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/lit/ - Literature

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1973758 No.1973758 [Reply] [Original]

It's 4:42 AM. Shit.

>> No.1973764
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because ... well i really have no reason and that shames me.

>> No.1973767

Nothing but I am getting Paris in the Twentieth Century, Collected Works of Franz Kakfa, Collected Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, and Genealogy of Morals on Tuesday.

>> No.1973770

Because you are an illiterate American, that's why.

>> No.1973771

Well fuck, I read that wrong. I am too tired to read but not tired enough to sleep.

>> No.1973772

Going to in a bit.

>> No.1973774

I was a few minutes ago. Then the book I'm reading referenced Edmondo de Amici's Il Cuore and I wanted to look it up. And so I did, refreshed /lit/, and now I'm back off to reading again!

>> No.1973775

Please don't start shit.

>> No.1973779

Because I have shit to do and I would feel quilty if I went to do something fun. Instead I procrastinate here, in a pool of self-pity and refuse to let anything on the internet amuse me so that I don't get the quilt but neither am I doing anything.

>> No.1973786

This made me chuckle.
What does it feel like to be "quility".
Oh, to be a quilt.

>> No.1973809

Clare Quilty?

>> No.1973810

I don't read much. Lol

>> No.1973817

Who the fuck reads? I'm too busy watching anime.

>> No.1973829

My schedule says "Reading" from 18:30 to 21:30.

It's 11:11.

>> No.1973828
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I am writing.

Writing infinite.

>> No.1973836
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Again and again and again and again

>> No.1973841

The same, only it's less anime and more hentai. The Japanese sure do love their rape fantasies, and I am beginning to suspect that it is endemic of a male class that feels a greater unease in their masculinity, with the average Japanese man becoming more and more fashionably girlish. They feel a strong compulsion to objectify women, to make them out to be either girlishly cute and in need of protection (thus the "Moe" boom) or to be nothing more then breeding stock to be used whenever needed. Sort of an extreme version of the Virgin/Whore dichotomy there.

>> No.1973846

I was reading in bed, i just got up to drink a cup of coffee and smoke some cigarettes. Then i'll go back to bed and read some more.

>> No.1973848

Its 4:30AM and I'm lurking 4chan. Feels bad, I really need to read more but the internet is such a distraction.

>> No.1973854

Oh, i'm currently reading Travels in the Land of Kubilai Khan. I have no frame of reference to tell whether any of it relates to real events, a lot of the detail seems extremely far fetched.

>> No.1973864
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>> No.1974725

i took ephedrine and caffine and i find it hard to concentrate when i do. so instead i'm listening to poison idea

>> No.1974736

It's 9:13pm, I COULD be reading, bit I also want to play Chess and watch Anime.

>> No.1974745

Last two post numbers are the amount of minutes you have to read right now

>> No.1974761

going back to summer reading now.. king lear and the modern take of it, a thousand acres. oh joyous day.

>> No.1974768

unlikely brothers by john and michael.

cause john was on colbert and then i went, wait, what? why did i pick this out of new releases at the library and is publish or perish this helpful?


>> No.1974786

It's six thirty AM and I hate myself for not being able to sleep. I woke up at 4AM yesterday morning.

And I can't get new sleeping pills until next month because I used up all the doctors in the area and I save them all till I really need them, which will probably be a few tonight.

Thanks, /blog/.

>> No.1974831
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because I was writing