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19738581 No.19738581 [Reply] [Original]

THE LIVING ARE THE PORNOGRAPHY OF THE DEAD: the World is not a “botched imitation” or spotted mirror but – taking our cue from Henry here, pornography being an exteriorization and so a profanation of the sexual act in its pure affectivity, the reduction of Life to the copulation of surfaces – a pornography of (salvific) absence: it's the Manichaeans who got a leg up on the Sethians, because they understand the dark powers can only masturbate to – never rape, “access” - the eidos of the Pleromatic feminine: that demonism is a frotteurism: and that the only way to be released from the world-system is to be ejaculated from it, like the “flight of an Angel”, or the sayings of Christ: it is not we who must ingest Evil, and so sickened, expel it (the Sadean-antinomian “heresy”): it is we who we have been ingested by Evil and must sicken the World: we must become poison in the Body-of-bodies, an ipecac star: like Baudrillard knows, we don't return the gift to the store but to the giver, tenfold: we here oppose Zizek's subjectivity as ek-static phallus to Henry's Life as the revelation of self-revelation: a void under perpetual threat of implosion vs. the stellar core of solitude: demons are "four-dimensional", in that their phalli engorge into the w-axis of intentionality, Aeons are holy “anime”: Laruelle: Christ inverts Schroedinger's Paradox: not a being both alive and dead, not one thing in two states, but one state (vector) in two things: (non-)death both Life and living:

>> No.19738589

so much words to say temptation bad

>> No.19738696 [DELETED] 

temptation is being invited (and overriden) by a pneumatic energy of foreign signature.

>> No.19738775
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That's the least of it.

>> No.19738846

the schtick is wearing off for me, schizo posting is now the norm on 4channel dot org

>> No.19738920

>t. pornography (in speech) addict
depth-denying skin (pornography) is nr1 coping mecha (unholy "anime") for vulgar ego to keep itself solid and justified.

>> No.19739005

Most are link spamming boomers.

>> No.19739085
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"I cannot readily describe what I have seen save by referring back to what I have seen, or rather overheard and read before, for am blind. I am not one of those who have been blind since birth, mine is the result of self-inflicted injury, yes injury, not willful mutilation, but self-injury all the same. This injury was inflicted gradually, and was never noticeable nor perceived until the very end, that is until it had become irreversible and self-perpetuating, no longer requiring of me any action and thus removing from me even the title of actor in my own destruction. Yes, destruction. I insist on the application of this dramatic, even epic-evoking word in describing my condition not with the aim of achieving the theatrical, but rather in pursuit of the confessional. For I mean to tell all who would deign to glance upon these pages the many truths that injury, loss, and pain have made known to me, but also the injury, loss, and pain that knowledge of certain truths has given me; agony and sorrow, and what the French call chagrin, these are the universal and eternal coins by which these truths, these pieces of truth, circulate. Truth and pain for me have become equivalent and inseparable, yet not identical. Before becoming blind I had felt pain, and of course understood to differentiate between different types of pain: the pain of falling and scraping my knees, the pain of sickness, the pain of jealousy, the pain of attachment, of intimidation and humiliation, the pain of shame and self-loathing, the pain of obsession, the pain of pleasures. Yet, I only began to understand the complexity and intricacy, or rather the omnipresent quality of pain when I became blind, for from then on pain became for me a way of thinking, and I found it to be a quite necessary way of thinking if I was ever to face the truth of my own spiritually moribund condition. Pleasure, which I blindly pursued before as an escape from pain and which gradually become for me an obsession and hence a source of previously unimaginable forms of pain, has ironically compelled me to seek new sources of light and to be ever wary of new pits of darkness. And though whichever way I turn, I can expect only pain, the forms of pain offered to me are qualitatively as different as night is from day; I confirm to myself everyday that I choose the pain of truth, which once discovered is supremely difficult to keep, and exists in constant yet tenuous opposition to the pain of falsity or deception, which regardless of how hard one labors to avoid is peerlessly adept at convincing one of its pretended innocence and naturalness, it seduces one into believing that it is at the essence of life by deceiving one into equating life with pleasure, i.e. with the avoidance of pain, when in truth its pursuit quickly becomes a perpetual but unconsummated intercourse with death, wherein the soul experiences in ever growing degrees the torments of its own recurring death."

>> No.19739107

Every generation is a failed generation, i.e. boomers. It is only a matter of time when the boomerism hits && blitzkriegs colonization. But what what I am interested in, is there love for those suffocating in the colonized embrace? Are strangers willing to shed tears and send prayers for those half cemented? Are we not half cemented?

