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File: 530 KB, 1659x2560, 91Mnaha0wYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19722674 No.19722674 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some books that you think are essential to surviving the neoliberal dystopia that the world has increasingly become

>> No.19722683

The Will to Power

>> No.19722704

Varg Vikernes's Twitter and Youtube oeuvre

>> No.19722712
File: 138 KB, 907x1024, 04AE7042-F766-4AB7-B116-56C230E9FA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck back into society, you idiot. You aren't above anybody because you Isolate yourself and consume yourself to death. We are all born from shit and die in shit. You are no better than "normies" and you aren't special just because you hate them. Get a real job, gain skills, get a better job, and keep going while you try and maybe learn how to actually write. You will write on the side. You will get better. If you're any good you will be noticed, and if not, at least you can take solace in the fact that you aren't a piss poor NEET living in a shed scratching his ass playing videogames all day contemplating suicide.

>> No.19722744

I'm already done with my NEET days anon, you are not telling me anyhing new, but i get it, you probably are telling that to yourself and not to me

>> No.19722781

How can you separate the good from the bad in this world? How do you know what’s normal and what is dystopian. I consciously know that the world we made isn’t all it could be, but the line separating natural from fake is blurred enough for me that I don’t feel down. I assume you want some people around you who see the world the same way you do..

>> No.19722806

>just be a wagecuck
Thanks for advice, Mr. Shekelberg.

>> No.19722876
File: 358 KB, 1654x2476, brooks_zombiesg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell you how much this has helped. Highly recommend.

>> No.19722950
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>we'll escape the energy trap, don't worry solar and wind will power a modern economy, smart people will solve it all

>> No.19722971

Great book op, you're on the right path. Disregard the whole thread

>> No.19723026

Ted Kaczynski's works in chronological order.

>> No.19723082

Thank god we have some people with common sense on this board. I'm so sick of socialists just making these threads. Literally no self help, just woe is me, I'm a victim etc

>> No.19723085

go back to redit

>> No.19723342

Not pic related. That's for sure.

>> No.19723351

Capitalist realism is supposed to be an analysis, not a guide

>> No.19723353

Do you ever get tired of spamming this book every 2 days? Is this what you consider profound?

>> No.19723395

Not OP but it's very good

>> No.19723494

>capitalism is too powerful and everything is hopeless
>but I’ll still be a suicidal leftist

wow. deep

>> No.19723527

Stop engaging with the world in ways that suck your soul out. Cultivate your own thoughts, make your own art. Do gardening and grow your own produce or something. Love your family.

>> No.19723585

Bot post.

>> No.19723605

kill yourself jew.
he is better than "normies", and you exposed yourself as a redditor by using the term "normie".
It's "NORMALFAG", not "normie".

>> No.19723639

He’s correct though, you aren’t any more unique because you hate certain people, everyone hates things and end up accomplishing very little with just that. You shouldn’t be willing to throw your whole life away because of this depression, it needs to be fought.

>> No.19723695

How about just live.

>> No.19723716

You're correct, but I wish to see a change in certain people, that's why hate and critique are needed.

>> No.19724500
File: 484 KB, 934x1309, RussellBrandRecommended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19724563
File: 1.37 MB, 1276x672, hobbes_smith_marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel and the bible

>> No.19724572


Unironically, atomic habits

>> No.19724766

literally none of the books ITT are relevant.
just get books that will help you make money and gain status, that's the only thing that matters.
money makes status, status makes connections, connections makes power

>> No.19724801

Good, but name this books please

>> No.19725115


>> No.19725789
File: 79 KB, 576x430, 1635549180664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bible -> structure of scientific revolutions -> bible -> st. augustine's confessions -> aquinas -> future christ -> bible -> brothers karamazov -> programmed to kill -> bible+apocrypha -> theory and application of infinite series -> biomedia -> bible -> medium is the massage -> infinite jest -> cognitive fictions -> infinite jest but backwards

>> No.19725795

This book is genius. Why so many people hate it in this board?

>> No.19725797

how am I supposed to do this when I got meme'd into an economics degree and now the only jobs I can get are soul-sucking data autism jobs. i hate excel spreadsheets so much

>> No.19725854
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>> No.19725914

>Stop engaging with the world in ways that suck your soul out. Cultivate your own thoughts, make your own art. Do gardening and grow your own produce or something. Love your family.

>how am I supposed to do this when I got meme'd into an economics degree

Not that anon but none of those things require a degree of any kind

>> No.19725931

I'm not independently wealthy, how am I supposed to afford a family, land, art supplies, etc without working a job that I despise

>> No.19726011

by taking small steps. save up and put down a mortgage. meet someone nice. in the meantime, invest your time into small pleasantries like plants (even houseplants), art, crafts, camping, hiking, hunting, etc.
you don't need to purchase fancy equipment.
indoor plants aren't expensive
just start with the basics of sketching, you don't need to focus on getting the right tools for the job. literally just a pencil and a sketchbook. moleskine if you must.
same deal. learn with budget equipment and only buy premium stuff if you really need to. there are many cheap crafts like crochet, felting, origami, woodcarving, ceramics (see about using someone elses kiln), etc.
just buy food, water, sleeping bag, and look into local campgrounds.
self explanatory
a little bit more expensive but you could always use a bow. hard to embarrass yourself if you are alone.
find joy in nature and humanity. despair begets despair. understand why you despise things and why the things you despise currently exist. eventually you will find a peaceful answer unworthy of being despised.
“As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naive and simple-hearted than we supposed. And we ourselves are, too.”

