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/lit/ - Literature

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19742748 No.19742748 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post about your favorite local independent book shops. Give their locations, tell us what goodies you've bought there, tell stories!
In these times, it's important to talk about and support local, small businesses.

This is Dove & Hudson Book Shop in Albany, New York, located at the corner of Dove and Hudson. I'd never been here before today, I was just passing through, but what a wonderful little store this is. I bought a copy of Vasily Grossman's Life and Fate, a couple of Edward Abbey and Richard Brautigan books (of which he had tons) and Kokoro by Natsume Soseki. The owner of the store was a very friendly old man, and as I was checking out he told me some stories of meeting Richard Brautigan in the cafes in San Francisco. He also told me I ought to read the Book of Ebenezer le Page, and gave me a whole run-down on the book.
Another cool thing is that at this bookshop you get 'purple money.' For each ten dollars you spend, you get a purple dollar bill which you can spend if you come back.

>> No.19742756

what a faggot store
thanks to based bezos i don't have to visit such shitholes

>> No.19742762

The nearest bookshop with any quality stuff is an hour away and they made me wear a mask.

>> No.19742996

Sounds like shill

>> No.19743022

Kys shill nigger faggot

>> No.19743633
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Fuck Independent Book Stores

>> No.19743973

My hometown is, for whatever reason, filled with a stupid amount of used book shops. I love it. There is one street with about 3, and I like grabbing random shit I know nothing about.

>> No.19743974
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Gay thread.

>> No.19743989

The Barnes and Nobel near me is a shithole. Though vapid housewives and little kids might like it.

>> No.19744000
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>He also told me I ought to read the Book of Ebenezer le Page

Based old man

>> No.19744174

I hate independent bookstores, they all sell shit.

>> No.19744306
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Last books I picked up in there was some Losurdo and Solokhov's "And Quiet Flows the Don." Also found the memoirs of Peng Dehuai.

>> No.19744442

Used Bookstores>>>>Used/New Indie Bookstores=Library Bookstores>>>>non-faggoty Indie Bookstores>>>Chain Bookstores>>>>>>>>>>>>Amazon>>>>>>Stealing Books>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Faggot Pozzed Commie LGBTQP+ BLM Vote Hilary Indie Bookstores

>> No.19744458

Fuck you Im not giving location.
There's a secret book shop in my town that exists in an "arcade" that looks like where kids would do meth. Its one of two operating stores in there I think. The guy who runs it wears an eyepatch. He has top tier books at decent price and fear the day it closes down.
The second place I go tp is always opportunity & charity shops. Those places don't care about pricing books high. I pay between $2-$4 on decent books. I mean massive hulking textbooks from universities and whatnot. But you gotta cross your fingers.

>> No.19744463

How the fuck did I know I would see this here. Fuck you and fuck this town. I love Rosie tho, she is a cute dog. Also genuinely pretty good shop.

>> No.19744921

Comfy thread, bump

>> No.19744936

There's a cool second hand charity bookstore in my city that always has really good quality stuff. It's associated with a major international charity organisation. Mostly i go there to pick up classics but they also often have academic books in many different subjects and a lot of cool philosophy stuff. My working theory is that, since it's right in the heart of the city but in a slightly cheaper spot, all the foreign students who come to study in our universities donate their books to this shop when they fail out in semester one and have to leave.

>> No.19744945

SKOOB in Brunsqick park, London is great. They have an esoterica section, and there is a good ratio of literature to airport books. I went in wanting Faulkner, houllebecq and the Illuminatus! trilogy, and found all three. It's second hand mostly, if not all, but I rate their purchasing choices. If you spend more than a tenner they'll give you a tote bag, and if you go in and say "it's over" they''ll say "Hi LF".

