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19740629 No.19740629 [Reply] [Original]

could it have worked?

>> No.19740654

How about make this show called: The Incel and have all the women (and trans) contestants be ugly... Seriously Netflix do this .. just send me 20$ cash in the mail for the idea

>> No.19740666


>> No.19740671

say more, satan

>> No.19740690

None of the women would bother though. What about a bunch of Incels and a hot girl who gets paid to fuck him once.

The Bachelor essentially plays on the fact bachelor would normally pump and dump and the reward is he somehow wants to stick around and love the winner.

>> No.19740727

He'd have fucked them all and then killed hisself when they (all) got pregnant.

>> No.19740737

he was a gentle giant

>> No.19740764

No, see, the problem with incels is that it's all self-pity and sour-grapes. If you put an incel in a room with 100 attractive women, he'd find a reason why he wouldn't have sex with any of them. It doesn't matter what an incel looks like, they'll always be an incel, because an incel is a state of mind.

>> No.19740794

Used up roastie got turned down by the nerd guy. How low can one's life go?

>> No.19740817

exactly, see? an incel will bitch till the cows come home, but if a woman finally takes pity on him, he'll still get all incensed. An incel talks a lot about "value" but an incel is maybe a 3 tops, and will accept only 10s.

>> No.19740858

How dare a man not care about a woman's looks? You put all of your time into trying to look like this 10 that you think we want, and forgot to use your brain and have interest in various topics and so he said "get out of here hag," and you got all butt hurt and created this story so you could get some attention online from a bunch of faggots. More at 11!

>> No.19740886

You know you're just proving my point, right? A man is bitter that women won't have sex with him, so he hates all women. Even when presented with a willing partner, he'll find a reason not to have sex with her, and then blame her for not being good enough. He'll go on and on about fairness and sexual value and whatever insane thing he can come up with, but he's always moving the goalposts. Honestly, an incel wouldn't know what to do with himself if he even had sex. If a woman is smart, she's not hot enough. If she's hot, she's too stupid. If they're both, they're thots and whores, and if they're neither they're not worth your time.

>> No.19740892

Have sex with each other

>> No.19740947


>> No.19740970

Come on, I'll hold you after.

>> No.19740978

but will you make me breakfast?

>> No.19740980

It's my specialty.

>> No.19740989

Oh? Tell me more...

>> No.19740993
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>tfw my dfw bachelor thread becomes incel containment thread

>> No.19741012

kek life is truly a mystery

>> No.19741014

what did you expect, though?

>> No.19741032

Would it be literal hell on earth for DFW to be forced into a situation like this? A man with a legendary obsession with sincerity to be forced onto the most insincere television program imaginable; It’s the perfect storm.

>> No.19741043

it's almost erotic

>> No.19741292

I think you truly underestimate how many ugly men exist and how hard it is for them to access female affection. You can say all you want about dressing the body and spirit better, but it is still very painful, growing up in a world where from a child the main rule and goal of life is love and sex, to desire this infinitely and have no way of getting it.

I don't know if it's a pain woman can truly comprehend, I am only left to assume that , God forseeing this, balenced things out with menstruation and child birth.

>> No.19741333

I mean I'm a woman, who has existed in a world where any woman who fails to meet every single "standard" that a woman should meet. I'm short and fat and my fat isn't even so distributed that I could count as a "shortstack". I'm just ugly. All the time, I have to see people describe people prettier than me as "monsters" and "hideous". Sure, okay. How am I supposed to react to that? I'm a pretty chill person, but it still hurts, you know? I can't have much sympathy with an incel, when I know that an incel would call me hideous.

>> No.19741369

Where you at, baby? I'll pound your fat ass.

>> No.19741385

No, Derek Shulman is a Gentle Giant.

>> No.19741394

that's real sweet, but you guys talk big until you see what a hambeast I am.

