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19736594 No.19736594 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the most depressing, bleak, miserable, or dark book you’ve ever read (fiction or non-fiction, it doesn’t matter).

>> No.19736599


>> No.19736673

Paul Curran Left Hand. I felt lost the whole time reading it and not in something good. It kept repeating things that I was not interested in hearing and wasn’t interested in thinking about but I was still drawn to keep going. I ended the book just as lost. Bleak is a good word.

>> No.19736675

My diary desu

>> No.19736792

That’s right goyim, just go stand in the corner

>> No.19736800

the great gatsby will leave you depressed because of how shit the main character is

>> No.19736802

The Road

>> No.19737070


I liked Negative Space (2020) by BR Yeager.

>> No.19737282

Death of a Salesman

>> No.19737289

nausea by sartre
also seconding this >>19737070

>> No.19737313

Ward No. 6 by Anton Chekhov.
At the end of the book, I nearly had a stroke myself.
Now I am afraid to read anything else from Chekhov.

>> No.19737330


>> No.19737427

No longer human

>> No.19737433


>> No.19737506

This sounds cool.

>> No.19737557

read this last week and felt nothing
is there something wrong with me?

>> No.19737796

/lit/ will complain about not being able to die in a way and then spaz out when they have to obey minor inconvenience pandemic measures

>> No.19737800

in a war*

>> No.19737929

-500 social credit score for facing away from your designated corner. You will also be fined $500 for opening your mouth in public.

>> No.19737940

>You will also be fined $500 for opening your mouth in public
Does this mean soi grins are illegal now?

>> No.19737947

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.19738034

I dont read books, so I'd have to say House of the scorpion king, its a kids book about living on an opium farm, and being a child raised for harvesting organs. Its kinda in your face, but i remember it being good enough for me to finish half of it so theres that

>> No.19738058

Probably Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker. It's a complete manic mess.
Really good, but fucking difficult read even though it's so short.
If anything it's not bleak because it explodes with mania.

>> No.19738202

Jude the Obscure. Technically I haven't read it but I have finished Tess of the d'Urbervilles which was quite bleak and, knowing Hardy's life and the rep Jude got, it should be miserably beautiful.

>> No.19738220
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>> No.19738223

Burmese Days.

>> No.19738229

like in Blair Witch Project.

>> No.19738697

where does it indicate that you have to stand on the green square?
you'd have to be pretty retarded to do that

>> No.19738842


>> No.19738944

Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.19738963


>> No.19739865

the best answer objectively
Lord, have mercy on us

>> No.19739871

The Crossing

>> No.19740546

I'm no longer in middle school thanks

>> No.19740675


>> No.19740697

what the fuck

>> No.19740699
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The Woman in the Dunes.

>> No.19740719

>"For years my father performed a variety of brutal ritual type physical and psychological abuses," she writes, "among them confinement in closets, cages and coffins, while I was being told I was left to die; near drowning; isolation; needles inserted in sensitive body areas, food and sleep deprivation; electroshock via electric wires, welding equipment and cattle prods; drugging; sophisticated hypnotic and electronic programming..."
>She was also forced to participate in torturous rituals and orgies. Then she was "sold" in a slave auction.
>"Elitists in the market for mind control slaves attend auctions that appear at first like children's fashion shows and then progress to striptease acts, "she writes. 'I made appearances at many shows before I was actually 'sponsored' or sold."
>Her "owner"? World famous celebrity perp Bob Hope himself, according to Taylor.
>She later discovered that her other "sponsor" whom she learned to call "Uncle Charlie" was Charles L. Horn, owner of the Federal Cartridge Company, which later funded Olin Foundation, where he sat as President.
>Charlie physically introduced her to Henry Kissinger who continued her mind control programming in preparation for her later use as his "mind file," programmed with a photographic memory to act as a human personal computer with classified and other government files accessible to Kissinger only.
>Taylor endured more intensive programming based on Wizard of Oz, Disneyland, and "The Parent Trap" twin-sister themes, as well as NASA-based advanced mind control techniques.
>Besides being prostituted to the power elite, she was also taught to perform for them. She even recited a "mind control" standup comedy routine for these high- level perverts, her jokes written by Bob Hope himself.

>> No.19740802

One of these days I want to read your book called My Diary Desu and I want it to jerk the tears right out of me you son of a bitch

>> No.19740866

flowers 4 algernon is the saddest ive read

>> No.19741193

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.19741284
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Any book on climate change, war crimes and cartel violence.
Fiction might be personally bleak and put you down because of tragedy and drama, but these topics will make you grasp the bleak nihilism of the truth of this world. Violence, greed and cruelty come together to form the shape of evil, devouring this planet to finally end the miracle of life.

>> No.19741516

>climate change
Shut the fuck up you hysterical pussy

>> No.19742516

Friendly reminder that if you haven't read The Road, then do read it before you see the film.
The book and film are about 90% identical and as such, I really felt like the book lost a lot of weight because I had seen the film prior.

>> No.19742524
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Just get the fucking vaccine

>> No.19743660
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>climate change

>> No.19743676


>> No.19743698

I'm not allowed to say Brave New World or I might be labelled a normie. So I have to settle for something niche so I can conform to 4chans expectations.
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier is only what I can describe as a potent teenage realm of vices and disgust. I haven't read it in ages but so many standalone scenes remain clear in my head.