>> No.19744961

Inheriting books>Writing books>Finding books>Used bookstores>Charity shops>Indie bookstores>armed theft of books from the firemen transporting them to the pyres>Regurgitating books you swallowed to prepare yourself for solitary confinement>Downloading pdfs from a torrent of all the books found in A.B. Schoolshooter's locker by the alphabetmen who worked as counsellors in his school>Finding books as hidden, glued pages in a special edition given to you by your handler>being handed pieces of literature through cracks in a cell wall>Amazon>Finding you already owned the book but were filtered last time you read it.

>> No.19744970

that sounds cool as fuck

>> No.19744989

Forgot to mention that the prices are incredibly good

>> No.19745560

Anybody in Vancouver should check out Macloud's books. It is a huge store, shelves packed to the 12+ft ceiling, piles of books everywhere, they have everything in all sorts of old editions. So cool, I could spend all day in there and not see everything. The people working there are pretty based too, I won't say why.

>> No.19745636

Dickson St. Bookstore is pretty good.

>> No.19745724

I'm pretty fond of Liftbridge Book Store in Brockport NY, used to frequent it when I was in college and still pop in there every now and then. Hopefully they're a bit better off than they were a couple years ago, they were handing out flyers with every purchase begging people to shop there because they were on the verge of going out of business.

>> No.19745814

Holy shit I was here like 4 months ago because I was visiting someone at the hospital and yea I have those purple bucks in my wallet right now

>> No.19745840

In Toronto there used to be this insane used bookstore, total chaos, books piled randomly all over. The prices were amazing but it was a mess. When it went out of business it was five bucks per grocery bag of books so I spent a day there combing through. Probably half my bookshelf is from there.

>> No.19745897
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this is my usual place, I think the owner got caught a few years ago smuggling rare stuff out of the carnegie library nearby

>> No.19746014
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In terms of actual stores with locations you can visit, not residences or warehouses, my town has 9 bookstores. I live in Iowa City, Iowa—a UNESCO City of Literature. Two are for course materials for university students. One is a famous bookstore that brings in many authors to do readings—Prairie Lights. Obama was there once. The last time I was there, which was a couple years ago, I counted 8 different Magical Negro books for sale. I'm not a fan and find them to be highly overrated. There's a Barnes and Noble and some other shops, but there are two other bookstores I want to highlight.
A bookshop that I went to for the first time recently and was impressed with was Captain's Bookshoppe. The owner recently got a storefront after leaving the military and selling books out of his house. It's small, but books are stacked to the ceiling. He's a very nice and friendly guy with lots of good books. He does online sales too.
There was another bookshop in my town that I wanted to go to, but I don't think I ever will. It's called the Haunted Bookshop. Because of covid, they are now appointment-only and do online sales. To just look at their books for an hour, you must pay $25. That is insane. I can't believe that anyone here would ever do that. But they did, and I have the screenshot.

>> No.19746422

Do you live in Stamford, NY by any chance?
Based. And Quiet Flows the Don is one of the greatest books I ever read.
>if you go in and say "it's over" they''ll say "Hi LF"
This cannot be real
That's pretty cool, I use to have a group of buddies from high school I would visit in Brockport. It's a nice little town. Never noticed that bookstore though.
based thief

>> No.19746620

The French Quarter in New Orleans has my favorite used bookstores. Great for stumbling into drunk.

>> No.19747313

Was it worth it?

>> No.19747330

Based Dentonite, came here to post this. I'll be going there Monday or Tuesday.

>> No.19747628

I scored willard and his bowling trophies and a bunch of other brautigan books at the monkey's paw in toronto. Bmv had a copy of sheppard lee and the peach blossom fan. Kino indeed.

>> No.19747638

I also got some conraid aikan poetry there - preludes to memnon and the book of the rock or something. Kino, but i'm not halfway through yet

>> No.19747689

I got an out print book on Rhodesia at my local used book store. They have some good old books.

>> No.19747848

You stink >:(

>> No.19747861


>> No.19747866

Makes sense. It's not really a local book store. Not in the sense OP meant it at least.

