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19714751 No.19714751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does Ibram have a point? Should we bring segregation back?

>The integrationist transformation of King as color-blind and race-neutral erases the actual King. He did not live to integrate Black spaces and people into White oblivion.

>Through lynching Black bodies, segregationists are, in the end, more harmful to Black bodies than integrationists are. Through lynching Black cultures, integrationists are, in the end, more harmful to Black bodies than segregationists are. Think about the logical conclusion of integrationist strategy: every race being represented in every U.S. space according to their percentage in the national population. A Black (12.7 percent) person would not see another until after seeing eight or so non-Blacks. A Latinx (17.8 percent) person would not see another until after seeing seven or so non-Latinx. An Asian (4.8 percent) person would not see another until after seeing nineteen non-Asians. A Native (0.9 percent) person would not see another until after seeing ninety-nine non-Natives. White (61.3 percent) Americans would always see more White people around than non-White people. They would gain everything, from the expansion of integrated White spaces to Whites gentrifying all the non-White institutions, associations, and neighborhoods.

>> No.19714798

Well, of course he's a sophist, possibly on the CIA's payroll. Apart from that though, you will not find a more assimilable group than Latinx: they are not a race, but the absence of race in search of race, usually via their integration with whites tout court. Their increasingly conservative voting patterns show this.

>> No.19714804

Yeah with all the racial tension and political turmoil due to race idk how anyone could seriously still hold that integration was a good idea. The thing is blacks don't want segregation in practice because they know they will end up like Liberia. They want to carry on living on whitey's back whilst complaining about him.

>> No.19714806

Sorry chudniggers, you'll need marjiuana to access the batin depth of his argument.

>> No.19714808

How can I be an anti-anti-racist-racist though?

>> No.19714811

>mlk was wrong
cool it with the anti-black remarks.

>> No.19714961

If you want to understand this guy's points you have to interpret them in the crudest and least principled way possible. He definitely doesn't mean that white people should ever be allowed to live apart from blacks in any context, or have any space to enjoy their own culture without obsessively prioritizing black people. He just thinks that blacks should get the special privilege of keeping white people out whenever they want to. You do have to wonder how they would find enough blacks to diversify white neighborhoods if most were living in segregated black neighborhoods, but they could always use criminals or homeless people or something. Maybe it could be like a punishment, if you commit a felony in Wakandaburg you get exiled to a white town in West Virginia.

Anyway obviously this guy is propped up for the sole purpose of pissing off Republicans as much as possible, and you have to imagine white libs would stamp down the craziest stuff if it ever went too far. But who knows. Maybe they're all true believers and we're really in uncharted territory.

>> No.19714993

Literally every single thing about racism, homo"phobia", feminism, etc. would be solved with honesty. The fundamental lack of honesty in the institutions, media, etc. is what embitters all these problems. Like with American blacks there is obviously a massive cultural issue and there is also a poverty/class issue. Only the poverty/class issue is addressed, never the culture. Of course nobody but the "racist" want to say "racist" things, especially the politicians and all the posturing social media peacocks. Or "homophobic" things, or "sexist" things. All the truth is shoved aside in the name of a market of ideas and people passively accept it because they're fundamentally unevolved and although they love "science" so much they care nothing for fact and truth and honesty, without which science loses every meaning.

>> No.19715025

>Anyway obviously this guy is propped up for the sole purpose of pissing off Republicans as much as possible, and you have to imagine white libs would stamp down the craziest stuff if it ever went too far. But who knows. Maybe they're all true believers and we're really in uncharted territory.

Evidently. The system, outside STEM fields, has such disdain for truth that it piles lies on top of lies for profit and perpetual distraction from the neverending reality of class conflict.

>> No.19715030

>outside STEM fields
STEM fields care nothing for truth just the same.

>> No.19715049

This is all very pure and idealistic, but personally I'm skeptical. Liberals and the left obviously feel strongly that they have to lie about various things in order to protect the status of minority groups, and I tend to feel that they're correct. They know what they're doing. Honesty would hurt them quite a bit.

>> No.19715065

I think honesty wouldn't further their agenda as much obviously but the constant lying and propaganda is making an increasing amount of people very upset. There is bound to be violence somewhere down the line at least before mandatory compliance shots are forced upon the entire population every month.

>> No.19715068

How is this any different from white supremacism? So it's cool when black people do it but not white. I don't see how you can call yourself anti-racist while insisting on the centrality of your own cultural/ethnic background. They pretty much word for word argue for a new kind of ethnic tribalism, but then in the next breath denounce it when it's done by a ethnic group they dislike.

