjoy all of them and get chuckle out of them. I think they have a certain style to them that you can call your own. Maybe one day you'll come up with a long story you can set in your zany world. Or maybe even just produce some short stories of similar style. I find them quite entertaining.

>> No.19753123

oh shit anon that's good, i might steal it.

>> No.19753145

"wee woo wee woo
attention gamers
There is a nigger on the premises
wee woo wee woo
the dog said.

>> No.19753153

Editing 230,000 words is a big job.

>> No.19753159

One word at a time, my dude.

>> No.19753174

Here, have a hundred and sixty three million dollars and make a blockbuster movie out of it

>> No.19753181

So I'm working on a middle grade fantasy book for boys and I have a bit of a dilemma. The MC has to find a specific plant to cure his friend and, after a short journey, happens upon a witch who can help him. My dilemma is this - should the boy outsmart the witch somehow, thus winning the cure, or should he make a deal for the cure and have to perform some task for her later on as payback for her giving him the cure? I like both choices, thus my conundrum. Thoughts?

>> No.19753193

Okay, I wrote a story about dogs discovering alien life, but wrote it in such a way that it doesn't give away that it's a dog until the end.


Yeah, I'm still not actually sure what burgerpunk is. Is it extremely depressing realism of modernity in suburbia? Is it zany parody scifi? Is it somewhere inbetween? I'm not sure, and I guess that's why I'm just doing shorts right now. Hopefully something will stick or there will be a story I want to write more than 700 words about.

>> No.19753194

Like Isle of Dogs but I'll call it Meteorite of Dogs

>> No.19753200

Depends on what message you wish to send. Thinking that it's a middle grade, you can keep it light hearted with the outsmarting, but it's be nice if I'm some way kids could learn that actions have consequences. Also it's important to know in which light you're painting the witch. Is she against the mc or is she willing to help? Ask yourself about her character and what would fit best, also in regards to the mc.

>> No.19753223

In your first idea the witch either falls out of the story or chases after the mc for revenge. In the latter the goals of the main character extend past the original "find a cure," so it depends on what you want the witch to be and where you want your story to end.

>> No.19753246

Used to have a dog that would demand we let him out around two or three in the morning. We were young parents at the time, so the process of getting up at that time like a robot was not a problem.

He wouldn't just piss. Sometimes I'd go out to the backyard for a piss with him. He'd spend a good ten minutes patrolling the ground, right along the property line. Constantly sniffing and double checking.

I think it was his way of making sure me, my wife, and our baby were safe. Because he was a good boy.

Anyway, I feel like if he were to have discovered aleums, it would be then. Probably noticing their UFO as it hovered over our backyard on their landing approach. Then he would have borked real loud so the aleums would be scared and run away. Then man and lady and baby would be safe and have good sleep.

>> No.19753255

Saw this exact question on /sffg/. Don’t know why you faggots go there to ask questions.

>> No.19753299

tfw. i'm doing a 2 volume historical which will clock around 200k and has to be written and edited together. it's a nightmare. before i split the file in 2 it was giving my word processor a headache.
it would take 4 days just to give the entire length a read-through let alone an edit. must be sweet to crank out 70k YAs you can read through in one day.
i like the fair exchange better.

>> No.19753301

Working on a middle grade fantasy book for boys and I have a bit of a dilemma. The MC has to find a specific plant to cure his friend and, after a short journey, happens upon a witch who can help him. My dilemma is this - should the boy outsmart the witch somehow, thus winning the cure, or should he make a deal for the cure and have to perform some task for her later on as payback for her giving him the cure? I like both choices, thus my conundrum. Thoughts?

>> No.19753319

Working on a middle grade fantasy book for boys and I have a bit of a dilemma. The MC has to find a specific plant to cure his friend and, after a short journey, happens upon a witch who can help him. My dilemma is this - should the boy trick the witch into falling in love with him and putting out of her own accord or should he buttfuck her after she turns into a newt? I like both choices, thus my conundrum. Thoughts?

>> No.19753365

I remember my first novel was originally my first and second. It was gonna clock in around 300k before I got wise and split it. Literally nobody has the time or patience to read that much anymore.

>> No.19753396

Don’t optimize, anon…this is a perfect devil’s bargain! This is your chance to get goddamn poetic.

For example: The with offers it for a “small token”, a button, a shoelace, an eyebrow. It seems like a silly thing for something of such value, but the lack of the thing becomes a major issue later in the book (the missing button places him at the scene of a crime, the shoe falls off at a critical time, the eyebrow makes him too recognizable when he needs to law low)

If you can’t come up with something good on your own here you’ve got no business writing.

>> No.19753416

There’s no way a newt’s penis is going to fuck anyth—
>reads again
>thinks about it
Oh, shit, anon. That’s so fucked.

>> No.19753443
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>> No.19753459

>[Ebisu pulling on Konohamaru's scarf]
>NARUTO: Shadow clone jutsu!
>[Pull out shot showing Naruto multiplying]
>KONOHAMARU: Woah! This is, unreal!
>[Ebisu adjust glasses.]
>EBISU: Hm, I'm not impressed I'm a jonin, an elite ninja warrior...
>[Ebisu takes a stance]
>EBISU: I'm ready.
>[Naruto makes a hand sign]
>NARUTO [all at once]: Transform. Transform. Transform.
>[Naruto shadow clones turn into a harem of sexy women, daintily clad in mist. The jonin looks on in stunned awe until the harem grab him and smother him their precious skin and nicely scented bodies. Cut to a shot of Ebisu's blood jetting out of his face, forcing him into the air and flying a good dozen feet backwards. He falls onto the ground and twitches, blood dripping from his face.]

