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File: 20 KB, 250x219, buddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1971360 No.1971360 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into Buddhism /lit/.

Not as a hurr durr my God is glorious religion, but as a spiritual way to improve self control, understanding of myself and the world and attain happiness. Learning to meditate and deal with emotions, etc.

I understand Buddhism doesn't really have dogma or the equivalent of a Bible/Q'ran/Torah, etc.

I don't want to join temple or a cult . either. TBH it's not really a thing I want to talk about with other people. In case you're thinking I'm some kind of hipster joining the Buddhism bandwagon because it's cool.

Where should I get started?

>> No.1971365

You typed that on a mac didn't you? Fucking hipster

>> No.1971370

Why so much hate?

I love you man.

>> No.1971375

Not a buddhist scripture, but I think you might be able to gain something from reading some Rumi poetry

>> No.1971377

>I understand Buddhism doesn't really have dogma or the equivalent of a Bible/Q'ran/Torah, etc.

That's because its not a religion in its roots. Its a cult of personality at its base.

That makes it as good as Following Erich Von Däniken.

>> No.1971378

>it's not really a thing I want to talk about with other people
You will never get anywhere in Buddhism if you do not discuss it with other people.

If you want to deal with your emotions, understand yourself, and be happy, just start smoking weed. It's a lot easier than spending 8 hours every day staring at your belly button.

>> No.1971379

OP, wait until you're not 14 anymore and see if you still want to.

>> No.1971381


All right, here is you first koan:

Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza?

He wanted to eat it before it was cool.

>> No.1971383

posted this on /g/ aswell, in case you didn't read it:

i'd recommend you "The Empty Mirror: Experiences in a Japanese Zen Monastery" by janwillem van de wetering
i very much enjoyed reading it, also gives a humourous and easy to read introduction to buddhism

>> No.1971384

>That makes it as good as Following Erich Von Däniken.

except buddhism is about understanding eternal truths in human nature and not aliens. idiot.

>> No.1971387

The modern new-age cult called "Buddhism" has nothing to do with the Traditional Indic religion. It's just another quest by adherers of the modern Western atheistic world-view to fill the gap within, same as Wicca or Scientology.

The last you want to do, OP, is adopting a world-view because it's 'cool'.

I'm not Christian myself, but what's wrong with Christianity anyway. I understand the lack of appeal if you live in a Protestant environment, but you can try Catholicism or Orthodoxy if there are nearby communities.

>> No.1971389


anyways. gtfo. i despise all forms of religious orthodoxy.

>> No.1971392

I'll look into that. Thank you very much.

>> No.1971395

>I understand Buddhism doesn't really have dogma or the equivalent of a Bible/Q'ran/Torah, etc.
You do not understand quite so correctly.

>> No.1971396


The last heresy is orthodoxy.

And Orthodoxy != Catholicism, you moron.

>> No.1971398

>It's just another quest by adherers of the modern Western atheistic world-view to fill the gap within[.]

I don't see this as a bad thing. By searching for anything implies there must be a gap present beforehand.

>> No.1971401

Hey OP you may not see this in the /g/ thread but

>> No.1971404

Go read Gateless Gate.

Next idiot question pretending this is /new/ please.

>> No.1971405

Christianity + Orthodoxy = Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.1971415

Why is that, and if that's so, why are you asking about Buddhism? Just make up your own religion, if you hate orthodoxy and leave this thousands years old tradition alone. Hippies have already done enough damage. So much damage that their neo-spiritual version of the religion has overshadowed the original. For example, I'm certain that you come here asking about the modern 'cool' Buddhism, not the original thing.

When I say Orthodoxy (with a capital O) in relation to Christianity, I'm referring to the collective tradition of the closely related Eastern Churches.

You don't seem to know the least thing about your ancestral religion, yet here you are asking about Buddhism.

I tell you, brother, just wait until you're a bit older and things will seem much clearer. We've all been through the phase you're going trough right now.

Anyway, if you insist, check out Julius Evola's The Doctrine of Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts. Though it would probably teach you that Buddhism is a Traditional religion like all others and it will kill the interest you have in the cool hollywood cult.

>> No.1971420

Absolutely nothing wrong. But the wrong begins when these people stop seeking to learn from other traditions and start appropriating them to their own doctrines and dogmas.