>> No.19741404

anyone have the pasta about dfw picking up girls on campus? He had a "pussy hunting" tracksuit iirc

>> No.19741435

They tend to only understand this pain if they talk and really relate with men, or have tried to experience it from a men's perspective (such as setting up a brother's dating account and experiencing the kinds of interactions for a short while, I've seen this happen and it completely flipped her perspective). Another is women hitting their 40's experience the kind of depression a young and unsuccessful man will, it's a sheer cliff of interest in women, and if you don't have a marriage by the time you're 35 as a woman you're probably never going to find it again. 30 is the near end of where women lose value, men can still marry viably up until their late 30's, and some extremely successful men much later. This is partially because of biological reality, men remain largely fertile, women do not. Women are the more desirable during the period of their 20's than men, but as men accrue wealth and social experience they begin to take up. Men are at their most socially valuable typically in their late 30's and early 40's, whereas women are so between 19 and 28.

>> No.19741438

it would be kino, and Franzen would host

>> No.19742455

Yes, and it would have been his crowning achievement.
>group dates would have consisted of TV binge sessions, 1 on 1 dates would have consisted of picking out matching bandanas, probably

>> No.19742476

Nah the contestants should be roasties, nothing but the roughest beat hos.

>> No.19742505

but anon one of them on the show this season is an architectural historian

>> No.19742543

Why does everyone in that band look like they'd clean my house while the drummer fixes my laptop?

>> No.19742586

What are your standards like to date a guy? How many boyfriend have you had, tried to have

>> No.19742606

Ok I don't care there are a lot of options, I'm down to see them all. There is a plethora of shit tv out there that gets ok, if big wigs had any guts or sense of adventure 'The Incel' would be not only be a hit show 20 seasons and counting, but be one containing depth, provoking philosophical and psychological conversation and intrigue.

>> No.19742614

That's fixable babe

>> No.19742618

This is basically correct.

>> No.19742635

The janny sent me an email and said you guys need to stay on topic; would a season of the bachelor work with acclaimed United States writer David Foster Wallace as the titular character?

>> No.19742652

some would say eponymous

>> No.19742659

we can quibble over semantics later
what say you?
be sincere

>> No.19742750

this is fucking hilarious, saved. wish i had any friends to send it to that would enjoy it

>> No.19742885

I've never seen the bachelor so I don't know.

>> No.19742893

>posts on /lit/
>hasn’t seen the Bachelor
NGMI btw

>> No.19742973

>I can't have much sympathy with an incel, when I know that an incel would call me hideous.
you don't know this though, people have detonated the word incel to class all virgins. A lot of which are just sad and lonely (or pious)

>> No.19742980

Aww! Going to call it a night at this. Sweet dreams, boys!

>> No.19742999

did DFW ever write about the struggles of trying to remain sincere getting girls when cheap PUA tactics work and genuine vulnerability gets treated like a pat on the back?

>> No.19743025

nah he wrote about lobsters and cruise ships, highbrow shit

>> No.19743044

I'm saying it would be funnier for a season with an incel, because the roasties would all hate him but still find a way to justify desiring him since they agreed to appear on the show. And then in the process of competition, trick themselves into actually desiring him, and try to fix him up and stuff. They are two sides of the same coin anyway. It would be hilarious and psychologically gratifying, however not as much so as a DFW season.

>> No.19743073

He wrote a whole book about it. It's Brief Interviews With Hideous Men. It's also in Orin's chapters in IJ.

>> No.19743082

i’m writing my doctoral thesis about DFW

>> No.19743156

Ok I agree it would be nice to see all variations on the theme, one for each season:
An incel with regular women
An incel with ugly women
A regular woman with all incels
An ugly woman with all incels

There is NO reason for this to not be on tv. If power had power it easily would be

>> No.19743289

imagine reading (((literature))). scary as fuck, right? well, now imagine reading (((literature))) and paying thousands of dollars—maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars—to get a piece of paper saying that says you’ve studied (((literature))) and then thinking that, because you have acquired said piece of paper, you will be paid a livable wage for your efforts.
kek, kill yourself.

>> No.19743297

to get a piece of paper saying that you’ve studied*
>inb4 someone thinks a typo invalidates my argument
kek, kill yourself. this board should be renamed USELESS RETARDS, unironically btw. literature is inherently jewish and the west died when the printing press was invented.