>> No.19739139

In that case we've outboomed the boomers. It's obvious these threads and the others like them are the first murmurings of something that will, in the end, confirm its humanity by its impotence. "I protest, therefore I am" for the 21st century. Adorno wishes he had only television and radio to contend with. Sad!

>> No.19739199

>are the first murmurings of something that will, in the end, confirm its humanity by its impotence. "I protest, therefore I am" for the 21st century.
Yes, that what the magistral line would enframe it to. But there is that 'but what if' which is a pure pneuma of potency. True, vulgar view is to see these attempts as merely 'I protest, therefore I am' ego reinforcements but they can also be seen as spaces where metamorphosis can be made, another type of aethics and thinking can emerge. Love-electricity through the emerging circuit.

>> No.19739228 [DELETED] 

Then point taken, I won't dampen the circuit with my realism, since realism's the last thing we need

>> No.19739240

Then point taken, I won't dampen this circuit with my realism, because realism isn't what's needed.

>> No.19739349


>> No.19739359

>taking our cue from Henry here

>> No.19739417

Michel Henry.

>The erotic relation is however doubled by a pure affective relation, foreign to the carnal coupling, a relation made of mutual gratitude or love.[272] It is this affective dimension that is denied in the form of violence that is pornography, which wrenches the erotic relation from the pathos of life in order to deliver it to the world, and which constitutes a genuine profanation of life.[273][274]

>> No.19740302


>> No.19740416

Now apply this in a practical way

>> No.19740450
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>demons are "four-dimensional"
>Aeons are holy “anime”
2Dchads we just keep winning

>> No.19740484

Schizo is now Christ-pilled. Big based

>> No.19740488

It's actually Christ who was schizopilled all along

>> No.19740494
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>> No.19740503


>> No.19740516

It means your soul is a pathway out of evil not of one thing that can become evil except by a reorientation away from Christ. Essentially, accept Christ or live in spiritual pornography.

>> No.19740527
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What does it mean to "accept Christ"?

>> No.19740556

Accepting the Gospel is the language in which the Universal overmind / Godhead is written in.

>> No.19740565

This is a Gnostic thread boyo, as long as your Universal overmind didn't have a hand in creating this hellhole we good.

>> No.19740602

Not much of a fan of any doctrine that ties its revelation to space and time i.e. the foundations of the demiurgic control system. The way, the truth and the life are necessarily beyond space, beyond time, not tied to an event that needs to invade subjectivity by superimposing itself onto the individual.

>> No.19740605

>aw shit here we go again

>> No.19740620

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.”

>> No.19740631

Threats and fear-mongering are the lowest form of proselytizing.

>> No.19740643

Many are doing disservice to the gospel by using it as one of their ego enforcing schemes. Obviously it will reap in hatred and rejection. Taste: one is being too pushy >>19740556 another too reactive >>19740565 but it has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

>> No.19740723

>Many are doing disservice to the gospel by using it as one of their ego enforcing schemes. Obviously it will reap in hatred and rejection.
The thing that individualizes the soul has an ego enforcing implication.
>but it has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

>> No.19740746
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Christ is Andy Dufresne, who crawls through the limit-point of Suffering, the Demiurgic rectum, to the pleromatic night shower. Red is Siddhartha, who rockets out of cosmic Shawshank by convincing Being's parole board he does not give a shit. Both are blessed, both are holy.

>> No.19740800

I can accept Christ as a gnostic messenger, but not as the keystone of the world, which is absolute evil.

>> No.19740805

Who said either Andy or Red are keystones of Shawshank?

>> No.19740829

I know you weren't implying that, I'm reaffirming the sentiment of my earlier post >>19740602 in direct opposition with the nicaean view according to which Christ confines, restrains and restricts the truth to himself.

>> No.19740843

Then you're in the right thread, Christ "genericizes" the truth per Laruelle.

>> No.19740855

There's a meaningful difference between exclusivity and being the best example of the Truth.

>> No.19740874

Not a distinction the """Church""" is willing to entertain.

>> No.19740907

If Christ defines the genericity of truth, then that necessarily implies Christ (the gnostic envoy) is not inextricably tied to the man Jesus. Actually, it goes farther to imply that Christ is not a transcendent envoy sent at a fixed point, because of truth's disconnectedness from the world, but rather an immanent "savior mechanism" independent from the world's parameters.
That being said, what is the Buddha in relation to truth?

>> No.19740926

He is "independent from the world's parameters" because you are, as a locus exiled from the world in its being but not in its actuality, I leave it to you to hash out the difference.