>> No.19747875

I'm heading up to Toronto in a couple months, I might have to check this out. I saw something on the website talking about a 'book vending machine.' What's that about?

>> No.19747880

>gatekeeping a bookshop

>> No.19747894

its hard for these to exist anymore regardless of amazon.

International coverage on literature worldwide is widespread and it'd be close to impossible for these small shops to get your newest Houellebecq, Murakami, and etc. These shops usually just have dusted up piles of domestic work and lots of stephen king tier stuff.

The only ones that will manage to last are those antique historical stores that end up being tourist attractions more then they are book stores and are usually bigger than they should be for a "small" business

>> No.19747949

You sound like you haven’t left your house in decades. everything you said is completely wrong in my experience

>> No.19748087


>> No.19748165
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any haters in this thread have no soul. im enjoying being able to go out to stores and shop for the day while I still can. this is rust belt books in buffalo, really cozy and great selection. one time i was buying a film book for my friend and the owner gave me a book for free to go with it (something from andre bazin) just because she was excited about what I was buying. great place

>> No.19748197

>Fuck you and fuck this town.
Thank you and I appreciate it. The cops just rolled up on my street because there was a dude with a weapon down the block. I hope you have a great weekend.

>I love Rosie tho, she is a cute dog. Also genuinely pretty good shop.
It's the only bookstore where I've seen weird trad shit about Western aesthetics and books by Joseph Stalin (as in written by Stalin). The sci-fi section used to be bigger but I like the trans girl who organizes and sticks post-it notes on the books with little descriptions and rubber-band bundles them together when there's a series.

The diner on the square is pretty comfy too.

>> No.19748201

hard to find what I want in a lot of used book stores

>> No.19748259

I knew this picture looked familiar! Great store.

>> No.19748391

I reckon you're an Aussie, the way you word it

>> No.19748396

I don't know what is up with all the negative nancies in here, used bookstores are so comfy and fun to browse.

>> No.19748652

What do you mean? I didn't pay the $25 to go. I said that in my post.
>There was another bookshop in my town that I wanted to go to, but I don't think I ever will.
Are you talking about something else? I clearly expressed that Captain's was worth it.

>> No.19748848

>walk in local bookstore a few years ago
>alarmed by gay flag in window, but proceed anyways. its normal these days
>browsing new arrival type shelf
>shelf has an empty spot with a note in it which mentioned Jordan Petersons book was no longer for sale there because of his problematic ideas
>immediately leave and never return
>go back to buying used books on amazon
To be honest I left because I was so embarrassed for them that they were threatened by a psued's self help book.

>> No.19748861

Yeah, I like Brockport. Hate the college passionately, though. If you're out that way check out the bookstore. It's nothing super special so I wouldn't go out of my way to go visit, but it's worth seeing it if you're already in the area.

It's nice to run into an anon who's from this area on /lit/, I don't see many from around here on 4channel.

>> No.19748890
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>I don't know what is up with all the negative nancies in here
I think you underestimate the degree of autism we have here on this website.

>> No.19750020

I'm not actually from the Brockport, I'm grew up in a small town near Cobleskill, but my sister and I both went to school out in Western, NY. Why didn't you like Brockport though? My buddies liked it okay from what I could tell.

>> No.19750042

Nice one, I'll try it out. Not been living here long and all the small bookshops I've found in Shoreditch etc are pretentious gentrified crap trying to sell me a 'bookstore experience'. Foyles is alright but it's dauntingly big and not exactly independent

>> No.19750070

> yfw you will never walk into a store like that, rip off the panties of the qt working there, and pound her pussy from behind with unbridled lust over the old oak reading table.

>> No.19750085


>> No.19750262

>having sex in front of the ghosts of that many authors, some of whom I deeply respect
No way man, chloroform and back to the sex dungeon where god can't see us for me.

