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19721756 No.19721756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.19721760

Well women have cunts and men will do almost anything to fuck, so it makes sense.

>> No.19721766

Why didn't he control+f "you deserve" on male self help books?

>> No.19721796

Yes, but both women and men are equally miserable because the world is fundamentally moral. No need to cope when you know whores are burning in hell kek.

>> No.19721814

>christcucked cope
>implying church sluts can't just confess all their premarital whoring to coomer priest and be A-okay with Jesus

>> No.19721828

You need to understand that regardless of how easy it is to obtain your present object of desire, the hierarchy of goods and goodness remains the same. When it comes to sexuality, this applies most evidently.

>> No.19721829

In english doc

>> No.19721840

I just checked, and neither of those phrases appear once in the few top 25-50 lists I saw. Looks fake and gay.

The books overlap hard. The female specific ones are about grinding for an office promotion:"Nice Girls Don't Get Corner Offices," "Girl, Stop Apologizing," "Goddess," etc. But this just seems like the female version of books like Power. Men's lists had Man's Search for Meaning, The Prince, and Meditations, which are a step up, but also the most embarrassing shit, like framing your making your bed, not eating trash food, and going to the gym for some beginner 5x5 lifting routine as "warrior lifestyles."

Women had slightly more mindfulness stuff it seemed too but both had them.

>> No.19721854

You have no idea what confession means and entails. In Christianity, everyone is always more than A-okay with Jesus. In Orthodox Christianity, love itself is hell for those who are burning.

I didn't make a religious argument, btw. Isn't it obvious to you that actions beget consequences?

If you aren't an idiot, you will notice how your own perspective undermines itself.

>> No.19721855

If you are a loser, it doesn't matter what you win. Learn to read.

>> No.19721859

>implying women have any sort of intrinsic conscience
>implying confession isn't a thinly veiled slut-pass for them
No need to lecture me, I've had my fair share of these christsluts.

>> No.19721864

Nah. You are just trying to ignore that Christ WILL forgive these transgressions.

>> No.19721870


based. that present object of desire is rarely what's needed. Need and want are two different things most of the time, unless some higher wisdom is obtained

>> No.19721906

Christ doesn't need to will anything.
You're desperately trying to find false implications from what I wrote. I encourage you to read what you've written without doing the same.

>> No.19721912 [DELETED] 

>implying [human beings] have any sort of intrinsic conscience
Come to think of it, this may be the biggest possible cope.

>> No.19721915

I think you’ve got your Christian doctrines confused. It’s okay, it’s a common r/atheism talking point that “tHe cHiLd RaPiSt oN hIs DeAtHbEd CaN sTiLl bE forGiVen!!!!” while the atheist goes to hell, or whatever.
But you’re using the term confession here, which, if you’re not aware, is a Catholic concept. Protestants don’t believe in confession. So, establishing that; no, confession is not enough to be saved. In Catholicism, a mortal sin like fornication requires a confession, a truly contrite heart, and penance. You can’t just confess something and be done with it. In Protestantism, confession is also not enough for the forgiveness of sin, because Protestants don’t believe in confession. Rather, a Protestant goes directly to God and pleads forgiveness for their sins. In both cases, God knows the heart of the sinner, and knows whether the person is truly contrite or regretful of their sinful act. This part is required. Atheists commonly believe that asking for forgiveness of sins is just a password, that you can just say the magic words and be on your merry way. Not so; repentance must be from the heart. You can’t trick God into accepting a half hearted repentance. But if a fornicating woman is truly repentant, and feels tortured over her sins, then why shouldn’t she be forgiven of them? Christ had conquered death for her too, and bears patiently with wayward souls.

>> No.19721916

>still avoids the topic of teenage church girls taking creampies left and right and marrying a clueless tradsimp afterwards, all with Jesus' approval

>> No.19721918

>is a Catholic concept
Fair enough, all those harlots are catholic in my country

>> No.19721925

the truth is you have to and deserve to just BEE yourself

>> No.19721931
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>> No.19721938

Someone post it

>> No.19721968
File: 1.33 MB, 1886x534, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your attention span is so devastated that you've been absolutely incapable of understanding what I've written from the very beginning of the thread. Hey, it's not my fault you're a coomer. Perhaps now you may be able to better intuit how sluts experience the world.
>clueless tradsimp
You do realise what this means in terms of SMV? In order for the concept to make sense, it has to be relative across the genders.

>> No.19721972 [DELETED] 

Come to think of it, denying this may be the biggest possible cope

>> No.19721974
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Dude, I personally bought 3 (three) morning after pills to present Pro-life spokeswoman over here. She wanted a threesome with her ugly church friend too, but I turned that down.
Your passive-aggressive churchslut apologia has no effect on me.

>> No.19721982

Because you haven't actually read what I've written. Perhaps I'm wasting my time.

>> No.19721990

>Your passive-aggressive churchslut apologia has no effect on me.
Where is it? Hypocrisy proves my point. Double negation, idiot.

>> No.19721992

It is

>> No.19721996

>implying [human beings] have any sort of intrinsic conscience
this is the biggest possible cope

>> No.19722010
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