>> No.19743411
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I really enjoyed reading Infinite Jest. Yeah I fucking said it. I'm enjoying my read of The Pale King as well. Fuck you.

>> No.19743444

based enjoyer

>> No.19743447

I'm ur friend

>> No.19743452

There was a reality tv show called Beauty and the Nerds or some shit like that, it was produced by Ashton Kutcher.

>> No.19743528

Well if that was made years ago times have changed, and this discussion and themes are ripe in the zeitgeist if not at large at internet, and nerds are different than incels

>> No.19743541 [DELETED] 

The average nerd seems to accept the docility of their place/spends so much raw waking hour brain power time thinking and reading and studying and tinkering and toting that so much of the blood and oxygen and energy is used and stored in the brain, the propensity for horniness in the penis goes away.

I can attest to this as since I have returned to lit and have been reading and posting and thinking every hour, as horny as I may get I am able to resist, because there is so much enjoyment and exciting energy in my head it is a brand if extasy comparable to orgasm, at least when considering the pleasentness of duration

>> No.19743548

The average nerd seems to accept the docility of their place/spends so much raw waking hour brain power time thinking and reading and studying and tinkering and toying that so much of the blood and oxygen and energy is used and stored in the brain, the propensity for horniness in the penis goes away.

I can attest to this as since I have returned to lit and have been reading and posting and thinking every waking hour, as horny as I may get I am able to resist, because there is so much enjoyment and exciting energy in my head it is a brand of extasy comparable to orgasm, at least when factoring for the pleasentness of duration

>> No.19743584

I think it's more comparable to working out, when lifting or just running, it's difficult to get an erection because you are exerted already.
For example, try writing a horny novel.
When you actually TRY to write well, as a challenge, it ironically becomes harder to get an erection. Than say when you are just typing, she was hot in her swimsuit etc. plainly

>> No.19743592

Regardless, if for whatever fearful, humorless, ballless, gutless, visonless, riskless, pansyish reason this isn't made for tv, and by some miraculous chance there exists a good voice of the generation kind of writer on lit, this would be part of a great story.

Maybe a story chronicling the lives of a Chad, an incel, Stacey, roasty, pepe, leftist rightist, etc as archetypes, but give them lots of legit dimension etc.

Would be a funny novel in the middle of an incel story, the depression, the despair, strife and struggle, rants and ravings, oddities, and seething at his struggling to cope, he ends up on this reality show and becomes a star.

Of course the story should follow an incel that doesn't get a happy ending of this most rare fortune too, to be fair to the grandest version of reality; though versions could be he gets on tv and waivers between popularity, could get on tv and not be a star, turns hopeful for it to be denied, maybe still learns and grows from it, or he does become a star and totally changes, but them a bit diem the line loses it all, And how does he react to that, many options all of which are great, all of which beg them all to be expressed and displayed

>> No.19743867

But writing is so tedious and seen by so few, would be much better to let reality do the work for you

>> No.19743871

yes and the final twist is DFW transitions into a female and they become a lesbian couple

>> No.19743872

>The Incel and have all the women (and trans) contestants be ugly...
Bit of a mouthful.

>> No.19743903

>whereas women are so between 19 and 28.
Even this is roastie cope. 16-25 is the peak. After that any youthful vitality has long since disappeared.

>> No.19743991

the thinking man's female peak is between 25-40, when a woman, if she is educated, begins her journey into becoming a lovely companion until 40 when she becomes embittered (much like men but for different reasons) about losing her youth.

>> No.19744019

Nobody really likes thinking women.

>> No.19744026

I do. The irony of this is that the people who say they don't are often women wishing it isn't true, so they wouldn't have to try. Or men who love bimbos, which would be ok, 80s bimbos perhaps but zoomer bimbos are tiktok whores and are so uncouth I'd want to drill my ears off

>> No.19744064

Yes western women are awful, educated or not.

