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19726382 No.19726382 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, I unironically agree with the "ghost-in-the-machine" conception of mind and matter.
Why is Cartesianism not popular anymore?

>> No.19726392

Because of e.g. lobotomy. The ghost usually turns out to be pretty corporeal.

>> No.19726420
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You can't be serious...

>> No.19726576

Because mind/body dualism is bullshit, if I hit you over the head with a hammer, there's a good chance I'm gonna rattle the 'ol ghost in your machine, it's almost as if there's a connection between mind and body, like how chances are life seems better when you're /fit/ verses when you're an /r9k/ ogre when all other material influences are equal, like how most premodern thought schools believed that training the body was an important part of training the mind and spirit(with the exception of the greeks who took the rationalism meme to heart)

>> No.19726582

Doesn't matter what's *actually* there anon - it's about how I feel from my own perspective

>> No.19726586

But it's objectively wrong and can be proven false, Descartes may not have been able to envision himself without thought, Jackie Kennedy did though, that's why it's unpopular

>> No.19726594

Doesn't matter how 'right' it is. I have my 'I' and I have my 'me' (The I vs my leg, my head, my body etc.)

I mean what philsopihcal position DOES science currently take in regard to this, if at all?

>> No.19726604

How does the soul interact with the body if they are two distinct substances

>> No.19726620

Generally speaking that mind and body are connected and influence each other, the state of the micro flora in your gut can influence your disposition, that disposition affects your relationship, that relationship then releases cortisol throughout your body affecting your epigenetic expression leading to an increased improvement of skin condition for you and your offspring. Look at phantom pain in amputees, there is no external stimuli causing it, entirely in the brain, but the sensation remains because the neural and nervous pathways in the brain and body are not functioning correctly. That's the general current in the Science, though there are still cartesians and there are also full materialists who view humans as flesh automata.
This is faith speaking alone here on the spirit but, the spirit is affected by the disposition of the mind and the body which give the soul energy, but the body and the mind contained are incidental to the soul, a rock that is the best rock ever has a greater soul than a caged tiger or a slave.

>> No.19726654

Just take the Plotinus pill, it's basically non-retarded pseudo-dualism.

>> No.19726687

Oh yes of course anon, but my self (the thing senseing and thinking with that empty space I can imagine memories and gay homo sex in alike) only has those tools at hand, and I MYSELF have to eat those things to affect my gut - my gut kinda does the work without my consent if you get what I mean.

>> No.19726702

Don't waste your time, dualism is objectively true, you're talking to the kind of automaton Descartes thought animals were

>> No.19726753

Kek sure thing anon

>> No.19726763

Phineas Gage doesn't refute dualism. If you think it does, you are a borg.

>> No.19726775

Would never say otherwise desu

I can't fucking feel my pre-frontal cortex nor my appendix like I can feel the nuts in my mouth right now - I'm just stuck in whatever the fuck 'this' is

>> No.19727138

That's a perfectly rational viewpoint to have, the Boltzman Brain, that all I perceive is simply stimuli to my mind that have no bearing upon "true" rality though in terms of discussion that either is simply a possible alternative or ends the c9nversation outright, not to mention the spiritual and religious connotations it might bring, but is an ultimately useless question to ask as in a world where you are simply a figment of my imagination, there's no point to a search for truth or even to have this or any other discussion.
>We go about calling this man Minister and this man Servant, so sure in our assessment of reality
>One day someone will wake up from this dream and call it the great con