>> No.1971423

OP, I can understand you're problem with Western Religion, I really can. But you have to understand that when a white guy adopts an Asiatic religion he always looks ridiculous.

If you really have to join a religion outside the Christian tradition than start worshiping the gods of Greece and Rome.

>> No.1971428

catholocism ALWAYS has orthodox rites. with christians in general not necessarily so.

not complicated.

>> No.1971432

i'm not the OP you dumb faggot!

i don't need orthodoxy because my own relation to God is my OWN relation to God.

>> No.1971434

The thing is, I don't plan to put "I'm a Buddhist hurr" in my Facebook p^ profile for all my other friends to see and go to a Buddhist temple twice a week to get hipster cred.

I just want to learn how to meditate and to become a badass master of my own emotions and happiness. I want to meditate when I'm alone, most people I know will never know about it.

>> No.1971436

Are you noticing that we're writing Orthodox with a capital O? Also, you seem to use the word 'Christian' to refer to an other group that Catholics and the Orthodox. Could you please elaborate on that?

>> No.1971444
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>I just want to learn how to meditate and to become a badass master of my own emotions and happiness

>> No.1971445

You do need Orthodoxy, as does anyone else, because man is prone to error, and he tends to give in to the base and carnal tendencies within him, in disregard to the intellectual side that God bestowed upon him. Hence the need for learned and pious men to play a bigger role in the establishment of the law and interpreting the scriptures than the commons.

For example, have you been following a world-view with any kind of orthodoxy, you would've known that that is no way to speak to people.

>> No.1971447

catholocism is a specific denomination of christianity. christianity has non denominational for instance. orthodoxy is just dogma for how one ought to worship. i don't believe in that. if by capital "O" you're talking about a differect sect than there is miscommunication.

>> No.1971449

i hope the irony is not lost on you guys when theists talk about disregarding "the intellectual side"

>> No.1971451

it's how i always speak to retards. you know, slow people. not that i think you are mentally incapable. you went off on a rant assuming i was op and you assumed all this crap then went on about nothing.

also, welcome to 4chan.

>> No.1971455


That's what Buddhism is actually all about.

Deal with it.

>> No.1971459

I don't think you're aware of the existence of the Orthodox Churches. What type of Christianity do you think they practice in Greece, Russia, and Palestine?

Anyway, I don't exactly get what you'er trying to say, but I'm tempted to say that you're one of those Protestants who consider Protestantism to be alone worthy of the title 'Christianity', but then you don't seem to be a native English speaker which makes that rather unlikely (this kind of people being most English speakers).

>> No.1971461

But you DID write it on a macbook didnt you

>> No.1971463

You talk to retarded people like that, you say? I don't think I'd like to associate with you.

>> No.1971465

>I just want to learn how to meditate
Step 1: Sit down.
Step 2: Do nothing.

There, are you fucking happy yet?

>> No.1971468

You don't need Buddhism to learn self-control and all of that other stuff. There are plenty of Western philosophical works that cover those things. Plus, this whole thing with Westerners adopting Buddhism and shit leaves a bad taste in my mouth, mostly because the kind of Buddhism they latch onto has been corrupted as fuck over time.

>> No.1971470

you are onto something. at least some small amount of orthodoxy has to exist to i get your point.

>Protestants who consider Protestantism to be alone worthy of the title 'Christianity'

that's not me at all. i believe people ought to worship however way they want as long as they aren't physically harming anyone else. it's not my business if people like to chant and wear robes, or if others like to be around it.

>> No.1971472
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Yes I did, how did you know?

>> No.1971473

I think I've given a satisfactory, albeit brief, explanation of the necessity of orthodoxy.

Anyway, may I ask where you're from?

>> No.1971474

>Sit down.
>Do nothing.
>Are you fucking happy yet?
This is the most succinct and most accurate summation of meditation you will ever read.

You literally need nothing fucking else.

>> No.1971475

Not that guy, but you have European ancestry and you want to be 'Buddhist', that pretty much means you use apple products almost exclusively.

>> No.1971476

I tried this and I usually just get bored and my ass becomes numb after 15 minutes.

>> No.1971477

The appeal of Buddhism is the same as that of apple products.

>> No.1971478

>you have European ancestry and you want to be 'Buddhist', that pretty much means you use apple products almost exclusively
Anglo Buddhist here, and I laughed hearitly. I hate Apple, btw.

Then go do something else instead.