>> No.19715073

By design, they want to combine political authoritarianism with Brazil-style chaos, at least in the short to midterm

>> No.19715096
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World Economic Forum The Forum of Young Global Leaders.


>> No.19715104

An innumerate hukster, he doesn't mind showing up at such a venue because he knows he's a protected entity within the wider con.

>> No.19715106

Of course. As long as someone who stabs you in the street is compliant with the system, he's not a problem.

>> No.19715112
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What are you talking about? The WEF most likely set him up to implement its agenda. They have *everybody*.

>> No.19715118

>They know what they're doing.
I don't think they do. Maybe politicians do, but for most it's not a conscious strategy to protect minorities as much as it is just naive faith in the possibility of total equality and progress rather than the reality that there will always be some groups perceived as higher status in any society.
You can change the costumes but it's still the same game. But more than anything white moralizing is motivated by group anxiety--the fear of being ostracized or perceived as racist. There is no more driving motivator among all humans than the desire to belong. Ironic that the very driver behind racism should also be the driver behind anti-racism...

>> No.19715124

>I don't see how you can call yourself anti-racist while insisting on the centrality of your own cultural/ethnic background.
"Racism" is merely a political tool that blacks use to advocate for their ethnic interests. It is easy to make whites feel at fault for black underachievement by pointing out the "legacy of slavery" and segregation. Sure, there's a grain of truth to what they say, but the vast majority of it is just their embarrassment at their lack of historical achievement and a desire to obtain preferential treatment from the system.

>> No.19715147

It's quite consciously meant as yet another distracting shadow from the underlying fundamental reality of class conflict. Which all systems, from US to China, fundamentally engage in.

>> No.19715161

Nah I think you over-estimate most liberals. Most in my personal experience irl are very idealistic and naive. For most it's just a vague desire to be "on the right side of history"

>> No.19715167

No he's right. Maybe in the past there were well-meaning leftists but the people talking today are all hateful authoritarian psychopaths.

>> No.19715211

I certainly think there's a lot of double speak. It's not clear to me that the talk about "black pride" is qualitivately different from white supremacism; the only difference is that for many, if they were honest, this use of rhetoric is more about taking revenge for historical slights. It's the lack of honesty that annoys. On the other end from the "black pride" rhetoric is the vapid rhetoric about inclusivity which pretends as though it's possible for everyone to be on the same side, while ignoring how their own rhetoric of bland liberal inclusivity forms its own kind of exclusivity.

>> No.19715237

I know it's become a meme but there's a reason why Orwell focused so much on language and doublethink when he wrote about a communist dystopia. Language and doublethink are the two biggest elements that leftists are using to push their agenda.

>> No.19715245

>outside STEM fields
I’m not going to give concrete examples here because I don’t want to engage in heated debate, but anybody who’s deep enough into STEM and is a critical thinker knows that they’re just as dishonest as other fields, only their dishonesty carries more weight and has more power over your life because it’s much harder for the average pleb to even be aware of let alone refute.

>> No.19715278

I don't think this kind of dishonesty is exclusive to lefitsts (whatever leftists are). Among conservatives in the U.S you have the weird fertilization of the founding fathers and the vague appeal to some ill-defined notion of western civilization. Anti-racists say white people are th villians of U.S history oppressing at every turn,
american conservatives reply that America is exceptional and perfect, or that America once was and has become degraded by political correctness and the new messiah Trump will come and drain the swamp, etc. Every political ideology has its myths... I'm not sure who I hate more. All I know is I'm tired of all of them.

>> No.19715284

>Black bodies
What is their Newspeak reason for using this terminology instead of "black people"?

>> No.19715285
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>Anyway obviously this guy is propped up for the sole purpose of pissing off Republicans as much as possible, and you have to imagine white libs would stamp down the craziest stuff if it ever went too far.
Maybe true in some corporations or at high level in the DNC, though I doubt it. It's retarded cat lady HR libs all the way up. How could a school board justify a zoom video call for 20,000 in the middle of a pandemic for this shit? What pearls of wisdom could he deliver they wouldn't get out of buying his book for every one of the attendees?

>> No.19715286

You are right that both sides are hypocrites, but this way of openly embracing one's own contradictions, instead of just ignoring them, and the revisionist approach to language is exquisitely leftist.

