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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 400x600, rupi-kaur-credit-baljit-singh-3-400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19716395 No.19716395 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't she use actual Indian poetry as a source of inspiration, I thought she was multiciltural?

>> No.19716404 [DELETED] 


>> No.19716408

Incel freak. You'd never get near an intellectual woman like Rupi.

>> No.19716416 [DELETED] 

Sit on my face bitch. I said sit on my face. Good girl; don't forget the cock. Keep working hoe. YEEEEEEEEE

>> No.19716420

Multicultural in American-English just means brown.

>> No.19716422


>> No.19716424

i would love to fuck her dark brown asshole

>> No.19716435
File: 64 KB, 700x500, Featured-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got every incel's number

>> No.19716441

god she's hot.
but you're right. I want to hear more about the warrior queen with the metal leg. Hard to think of a cooler inspiration than that.

>> No.19717195

because she is a hack who is only in it to sell to roasties who take instagram pics of themselves holding books they never read

>> No.19717207

She's clearly embarrassed by India and her Indian roots.

>> No.19717998

>tfw no indian fuckmeat gf who does the needful on my penis
Time to kms

>> No.19718074

american hegemonic culture doesnt actually want multiculturalism in the sense that there are multiple cultures being presented, it wants as many cultures as possible to follow american culture. Rupi fits the bill for the latter flavor of 'multiculturalism'

>> No.19718189

Why not practice actual multiculturalism instead of larping as one, I don't understand?

>> No.19718204

Shut your dumb mouth commie

>> No.19718232
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Multiculturalism means that there are cultural divides that preserve culture, meaning that it goes against having a race of consumerist mutts with no roots. You also find that the ones screaming for it like and understand it the least. Start rambling on about mongolian basket weavers and tengriism and watch bluehairs get really uncomfortable.

>> No.19718333
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So they're all larping faggots

>> No.19718342

My friend is dating an Indian girl. Why are they insane?

>> No.19718355

Well it's mostly called a melting pot for a reason

>> No.19718733

her eyebrows ruin her.

>> No.19718749

Thinking about this is making me feel really fucking angry

>> No.19718767

God this is trash

>> No.19718771

Anyone have that meme of the time /lit accidentally wrote a Rupi poem in a thread about her?

>> No.19719057



>> No.19719384


>> No.19719447

Her biggest influence is text messages rather than any kind of poetry. She's primarily supported by Indian immigrants desperate to be less FOBy anyway.

>> No.19719476

cause then nobody would give a shit about it
it's all make-pretend, white libs reading white lib trash regardless who wrote it

>> No.19719486

I'm not sure it would help. Rupi can't write poetry.

>> No.19719492

She needs my semen inside her

>> No.19719529 [DELETED] 

People say "She's not white, she's no white!" This high class babeis a delicate and pure-featured Indo-Aryan. Your typical slack jawed proletariat Brit or Germanic would be moving up genetically speaking by reproducing with her.

>> No.19719536

People say "She's not white, she's no white!" This high class babe is a delicate and pure-featured Indo-Aryan. Your typical slack jawed proletariat Brit or Germanic would be moving up genetically speaking by reproducing with her.

>> No.19719552
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>> No.19719564

This is so, so bad.

>> No.19719586

God I wish my high school had nice girls to have a crush on. I'm only into alt Hispanic girls because of that place.

>> No.19719587
File: 25 KB, 360x390, SecondBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the constantly subjugated Punjabi, such noble warriors d spite being conquered by any moderately robust group of individuals who happened tompass through their land. Kaur's dirt poor father finally fled their ancestral--if mutt mongrel paki/almost every Asian population central, northern and eastern/turk/Muslim/Macedonian etc is an ancestry-- lands because they were being bullied, leaving behind his women and children to fend for themselves in this dangerous climate. None of this seems particularly regal.

>> No.19719596


>> No.19719644

isn't it who?

>> No.19719654


>> No.19719656


>> No.19719773

>"i let him stick his fingers in my vagina but I didn't cum, that will show that white male!"

>> No.19719885


>> No.19719920

Her image inspo is rich white socialite, why would you ever think she's multicultural?

>> No.19719935

American poetry is just another jobs program for non-whites

>> No.19720165

Is this her poem? Or is it some meme poem presented in her style or something?
If this is really her, damn she is terrible. I haven't read a lot of poems, only the most famous ones but even I can tell this is absolute trash.

>> No.19720371

oh wait doesn't she have the cringe about the honey vagina

>> No.19720374

She's sikh bros, she has a poem dedicated to her family that died in some massacre in india. I know this because I would read her book in the walmart pharmacy while waiting for them to fill out my adderall prescriptipn, but now I get it from target cvs and the pharamacist there is a shifty spaz who fucks up.