>> No.1971479

>my ass becomes numb after 15 minutes
Are you using a proper zabuton? It helps.

>> No.1971480

>Then go do something else instead.

But I really want to be enlightened.

>> No.1971483

Then go do something else instead.

>> No.1971484

But every religion came from asia. There is no western religion.

>> No.1971487

What about Norse paganism?

>> No.1971490

Does a Zafu + Zabuton provide a good back posture etc?

I could really see myself reading, playing vidya and watching TV like that if it's actually good for my back.

>> No.1971491

Hmm... then i suppose it would be wise to say that all of the most widespread religions in the world are from asia.

>> No.1971493

He means East Asian Religions, I think.

That's just a corruption of some proto-Indo-European people, which is Asian, rather than European. In that sense, Christianity is equally European as Greco-Roman, Celtic, and Norse paganism, they all being corruption of Asian religions.

>> No.1971497

Use Apple's Cool Buddha Meditation Zabutons(tm). Word they are fabulous!

>> No.1971508

If you do it properly, it is good for the chakras.

And by "good for the chakras" I mean "It should theoretically align your internal organs in a manner so as to provide minimal stress on them, allowing your body's muscles to relax and your lungs to achieve a high volume of air intake, which leads to a lower number of breaths per second, decreased heartrate, and an overall increase in relaxation."

Good posture is not necessarily always comfortable, and requires self-discipline more than anything else. It is a good setup for meditation, but for an involved activity like vidya or reading, I'm not sure I can necessarily recommend it.

If you spend time achieving proper back posture while only meditating, you are more likely to end up subconsciously sitting in a manner that enforces good posture while you do other things.

>> No.1971509

>lower number of breaths per minute
sorry, fixed that for me

>> No.1971516
File: 236 KB, 1600x1071, 5759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it strange people here believe in spirituality

>> No.1971517

I take it Alan Watts has been mentioned? I love listening to his lectures.

>> No.1971520

Nope, as expected of /lit/ the thread was just overrun by people who want to bitch about religion. Only two people in the thread actually know anything about Buddhism, the rest is just people fighting about Christianity, and one guy who continues to liken Buddhism to Apple because he thinks he's too good to just use the word "weeaboo" like most people on 4chan.

>> No.1971524

Why? Everyone is spiritual to an extent.

>> No.1971525


That's a shame. I thought /lit/ was above the whole hurr durr religion thing. Oh well...

>> No.1971527

Many people who think that they are intelligent, and who dislike religion, assume that their dislike of religion stems from their own intelligence.

Well to be fair, OP is obviously a fucking moron. You can't expect to get a good thread from when it starts with such a terrible premise. It's not like we're /tg/ or anything.

>> No.1971528

I wish i had a religious affiliation. Nothing fun about being an atheist/agnostic. At least Buddhist and "serious" Christians are happy. I would love to be able to say oh well it's "gods will" whenever i have a shit day and be able to mentally brush everything off. That would be fucking awesome, i want that. Nothing about religions seems logical, but i envy those who truly believe above and beyond all else.

>> No.1971531

>I would love to be able to say oh well it's "gods will" whenever i have a shit day and be able to mentally brush everything off.
I've yet to meet one Christian who can do that.

>> No.1971536

Far and few in between nowadays but they're out there.

>> No.1971539

>I would love to be able to say oh well it's "gods will" whenever i have a shit day and be able to mentally brush everything off

No one does that, brother. You need to step out of the bubble.

>> No.1971540

Not everybody who holds a religious belief is happy.

Happiness is something that a person creates for herself, regardless of what what underlying philosophy she uses as a guide to achieve it.

No offense, but you sound 14. Why would you bring up logic as if it is a barrier to adopting a religious belief? If what you want is to be happy, but you intentionally let a thing like logic hold you back from doing so, well that can hardly be called logical, can it?

>> No.1971543

Ned Stark did it.

>> No.1971551

>Nothing about religions seems logical,

That's why I think it's so great. I used to despise it for that very reason, but at some point I just switched and decided that anything that ridiculous is absolutely awesome. Of course, this isn't taking into account the damage that does happen when religion is involved...Christianity really is an awful religion, but the ceremony is beautiful, and the hope, however misguided, that is attacthed to it is also very special.

>> No.1971552

>Nothing about religions seems logical,

I doubt you'd be able to stand 20 minutes in debate with any Islamic logician, say Imam Ghazali for example.