>> No.19753517

Back when writing had SOUL...

>> No.19753535

You're right anon, and I have a less macabre way I'd like to tell it. One that's more vexing and "end of history" scenario that is at peace, not war. A corruption that you cannot convict. If something like the spirit of Babylon brings established peace instead of war. I point to how Paradise Lost puts it:
>I had hope when violence was ceas’t, and War on Earth,
>All would have then gone well, peace would have crownd
>With length of happy days the race of man;
>But I was far deceiv’d; for now I see
>Peace to corrupt no less then War to waste.

>> No.19753613

>reading the Sound and the Fury
>start second act and think the prose will become more normal
>it becomes even more schizophrenic
I can't imagine being an editor for that before it got published but I'd be lying if I said it didn't relate the pain of the characters.

>> No.19753616

schizo writing is so pleasurable. i do multiple POV and had a long passage from a legit insane character. that was fun as hell to write.

>> No.19753944

Working on a middle grade fantasy book for boys and I have a bit of a dilemma. The MC has to find a specific aphrodisiac to cure his friend and, after a short journey, happens upon a loli witch who can help him. My dilemma is this - should the boy rape her cunny so hard she gives into giving it for free, thus winning the cure, or should he make a deal for the cure and have to bring a flock of Ugly Bastards for her later on as payback for her giving him the cure? I like both choices, thus my conundrum. Thoughts?

>> No.19753995

if the overall book is depressing is it okay to have sections that are funny to break up the depressing events or does that break tone too much?

>> No.19754045

Is having a prologue a dumb idea if I'm just writing a 7 chapter short story?

>> No.19754049

It's completely dependent upon how you pull it off. Everything Kafka wrote was incredibly depressing and some of the funniest shit I've ever read. DFW set out to write a deeply sad book and ended up with a hilarious 1200 page romp with footnotes. Catch 22 is about the military industrial complex and the disassociate murder caused by dropping bombs, but it's funny. Again, it depends on how you do it.

Think about how humor works. You subvert an expectation. The expectation itself can be exceedingly depressing. That's why jokes about the holocaust and 9/11 are funny. It's a way to cope, which is an extraordinarily human thing to do when faced with fear and sorrow.

>> No.19754066

>Is having a prologue a dumb idea

>> No.19754113

The overall tone is melancholic, but I have a section that's humorous, mainly to endear the reader to a certain character who will then be killed. Whereas in Catch-22 the entire tone was humorous consistently.

>> No.19754142

That sounds like some "I love my wife and child as I go off to war and I'm totally not going to die" out of the blue vibes.

>> No.19754207

i mean. that's a bit unwarranted to say.

>> No.19754224

You havent given any context to the meat of what the story is other than generalizations about the tone and how one small particular part has a different tone in order to set up a particular emotional pay off. That sounds exactly like the build up in a war story of the man who's about to go off to die. The tone totally shifts all for the emotional pay off of death.

>> No.19754227

i'll think about it. there's something about that scene that bothers me enough to notice, so i might change it, but i think that's a little much to say. i think i can accomplish it a less risky way

>> No.19754242

Please write it

>> No.19754259

I give up on my robot waifu book. It just doesn't work

>> No.19754272

How do I go from writing 0 words a day to 2k words a day without hurting myself and burning out?

>> No.19754280

Work up to it and plan more. The actual act of writing doesn't take that long. If I knew exactly what I was typing and I typed at 70 wpm it would take about half an hour to get 2000 words knocked out. The problem is that I can't just sit there for 30 minutes straight typing, there's something else happening in the middle of that. I have to think about what I'm writing, that's what takes the time. How do you make your thinking more efficient? Well, planning.

>> No.19754351

I'm Gary Oak. You can't ignore my girth.

>> No.19754754
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I think emotional temperament is similar to pacing. Don't stay on the same emotion too long or it will annoy your reader. Break it up with some emotional respite, as even the most depressed have moments of clarity.

>> No.19754823

I have a story idea but every time I go to write it I find it so difficult to put down more than 200 words at a time. I get incredibly frustrated that I can't seem to figure out what to say. I've got the main beats of the story but I just can't fill in the bits in between. I think it's a combination of me being bad at writing and that it's a story that gives me a level of anxiety. Anyone else had to deal with this kind of thing?

>> No.19754834

i think i've been on that road in op pic
but every road in greece looks the same

>> No.19754862

I always knew I had the perfect marketable idea for a YA and see it now bc most of the agents I queried asked for fulls…
I could be a big YA writer :o

How do I not be a one hit wonder?

>> No.19754872

A bad writer can make a good idea bad and a good writer can make a bad idea good. Don't rest on the fact they like your idea, you still have to write it well.

