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/lit/ - Literature

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19744566 No.19744566 [Reply] [Original]

How often, when you comment on a specific work, author or movement, have you actually deeply engaged (or even read) the material of matter? Almost none of the opinions espoused on this forum make any fucking sense to a functional human brain with non-wikipedia understanding of any given subject.

Pic: a good example of one such author

>> No.19744569

i tried reading beyond good and evil but it was too dense and old worldy for me to bother penetrating. i just read more modern critique of older stuff. i get the key ideas.

>> No.19744576

I've deeply engaged with them in my mind, don't have to read them.

>> No.19744587

>Uses a picrel of Samuel Longhorn Clemens to make it seem he's being very clever

>> No.19744588

Wouldn't that be über-wikipedia level of understanding?

>> No.19744606
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I’ve read enough neeetzsch to spam this excellent wojak

>> No.19744613

>How often, when you comment on a specific work, author or movement, have you actually deeply engaged (or even read) the material of matter?
Almost always, and whenever I talk about something I know little of I state it, since insincerity makes me depressed.

>> No.19744648

Thanks for answering the question in your own special way, anon :)

>> No.19744671
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I intentionally derail threads about theologians, theorists and philosophers by posting low-effort bait.

>> No.19744681

For the most part I make it clear when I'm speculating and when I think I know hat I'm talking about. But sometimes it's also fun to shitpost and pretend to be knowledgable on a topic you aren't and see whether other anons catch on.

>> No.19744702
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Imagine a spectrum with superficiality at one end and profundity and the other. This would imply that superficiality is more profound than completely nothing. A superficial understand of a subject is enough to reveal when others have no understanding at all. Personally, I have found that listening to three or four Nietzsche books on audiobook format is enough to inform me when people have no understanding of Nietzsche at all. Usually the dissenters are assblasted christkeks who think they are that kid in God's Not Dead and Neech is the mean professor.

>> No.19744703

The quality of this board is already bellow bottom, so I only engage in threads I know something about. Trolling and wasting your own and others time is the joy of the mediocre nobody.

>> No.19744725

Seriously. OPs who don't or can't engage in their own worthless threads is the worst part. I'll bump effortful threads and read along but never post unless I've read the work in question or can relate the topic directly to something else I'm extremely familiar with.

>> No.19744727

Same, but only if they're being douches, and I would say it's quite cleverly constructed bait, if I'm allowed to toot my horn for a second.

>> No.19744888

I’ve read just enough Nietzsche (beyond good & evil and about 1/4 of OTGOM) to throw out a witty correction for some blatant misconception (very common occurrence) since a few sections of both are burned into my brain. I couldn’t give you a summative or ample description of his thought though.

>> No.19744911

No one can know 100% in depth everything, you fucking retard. We talk about stuff because we're interested in the topics, not because we're PhD world experts on one author or one book.

>> No.19744974

I only comment on aspects that I’m very confident in. Rarely do I troll and say outrageous things for the lolz

I think Nietzsche is a prime example of a man who gets misunderstood by 90% of people. I think it’s down to the many prerequisites to understanding nietzsches thoughts:

You need to be familiar with the Heroic Greeks and the heroic ideal. Then you need to be familiar with the Semitic people and their worldview in contrast to the heroic greeks. You need to understand the Jesus and the similarities between him and Socrates. Then you need to understand Schopenhauer, especially what he’s saying about suffering and the attitude he had towards it.

There’s more but these are the most fundamental things one needs to know before they undertake Nietzsche

>> No.19744982

Depends. If it’s fiction I will only make what I consider high quality posts, and if I haven’t read it I’ll only post questions and the like. If it’s political, I’m going to be posting bait, regardless of if I agree or disagree with the political opinions. If it’s philosophy I just ignore the thread.

>> No.19745034

>You need to understand the Jesus and the similarities between him and Socrates

Socrates as proficient rhetorician and an accomplished hack, Jesus was modestly successful provincial Rabbi who got hyped and substance coated by Greek gnostic evangelists.

>you need to be familiar with the Semitic people and their worldview in contrast to the heroic greeks.

Dude...you people really give too much credit to the jews, they are footnote in history, that only became a thing because of Constantine.

>> No.19745454

Rarely, if ever.
However, I did write some guy's philosophy essay for $60 about Nietzsche, having never read a word of his works and basing the entire thing off Wikipedia articles and random philosophy websites. Got a grade above the class average, so the problem reaches the undergraduate level who supposedly take this shit seriously.

>> No.19745525

You need to read Weber and Sombart.

And Nietzsche.

>> No.19745532

>so the problem reaches the undergraduate level who supposedly take this shit seriously

Anyone who's talked to a humanities major is already tired of seeing this "revelation".

>> No.19745537
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>read Weber

Hell, no.

>> No.19745551

Also of interest: Marx's zur Judenfrage, Nordau's "Entartung", Spengler, then Mein Kampf. For the historical continuity, though. I'm not a poltard here to peddle culture of critique pseudo-historical dogshit. The history of central banking is an interesting resource though. Short book written by a nazi retard, but all the info is relevant to understanding the jewish roots of western culture. The greeks were the early exception, not the rule.

>> No.19745573

I'm one of those people who admits to not having read what I haven't read, and who doesn't talk about things I haven't read myself

I think that at any given time, roughly 5-6 posters on the board are people like me, all with totally random literacy levels. There's always 1-2 people on /lit/ who know what they're talking about, but half the time those people are trolling or pretending to be retarded for fun.

This is just the people who are confident enough to post, though. If you are wrong enough - for long and loud enough - on the front page, a lurker who knows the correct answer can be irritated into posting the correct answer.

>> No.19746076

>How often, when you comment on a specific work, author or movement, have you actually deeply engaged (or even read) the material of matter?

i´m still with the greeks so of course i will try to speak with the limited knowledge i have of the writers, artist and philisophers that came after the greeks, that is

>> No.19746084
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>Usually the dissenters are assblasted christkeks who think they are that kid in God's Not Dead and Neech is the mean professor.

>> No.19746106
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Deeply read? Almost never.
I really do rely on a lot of summarized accounts, but I think when speaking of philosophers it's really hard to read a lengthy tome when you know it has been "disproven" by someone who ironically might not have understood the author perfectly(see this a lot with critiques of Kant).
I am trying to slog my way through Hegel PdG right now.

>> No.19746113

always, and thats why I only lurk moar and moar