>> No.1971553

No way. There's a difference between pretending you believe and actually believing. There is such a thing as blind faith and you can't just wish it upon yourself.

>> No.1971555

Guys, the first rule of Buddhism and the eastern philosophies is that logic doesn't exist. Come off it, don't waste your time applying logic when you should apply soul.

Now, you probably laughed at that: we have been told logic rules, and soul is lame. If you don't get over yourself, you will never understand the east.

>> No.1971560


Alan Watts uses a lot of logic in his lectures. I particularly enjoy it when he disects language and gets to the root of it. He was a very clever man.

One thing I took from him that I consider important is his explanation of faith versus belief. Belief is really hope, it's wishful thinking. The Christian and the atheist both secretly hope they are right, they are gambling. Someone with faith has no hope because they know, everything is as it should be, the universe works things out.

>> No.1971562

>ridiculous is absolutely awesome

I hate surrealist scum.

>the first rule of Buddhism and the eastern philosophies is that logic doesn't exist

Then how are we supposed to interpret that sentence? Apply arbitrary meaning to each of the words? Logic precedes the existence of rules.

>> No.1971571


>I hate surrealist scum

And I think people that aim to categorize the universe are ridiculous. Feel free to enjoy the irony in that.

>> No.1971572

That's not surrealism at all.

>> No.1971580

>Sit at the pew next to a quiet & reserved girl whilst praying.
Perfect harmony. Religion,fuck yeah.
>Forced to repent in the confessional the next day
Consequences, fuck yeah.

>> No.1971590

OP, read "Island" by Aldous Huxley

>> No.1971596

>Logic precedes the existence of rules.
What rules? It's the difference between seeking the truth, and seeking the good.

>> No.1971602

>the first rule of Buddhism

this thread is full of derp.

>> No.1971603


Well, there are actually precepts.

>> No.1971605

you can't assume anything is constant and non-contradictory.

>> No.1971606

Isn't is, brother? Yeah, it is. These idiots don't understand that, in Buddhism, there are no rules. What, do they think Buddhism is a religion or something? Pfff! IT'S JUST SOMETHING YOU BE TO BE COOL, DUMMIES! Let's not just talk to them, shall we?

>> No.1971608

Anything literally contradictory is, by definition, wrong.

>> No.1971614

Are you implying I'm a buddhist?

>> No.1971616


You're placing too much weight on words, it's warping your mind.

>> No.1971617

>Not as a hurr durr my God is glorious religion, but as a spiritual way to improve self control, understanding of myself and the world and attain happiness. Learning to meditate and deal with emotions, etc.

You can do this with Christianity. Just be a Christian.

>> No.1971618

The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao, man. Contradiction is not wrong, it's the nature of things.

>> No.1971621

You're not? Why, you don't wanna be cool?

>> No.1971624

OP: Search "Buddhism" on Amazon and read the reviews.
>going to 4chan for help with religion...

>> No.1971626

>You're placing too much weight on words, it's warping your mind.

Yes, how silly of me to expect that the tools we use to communicate have any actual communicating power.

>Contradiction is not wrong

3 < 1 - Buddhism

>> No.1971628

why are you so determined to be right? We're just trying to explain it to you, and you're being so resistant to alternate truths.

>> No.1971630
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>"understanding the world" with buddhism

Full retard. You could say the same for Christianity.
This religion is the same shit as the others.
It's just lies and mumbo jumbo, for people to "attain happiness".
They have monks, they have temples, they have dogma, they ask for people to give stuff.

>> No.1971633

there is a difference between reading the texts and following the religion. If you read Jesus' sermon on the mount, it teaches a kindness that does not exist in the religion it inspired. If you're prejudice against the source of a religion and the dogmas they inspire, you won't get out of Plato's cave.

>> No.1971638
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>understanding the world

>> No.1971640

If you can't explain it to me within the confines of logic or words, then just say that. It's illogical. It can't be put into words.

>> No.1971641

>except buddhism is about understanding eternal truths in human nature and not aliens.
What are humans but aliens from across the street?

>> No.1971645

The kind of knowledge you get from studies of the metaphysical, political, social and other similar types is highly superior to the kind you get from empirical physical study.

You might realize this once you're not 14 anymore ans stop venerating Dawkins or whomever is your favorite 'popular science' author.