>> No.19720388 [DELETED] 

I would love to plunder
this thot's brown honey pot

>> No.19720413

>I would read her book
Kys pls.

>> No.19720460
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The irony is that she's actually on the sides of incels

>> No.19720464

In a pharmacy.
Like reading Time or Ms. at a dentists waiting room

>> No.19721094

what are some examples of robust group of individuals who weren't constantly subjugated?

>> No.19721133

hot wax dripped
from my lips as i answered

mmm grayons

>> No.19721349

Please this can't be true

>> No.19722354

That was 50 years ago

>> No.19722374


>> No.19722402


>> No.19722524

Any European culture past 1000AD.

>> No.19722652

I feel that this saying is overused and at risk of losing its meaning, but diversity and multiculturalism in the west really, truly only comes down to skin colour. Rupi Kaur has been wholly consumed by white liberal bourgeois culture, destroying her actual claim to diversity and a different ethnicity, but since her skin is brown, she is seen as a progressive hero. the libs champion diversity but actively dismantle it by only accepting when it is a reflection of their own beliefs. modern day colonialism that is wildly successful since it mostly goes unacknowledged.

>> No.19722665

Americans are very outwardly proud of their cultural dominance on the world stage, there's no real way to deny it without wilfully ignoring reality. That poster is correct.

>> No.19722671

Her eyebrows are what make her such an irresistible fuckdoll, are you a fag or something?

>> No.19722676

>poopi curry
>irresistible fuckdoll
Christ, unironically have sex. Just go to any "british" urban area and you'll find thousands better pajeetas desperate for white dick.

>> No.19722677

They're beautiful Frida Kahlo eyebrows, very desirable and museum quality.

>> No.19722680

I like the way you write. Look into writing stories.

>> No.19722682

God, what I wouldn't give to fuck Frida Kahlo. That's one of those women that you write songs about.

>> No.19722684

Why the fuck does this deranged monster have their lips coated in both milk and honey????

>> No.19722688

what kind of fucking backwater American hick doesn't know about milk and honey?

>> No.19722689

Bisexual. Milk is coom, honey is pussy slime.

>> No.19722717

Anyone who considers her hot, consider yourself lucky. There are a plethora of women like her available. The question is, can you make her stay? She is an artist, a depicter of réalité. Such artistry demands a proper muse. A sensitive, yet charming feminine boy-toy, with delicate sensibilities. Your delicate touch must shatter her frozen past, to thaw out her phoenix soul, ready to set the world ablaze.

>> No.19722722

It's a reference to the Winnie the Pooh cartoon. The Land of Milk and Honey is the home of the Piglet race.

>> No.19722723

ya, i can do that, easy

>> No.19722737

milk and honey predates winnie the pooh by hundreds, if not thousands of years

>> No.19722739

Honestly, I can see why she is popular. This is the only kind of poetry I’d be okay with digesting. Straight to the point, chop chop. No unnecessary flourishing. Only a poignant analysis remains.

>> No.19722741

she loves white cocks

>> No.19722774

exquisite bait

>> No.19722782

>*pre-313 AD

>> No.19722850

Based and Tragically Pained

>> No.19722859


>> No.19722865

Based and Viagrapilled

>> No.19724401

I liked Milk and Honey

>> No.19724434

i read a bit of milk & honey when it first came out and i was working at barnes & noble. thought it was pretty shit but i would bust a huge load on her eyebrows if given the chance

>> No.19724442
File: 412 KB, 1024x843, rupi kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19724480

shes nasty, her front profile kind of lends a ethnic beauty to her, but if you see her in actual motion shes rather disgusting.

>> No.19724508
File: 77 KB, 683x1024, Rupi_Kaur_Photo_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rupi is seriously my ideal woman. She exploits the PMC classes desire for watered down 'multicultural' poetry so well, with such finesse, that she has to be in on it.

I can imagine her doing the true Indian thing: outsourcing work, like Warhol or Damien Hirst, for others to make and her to slap her name on. It's this ruthlessness that makes her really sexy. Other people are really nothing to her. What's important is that she's exploring what matters to her; other people are secondary

>> No.19724522

Re: >>19718771
Thanks...but it's missing the fact it was written by 3 or 4 random lit users who all posted one after the other.

>> No.19724558
File: 307 KB, 906x1368, rupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remade it.

>> No.19724570

Someone with a functioning brain here. That's refreshing. America just wants a multicolored monoculture of consumers. Multiculturalism actually erases cultures.