>> No.19754878

I know
I would normally agree with you 100% but I have read a lot of new YA books and the actual writing of these ideas are questionable but they have good premises and great hooks. High concepts. I made sure I had a hook before writing it.
My writing is okay but I outlined it and made it the best I could. We will see what happens!

>> No.19755458
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>need to write a section where someone is angry
>try to think of what made me angriest in a personal level in the past few years
>write something else instead and go to sleep
>at 3am wake up remembering the name of an ex, which I though I forgot, and remembering what she looked like and how she was
>explosive whirlwind of anger, loathing, regret and love and start jotting furiously onto a notebook at my nightstand

>> No.19755467
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Trying to get back into descriptive writing

>> No.19755646

Long paragraphs.

>> No.19755867

How do I outline a three act adventure novel?

>> No.19755885

So wordy it broke my immersion. I saw quite a few places you could trim down the word count without sacrificing details just by playing with sentence structure/phrasing.

Also shouldn't the thoughts (the questions he asks himself) be italicized?

>> No.19755896

Post more Emily or I'll tell Asimov

>> No.19755901

When I get stuck on one chapter or scene, I go to the next. In my second book I had a whole chapter that remained blank until the entirety of the book had been written and edited through twice. I wrote it and it ended up being a disaster of a chapter, but I still wrote it

>> No.19755916

I appreciate the feedback. I agree it is wordy and could be trimmed down. I was trying to practice descriptive writing but I went a little over board it seems.

>> No.19755936
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>try to think of what made me angriest in a personal level in the past few years
>write something else instead and go to sleep

>doesn't exist at a baseline level of barely suppressed homicidal rage
Must be nice.

I literally started writing something close to this, then got bored and left it.

>> No.19756186

Act One: Inticing Event and Leaving Home
Act Two: Great Adventures and the Characters' Lowest Point
Act Three: Getting Your Shit Together and Homecoming

>> No.19756340

set your goal to 5k a day and do that for a month. then a 2k pace will seem easy and lazy.

>> No.19756357

repetitive and unedited. there is useful and useless description. what you have here is padding.

>> No.19756368

i thought about it overnight and i'm scrapping everything except the one joke which is quick, in character, and increases tension (part of an ongoing hostility between 2 characters.) everything else gets cut and replaced with something less shitty.

>> No.19756653

Fair points. It is unedited. I plan to rewrite it long in the future if I go with my full planned story so this is to cut out bad habits before I continue writing.

>> No.19756762

The scene was imaginative, I just found myself lost in seemingly unimportant details (like the specific #of columns). If you're looking for what could be a good exercise - rewrite that scene from scratch (without looking back and forth) but force yourself to stay under half that word count while still describing the scene.

I'd be interested in reading that version if you want to post again.

>> No.19756838

I will do this tomorrow and post in the general, good idea. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I know you were just using the columns as an example of a recurring issue but that detail is actually quite important as it’s set in a cult of Mithras temple which have 7 pillars to represent their 7 stages of initiation.

>> No.19757492

How do you determine when your book is finished enough to publish if it has a disjointed plot and is more of a fun romp than a thorough story?

>> No.19757578

Not sure how to query. Do I query as a two-part fantasy or just query as a book?

>> No.19757587

The 230k could be YA. Not sure how to pitch it.

>> No.19757591

Two-parter at 125k+ each?

>> No.19757597

Did you get it out to the public?

>> No.19757621

Classroom of kids that have to kill each other?

>> No.19757652

How the hell do you write 230k words of YA? What does that even consist of?

>> No.19757681

What is everyone’s opinion on altering history? Nothing major, but planning on tweaking relatively small moments so that i can play around with modern sensibilities, but with a context that allows for big testing moments. E.g Alberta seeking legal independence from Canada leading to repercussions for border communities

>> No.19757686

It ended up being book one around 140k and book 2 at 160k

>> No.19757687

If IJ could do it, so can you.

>> No.19757723

>an independent Alberta
What a goofy idea.

>> No.19757749

Kind of the point but that was an idea off the top of my head, I was just trying to say it is a smaller change than something like “what if hitler invaded America?” Type of thing

>> No.19757852

What if Manitoba was actually relevant in any conceivable way?

>> No.19757860

how do i show trauma of a character without him constantly looking like a bitch?
im playing on how he enjoys simple pleasures in his life but is constantly bogged down by responsibility of oppressors and how they take away those pleasures constantly.
one chapter he will be solemnly enjoying these pleasures and then the next chapter they are either ripped away from him or he is too hurt to continue to enjoy the pleasures.

i feel as though it will come off as him being whiney, so how do i properly show this without it coming off weak and make the reader actually sympathize with the character?

>> No.19757886

how do i show trauma of a character without him constantly looking like a bitch?
im playing on how he enjoys simple pleasures in his life but is constantly bogged down by responsibility of oppressors and how they take away those pleasures constantly.
one chapter he will be solemnly enjoying these pleasures and then the next chapter they are either ripped away from him or he is too hurt to continue to enjoy the pleasures.

i feel as though it will come off as him being whiney, so how do i properly show this without it coming off weak and make the reader actually sympathize with the character?

>> No.19757934

alt history is slightly less cringy and worthless than /sffg/ i guess

>> No.19757990

Huh? Wrong anon.

>> No.19758148

I feel like resignation and bearing up comes across better than complaining.

Google nasubi, a guy in a Japanese torture game show (somehow, this is not fictional) that endeared himself to everyone by cherishing his small wins and keeping a chin up despite many setbacks.

>> No.19758154

>im playing on how he enjoys simple pleasures in his life but is constantly bogged down by responsibility of oppressors and how they take away those pleasures constantly.
>one chapter he will be solemnly enjoying these pleasures and then the next chapter they are either ripped away from him or he is too hurt to continue to enjoy the pleasures.
>i feel as though it will come off as him being whiney, so how do i properly show this without it coming off weak and make the reader actually sympathize with the character?
It's only whiney if he bemoans his state of affairs and does nothing to show the reader he's struggling against it. Also all people have experienced different levels of suffering, so don't worry about extremity. Worry about the importance it has to the character. You can make something as innocuous as having a poster on the wall taken away be the most devastating thing in a story even though it's just a poster.

>> No.19758159

I would like to write a book.

>> No.19758171

Never gonna make it.

>> No.19758187

Gonna make it.

>> No.19758203

Duality of man.

>> No.19758261

When you write do you feel like you just use all your personal experiences that end up making the writing interesting and unique to people you don’t know? Like if I wrote a book about being a drunk lawyer it would possibly be interesting to people, but if my friends read it they would know it was me and would feel concerned for my well being. Like, even little things like a paragraph about a beta fish feels like I’m extracting the soul of my life in exchange for content. And even when I try to write from some place of imagination I feel like it’s all just from inside me and not separate. Does this make sense? Like, if I were to write a fantasy setting all I have to go off of is my lived experience in museums and media I’ve consumed. If I were to write realism I’d have to go do research on plumbing except the one time I fixed the sink. So my writing at this point is just me. It’s not like art where the end result is separate from the author.

>> No.19758266
File: 509 KB, 852x479, image_2022-01-16_174225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /wg/ I wrote a lot today

>> No.19758304

this helps tremendously, thank you.

>> No.19758320

this story alone is interesting enough im going to thank you for telling me about it, and preemptively if it does give me some amount of inspiration or answers for my story.
thank you

>> No.19758337

When english authors try to flower their language, using big and complicated words, they tend to choose english words that have a latin origin.

When I write english, I want to flower my language by using english words of germanic origin. This is difficult because germanic words are usually used for everyday things, while latin words see more usage in an academic setting.

Are there any examples of authors doing this?

>> No.19758361

Well that’s the fundamental split between common and legal language. You are fighting against hundreds of years of linguistic splits.

>> No.19758408

Lol, holy shit, looks like that parrot is on an acid trip.

>> No.19758430

If you post your work on places like Wattpad and FictionPress do they legally own the rights to that work?

>> No.19758433

I believe its possible, perhaps by taking inspiration from Anglish, a purely germanic english language.

In this list I see several examples where I find germanic origin words that are good choices for flowering my language.


Troth, forsake, beseech, harbinger, ere, behest, behoof, foredeal, tarry, erstwhile are some examples that can add to the language.

>> No.19758463

Does anyone else have issues concluding stories? I can't seem to finish anything without an abrupt ending...

>> No.19758471

hello, little anon. congrats, me too...

>> No.19758492

That’s a neat link, thanks anon. I’ve always been fascinated with legal doublets. Some judges use them to mean the same thing unless they want to get out of something and so they use the two words to mean different things even though they really don’t much.

>> No.19758514

I don't see a problem with it. Even the Hitler thing could potentially be pulled off if it was done right i.e. plausible, logical

>Alberta seeking legal independence from Canada leading to repercussions for border communities
Good premise actually.

>> No.19758521


>> No.19758605

>first volume 85k words
>second volume might end up being 110-120k
>no way to change the break point
kinda triggers my autism that it wont be even.

>> No.19758731
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Not anymore you didn't, hahahahahahaha... Prepare to face oblivion, fool!

>> No.19758743


>> No.19758752
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1506, image_2022-01-16_185049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot believe you have posted this

>> No.19758803

>an anon has declared war on blimp-anon

>> No.19758805

stories need "thorough plots" and there is no way around it if you want anyone to read it (let alone enjoy it)

>> No.19758846

Alright let's say there is a plot, generally speaking. When do I know the story is ready for beta reading?

>> No.19758929
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With the invention of the internet we've been consuming and producing media at such a rate that nothing feels unique or original enough anymore. Has the digital age of mass media killed the magic of storytelling? Is it even possible to write worthwhile fiction anymore? Am I just not creative enough, or am I too hard on myself?

>> No.19758943

i need to outline in 50-100 word chunks to be able to finish a story

>> No.19759029
File: 137 KB, 669x900, 1636804804144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something creative and new just requires a mix of familiar and unfamiliar. Authors have unique voice. You won't tell it the way someone else will, it won't sound the same. Don't limit your potential based on what gets published right now.
In fact, I'd say many people around the world are shocked and perspectives are changing dramatically this very generation. I think capturing that drama, any way you'd like to tell it, is worth it and fiction is due for some upheaval as authors grow frustrated, as you are, as people pretend that the world hasn't changed. Just how the modernists and post-modernists were reacting to the world they were in, you can do that as well.