>> No.1971646
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>highly superior

>> No.1971648

within your logic and words no, I can't. You need to be open to others' logic and words before you can learn other points of view.

>> No.1971649

Science is beneficial because it gives us fact, but facts alone are meaningless. Humanities gives meaning to those facts, so you shouldn't be laughing at one side of the same coin.

>> No.1971650

>The kind of knowledge you get from studies of the metaphysical, political, social and other similar types is highly superior to the kind you get from empirical physical study.

Liberal arts major with an inferiority complex detected.

>> No.1971651

>You might realize this once you stop venerating your favorite 'popular science' author.
Well of course. Disregard the wise and the morons suddenly seem much brighter.

>> No.1971652

Okay, point well taken.
I'd have to read the texts to judge if it's a genuine gathering of thoughts or if they're just trying to ensnare people into dogma with a few nuggets of "holy" wisdom; like our good old monotheist religions do.

>> No.1971655
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>thinks humanities is something more than just a fun hobby
>like soccer

>> No.1971657

There isn't more than one kind of logic. There isn't my logic or your logic. Logic is logic is logic. This, thus that. Not this, thus not that. It's not hard. It doesn't come in different flavours.

Why do facts need meaning to matter? They're true, that's all that matters.

>> No.1971658

everything boils down to fun, Mr President. Even the sciences, which are for understanding and human survival, are useful to us only in that they allow us to be alive and enjoy life.

>> No.1971662


That's quite Zen, not that I could really tell you why, of course.

>> No.1971663

>Science: actually be alive AND happy
>Humanities: be happy

2-1 for science, bitches.

>> No.1971664

Modern physical sciences are purely utilitarian in nature. So it'd only make sense to be interested in them if you're willing to make or maintain stuff. Traditional mathematics and physical sciences, on the other hand, are what a man might want to study if he aims for a general understanding of life and the universe.

>> No.1971665

>There isn't more than one kind of logic.
Yeah, there are.

>> No.1971668
File: 16 KB, 200x314, The Story of Tibet by Thomas Laird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a good book published by Penguin Classics entitled Buddhist Scriptures. Get that.

Also, get The Story of Tibet by Thomas Laird. It's a history of Tibet written based on tons of interviews with the Dalai Lama. It provides great deal of insight into the Tibetan way of Buddhism, and it's an interesting read in general.

>> No.1971671
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>thinks those are logic

>> No.1971673

Why aren't they?

>> No.1971678

One more thing: I also recommend the Penguin Classics edition of The Dhammapada.

>> No.1971679

If I understand you correctly, I don't think we disagree there. I might differ strongly on most things with such atheists and humanists out there as Rousseau, Montesquieu and Schopenhauer, but I recognize that their ideas were well presented and their arguments strong. These 'popular science' writers, however, are just defecating on their keyboards, and they'll keep doing it as long as 14 years olds keep eating that shit up.

>> No.1971683

None of those have anything to do with logic.

Actual related articles:


>> No.1971685

Because they aren't. Why isn't a rock a tree? Because, simply, a rock isn't a tree.

>> No.1971687

Are you sure that you don't dislike modern and mainstream stuff just because they are modern and mainstream? Had Dawkins lived 500 years ago you would probably shit happy classical music out your ass as you read him, am I right?

>> No.1971692
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>Science + Humanities: be alive and twice as happy

>> No.1971696

thank you for the correction

>> No.1971697

Yay, someone thinks my double-dipping double major isn't a insane.

>> No.1971702
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This is I'm okay with.

>> No.1971703

Not who you're talking to, but:

I don't hate dawkins, but I don't like his tendency to advocate Atheism as a "way of life", or his habit of using "atheism" as a synonym for "good". It's a dogmatizing that's too close to religious for me to be comfortable with. He has some good points, but he sometimes overreacts and runs the risk of the pendulum swinging too far in the opposite direction.

>> No.1971705

Confession time. I've been shitting these people here. But I really like humanities too. Science is just more interesting, but I'm happy to enjoy both.

>> No.1971706

Now, see kids, that is a respectable disagreement. Make notes.

>> No.1971707
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 41kgDh2cweL._BO2&#44;204&#44;203&#44;200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click&#44;TopRight&#44;35&#44;-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this book helpful, OP. It attempts to tell a story of the progression of eastern philosophy.