>> No.19724573

I audibly snorted.

>> No.19724589

She source of inspiration for my erections

>> No.19724840

Thinking about how milk and honey is referring to breast milk and vagina juice, it's a perfect title for the book. Imagine a man writing a book of poems and titled it salty milk and coins. It's ridiculous.

>> No.19725345

you idot look here

>> No.19725377

Someone posted the >>19719552 so I remade the meme using warosu. Knowing /lit organically wrote a confessional poem in the style of Poopie Cur makes the meme funnier.and it's one of the few memes that can be used on /lit humor threads that isn't fully played out yet.

>> No.19725651

Yes, it is her. I think it's pretty good, desu...

>> No.19725659


>> No.19725666

fact check: wrong

>> No.19725677

wow ok. based farmer's daughter. still can't write though.

>> No.19725687

This is truly unbelievable. this cant be real, how can someone be this unaware, someone needs to beat her fucking face in with a ball point hammer.

>> No.19726109

Do you seriously think that poem is good?
No wonder poetry is dying.

>> No.19726539

This >>19724558

>> No.19726751

Why does a woman saying something along the lines of "Ha! No pussy for you" make me want to become a terrorist?
It's not like my dick gets hard from just looking at any of these women so what is it?

>> No.19726946

Good times.

>> No.19727180

Thought that was a riddle, spent a minute trying to figure out what it was.

>> No.19727206

Biologically you have an inbuilt drive to slay pussy and being told you cannot have pussy makes caveman brain angry. In a philosophical/spiritual vein, because the woman has denied access to what God has created for you and anger at this fact is in fact righteous godly wrath that you should use to smite the woman

>> No.19727329

The second and third reply are very clearly a samefag, look at the post timers.

>> No.19727373

A lot of her work seems like something an incel would say if it was gender swapped.
But she's a woman, so of course, sex ian't something hard to get for her.

>> No.19727383
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That doesn't make them stay
t. Knower

>> No.19727400

Good point

>> No.19727408

It's a business, she comes from a trading culture

>> No.19728017

I’d like to thank this low caste Dravidian Sudra for making sure that the only literature women read is garbage feminist poems about vaginas and no books that only men should be allowed to read, like the Iliad or Beowulf or Beyond Good And Evil

>> No.19728521

what about the steppe peoples makes bluehairs apprehensive? i'm not following

>> No.19728537

His people would not hesitate to kill me for a horse and rations

>> No.19728548

And if hand woven his garments took more hours than most people put into their hobbies

>> No.19728557

Yeah, desperately malnourished people will generally resort to any inhuman act, driven by wild-eyed instinct.

>> No.19728567

Who is the subject, whom is the object
>whom I still dream about
I is the subject here
>who still dreams about me
He who knows whom. Him whom he knows. He who knows him whom he who he knew whom his knowing is known to him whom he who knows. Got it?

>> No.19728633

Everything is a political toy to them but they don't genuinely care for the individuals or their culture and traditional values are against everything they believe in. What they say is one thing, what they mean is that they want to pozz every culture up with western values that don't offend them. I'm pretty high on the oppression totem pole according to their own rhetoric (political refugee, obscure persecuted religion, predilection towards fucking lesser men in the ass to assert dominance) but made few friends in academia because unless they are a Professor of X, bluehairs don't give a fuck about you or your culture beyond using you as a shield and object of pity to show how tolerant they are. Open up about your beliefs and values and they recoil even more than fundamentalist retards, who merely view you as the alien you are and politely wish you'd assimilate or get out.

>> No.19728696

I like Indian girls, but she is straight-up ugly, and her personality is unbearable so who fucked her?
Guys, take a knee.

>> No.19729094

For example, pointing out that Muslims are an existential threat to my people, it's like they don't know what an people are or that all ideology kills people. They'd rather I talk about some nonexistent struggle I had looking vaguely Italian or Greek or Persian or Arab or Hawaiian or wherever their great grandparents came from and project onto me and trying to assimilate into a culture that is utterly indifferent to anything other than my potential to pay taxes and not blow up. Try to connect or at least be understood and all you get are intellectual degenerates and noneuclidean philosophers as alien as you are. You guys are a people, here and IRL.

>> No.19729507

The fact you took that personally says more about you than her

>> No.19729883

If a woman lets a guy finger her and doesn't take it personally it says a lot about her.

>> No.19730418

It really doesnt, you pathetic fucking simp.

>> No.19730497


>> No.19730636
File: 33 KB, 591x570, E2vds4VXwAkXurT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