>> No.19759111

we're all just telling the same stories over and over but with different characters in different settings. it's subconscious. don't get hung up on trying to be original

>> No.19759215

>showing your writings to friends and family
nobody in their right mind would ever do such a thing.

>> No.19759223

Aw, the manlihood!

>> No.19759263

>friend begged and begged to read what i'm writing
>finally gave him a copy
>despite having nothing else to do he still hasn't read it, he's probaby shitting around on discord and reddit like a fuckign faggot
>too disgusted with him to even ask
Jesus said something about a prophet being respected everywhere but in his own hometown.

>> No.19759287

>I'm at 45k words for my book
>it's 5k short of a novel
>it's now a novella and won't sell

>> No.19759290

Put in a bit about a dog discovering aliens as a side story.

>> No.19759298

>he thinks 50k words is a novel
>he's a smoothbrain from reddit who bought into nanowrimo's promises
>he thinks a first draft he shat out in 1 month that totally isn't a ripoff of his favorite seriesshit is going to "sell"

>> No.19759312

I can't. A robot waifu is enough science fiction. But I will take it into consideration for my next story.

>> No.19759315

>he's a smoothbrain from reddit who bought into nanowrimo's promises
Wait. I thought this was standard!?! Are you telling me Reddit was lying to me the entire time?!

>> No.19759340

I share with my friends and family. They like it.

>> No.19759383

>already struck out 600 words of crap
>about to strike out 2400 more from complete frustration with this section

>> No.19759394

It's okay I deleted entire chapters of 5k+ words because it's complete utter shit.

>> No.19759403

jungian archetypes tests came to mind, you could use those in your matrix
Vanilla Sky, but the Spanish version which imo is better it's called Open Your Eyes is worth a watch too

>> No.19759437

Are you worried about being unoriginal?
All you need is some well read confidante to proof your ideas, maybe your drafts. Or don't even bother. You tell your story, that's all that matters, that's the whole point of writing.
You can't be worried about plagiarism because that has to be done consciously, you should only be worried about getting caught if that were what you are up to.

>> No.19759489

the time is gone
the song is over
thought I'd something more to say

>> No.19759510

That's the price of being a writer. Inevitably you draw from your own life, thoughts and experiences, but even when you make it all up, everybody will assume that's what you think or want or feel anyway. So you can't win. Just pay the price for the art.

>> No.19759516

when you read the book yourself.

>> No.19759525

Of course they do ;)

>> No.19759536

>think about flaws in draft
>get so anxious i want to die

>> No.19759552
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You can't trick me, they like it

>> No.19759557
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Few hours before I gotta go to bed for work tomorrow. Enough time to write something. Someone please give me a writing prompt.

>> No.19759579
File: 2.58 MB, 2800x1866, i shanghai those who stroll too near.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beach football and cephalopods being responsible for the disappearance of lone walkers

>> No.19759585

A fat piece of shit mixing Coca-Cola with Pepsi

>> No.19759609

A man in a cock cage shows up to the emergency room with a grievous genital wound. He is denied life saving surgery because he does not have a written note from his bull allowing the removal of the cage.

>> No.19759621

What's your favourite font? Mine is Times New Roman.

>> No.19759634

comic sans, you're a faggot btw

>> No.19759636

Aimless recent college graduate's phobias keep him from getting a job but he discovers that his incredible memory allows him to B.S. interviews using anecdotes he's read online and get offers. He can't accept the offers because of the anxiety and because he doesn't really have the qualifications but makes a hobby of doing numerous interviews because acing job interviews gives him a simulated experience of competence. The authoritarian government under which he lives discovers him and forces him to use his interviewing skills to interview with and infiltrate this society's rebel group, who are dedicated to proving the earth is not flat, which challenges the system's dogma.

>> No.19759653

Sylfaen and Perpetua are my go-tos.

>> No.19759668

Isn't Book Basic the correct font?

>> No.19759669


>> No.19759679

You may as well write a historical fiction of Copernicus

>> No.19759688

Plebs. Book Antiqua is the most based of fonts to write in.

>> No.19759721


>> No.19759834
File: 547 KB, 976x549, image_2022-01-16_224745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libre Baskerville

>> No.19759883

>read other novels
>Most of them are shitty erotica
>Always rape
>Over use of the word "fuck"
>Men can cum 3-4 times
>Women always lose to the cock

Are writers just a bunch of frustrated virgins? Or is hentai the highest level of pornography?

>> No.19759893

How do I become satisfied with the readership I have?

>> No.19759897

Remember that someone has less readers than you

>> No.19759910

>read other novels
>they all seem to suck but somehow got published
>read my own draft
>nothing but anxiety and frustrations over my last novel going 80 queries without publishment now tinging my mentality with perfectionism and an inferiority complex

>> No.19759916
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Most books are bad. Most everything is bad. I do agree that the amount of visceral sex scenes in modern literature seems weirdly high these days. I'm not interested in sex pretty much at all, so it tends to take me out of the book most of the time.

>> No.19759982

Kek. Thank you both. Crit and feedback welcome.


>> No.19760006

Yours made a guest appearance too.

>> No.19760016

You do have a mood music playlist for when you're writing scenes with specific emotions don't you?

>> No.19760028

I blast the Totoro theme song extremely loud on repeat whenever I'm awake.