>> No.19715287

Black movements are not liberal. They hate liberals, they just find them useful allies. At the core black movements represent man's desire to be with his own kind.

>> No.19715301

>black movements represent man's desire to be with his own kind
not really since they only want segregation for things that are convenient e.g. why don't they also advocate for black only hospitals, black only schools, black publishers, and so on. They want black neighborhoods but they want to be published by white institutions, who give them free money to speak about crackaz. That's not hypocritical.

>> No.19715312

Lol, your tax dollars hard at work.

>> No.19715317

Ok, I should have said: They represent man's love for his own kind over others. They want the benefits of living in white society, but they hate white people, and they use guilt tripping to get more gibs.

>> No.19715321
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>class and culture
Surely you forgot another element, "honest" person? Or is it too politically incorrect to be honest all the way through?

>> No.19715350

I think you're thinking of the extreme end of it like a full on black nationalist. You can find liberals who also use rhetoric about black pride.

>> No.19715375

It's a self-dehumanizing term that supposedly expresses the dehumanizing policies of the carceral state towards Blacks, but they use it so indiscriminately that they basically end up engaging in that dehumanization themselves. Ultimately they're mind controlled automatons furthering the process of obfuscation and manufacturing consent.

>> No.19715385

it's just racial revanchism. they don't actually want to end racism but simply shift it onto white people for the injustices they feel have been committed. this explains pretty much all of their talking points and the seeming cognitive dissonances

>> No.19715403

That's the problem with honesty. When asked to choose between comfortable lies and brutal honesty, the normies will always choose lies. Things like never come to a head. These communities will simply leech off Western society until it falls (300 years from now) and then they'll squat in the remains.

>> No.19715406

Fuck niggers lmao. Kill them all rofl.

>> No.19715434

I never once in my life heard or read anything from a black person that didn't intellectually bore me within 5 seconds.

>> No.19715436

You have misunderstood what I said. I never said that the problems would be "solved" in the sense that everything would be butterflies and rainbows. In fact I think all those things in that graph should be talked about openly. It would hurt a lot and it would cause a lot of backlash, especially assuming that this honesty I am talking about were introduced overnight. But assuming that we lived in a society that actually valued truth, and everyone spoke with honesty in a honest climate, at some point everyone would have to accept the facts, including the truth that race factually exists, that different human beings are in fact different, that men and women are in fact different, etc.
Of course this will never happen because we are used to the opposite climate, a climate where I can choose whatever lie that makes me comfortable, so someone coming up and giving me a graph that tells me that black people aren't just melanin enriched is going to make me seethe. It's never going to happen. On the contrary the sad development is that truth itself will be entirely discarded in favor of absolute relativism because after all, we live in a nihilistic society. All that matters to the machine-system is social "order" and by that I mean compliance of the masses toward authority, not absence of crime since crime in a sense belongs to the system. I have an entry about NEETdom in my diary (desu) where I commented that I am worth less to this society than a criminal, because as a NEET I do not participate. I am a dissenter, while a criminal, say, a pedophile, gives a steady job to police, lawyers, activists, the press, etc. so he is in fact more valuable to this society than I am.

>> No.19715449
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>Black bodies
What is this rhetoric btw? I always see it amongst mentally ill race fanatics but I don't understand the point. It seems oddly de-humanising to refer to someone as a "body" instead of a person.

>> No.19715453

Imagine being a race so worthless that your entire fucking focus of your very existence is on your race and how everyone dun ya wrong!

God I hate niggers so fucking much

>> No.19715459

Well the conversation about that infographic will never happen because as soon as you start talking about it people will think of their black friends who are good and decent people and immediately feel a revulsion to deeming them racially inferior.

>> No.19715464

Just read 1984. It's revisionism for the sake of revisionism. It probably follows the idea of man>person>body to generalize as much as possible but the truth is that if you want to be accepted within the lefitst system you need to use the updated terms whenever the system demands you to change them. It's the same reason why people who aren't genderschizos still write "he/his" in their profile. It's all to say "I comply". Literally everything the leftists do and say is a token of obedience.

>> No.19715496


>> No.19715500

They're all good secular atheists who believe that the body is the person, that you're just a lump of meat.