>> No.19744069

your self-pity is pathetic. Women aren't really that obsessed with looks, you're just looking for a convenient excuse for your inability to act

>> No.19744168

the main flaw with educated and intelligent women is that they tend to be fickle and unintentional teases. They are out there, but we might never know where, why, how and this is the discomfort, for men who value companionship at least. Men who want a quick fuck should just go see prostitutes.

>> No.19744188

Not really, labels like this can be applied to a very broad spectrum of individuals. You realze this incel shit is a pysop right? You're a casualty of psychological warfare.

>> No.19744601

>I'm a woman
stopped reading right there

>> No.19745366

Prostitutes are illegal in Murrica, and I can't bring a prostitute home to my mom.

>> No.19745376

Don’t even need to make them ugly. Just have every one be 15lb overweight and watch the incel have a meltdown.

>> No.19745392

kek what is this?

>> No.19745760

>self-pity is pathetic. Women aren't really that obsessed with looks, you're just looking for a convenient excuse for your inability to act

I wasn't talking about me, I precisely mentioned the ability for the average, or beloe average, woman to underestimate the sheet quantity, the sheet magnitude.

Your inability to imagine an individual considering the circumstances, well being and lack there of of many individuals is pathetic.

>> No.19745774

>Don’t even need to make them ugly. Just have every one be 15lb overweight and watch the incel have a meltdown.
These theories are precisely why the show would be interesting.

Certainly there are shallow incels, certainly there are more and less attractive incels, certainly there are incels that would gladly have sex with an ugly woman

>> No.19746047

Wallace's fable womanizing

>> No.19746496


>> No.19746559

Is brief interviews with hideous men good?

Is the movie good?

If I see the movie is the book worth reading?

>> No.19746766

Isn't talking about your preferences in the opposite sex just a little tiresome when you don't have one? Okay you like something, why don't you have it instead of talking about it here?

>> No.19746787

Book is good. Movie is supposedly terrible.

>> No.19746858

It’s Wallace’s best complete work. The prose is much better than in IJ.

>> No.19746890

cope im trucel

>> No.19746894

2nd anon,
the reality is that preferences don't add up to anything more than an extra thought. This is the age of narcissism and online dating run wild. It's all a big sex and the city bloodbath. Unless you are a young woman who doesn't care about her future and has spare time to turn her body in some lame videogame for men, people take what they can get. Most people I would wager are settling for less than half of what they wanted. Even those with moderate standards.
People don't get what they like or want. That's not how it works. If you want something, you become needy, which is unattractive and so you don't get it. Let's say your preference was incredibly fat women into soap operas, it's a wide net and still you won't get it, why, because they will immediately sense that there's something inside them which is in demand and demand themselves they can do better.

>> No.19746921


>> No.19746959

a fat person going to the gym = from 3 to an 7-8

an incel going to the gym = from 3 to a 3

incel suffers baby, learn empathy

>> No.19746965

>nothing but the roughest beat hos.

i kneel

>> No.19746970
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>(or pious)

>> No.19746975
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>> No.19747519
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From the thumbnail I thought that was a picture from Rock Of Love

>> No.19747777

Imagine this show but they force 15 "hot" girls to compete over a complete average tech guy over 4 seasons. They are not allowed to leave the villa.

>> No.19747941
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DFW was an obvious Repper

>> No.19748035

Why not just be not fat?

>> No.19748109

she's probably black or american, the portions over there and the shit that's in the food makes people like that

>> No.19748521
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ft Mary Karr

>> No.19749169

I wish DFW didn't kill himself, what a cunt, would have been awesome to see his writing and thoughts these days and over the years. Would definitely have subscribed to his podcast

>> No.19749357

What is a "Repper"?

I can't find the meme where it says "you may think i'm a loser in real life but in the book world you're the loser" with a picture of DFW. So just imagine I posted that.

>> No.19749940
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nvm I found it

>> No.19750332
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The breakups would be too long

>> No.19751014

That is from a 'the onion' like site right?