The Buddha saw through the illusion with his eye by exerting it to its limit, Christ's eye was punctured and so his blindness saved him. Truth is a horseshoe.

>> No.19740936

A vulgar ego drags the gospel to the mixed gutter of 'culture war'-like strife. To be able to comprehend subtlety one has himself to be made subtle. So the sign is a subtle difference: ego as a scheming demiurgic urge to free itself from anxieties by means of subjugating other in a zero-sum modality and ego as a vessel for a higher pneuma that is free from willingness to influence/liberate/educate/mold others and is not pulled to react against them.

>> No.19740996

But porn is just prostitution photographed for consumption by third parties. How does it profane life worse than prostitution does?

>> No.19741023

Is man exiled from the world in its potentiality?

>> No.19741030

With prostitution the affective relation is still contained within the act, not reproduced for the world as a pure surface.

Your psyche and body aren't, but your "spark" or immanence is.

>> No.19741037

>the affective relation is still contained within the act
Arguably. It's a simulacrum.

>> No.19741051

>ego as a scheming demiurgic urge to free itself from anxieties by means of subjugating other in a zero-sum modality and ego as a vessel for a higher pneuma that is free from willingness to influence/liberate/educate/mold others and is not pulled to react against them.
So using the gospels to debate is wrong? Yeah that's ridiculous - preach the Gospel unto all creation.

>> No.19741059

At one degree of remove from real lovemaking, as opposed to porn, which is at god who knows how many degrees of love.

>> No.19741063

I also want to note you've implicitly called me a "vulgar ego" while saying that the ego should be free from trying to influence others.

>> No.19741068

Re-porn I think it's possible to merge these thoughts: Porn could be more bad because it's symbollically more real yet immanently less so.

>> No.19741073

Real lovemaking is tainted by the trappings of matter anyway; is love itself demiurgic flypaper? Is there a way to love without tying oneself down to being?

>> No.19741106

IMO (not schizo) - it's real love when it's inspite of being. Either you love your wife's soul inspite of loving her material beauty or are kind and charitable to the ugly and dumb inspite of their condition.

>> No.19741112

matter not being
and despite not inspite**

>> No.19741114

>you've implicitly called me a "vulgar ego"
It is more of the situation itself: the vulgar ego moment. I (or rather the vulgarity within me) got somewhat triggered with one anon's 'Universality' and another anon's 'boyo', 'hellhole', 'we good'. >Dragging Christ into that shit.
>Yeah that's ridiculous - preach the Gospel unto all creation.
It is ridiculous, each one would gain more if the gospel would be studied more than preached. It is how the demiurgic machine captures us: through that parastic vulgar ego complex within, by locking pairs in dialectical conflicts: one profane wretch with another, so they would reconstitute a totality.

>> No.19741116

>is love itself demiurgic flypaper?

Yes, Catholics even proudly say that no abomination is too big for them because Yaldabaoth loves them. God's love engendered total depravity all along. Evil is the presence of good. Many such cases.

>> No.19741128

Ya just gotta see which one's you find the most interesting and stick to that genre

>> No.19741141

Porno is bad because it reduces the human to body parts or quadrants, literally causing the user to lose sight of the living humanity of the target of his pornographied gaze: it brings to the surface the repressed Thanatic drives of the latter. Porno is ultimately a death that cuts both ways: deadening the object and the subject of the process. What's more porn leaves a dimensionalized imprint of itself in the psyche of the user, which particularly sensitive individuals may be able to detect after the fact. All this and more.

>> No.19741144

>Porno is bad because it reduces the human to body parts or quadrants
Nice. Good post.

>> No.19741153

Never love, and never lovemaking, and maybe never even sex. But sexuality undoubtedly is.

Sex precedes sexuality. Never forget this.

>> No.19741155

>maybe never even sex
How can the act of procreation not be a trap of matter?

>> No.19741160

I guess you got me there. I was distinguishing lovemaking from sex by intensity, not function.

>> No.19741183

>by intensity, not function.
I don't think intensity alone can detach the act from its function, it remains tied to its purpose which is, for all intents and purposes, evil. So as >>19741106 said, maybe true love means to love despite matter, love as grieving almost. Only this way can one love without his emotion becoming a hook, attaching the subject to the world by way of clinging to the object of his affection.