>> No.19715531

This is still a warped dishonest perspective (not yours but that of the narrative that causes this). If I am missing a leg and you acknowledge that I am missing a leg, you are not deeming me inherently inferior as a human bieng. I cannot be a football player, of course, but that doesn't make me inferior to you in absolute terms. If I have 120IQ and someone has 150IQ, or vice-versa, I am not inferior or that person, or that person inferior to me in absolute terms. The concept of inferiority is something inherent to utilitarian systems where you need to be "useful" in certain way to be of worth. But utilitarian systems are hypocritical because they obviously operate this way yet they provide support (e.g. public services) to people who are "worthless" just to fabricate consensus. In truth, a true utilitarian system that acts honestly about itself should unabashedly advocate for the extermination of inferior people, NEETs, the cripples, the mentally ill, etc. and move toward eugenics as much as possible. But the utilitarian system cannot do this, because if it were honest about it, society at large would not accept its existence. It can only operate "honestly" against people who are at the bottom end of the narrative, e.g. white males who have fallen on the wayside, who call a suicide hotline and get hung up on by the third-wave feminist psychology graduates working there who are only willing to help other women. This utilitarian system we live in acts dishonestly in accordance to its own utility, because only by lying about its true intent and methods, about what human worth is, about how human beings are supposed to be hyper-competitive and throw their lives away on missions they cannot accomplish just for the sake of a public narrative of "you can do it", a true utilitarian system can support itself. The conclusion is that utilitarian systems are IMMORAL, because morality is by its very design anti-utilitarian. The reason for all this tension is that there is no morality, "love" as a word is a fuciking joke, there is no real concept of inherent human worth but only of inherent human worth towads the system, which a utilitarian lie. In a system where morality is completely absent and every semblance of morality is weakly propped up to deceive people, of course you also have to absolutely deny every idea that certain people may be weak. According to this system if you have 120IQ and someone else has 140IQ, or that person makes six figures and you make four, that person is, in fact, more valuable on an intrinsic level than you are because this is the only worth that people have come to accept. If we lived in a society made of Christian value, pointing out "racial inferiority" wouldn't stir anyone's hearts. People would on the contrary acknowledge these differences, problems, deficiencies, just as it would acknowledge the features of people who have something more, and move on to build a system where people are treated as equal.

>> No.19715556

It's an oligarch capitalist system going of the rails because of unsustainable debt and a fundamental inability to admit their models have been increasingly wrong since at the 1970s at the latest.

>> No.19715735

go away underage leftypol faggot.

>> No.19715815

so basically the left-liberal consensus has gone completely through the looking glass to the point where it's not a question of successfully integrating blacks into white society but whites invading black and brown institutions and subverting them into a virtual whiteness? can he really not see how he's simply ascribing the really existing function of the negro in american society to whites?

>> No.19715818

ironically enough liberia is a society descended from african-americans being destroyed by actual africans

>> No.19715852

you'd still run out by sheer force of numbers. even with reduced white demographics total integration is genocide of black society by other means. though the way things are going it's far more likely that black america will vanish into the lower strata of hispanic america (though i don't doubt that 100 years from now jaden torres-weintraub who looks like a serb after an entire day out in the sun will be bitching about black experience to get out of a term paper at neo-yale)

>> No.19715866

that's a function of the systematic disenfranchisment of the majority of western society (particularly the working class) from deciding policy. since the rule has been assigned to the benevolence of technocrats and the wisdom of the market all that's left for the bulk of the population is either a nihilistic rejection of global capitalism or total embrace of the hypocritical lie of simulated civil society

>> No.19715875

christ when i was in high school my district hired some NFL has-been to come give us a pep talk, the only parts of which i remember were him talking about how much he loved white women and how because the ten commandments were on the supreme court building that meant the USA should be a prosperity gospel evangelical theocracy

>> No.19715877

it's a tic from foucault

>> No.19715921

There may be a sinister reason to it like this anon suggested >>19715375 but i suspect the truth is much simpler. The "intellectual" field is now comprised of demoralized and propagandized npcs who've been spouting the same tired talking points for about 100 years now about muh racism, muh patriarchy etc. When you spot one of them you can accurately guess what their entire belief system is, down to "their" """" individual opinions"""" on various social matters. They just cant have an original thought of their own to save their lives. Naturally in an environment like this the ones who stand out are the ones who manage to produce fresh buzzwords like this one. "Black bodies", "latinx", "decolonize", "problematic" etc are all part of the same effort to one up each other

>> No.19715938

Why do you assume 300 years from now? According to Sex and Culture by Joseph Unwin decline of civilizations always follows 3 generation after sexual liberation (1960s in our case), so I assume the end somewhere around the 2050s or 2060s.

You can translate the following with deepL if you want: