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/lit/ - Literature

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19734779 No.19734779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.19734788


>> No.19734797

this, but at the same time I would fuck the shit out of her

>> No.19734808

I would fuck her but I'm not sexually aroused by her awkward little number here. Her movements are too clumsy and graceless. She needs to step up her game.

>> No.19734831

I need girls like this in my life.
I need to see cute/pretty/sexy girls on a regular basis to keep my morale up, they always brighten up my day.

>> No.19734833

Nothing, you can't post what inflames my passions, my fickle muses.

>> No.19734856

Based and true.

>> No.19734858

>Her movements are too clumsy and graceless. She needs to step up her game
isn't that just a component of her child-like gimmick?

>> No.19734867

A mediocre white woman who thinks watching the most watched anime of all time makes her quirky and unique and thus to satiate her rampant narcissism fueled by the media she dresses in an Amazon-bought outfit and posts on tiktok for which she checks every 30 seconds for new likes and comments

>> No.19734869

kids are outright nasty without knowing it, this is a shitshow in comparison.

>> No.19734874

Its insane that some guys actually think like this. how little attention do you get from women that your brain can delude itself into enjoying some whore you dont know wiggling her ass for money? I can only imagine that this is the mindset of someone who has never even hugged a girl and hence this is as good as it gets to you

>> No.19734876

Ok incel

>> No.19734879

I once helped rig the lighting for a stage play when I was in college, and even that small exposure was enough to put me off theatre kids for life.
They move their arms too fucking much. It's a disease.
I don't know if this girl is a theatre kid but it's all these tiktok thots remind me of. You are not a bird, please settle down.

>> No.19734884


>> No.19734889


-.-- --- ..- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -. . ...- . .-. / -... . / .- / .-- --- -- .- -.

>> No.19734903

>delude itself into enjoying some whore you dont know wiggling her ass for money
not him but I think that's you who's reading into it too deeply, because, as you say, she is a nobody

>> No.19734905

It makes me feel old

>t. 38 year-old man

>> No.19734911

You don’t understand.
I’ve never paid a dime for OnlyFans content, I’m just saying that I need girls like this in my life, not on a computer screen, because they brighten up my day.
Also I’ve gotten to second base and have hugged plenty of girls btw.

>> No.19734912

-... .- ... . -..

>> No.19734916

.... --- .-- / .- -... --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..- / ... .- -.-- / -.-- --- ..- / -. . . -.. / .--. ..- ... ... -.-- / .-.. .. -.- . / .- / -- .- -. / .. -. ... - . .- -.. / --- ..-. / - .- .-.. -.- .. -. --. / .- -... --- ..- - / .... .- ...- .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.. .- -.-- / -... .-. .. --. .... - . -. . -.. / ..- .--. / .-.. .. -.- . / .- / -.. . .-. .- -. --. . -.. / .... --- -- ---

>> No.19734918

based hugchad

>> No.19734919

and for no reason at all

>> No.19734934

I like that I can see her nipples.

Ah yes. But you didn’t have any children at 18 so it’s okay to date them. Some of them like that sort of thing.

>> No.19734940

That's gonna leave a stain, Jane.

>> No.19734949

How do I get an 18 yo gf, bros?
t. 25 yo

>> No.19734951

I was mostly just waiting for the gimmick, the catch, the bait and switch, whatever it might be, this site had conditioned me to expect.

>> No.19734953


>> No.19734958


>> No.19734989


>> No.19734990

Ask them out

>> No.19734995
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, 9634CB6F-A17C-494C-B3BF-FE48E52C41CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I’d like to have sex with them but that’s only a small part of it.
I want to live surrounded by beauty.
The world has enough ugliness to overwhelm any man, I want to at least be able to look at cute/pretty/sexy women in my day to day life to cheer me up.

>> No.19735002

Absolutely, anon

I was just thinking about this today. I'm going to start composing poems about the beautiful women I encounter in my daily life.

>> No.19735005
File: 49 KB, 1080x1003, IMG-20220112-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, my gf is sexier

>> No.19735015

Primal desire

>> No.19735025

This. Why do normies pretend that anime is still something quirky?

>> No.19735028

That's not your girlfriend

>> No.19735039

And yet you're a pessimist posting on /lit/

>> No.19735043


>> No.19735047

>sex cures pessimism
kek virgin ideas

>> No.19735049

Nobody cares about your crossdressing boyfriend faggot

>> No.19735050

she doesn't knows about the anime you autistic fucks

>> No.19735060

>calling other people autistic fucks
how do you know she's not aware of the anime, anon?

>> No.19735063

Is it tucked?

>> No.19735065

It doesn't but he's posting on /lit/

>> No.19735068

Bruh I wish sex was this fucking magic bullet that solves your problems like incels think.

>> No.19735070
File: 26 KB, 396x400, 1563428060776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I don't know about it

>> No.19735071

Girlfriend (male)

>> No.19735075

She moves like a serpent

>> No.19735079
File: 219 KB, 450x557, 1632128394829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually an Overwatch costume

>> No.19735093

>Bruh I wish sex was this fucking magic bullet that solves your problems like incels think
from an incel standpoint it does though, because that's what is the most valuable to them

>> No.19735124

It makes me feel saging and reporting this offtopic coomer thread

Jannies do your job

>> No.19735186

Is there anymore where this cake from?

>> No.19735205

Like most other things in life, it will solve all your problems right up until you attain it, and then it will solve none of your problems.

>> No.19735219

Makes me want some coffee, but is it good for me?

>> No.19735244

Like I need to find a better place to talk about literature. Fuck you, fuck this board, and fuck this website. Nigger.

>> No.19735252

this is what anime does to your brain

>> No.19735256

>it will solve all your problems right up until you attain it, and then it will solve none of your problems.
Which is why then you start the cycle over of trying to attain it.

Try to attain it.

Attain it.

The moment after attaining, you no longer have it.

Strive to attain it.

Attain it.

The moment after you attain it, you never longer have it.

Strive to attain it.

>> No.19735268

she's 15 you sick fucks, her body and mind are not prepared for breeding

>> No.19735286

Why is she deliberately revealing and moving her body in a seductive manner if its not ready to be bred?

>> No.19735294

>she’s 15
So you do have sauce?
Anyways, she IS ready both in body and mind for procreation.
She’s been ovulating for 3 years already, and women don’t mature that much intellectually after their teens.
She’s absolutely ready for lovemaking.

>> No.19735319

>women don’t mature that much intellectually after their teens.
Is this what incels choose to believe in to justify their misogyny?

>> No.19735334

No, it’s what pedos use to justify buggering children.

>> No.19735337

Girl I was dating admitted being quite 'teenage-like' and 'immature'. She was 21. It doesn't have anything to do with le misogyny.

>> No.19735338

call and response

>> No.19735351

stop sexualizing children

>> No.19735352

He’s right though, women have 3 development phases after ovulation: teen slut, mother and menopausal hag. The current social trend is delayed (or denied) motherhood which leads to an epidemic of visibly aged 30 year olds acting and whoring as if they were still in highschool. Sad.

>> No.19735368

Yet despite all this you are still a virgin. Funny that.

>> No.19735376

No, I fucked both teen sluts and girls in their late twenties. Intellectually, there was no difference.

>> No.19735385

you're fat

>> No.19735388


>> No.19735397

Makes me feel alive.
If I looked at this young female ready to be loved and bred and felt nothing I might as well be dead, since only a failure with a dead penis could not react to such a divine pleasure.

>> No.19735407

it says 16 on her profile

>> No.19735457