>> No.19741195

You can combine them: you love your wife's imperfections precisely because of her spiritual or soul beauty, and I don't see sex/lovemaking as necessarily distinguished from that. Making love to a woman, two singularities meeting, is as irreducible and autonomous an act as any syzygy, it is sexuality which smears this act into a pornographic universal

>> No.19741199

I personally agree with this snare- the danger of prosyletizing is mainly from the objectification of the soul.
Why is me watching tiddytok bad? (please help)

>> No.19741211

>Making love to a woman
The issue is that to make love you need to partake in carnal union. The syzygy requires a debasement where the pneumatic is weighed down by the sarkic.

>> No.19741232

It is not carnal when it is autonomous, irreducible. The first meal was the best meal, the first act of lovemaking was the best act of love. The rest is a hand-me-down of these autonomous acts.

>> No.19741235

I just struggle to understand how you can make it autonomous.

>> No.19741251

Of course you struggle, all sex today is downstream from that primal syzygy. Many such cases.

>> No.19741688


>> No.19741845

Is there any compilation being made of these traditional /lit/ schizoposts I can peruse?

>> No.19741910 [DELETED] 

Alchemical purification. By that one individuates his spark and approaches purity, uniqueness, singularity.
>never rape, “access” - the eidos of the Pleromatic feminine
Is it not the password to the white hole fountain?

>> No.19741918 [DELETED] 

Alchemical purification. By that one individuates his spark and approaches purity, uniqueness, singularity.
>the dark powers can only masturbate to never rape, “access” - the eidos of the Pleromatic feminine
Is it not the password to the white hole fountain?

>> No.19742171
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(Subjectivised philosophy genre) is the (biological disorder) of the (biological object) with (implied theological meaning). (Subjectivised philosopher) is the (time-adjective) of its own (monotonous reiterated process). (Philosopher) (negative technologisation process) the (negative subjectivised philosopher with septic implications conflated) with the (non-argument assertion against non-argument): that (generic philosophical category) and (pseudo-metaphysical object) we are (even bigger time-adjective) (monotonous we-transcendence weism) and (on and on with binary/non-binary assertions of the input-blackbox-output machinational tik-tok-tinkering of time-object become human): (two philosophers together to avoid redundancy) now become (marxist-adjective to appear critical but with ancient-postprefix-become-word-of-its-own) become (philosophical category/cybernetic theory): (reiteration connector) (mind-object) is/is not (historical/nature connector), or (generic philosophical connector), (obscurantist real scotsmen) (made up word having sex with scary sounding word) which is the (redundant cybernetic word approaching absolute abstraction which is just another form of deabstraction and therefore life) (but let's keep going deeper) (ESOTERIC SOUNDING AXIOM WHICH SOUNDS COOL BECAUSE IT IS IRREFUTABLE BUT ONLY INSOFAR AS IT SAYS NOTHING): (Philosopher) applies the (scientific paradox) to (philosopher object-theory) thereby (time-reduction) it into (space-time paradoxical abstract metaphor) combined with (self-reducing metaphor with no need of expansive words): (#thegreatsfalltofallaciestoo) which is only only possible because (technological time-category-object), the (subject-Subject-itself) does not (transcendent Matrix reference) (with a twist), there is (something something somewhere vague connector words holy shit ethics words/could be moral): (philosophical object qua philosophical branch induction) (mathematical word) into (itself) as (mathematical word 2 = virtual mathematical world) (with a twist) emerging out of (negative medical category) between (biological philosophical category qua man qua (((huMAN)))) (hipster post-post-ironic word), (post-marxist category), (subdiurnal technophysics with invariant inflection of being) (qua human) (ironic(?) time-philosophy category) (apocalyptic words) (degeneration increasing as we approach the end) (multiple generic philosophical categories strung together) and now (romantic life-words-seemingly-free-of-all-world-weariness-word-categoriesism) conditions of (lif-word abstraction) and now its (negative (un)-life post-form) within the (abstracted abstraction): (Post-metaphysical-metaphysics category) is not (technical negation word), but the (second technical negation word) (add slashes here /input/):