>> No.19760047

I just listen to Love Live songs all the time. If I ever become a famous author I am definitely going to pretend I listen to Wagner or Mahler or something, though.

>> No.19760049

It's very contemporaneous, in a good way.

>> No.19760051

I require help with some doubts, what to do when it feels I'm cramming too much into a character? Take out ideas for other times and characters?
The next question is way more common and I'm afraid I have to ask it myself, I want a female main character BECAUSE the character is so unrepentant if they are a male, I accounted for this during the stuff I have so far and approached them as either being a very weird male or a female, female won. Can I just do the swap OR should I do the whole "hmm how does a woman think?"

>> No.19760074

This guy gets it

>> No.19760077

>how do I stop cramming so much about a character?
You show who they are through action and how they handle themselves around others.
>How do I deal with a female character?
You aren't a woman, I think you'll be fine with just turning the dude MC into a woman MC and changing minor issues here and there. Don't purposely go out of your way to make them super woman-y. People will call you out on that, but there are some fundamental differences in how they deal with the world and their bodies that you may want to modify.

>> No.19760082

Like 50 Shades of Gray?

>> No.19760092

Thank you. Maybe one day it'll become a period piece like Friends or Kafka. I feel it pretty cringe to make direct references to products or media, but so much of modern symbolic culture is dealt with in these ways. No one is witty on their own anymore because our daily lives lack actual activity outside of consuming media. It's so surreal that this is our reality. I want to wander cityscapes, not just watch the simulacra of it on youtube. I want to be on a boat, not watch anime about boats. I want to feel real human connection, not just read a book about someone else experiencing it. But all those things require money or going out of your comfort zone. All those things become goals one has to chase instead of just things that are done. It's as if my will or my intent or my motivation are gone. Did they ever exist in the first place?

>> No.19760093

Even 50 shades has better sex scenes in it.

>> No.19760094

>You show who they are through action and how they handle themselves around others.
Fair, it was about me thinking they do too much coupled with lots of monologues, I just don't want to leave the weirdness unexplored but maybe I need to trim down the fat.
The gender-switch feels awkward which I think works out in my favor here but I'd like for you to expand on that last part, I need another perspective, what should I be focusing on? What to keep in mind?

>> No.19760099

The switch to RC cola is very jarring. Sometehing felt missing between paragraphs. Why would he scream about RC cola in the first place? He's pissed he's thrown in jail for mixing pepsi and coke, not for anything RC cola did.

>> No.19760102
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What do you mean by cramming? Just adding facts and personality traits? I always think that offhandedly mentioning small things about them is a good way to add depth. it's very tough to go excessively, as long as you aren't describing things that don't matter in great detail.
Say a character has a sweet tooth. you can mention that during a dinner scene, but don't spend more than a sentence on it. it's just a fun quirk about her, it gives depth without diverting from the things that are happening that are important.
Your mileage may vary. I write in a somewhat conversational style, so it works well for me.

>> No.19760115

I was going for a third party soda the guy screams out in anger because he's been interrogated by both coke and pepsi representatives. He chooses RC Cola as one to get the goat of both at the same time, frustrated about being oppressed by both brands.

>> No.19760126

Too much beliefs, too much actions. An odd comment, related to the main flow conversation that's just there to hint at something, that sort of thing, I feel I'm too maximalist with most of my characters, not descriptive but to the point they stop being a real person and more of a talking symbol.

>> No.19760137

A man's distaste for Gros Michel banana flavored yogurt leads to a massacre on Main Street.

>> No.19760146

I'm not a woman but I've known a few. I think the major perspective shift is that women are objectified in what they are, themselves as objects that are judged, while men are objectified in action, they are judged by what they do. There is always the power distance that men don't really understand until they meet a dude that benches 3 times what they do. Knowing that the powerlifter could pin you down and do whatever they want with you is something us dudes don't think about too much, but most every woman I've met worries in some way about how much stronger almost every man around them is. Other things to think about when it comes to the whole objectification is the whole Madonna–whore complex thing. Men who look to women as objects either see them as their own saintly object or the object of scorn because they are possessed by someone else.

I don't really know beyond that how different they really are. Could go into the whole social focus as opposed to physical object focus, but that's kinda already covered in what I first said. I also really don't want this to derail into a /pol/ thread so I'm going to just say now that all of this is generalizations and every person is different.

>> No.19760166
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I'm running out of good airship pictures. Might have to start recycling.
Then your problem is more the flow of your writing, isn't it? It's not that your characters are too complex or overdeveloped, you just aren't so good at introducing those parts of them in a way that flows with your writing. There's nothing wrong with characters who have a lot to say about what they believe in, you just have to figure out how to make them say it at a time that feels natural.

>> No.19760187

>All those things become goals one has to chase instead of just things that are done. It's as if my will or my intent or my motivation are gone. Did they ever exist in the first place?
The highly efficient modern society leaves very little room for individuals to explore their lives. Things are expensive because people have expenses. I think about the expats from 100 years ago. They just lived in Europe and went around not worrying a damn about retirement or where they'd live or what they'd really eat either. They just would do a little work here and there and would otherwise be living the high life doing whatever the fuck. It's like looking into a different universe.

