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/lit/ - Literature

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19729099 No.19729099 [Reply] [Original]

I need rational and realistic fiction books. No romance or too much weak men crying about their failures.
I need a fiction book to show me how the world and people really are out there.

Was raised and sheltered by a very catholic gramma. Feels like im too innocent for this world and i need more malice.

>> No.19729147
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>mbti shit
Seriously: you will never make it.

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>> No.19729231 [DELETED] 

Good morning sir! I hate your thread and I'm going to do the needful and use the options field, but read some Steinbeck and Hemingway.

>> No.19729510

They say Heningway was a tranny. Should i?

>> No.19729587

Not completely fiction but it reads almost like it:
- The Peloponnesian War, Tucydides
- Anabasis of Alexander, Arrian
The benefit of these historic books is that they show life, and humans as they truely are. Unlike anything you will read of today. Get the audiobooks (online for free) and take a walk.

>> No.19729600

Novels only get you so far. At some point you will need to take a leap and read some cold, honest and analytic books like this:
Might is Right
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Rational Male
But then you also need to do something for your God, or whatever words you use, so you are well situated in your heart and you don't become a nihilist.

>> No.19729830

The Bible

>> No.19729924

>Hey guys I would like to consume a product about The World (trademark, all rights reserved)
There is no "real" world behind a "fake" world. The world reduced to equivalent signs becomes in it's essence a sign- interchangeable and meaningless without reference to other signs. Also fuck you for shitting up the board with this gay thread.

>> No.19730296

Chill mate

>> No.19731028

Your grandma sounds based. You sound cringe.

>> No.19731039

Your life sounds like a Southern Gothic, only with more autism.

Here is your starter trilogy:

The Dog of the South
Wise Blood
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.19731800

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Imagine Harry Potter being replaced with a Harry Potter with combined talents of Ender Wiggins, Artemis Fowl and Yagami Light and put him in world much darker than Rowling envisioned. Yep, that's what this book was. No Ron or Hagrid to distract you, this is a Machiavellian Harry who manipulates people to his own ends, with powers the Dark Lord knows not, and the ambition for world domination (or, as he would call it, world optimization).

>> No.19731818

gulag archipelagos pretty good

>> No.19731825
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>I need a fiction book to show me how the world and people really are out there.

>> No.19732419

>Shut-in begging to be spoonfed by incel autistics
Just join the christcuck LARP already you loser twerp, it's all you have going for you

>> No.19732455

>tfw Don Quixote


>> No.19732482

nobody cares about your incel horoscope

>> No.19732510

>Too sheltered
>Need more malice

Well hanging around on 4chan is a good start.

>> No.19733149

4chan is full of retards who were bullied in their youth but somehow think theyre superior to their bullies

Imagine thinking there isnt realistic fiction out there