>> No.19742175
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(Supertechnological object) are (deabstracted human post-metaphor), but not (negative uncanny valley disassociative disorder of the squelchbox biology fleshword) which is the same as (cosmological squelchbox word): (Descartes reference here) (capital-sale-word to appear like I'm keeping up with my ironic negation): (subjects /postabstract form/) are still (relational physics reference for the reddit crowdmind) (or esoterically-infused-science-word-reference-submetaphor-postanalogy) (formal seriousness) that (time reference of the mobilised black box): I am not (theological reference), but (absolutely hegelian absolute reference with slashes to isolate and deisolate its being in the house of non-dasein positionality) (abstract subject-object-subject) are a (deabstracted object-subject-object) which can (/big science/theology/physics/philosophy syncretism word/) (movement reference) (globalist post-construction project) (don't forget the Vedic reference): (minute reference diffusing into) (psychological reference): (equate=equate=equate) (the gods THE GODS the gods damn you THE GODS) (physical abstraction growth word): (post-essence human actualisation abstraction) is what (biological function) (TIME TIME TIMEGOD MANGOD NATURE-MACHINEGOD NOW A BRIDE OF ABSTRACTION MINDPROCESS)!!! In (Philosopher-become-object) (TIME) (oneness) (mechanised theological-human-object): (reiteration) (HOLY SHIT LIFE IS DIFFICULT WHY CAN'T WE BE GODS) (Christian cosmological-cuckery is cool postmetaphor statement) in (random wikipedia philosopher): (true=scotsman= slippery=slope=man) can only) experience (time) as the (computer function) of (musical reference philosophogised) the (trans-time-god) (visual object) mathematical postadjective) of/that (biological process) into (TIME) becoming (WOAH TIME N SHIT) of becoming (the-object-become-time-in-itself): (don't worry the gods-become-microchips-become-me got this because WE ALL ONE N SHIT) (NONMATERIAL SPACE OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!! word)(eternity) (eternity) (eternity) (THING) (THING) (THING) (=ME=) (=ME=) (=ME=).

>> No.19742206

>t. sicilian

>> No.19742716

Yeah there's a pdf

Schizo, please post?

>> No.19743760

sir this is a wendy's xD

>> No.19743788
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English common law is democracy of the dead

>> No.19743814


Put "ww" or "ww1" in the file name box in the advanced search on warosu.

>> No.19744688

This reads like Philip K Dick for some reason

>> No.19744737
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>> No.19744822

+1 smart boy points

>> No.19745590


>> No.19745596

Schizo needs to fucking deliver here

Can lamp fren please update to add this?

>> No.19746064

pleasure = bad ?

>> No.19746359

JC was sweeping the street in front of his fix-it radio shop the day the bomb would go off. He couldn't imagine the pseduopodium that would thump into living organisms to parallel natural causation with greater complexity.

Even his father, a backwards son of a gun & a regular son of a bitch (tho hallowed be his name), with omnipotence over heaven & earth, couldn't predict what the Venutain Marines would do. "You can't see the situation," his Father leaned back in the shelter that night, explaining this oversight, "What a perfect variable. Huh."

"Meanwhile a war between Good & Evil has been disrupted by the Venutians? Stalemate?"

"Checkmate." Father boomed, tipping over his chair & thundering to the floor.

"But our safety is assured?"

"I dunno about you & the whole human body thing. But, I mean, you asked for it."

"I'd have said 'We', but OK", JC slide whistled through sighing rolled eyes, and tapped out a filterless from the softpack wrinkled bullseye, offering one.

"Nah, I'm good. That stuff comes from Proxima, ya know. Orders have been given from Vice Commander Dufrain to give up battle while Fleet Commander HotAssGirl Cynthia destroyed herself & a flagship an hour ago."

"Where is Magdalene?"

"To begin with her work on a possible scenario like this, the ftl bomb, was never tested nor even brought to a fraction of completion."

"She was paid at the Office by the Company. Kelly paid her fifty thousand credits."

"On Pinball? Oh, Jesus."



"What? oh I know, I know, I know."

"Where is Shadrach?"

"Buried in his own elven burrow, surely. Starting the great wait."

"Wait for what?"

& silence fell as neither knew what to say, tho they knew to wait & wished to explain it to themselves, so each other could find words themselves that, obviously, they could not find.

JC smoked in the silence & their facial expressions moved about in small tics of thought rather than reaction as the shelter began the first of the tar stains to the figures & environment alike. These clear plastics would never be truly transparent again, but they could be sold to Nick.

After the wait.

JC began to walk, trailing ash, around the perimeter with a bowed head until stopping at one of the overflowing boxes in the next storage room.

"This your idea of a joke?"

JC held up a ticket dispenser one would find in a deli. COURTESY OF ASTEROID Y-3 stamped on the can itself, and each ticket pulled at the tab clicked out a printed KEEP WAITING & COURTESY OF ASTEROID Y-3 with a tiny rock logo that may or may not have been floating in space.

"Shit." his Father extended in a Bawlmur moan. "Welp, guess it truly is time to find the Piper in the Woods. Lezzgo."

Just then a bulky robot nanny resembling B9 from LIS 19XX came into the room blurting: "Allow me to elucidate the artistic spinning wheels of the mind from simulation toward a more perfect sillyjizm. What, you haven't read my treatisie on Justinian or-"