>> No.19760194

I get it now, that was exactly it. Any advice?
Thanks for the help, I was thinking something like that, will go over some things again.

>> No.19760207

big tittied goth gf

>> No.19760211

Painfully based.

>> No.19760212
File: 796 KB, 889x1300, 8678697698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote 3500 words yesterday of mostly new content.
Edited/rewrote a different 5000 today, most of which was reuseable carry-over from the original with edits. Now facing a section of ~15000 words that will need to be entirely new/redone.

>> No.19760220

That would just be a chapter in my very depressing biography. :(

>> No.19760222

What's a good way to make a book cover? Should I just go around taking pictures and just use something that looks nice as one?

>> No.19760235

You can do it yourself if you have the skills for it, but I would recommend a professional cover by someone who does book cover designs. Shop around thoroughly. After a while you get to know what you like. I'm not satisfied with mine right now; she does stock photo purchasing and photoshop and I want custom art this time around.

>> No.19760236
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I don't really know if my advice would be useful - more just a thing you have to pick up by listening to people talk. I think if your character has to explain their beliefs, it definitely should be either as the result of someone directly asking, or needing to explain an action they've committed in the name of those beliefs. When you want to do it, think "But who asked?" and if the answer is "no one", it's probably an inappropriate time to insert it.
There's a famous troll Harry Potter fanfic that fails in this regard to its logical extreme. it's called "Harry Potter Becomes A Communist". It's pretty funny.

>> No.19760281

i never understood this, i mean yeah you have to rework and edit stuff, but getting that far in and not realizing your headed down the wrong path?
Do you guys do flow of consciousness + dicktation software or some shit?

>> No.19760288

I can’t believe you actually post your writing here, let alone your own ideas. You’ll forever be branded a chud.

>> No.19760295

I think it's fun.

>> No.19760299
File: 534 KB, 1200x601, image_2022-01-17_005136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think the only thing I've disclosed about my work is that there's blimps in it lol

>> No.19760308

WW3 never sounded so pedophilic.

>> No.19760315

I think I spend too much time in front of the laptop typing absolutely nothing.

>> No.19760338

just shit out some trite poetry, pat yourself on the back and call it a day?

>> No.19760370

It's a manuscript from 3 years ago I'm reworking, dude. The story is good but the writing quality was holding it back. It's not "wrong" just amateur. and now it's much better and i might do another round of this.

>> No.19760376

>8400 words to event that sets off the rest of the story
That's fast enough for me

>> No.19760380

Happy, Bittersweet, Sad, Tragic, or Evil ends?

>> No.19760386

Bittersweet. That longing for something finished that lingers for a few days feels like an artificial hit of meaning and sorrowful pleasure. I love it and wish it would never fade.

>> No.19760401

bittersweet downer ending where most characters might've died, there's still drastic civil unrest and war might brew again, but hey, at least the two FMCs can live out the rest of their days in peace, grow old in eachother's arms and most importantly be raging dykes without a care in the world.

>> No.19760425

I'm watching The Wind Rises right now and BOY is it bittersweet. Why does every Miyazaki make me cry?

>> No.19760430

tragic, always. there is no beauty except in tragedy.

>> No.19760442

Interesting thought. That's why none of the action or comedy things I consume really hit me in that way.

>> No.19760461

Genre specific, with some having multiple
Romance, Fantasy, Historical, Science fiction, Adventure, Western, Magical realism
Romance, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery, Western, Magical realism
Historical, Science fiction, Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Western
Romance, Historical, Science fiction, Thriller, Western, Magical realism
Fantasy, Historical, Science fiction, Horror, Thriller, Western

>> No.19760466

I decided to jump on the literary bandwagon of making it so vague that the reader can pretty much decide for themselves

>> No.19760491

Ironic endings are the best. Sure it's nigh impossible to pull off but when it does it's great.

Animal farm did it well

>> No.19760984

What's your private silly motivation for wanting to publish through a big publisher? For me, money and greater visibility are the up-front motivations, but deep down I want to be published so I can hire some specific cartoon voice actors I grew up on to do the audiobook versions. Not memeing; achieving this dream is what keeps me going.

>> No.19760986

I write only happy endings but all readers insist they're tragic wtf

>> No.19760990

I can only read Times, everything else looks like shit and makes my eyes bleed in longer paragraphs

>> No.19760998

When I was in high school? "Evil wins" or bittersweet where the villain technically dies at the end but he managed to inflict so much permanent damage that he "won" even in defeat.
Now? Happy or happy with a twinge of bittersweetness.
I just got really sick of writing story after story of characters suffering and it all being for nothing. Happy endings might be cliche, but at the rate I was going, the opposite had become even more of a cliche for me.

>> No.19761000

I've published books in both Georgia and Minion, depending on what I'm feeling at the time.

>> No.19761007

If you’re going to self publish, you may as well use a new font no one has seen.

>> No.19761017

Self publish?

>> No.19761519

That situation is one of my biggest fears I think and probably why I have insane writers block
Wow reading your comment was a trip. It was almost as if I typed it myself. We gotta soldier on I suppose.

>> No.19761524

Mine is just to say I did it. I can take to my grave knowing I left a bit of me in the world

>> No.19761561


Sadly, marketability is more important to most agents/publishers than quality. What's the point in them wasting money on something, no matter how masterful, if they make a loss?

