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/lit/ - Literature

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19750651 No.19750651 [Reply] [Original]

Books/authors that explain/critique cultural capitalism, capitalist pop culture, technology, social media, school system consumerism, aesthetics, fashion, environment, sexuality, materialism, everyday life, "self-improvement", psychological capitalism, and so on and so on.
Every- one and thing is welcome regardless of their political affiliation, and race.
>Thorstein Veblen's books
>John Taylor Gatto's books
>Mark Fisher's books
>Byung-Chul Han's books
>Ted Kaczynski's books
>John Zerzan's books
>Martin Heidegger's books
>Michel de Certeau's books
>Jean Baudrillard's books
>Slavoj Zizek's books
>Frankfurt School
>Julius Evola's books
>Antonio Gramsci's books
>Otto Weininger's books
>Nick Land's books
> Henri Lefebvre's books
>Bernard Stiegler's books
>Neil Postman's books
>Guy Debord's books
>Pentti Linkola's books
>Situationists' writings, On the Poverty of Student Life, and The Revolution of Everyday Life
>Gilles Deleuze's, Felix Guattari's books
>Georges Bataille's books
>Pierre Bourdieu's books
>Sigsmund Freud's books
>Carl Jung's books
>Jacques Lacan's books
>Christopher Lasch's books
>Edward Bernays' books
>Paul R. Ehrlich's books
>Nicholas Carr's books
>Erving Goffman's books
>Amia Srinivasan's books
>Ivan Illich's books
>John Taylor Gatto's books
>Jeremy S. Adams' books

>> No.19750660

>and race.

>> No.19750665

Jews got good insights, whatever you like it or not.

>> No.19750671

Correct, but I didn't mean them.

>> No.19750678

Ah, I understand. There is one East Asian author on the list, and that's Byung-Chul Han. But I know what you mean.

>> No.19750685
File: 39 KB, 384x406, 1580096379228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are staring at their smartphones.

>> No.19750688


>> No.19750705

Nothing is wrong with the girl on the left, except maybe apart from the hair dye [because it damages ur hair]

>> No.19750713

Shoshanna Zuboff
Yanis Varoufakis
Søren Mau

>> No.19750890

>tfw no trad Muslim gf

>> No.19751334

>No burqa, uses jewish "technology", walks freely without companion or protector, shares public space with men unknown to her and provokes their lust with her bare face.
Absolutely haram habibi, you are never going to make it.

>> No.19752390

Would love having a threesome with both of them.

>> No.19752480

Angel's Egg

>> No.19752490

Is it true that women that dress like that in public are rape baiting or I've been lied by the internet?

>> No.19754694

Jacques Ellul, Lewis Mumford, Oswald Spengler...

>> No.19755407

René Guenon

>> No.19755412

That's a great picture, it sums everything up.

>> No.19756550

Gravity's rainbow

>> No.19756574

Dude is German now though lol

>> No.19756591

would fuck woman on the left

>> No.19756626

What's wrong with self-improvement? Virtue is what we should always be striving for. And in a Utilitarian culture where the highest moral value is "do what you want as long as you don't harm others", a maxim even a worm follows, it is no wonder that so many people feel like they need to strive for something better. After all, it used to be the duty of parents, the state, and the community to instill virtue in children. Now that the family and community has collapsed and the state takes no interest in such matters, it is up to people themselves to become virtuous through sheer force of will. This is an almost impossible task but it is an admirable one.

>> No.19756913
File: 90 KB, 526x545, everyone ends up in jahannam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19756927

Consider that the world's fattest societies have the largest "dietary" industries. Yet these societies are still increasingly obese. What use is so-called self-improvement to such people? It is another object to consume!

>> No.19757023

Yeah but one is letting her husband know that she's safe and on her way home, whereas the other is on dating app.

>> No.19757150

Imagine being this naive.

>> No.19757258

look at this faggot that still thinks it's the message and not the medium that matters. b-but i follow the GOOD twitter accounts-- nah nigga you're screwed your brain is turning to mush.

>> No.19757286

>Søren Mau
Dude is just your everyday communist academic. He's really cringe.

>> No.19758779


Is that the Montreal Subway? It looks like it.

>> No.19759787


>> No.19759826

>conflating Free Market Economics with consumerism

>> No.19759974

Bro, this is so stupid, I'm sorry. What if she isnt on social media at all, but reading the Bible or something? Just because she is reading it on a phone and not from a physical book, you say its bad. That makes no sense, phones are much more versatile than you give them credit for

>> No.19759983

She could be playing BitLife

>> No.19759988

Plot twist: the one on the left is texting her husband and the hijabi is on Tinder

>> No.19760170

Just imagine how sweaty the redhead's feet are after walking all day in stockings. Why aren't they on my face right now, bros?

>> No.19760360

Wife on the right, mistress on the left.

>> No.19761474

Bernardo Kastrup

>> No.19761569

I want to fuck the one on the right

>> No.19761644

this versatility of phones is precisely what makes them pernicious as a medium. they have many legitimate uses but whatever pragmatic reason you have to carry one is irrelevant - the danger of smartphone usage is in the margins, in the cumulative effect of those five minutes every day where you're waiting for the bus and hey, this thing you intended to read books on is already in your pocket and it's not worth starting a new chapter when you only have five minutes so let's just scroll twitter for a bit or play a game, oh and what's that notification. say goodbye to your brain. "i'll only use mine to read the bible" - sure, and that wooden horse will only stand in the city square and look majestic.

>> No.19761703

>the cumulative effect of those five minutes every day where you're waiting for the bus and hey, this thing you intended to read books on is already in your pocket and it's not worth starting a new chapter when you only have five minutes so let's just scroll twitter for a bit or play a game, oh and what's that notification. say goodbye to your brain.
Holy shit bros, I just want to read, why do I keep coming to 4channel?

>> No.19761708


You’re here forever

>> No.19761726

zero hp lovecraft is abit on the nose but

>> No.19761897

Have you never interacted with the real world?