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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 500x492, Nobel_Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19725730 No.19725730 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19725743

so many without wiki pages, wtf?

>> No.19725748
File: 53 KB, 600x631, sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha! Everyone say Season's Greetings to this ESL! Season's greetings!

>> No.19726337

About 14

>> No.19727030

Sessins greetins! 17. I could double that number in less than a year, but to me the Nobel is no measure to pick books. Why read Buck, Gurnah, Walcott, Ishiguro....... or all these forgotten Seus characters from Whoville?

>> No.19727055

>Nobel Prize in 1992 (basically for his Omeros)
>Omeros (1990) is the epic work of poetry by Derek Walcott. This epic poem helped Walcott win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992.[1] The title refers to the Greek myths about Homer. The poem refers to characters in the Iliad and Odyssey. But the poem is set on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia where Walcott was born.
This massive, three-hundred-page epic describes contemporary Caribbean life. Walcott's heroes are ordinary men and women who live in the modern world.
>"This massive, three-hundred-page epic"
>The poem refers to characters in the Iliad and Odyssey.
Ulysses 2: Carribean Boogaloo

>> No.19727190

I've read about ten in depth, ten moderately (say one novel or a few poems), ten sketchily (half a novel, a couple of poems).

Interesting to compare the Nobel Committee with the Academy Awards. Which has done a better job of picking the best stuff?

My feeling is they're about equally bad. The total body of work they overlooked is worth about five times as much as the stuff they recognized.

>> No.19727244

I've read 11 and have a few more on my shelf unread.

>> No.19727297
File: 145 KB, 700x480, Nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the male/female breakdown.

Q1: How long before more women winners in a decade than men?

Q2: How long before total women winners overtakes total men?

Q3: How long before they start awarding / revoking prizes retroactively to correct past "mistakes"?

>> No.19727306

More than you

>> No.19727317

A few.

Also, I went to the same school as Rudolf Eucken, the first German to win the prize in 1908.

>> No.19727426

Bergson, Mann, Martin du Gard, Gide, Eliot, Sartre, Beckett, Heaney

>> No.19727438

TS Eliot

>> No.19727458


>> No.19727459

Borges and Joyce

>> No.19727894

Why wouldn't you want to read Buck? I can't speak of her ouevre as a whole, but the Good Earth is one of the best recommendations I ever got from /lit/.