>> No.19743703

A good chance you are making yourself read without feeling. Perhaps you are reading too fast? Perhaps you are too used to 4chan style sensationalism. Either way, you might want to fix that.

>> No.19743742

Brave New World isn't really normie tier though, that would be 1984. Most people I know haven't read BNW.

>> No.19743792

Last exit to Brooklyn comes to mind.

>> No.19743848

the great reset

>> No.19743939

Journey to The End of the World, but it's also one of the funniest books I've read

>> No.19743948

Morphine by Bulgakov,
there's a hidden rule in bleak novels, there has to be a genuine semblance of hope for the overwhelming sense of misery to be believable.

>> No.19744035
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Also picrel by Yaeger which has bonus of 4chan-style-threads used as narrative device.

>> No.19744046
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Picrel. Sci-fi horror.
Humans start replicating/multiplying in kind of cell division at rapid rate, bodies pile up while still alive etc.

>> No.19744063

Leave this board and never return.

>> No.19744071


>> No.19744132
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Oi wanna read some Oe?

>> No.19744330

You and I both know there's some faggot on here who would say that.

>> No.19744406
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This book is fucking horrish to read. Marquis was such a piece of shit.

>> No.19744408

What's wrong with you man? Who is this 'lit' you've created? You take any indication of disagreement or unhappiness as heresy. If we must always suffer the whims and schemes of the powerful, at least allow us our complaining. Why are you so servile that you would poison every space or even your ties to friends and family to sate it? How could you be so evil? It's the lifeblood of society in the 21st century and the only authentic culture left. Bitching and moaning. The least you could do is not rear your ridiculous paper-thin social media bullying tactics that don't make sense at all. How watered down is your mind by social media if you seriously thought this post was a nice gotcha or even accurate.

>> No.19744415

Marquis is not his name bro

>> No.19744451

I'm not your bro, friend.

>> No.19744661

go outside

>> No.19744666

omg it never stops
> One gets the impression that Sue simply ‘downloaded’ this material from her inner ‘multiple personalities’, who were desperately wanting to get this information out.
>When he first switched into the killer personality the room filled with heat. The doctor told me it was not unusual for a whole variety of physical changes to occur when a multiple switched. The room quickly getting hot from the temperature change of Moody’s body when he switched from one personality to the other is a good example of the sort of autonomic response I’m talking about. I’d like to see even the best-trained actor do that on cue!

>> No.19744709

First time reading MK ULTRA material?

>> No.19744724

>nausea by sartre
Did you like it? I personally found the concepts introduced to be more interesting than the story itself.
I mean, it's ok. Many of the things are brought upon himself.

>> No.19744730

>social credit

>> No.19744734
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>> No.19744807

Two arms and a head
Not really a book but whatever

>> No.19744874

You can read it right now it's not even 10 dollars on amazon.

>> No.19744879

>Marquis was such a piece of shit.
American education

>> No.19744885

Not really an incel, but I can image that if I was this book (or the movie) would make me kill myself. One of the originators of the incel ideology.

>> No.19744924

>breathes and sneezes directly on all the elevator buttons for everyone else to touch
Based superspreading policies

>> No.19744968

Demons by Dostoevsky.

>> No.19744993

>>Taylor endured more intensive programming based on Wizard of Oz, Disneyland, and "The Parent Trap"
Lol come on

>> No.19745002

legit this. It will make you sad and realize how fucked we are when people get too obsessed with systems of thinking.

>> No.19745016

I regret reading this. It hurt my psyche

>> No.19745029

>breathes and sneezes in the same corner as everyone else before
Based indeed

>> No.19745639

i think i'm just jaded from reading too much depressing shit
then again i read the metamorphosis yesterday and felt very sad. i read the sailor who fell from grace with the sea and almost had a panic attack

>> No.19746154

strong pick
this one too

>> No.19746218
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Okay retards if that's not an issue then try to grasp the amount of pollution in the nature done by humans.
You can barely go 20 meters in the forest without seeing littering and trash, it's awful.

>> No.19746223


>> No.19746266

the kindly ones by jonathan littell

>> No.19746274

Scanner Darkly

>> No.19746929
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Let It Come Down by Paul Bowles. The reflection of someone with no personality and no direction in life being decimated in a foreign place convinced me that everything was out to get me and that it was no good leaving home. Safe to say that book derailed my life and turned me into a NEET for the best part of 5 years.

>> No.19747449

I would still recommend the book.
Some of the best parts are not in the movie and could never have been depicted (the father fishing with his brother or he trying to call his parents)

>> No.19747456

Child of God and No Country are also vdry depressing.
Child of God hits deep if you are *that* kind of guy.

>> No.19747586
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>> No.19747819

2 trillion tons of CO2 that was trapped in the ground has been released into the atmosphere by humans

>> No.19747902

>2 trillion tons of

>> No.19747924 [DELETED] 


>> No.19747928

Yeah this is what I came to say

>> No.19747974

Hunger and The Trial, I enjoyed both.

No longer human, I couldn’t enjoy, but probably the most bleak.

>> No.19747990
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>> No.19747999

Lmao what a pussy, you are a broken record from the 1970's. No one is convinced anymore

>> No.19748091

Written by a woman, disregarded