>> No.19751879

after he an hero'd the world became devastated by the GFC, has never recovered and television became x100 worse. Just imagine what he wrote already but in emphasis. He would have been "muh cancelled" out of having podcast guests anyway

>> No.19752304

Book is great, might contain many of the ideas that he explores in IJ or his essays as well but much more concise, and in some way, refined.

>> No.19752309

He's pretty much reciting the plot of Notes From the Underground. Read a book you Miller Grove ass.

>> No.19753112

buzzword after buzzword

>> No.19754218

I don't know I think it could have been pretty cool, podcasts are better than literature, at least for discussions about society and philosophy, real time immediacy of exchange of ideas.

Was he just a writer that said everything he could say? And saw no more purpose, he could only bear having the identity of a writer, or was he so hurt that he saw his vision for a better world that he corely believed should exist, was so difficult and far from reality to achieve? Grappling with his inner fascist, he couldn't bare to not positively affect the world as much as he believed needed to be done? Feeling himself to be a responsible authority figure for generations

>> No.19754692

>Lauren, in a real sense I thought you were the least authentic of the bunch. You are eliminated.

>> No.19754829

>Kimberley, I had a great time talking to you about the dialectical nature of the transubstantiation of ontological biosocitiez recourses to pseudo-disuade would be perveuors of such-and-such milieu in lieu of excissed hedgeamony by the increased tutaledge factors as seen in certain pockets of certain sectors of would is authentically unabashedly harmfully termed vis a vis fly over states; in the grotto the other night, as such you are safe for this week, you may step forward and recieve your golden bandanna

>> No.19755490

Satire. Correct.

>> No.19755499

>so hurt that he saw his vision for a better world that he corely believed should exist, was so difficult and far from reality to achieve? Grappling with his inner fascist, he couldn't bare to not positively affect the world as much as he believed needed to be done?
Seeing some of his interviews, he worried about how he was viewed. That people would make fun of him. That he comes off old fashioned. It's ironic, he wanted everybody to be authentic but could not be authentic himself.

>> No.19756511

Yea, do you think he would have been the leader of the sjws

>> No.19756575

I strongly believe that DFW would be a tranny today.

>> No.19757124


>> No.19757159

Considering he had lunch with Scalia and hated ebonics... No.

>> No.19757289

>hated ebonics

>> No.19758011
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>> No.19758671

>Malcolm X succedded in effect of being able to speak properly to white men
I had no idea DFW was this based, and he's absolutely right.
X read the dictionary in prison for this sole purpose.
The funny part is that most zoomers today, even the ones born white are unable to speak without colloquialisms and as such never truly become white but a mish-mash of 2nd rate global races.

>> No.19759561

If DFW wrote a book today what would it be called and what would it be about

>> No.19760257

It wuhcc

>> No.19760260

It would be called:
Finite Pest

And let me get back to you on what it would be about

>> No.19760849

And it would be about tik tokr stars, internet chat rooms and online video game communities, climate change, and other stuff

>> No.19762216

AnYThing else?

>> No.19762936

>unable to speak without colloquialisms

>> No.19764305

I don't think the Bachelor works because these women really want to lock down an otherwise promiscuous, hot man into a steady relationship. I'm pretty sure there was a virgin bachelor one season even. There is really no real-life situation where 20+ conventionally attractive women would all be fighting tooth and nail for one attractive man. The show only works because everybody there know that they're on TV and they're expected to act like they want this man when, under normal circumstances, they would have groups of guys like him fighting over them. I think you could just as easily throw some schlubby loser guy in and they'd end up fighting over him if not to actually date him then just to get famous.

>> No.19764325

ok ok you got me I used 1 very popular and well understood 4chan term

>> No.19764702

rimless glasses. based.

>> No.19764997

le futuristic boi
^name of my novel

>> No.19765095
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>> No.19765504

The women could compete in fun competitions like, who can survive being thrown from a moving car and who can last the longest binging shitty television shows with David. Winner gets a doorag

>> No.19765527

the only way the bachelor would work, and it would be brutal to watch, if only because women have no game. Is to make all the bachelorette's ugly and have the bachelor be some plebsite filmstar like that new kid on the block Timothée Chalamet.

>> No.19766727
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