>> No.19750300

Local Antiquarian

>> No.19750304
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I forgot the picture

>> No.19750306
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All physical bookstores in my country are either closed, or you need to show proof of vaccination (and sometimes proof of booster AND proof of negative test, plus your passport) to enter. You have to stand in a massive queue and present all these documents to the guards who then also make you scan QR codes with your phone and/or fill out forms for "contact tracing". And then you still have to wear a mask the whole time you are inside. I hate it so much.

I haven't been inside a bookstore for months

I am so jealous of people whose countries have got past covid. I will never undervalue freedom again.

Books for this feel?

>> No.19750310

Germany? You need to emigrate. Something about that patch of land is cursed.

>> No.19750311
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Another local Antiquarian
These kinds of shops are a million times better than those modern "book" shops that only sell the latest pozzed garbage

>> No.19751891

do you have the file? the link is broken

>> No.19751910
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the one in my college town is full of BLM / tranny shit, and has a whole section devoted to healing crystals and rocks

>> No.19751919

When your so based and redpilled that you can't go to a book shop without sperging out

>> No.19751948

Bookstores have been excluded in G*rmany from the 2cück rules along with other "basic needs" shops.
If they are enforced then it is purely on the owners wishes.
Or is it different in Austria maybe?

>> No.19751955

Classic Books in Metro Detroit on Woodward
East Village Books in NYC
Book Brothers in Cleveland

>> No.19752077


>> No.19752102

o based Deustche

>> No.19752113

Pegasus Books, Wellington

And there is a little shop in the Hutt Valley with a very cheap classics section

>> No.19752215

I can get same day delivery from Amazon and not even have to move from my chair. Fuck going outside and going to economically suffering high street stores that will be dead anyway in a few years anyway.

>> No.19752481

There's a nice used bookshop in the southern outskirts of Milan called 'bookaccio gallery' it's owned by a retired pharmacist, there's no light inside so you can ojnly shop there when there's enough light from the sun outside to see the titles, they own a good collection of niche books.

>> No.19752623

fuck no i don't want you spergs ruining my stores

>> No.19752693

You fat fuck.

>> No.19753136

Who's UTV? I'm not a /sp/fag.

>> No.19753461

I don't go to new bookstores but I have found so much great stuff at used bookstores. Plus I can get stuff for pretty cheap (bought a whole stack of Dostoevsky collections for $20 the other day).

>> No.19754479

i dont give a fuck about bookshops - as long i can pirate ebooks for free and online ordering is cheaper anyway, the cuckmuzzled cocksuckers there can suck my ass, i will not spend a dime.

>> No.19754593
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>the cuckmuzzled cocksuckers there can suck my ass, i will not spend a dime.

>> No.19754664

a tripfag from the football manager general

>> No.19755361

I don't understand this gatekeeping, how are we going to ruin you store? We're here because we like to read and buy books. What could we even do that would ruin the store? We don't control the place.

>> No.19755537

>Barnes and Noble
I worked at the Barnes and noble in Coralville for a summer. Probably the worst job I've ever had. Iowa city is based, you going to u iowa anon?

>> No.19756429


>> No.19757530


>> No.19757802

I live in the Netherlands though, not Germany

>> No.19757984
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Brattle bookshop in boston

>> No.19758013

That sign is hochdeutsch and restaurants are Austrians favourite thing to rename things in… he might just be a liar

>> No.19758025

I buy all my books on amazon and get them delivered to the locker at the nearest supermarket.

>> No.19758531

gate keeping and elitism are essential to keep you smelly homos out of my quite spots

>> No.19758604

So I'm a /lit/let.
What do these stores do for you that you can't find in these threads or on the internet?
What I mean is it's clear that like half of this board is "RECOMMEND ME BOOK LIKE THIS????"
Do you just wander around and something catches your eye that you didn't know you wanted? Is that the appeal? For non-fiction I can see that being the case, but again I'll use sci-fi. The book covers mostly all look like shit. It's some space marine, some space city, or some big monster. And you know there's more to it but your brain goes, "Something is threatening humanity, we're gonna blow it up." Ender's Game and Blindsight have the same 1 sentence synopsis. Aliens fuck with Earth, we go and take it out.

