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19726487 No.19726487 [Reply] [Original]

What are some vaporwave books? I tried to describe it another way but I can't find a more suitable word to encompass the feelings I mean than just "vaporwave".

>> No.19726492
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>what are some _____ books threads #9533

>> No.19726493
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>> No.19726494

Vaporware is a forced meme aesthetic that zoomers, who weren't really around for the times it's 'about', feel more strongly for than people who were actually used VHS. Tapes weren't 'jittery' until they degraded, and of course you'd prefer better quality film if you could watch it.

>> No.19726502

I'm old enough to have known VHS but that's not what vaporwave as a whole is about

>> No.19726508

no no no i'm not actually listening to phil collins, this is chopped and screwed, this is a comment on neoliberalism, read mark fisher lmao. p.s. i'm trans

>> No.19726553
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This is a banal, shitty, and stupid take all around. My post is not shitposting.

>> No.19726566
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I'll think of some OP. I love vaporwave. I don't get why people don't understand it. It's not that hard to understand the hauntological implications of Capitalism but if they really don't get it they can just read Mark Fishers books on the subject.
Vaporwave is nothing more than the representation of what was promised to us in the early 2000's but never delivered, much like the phenomenon former USSR citizens experienced regarding communism.
We were promised an endless supply of great products and jobs to pay for them and they lied and delivered shit. So we made vaporwave instead. Have a Lain for your thoughts. I'll think of some good books.

>> No.19726602
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so one of the few books that comes to mind is "The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter" which isn't actually that great but it has a lot of super futurist vibes and is one of the few cyberpunks works I've read that I actually finished and didn't drop because of dumb as fuck sounding fake tech terms every other sentence. I hated Neuromancer for instance. Again I don't think this books plot is that great but the atmosphere is pretty damn good.
There really just aren't many vaporwave-esque fiction books that I've managed to find and boy have I tried. Really the only thing I keep thinking of is a short story I wrote about a guy breaking into a dead mall and getting trapped in a hellscape with different rooms based on various vaporwave albums I was enjoying at the time. It's not the greatest but there are some good scenes in it imo like the one based on this song.
I could never think of a satisfactory ending to it though.

>> No.19726612

>op posts pic of ff8 pre-render
What the fuck even is vaporwave

>> No.19726627

An atmosphere

>> No.19726640

>What the fuck even is vaporwave
Music that represents what Capitalism promised but never delivered. Is it really that hard to get?

>> No.19726648

What did it promise and what did it deliver?

>> No.19726653

literally already explained this in this comment
just read Mark Fishers work on the Hauntology of Capitalism. Theres like a million articles and videos about him and it.

>> No.19726658

Not OP, but I'm also interested in what you can come up with

>> No.19726678
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this was all I could come up with
There really isn't much vaporwave-esque fiction that I've managed to find and my goodreads profile picture is literally a glitch art of a roman statue I made myself.
As for non-fiction I'll just keep repeating The Use and Abuse of Art by Jacques Barzun which is the only work of Art criticism I've found to be worth anything but its also so much more. It touches on every aspect of culture in one way or another so of course it also applies to vaporwave.
Or you can just read Mark Fisher. Or that one Zero Books work about Vaporwave. "Babbling Corpse: Vaporwave And The Commodification Of Ghosts" which unlike The Use and Abuse of Art I found to be nothing more than "well duh, that was obvious" type critique.
I'm going to post my goodreads again but it's starting to feel like I'm some kind of tripfag at this point.

>> No.19726698

I like his music

>> No.19726703

he made music??

>> No.19726719

>literally anything I don't like is by and/or for zoomers, whether or not it makes any sense
Yeah I guess it was zoomers who were putting out albums like Ecco Jams in 2010.

>> No.19726730

nobody was around for the times that vaporwave is about. vaporwave doesn't track a lost past, it tracks a lost future.

>> No.19726802

this guy gets it. Zoomers can probably understand that they missed out on...something in the decade before they were born but they can never really understand what it was. They can't really get why say this track feels like a future we never got.

>> No.19726841

It's like /mu/ leaked out and now has to moped up.

>> No.19726879
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It’s pretty rad

>> No.19727046

The Mezzanine