>> No.19761563


Credibility. Not really anything other than that if I am honest with myself.

>> No.19761797

For those of you who journal do you think a physical or digital journal is better? I've tried both and find it difficult to stick to it - I only seem to write when I'm feeling particularly down about something.

>> No.19761811

I don't really care who publishes me. I'll probably never actually be published by one of the big guys because what I write isn't commercially viable. I may just end up publishing myself if I can't get a smaller arthouse publisher to take the manuscript when it's done. I really just don't care about anything past striving for perfection with respect to my own personal tastes and standards for what makes good literature. If I actually succeed at that, I'm sure the rest will follow.

>> No.19761889

A narrator should never be alone. He should always have with him a person to tell his story to. Unless, of course, he is mentally unstable, in which case a mirror might suffice. If you can't tell me what kind of chair your narrator is sitting on, then I don't want to hear anything else from you.

>> No.19761903

Are you saying every narrative needs to be a frame narrative?

>> No.19761906


wut? The narrator need not be an actual character. This stance makes no sense for the vast majority of literature

>> No.19761913

Dumb-dumb. The narrator is the writer and the other person is the reader.

>> No.19761915

The narrator can tell his story to the reader. Always thus

>> No.19761918

Either Prose or Le Guin from the recommended books in the OP does tackle this question. For them the problem is when and how is the story being told. Thus, having a framing device is a brilliant way to have the story be told naturally. Allows for the narrator to skip over the uninteresting, for the listeners to question and hurry up the story, or pause to ask questions. All of this can work brilliantly if done by a good writer.

>> No.19761930

I bet nobody will write in the next write thread because nobody here writes.

>> No.19761933

i guess it's plastic and nylon? i dont fuckin know it's a chair i bought it at office max for 50 bucks who the fuck cares

>> No.19761943

There wasn’t nearly enough discussion about rape this time you homos are faggots.

>> No.19761964

The vast majority of literature is a hideous mixture of disparate forms – and quite unsavoury in its artificiality.

>> No.19761970

Bad troll

>> No.19761972

I've sent the same text to two different contests. If I don't win either, it will finally prove I am a hack who is NGMI.

>> No.19761975

I have a story idea but it hurts every time I go to write it. How do you power through this? The story makes me feel so sad that I can't make myself write it or else I can't write a lot at once.

>> No.19761982

Hurts? How about you stop being a melodramatic little bitch.

>> No.19761996

Happy endings are so rare nowadays that they ought to be the new subversion.

>> No.19762004

Happy endings are for literal babies.

>> No.19762005

>All of this can work brilliantly if done by a good writer.
LITERALLY anything can work brilliantly if done by a good writer. This is why the rest of your post is entirely, 100% bullshit. By corollary, literally nothing can work brilliantly if done by a poor writer. Good writers have no rules, so it stands to logic that you should just focus on writing well and discard the "rules" and "frameworks" by which shitty writers try to drag all the other crabs down into the bucket.

>> No.19762007

Far from it, I merely believe that the essence of storytelling lies in the direct communication between two people, one recounting to the other an experience in which he or she has directly or indirectly participated. The field report is the essential form of storytelling, and any deviation from it amounts to a small perversion.

>> No.19762015
File: 162 KB, 1200x862, Bakuman end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy endings make me cry

>> No.19762017

You're just too microbrained to understand a good happy ending. You've been burnt to hell on sadness and bittersweet endings. Take the smilepill.

>> No.19762021
File: 3.54 MB, 3528x3083, 1577852914868-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19762023

Go be gay somewhere else homoboy!

>> No.19762029

Fine! I'll take my homosex somewhere it's appreciated, like the next thread!

>> No.19762032

>storytelling lies in the direct communication between two people, one recounting to the other an experience in which he or she has directly or indirectly participated
No shit, Einstein. It's literally impossible to talk about something you've never thought about. In the talking, you think about what you're talking about. This is an utterly banal idea gussied up in self-important language and the semiotics of profundity. Stop huffing your own fuckin farts, nigger.

>> No.19762036

Your pea brain cannot fathom the depth of my ideas, whitey.

>> No.19762039

I just did, retard.

>> No.19762043

Really, dumbo?

>> No.19762050
File: 179 KB, 917x871, 1640594527617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude... storytelling is like... bro hear me out... it's like uh... a CONVERSATION, you see... and, uh... like... you can only HAVE a CONVERSATION with another person... woah...

>> No.19762051

You're just another shyster adrift in the wake of my mind.

>> No.19762053

You're an idiot.

>> No.19762062
File: 402 KB, 666x666, 381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, man... dude... you just don't UNDERSTAND...

>> No.19762077

M-Maybe I can be your shyster tonight...

>> No.19762128

baked bread

>> No.19762598

1. So my enemies fear and crumble as they hear my name
2. So graduate whores suck my dick in the bathroom during book reads
3. So I look into the mirror in the morning and see something I'm not ashamed of

>> No.19762682

>I only seem to write when I'm feeling particularly down about something.
So if you value writing try to be sad about something all the time. I've got into the routine of drinking a little before writing, now I can't do it without and my friends call me an alcoholic. Change your routine or embrace it, no point in dwelling.