So I feel like letting your eyes decide which covers are interesting is a bad idea. >>19748165 has a book right in the middle that's just brown circles.

>> No.19758619

I, for one, have a nice idea of classics and look for those.
Ever spent a whole day combing through a whole library? It's just lovely. They even have vinyls playing where i go.

>> No.19758650

Hmmm. So you're saying you're looking for a good copy of a book you already enjoy, or perhaps don't have yet, but know of?
It would be nice to have the knowledge you do of different editions of books and having a favorite in mind.

>> No.19758913

no one has mentioned the second hand book shop that i work in :(

>> No.19758958

Raven's across the street from Harvard is a pretty good one

>> No.19759019

any australia anons know any good bookstores, anywhere?

>> No.19759037

I have to go all the way to fucking Toledo to get to the nearest used book store near me.

>> No.19759045

October Books in Southampton, UK.
It's a worker-owned co-op that sells a wide range of books with a particular focus on history from below, radical literature, sustainability, etc. Also sells local produce, sustainable hygiene products, and hosts meetings for various radical organisations. Really cool place.

>> No.19759062

Any good right wing bookstores in the US? I'm looking to get redpilled and radicalised

>> No.19759090

Sooo much this. Based post brother. I'm itching for something based.

>> No.19759120

looking to find the same. last time i went bookshopping they didn't stock Guenon, Evola, Spengler, BAP, not even Critique of Culture ... how about underground / secret / lesser known ones, anybody know any of these? that would be hella bussin

>> No.19759139

Hey bud. I don't recognise your ip. New to 4chan? We could find a store together if you're US based.

>> No.19759257

this is probably how the owner feels whenever you walk in

>> No.19759345

Was just in here today, the dog died btw

>> No.19759410

Thompson's Bookstore on Houston St, in downtown Fort Worth.

>> No.19759644

>What do these stores do for you that you can't find in these threads or on the internet?
This might be the wrong question because the answer of what you can't find is obviously nothing. That being said, the I would say they are different in terms of structure and curration. Imagine everytime you wanted to make a salad, you needed to search through every vegetable that's sold to find the right ingredients. That's what the internet is. A good bookstore has a buyer that filters down books to a small subset that you know are high quality. McNally Jackson, despite being nonChristian and pozzed, is amazing at this and worth the small markup.
>What I mean is it's clear that like half of this board is "RECOMMEND ME BOOK LIKE THIS????"
This is better done by librarians or professors as long as they're men.

>> No.19759658

To just close this out - if you live in a non-major city in the US, basically every indie bookstore or chain bookstore you have is utter garbage. Even Austin, TX has an incredibly weak selection and outside of college towns you're absolutely fucked. I would seriously recommend travelling to NYC for the indie bookstores alone.

>> No.19759796

I was gonna ask you why the books were outside, then I remembered that niggers don't read

>> No.19759864

Will you guys shut the fuck up already? Jesus we get it, we're on 4chan, but use a little more creativity when expressing agreement. It's like Twitter's retweet or Reddit's upvote ffs

>> No.19760117
File: 103 KB, 669x500, Brisbane bookfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twice a year my city hosts the biggest secondhand book sale in the southern hemisphere.
I'll go there on a weekend and spend both days loading up my car with my annual supply of reading.
It was meant to restart as of 2 days ago but they chickened out due to omicron silliness.
Pic related isn't even half of whats there and there's a small army restocking the tables throughout the day.

>> No.19760174
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Second Story Books Rockville MD, 7/10 excellent selection and prices but no cute employees afaik

>> No.19760499

every time I read stuff like this I thank God for not making me American