>> No.19726074

>le egalitarian "wisdom of the plebs" anti idealistic reinforcement of declining system
Nonsense. Most people are more retarded than me and waging like a faggot is beneath me

>> No.19726185

this guy was cringe faggot upset he didn't have a cool music scene to hang out in

>> No.19727183

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck - Marilyn Manson

>> No.19727233

Those jobs pay a pretty good hourly wage though, right? Is it possible you can just do part time and dedicate more time to self development and hobbies? If you cannot be fulfilled by work, you can always be fulfilled by your other pursuits
The family part is pretty difficult, but you can always just be more prudent and save up whatever you can. By the time you are ready to start a family (besides the one you were born into) you might actually have some kind of wealth to support them. In terms of things like gardening, you can do that even on a small north-west facing balcony. You can grow beautiful produce under poor conditions. Gardening is just an example of a hobby that keeps you in touch with the simplicites of life. As this anon >>19726011 said, there are a lot of options that provide similar benefits

>> No.19727265

you need to reenchant your life. short of moving to the forest and becoming a shaman, start walking in nature an hour a day, stop using any smart phone or social media, grow plants and garden, reestablish your ties with local wildlife (feed birds, bee houses, etc). Humans are an animal that have millions of years of evolution of dwelling in a natural environment. You have been taken out of that environment; now it is time to go home.

>> No.19727332

Byung-Chul Han's psychopolitics is essential imo.

>> No.19727531

Vargs vids gave my life direction

>> No.19728570

because it's popular and accessible and has broken into the mainstream despite originating in oh-so-edgy nick land warwick stuff.

>> No.19728646

People here dislike it because Fischer's main premise about the establishment co opting leftist ideas because they are the only real threat to the system is retarded.

>> No.19730741
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This is my modified blindpill

>> No.19730807

He's retarded to think they're the ONLY threat, but his assessment that they have been co-opted is not only corrected, it's stunningly prescient and a point that is overlooked by basically everyone publicly claiming to advocate socialist theory right now.
Why so many people hate it in this board?

>> No.19730810

>Why so many people hate it in this board?
Whoops, meant to add "They do?"

>> No.19730818

Read through a quarter of these and it only made the despair worse. World is fucked brehs

>> No.19730828

>but his assessment that they have been co-opted is not only corrected, it's stunningly prescient
You can only come to this conclusion through mental gymnastic and taking for granted leftism is inherently good and anti establishment. Unless you're one of those retards who thinks only orthodox marxism is real leftism.

Unironically read Moldbug.

>> No.19730837

Yeah, Fischer usually gets mocked here for concluding that the only solution to our current conundrum is doubling down with leftism even if he's aware that the establishment just absorbs it and only get more powerful from it.

>> No.19730885

An actual npc

>> No.19730887

>it's stunningly prescient and a point that is overlooked by basically everyone publicly claiming to advocate socialist theory right now.

He was far from the first to ever say that. Most Frankfurt School intellectuals already discussed that at length. And even if that was a profound point it doesn't matter much since he continued to be a whiny pussy leftist who came in his pants over Russell Brand making "communism cool again"

but yes it's incredible how leftists today don't acknowledge how absorbed they are into the system considering every leftist intellectual warned about it, i guess their resentment really is that powerful

>> No.19730965
File: 179 KB, 1000x996, wtb3dks41j881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you motivation bros are actually such zombies. OP said nothing defeatist at all but you see the leftism red cape and your brain turns off as you proceed to regurgitate a paragraph of utter bromide. try actually reading some mark fisher--if it's not for you it's not for you, but at least there's a chance you could take from it a more reflective view of life instead of your current super wagie bros fantasy

>> No.19731190
File: 492 KB, 226x200, 1637533682735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blindpill chart

>> No.19732428

lmao pls be real

>> No.19733785

How would Fisher have coped with lockdowns?

>> No.19733791

He would be against them, but still better than Trump and fascism. He was a reasonable man.

>> No.19733863

>would a leftist be in favor of authoritarian control

We can only guess.

>> No.19736450

Obviously you have never read him. He was a real leftist. Not a power hungry liberal.

>> No.19737488


>> No.19737640

Self-help books are even worse, only good one is make friends and influence people

>> No.19737753
File: 6 KB, 208x242, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will write on the side.

>> No.19737776

You can tell just by the style of this writing that this is prob some retard who thinks he's doing a great
task by working some ded end job.

Hell, probably might even be a neet who hasn't taken his own advice yet.

>> No.19737797

There you go.

>> No.19737978
File: 37 KB, 279x421, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with Bifo on everything, but he has a pretty interesting perspective on how contemporary communications technologies have enabled the war machine of capitalism to invade time. It's a cool articulation of the way modern life makes you feel like you're swirling above abysmally too much of something. Good read.

>> No.19737999

I've recently read about half of these, and there are many on here I've already intended to read. If anything, they've ruined everything I thought I enjoyed (yet, in a somewhat cathartic way). There is damn near nothing human left, and this shit has prompted me to savor the hell out of any faint glimpse of it I can get. Nothing else matters anymore.

>> No.19738023

Nice trips anon. Good luck with the blind pill life.

>> No.19738283

>There is damn near nothing human left
And that's a good thing. Embrace misanthropy.

>> No.19739715

>le epic faggot leftist suicide man meme book
this board is such a bovine automaton shit-hole, fucking hell