>> No.1971712

Absolutely and completely not. No, nein, non, nahi, la. I really can't see how you would think that. Have you ever compared the guy's writings to any one the names I've mentioned or others similar. His level of reasoning is basically schoolyard, with all the non-witty anecdotes and the the non-funny jokes and the No-U's. For God sake, he state in his God Delusion that he refuse to read theology and then goes ahead and tries to refute a very complex and complicated theological principle (the Kalam cosmological argument). Of course, he ends up making an ass of himself by even failing to understand the argument.

>> No.1971717

Did he try to refute that argument? If I remember correctly, he just basically said "Well, if you think that whatever started the Big Bang was God and that God hasn't affected the world in any other way since then, then off you go. This isn't a book for you and I'm not even trying to have a conversation with you. I have nothing to say to that. It is your opinion and I don't need to refute that, since you didn't make any claims about the natural world."

>> No.1971733

My first suggestion would be to read up on the various sects of Buddhist belief and philosophy and see which one works for you. For example, Zen is more contemporary and easy-to-follow and Shingon is more esoteric and ritual-based.

Just realize one of the main things with most types of Buddhism is that "life is suffering." It's not about finding happiness, those monks look at peace because they want to escape the cycle of reincarnation, not because they're content.

>> No.1971738

>nahi, la
What languages are these?

>> No.1971745

I believe nahi is Hindi, or so I gathered from the Bollywood crap I'd seen as a kid because of there being one TV in the house. La is Arabic.

>> No.1971763

>No, nein, non, nahi, la

Spanish/english, german, french, hindu, arabic, that's an interesting progression, was it intentional?

>> No.1971768

What progress are referring to?

>> No.1971773

That's Latin as well. I didn't know it was French.

Now if I get into all the other Indian languages that use this word, I could be here all day.

>> No.1971776

Following Buddhist principles is a waste of the immense sentience a human has.

Buddhism, in its ethics and principles, reduces a human being to a worm (in almost every way).

>> No.1971782
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This lecture will give you an understanding of where the East is coming from.

>> No.1971801

>Buddhism, in its ethics and principles, reduces a human being to a worm
What makes you say this?

>> No.1971802

Buddhism is about coming to terms with your wormness.

>> No.1971804

The West is about denying your wormness.

>> No.1971811

Read Prometheus Unbound by Percy Shelley and then tell me about your fucking wormness.

>> No.1971812

Stop generalizing. Your desires are about denying your wormness. Greed, self-indulgence, and vanity all contribute to false pleasure that Buddhism denies.

>> No.1971820

>cult of personality at its base
And who exactly is at it's base? Don't tell me it's Siddhartha, because there are over 100 in legend who have achieved buddhahood.

>> No.1971824

Buddhism is about realising your relationship with the universe. Using language to describe it is hard because language is nothing but a symbol. Things have no meaning other than their own existence.

>> No.1971831



They have FREE books on buddhism. Just find a distributor and tell them you're interested in learning about Buddhism but don't want to go to a temple.

Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật.

>> No.1971832
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>there are over 100 in legend who have achieved buddhahood
>You mean the name taken by Gautama? You mean that he actually understood how the world works?

>> No.1971838

Of course not. He understood how human suffering manifested itself and taught that to others.

>> No.1971840

OP firstly wait for your balls to drop
secondly take some form of Mescalin
Lots of it, don't be a pussy
You now understand "how the world works"
congrats OP
now get back to filling out forms and sucking dicks because Capitalism

>> No.1971845


>> No.1971847

He was full retard. His solution was go give everything up including the joy of life.
Nirvana essentially means leaving some retarded cycle of life (wtf) so that soul (gay) can be at 'peace'.

Read it up sometime.

>> No.1971849

I have read on this and from what I can interpret from the Sutras, he believes that suffering comes from desires that an never be fulfilled.

>> No.1971850

I have never seen somebody not understand Buddhism as much as you don't understand Buddhism

>> No.1971862

Whatever dude.

Siddhartha was the prototypic hippie. Son of rich parents (prince in fact) who thinks that he has understood all the problems of the world.

>> No.1971866

Just downloaded a bunch of .pdf files. Hopefully I can read them without killing my eyes. Thanks.

>> No.1971868

You are right. If Siddhartha was here, he would agree with your criticism on him and use it to better himself.

>> No.1971885
File: 70 KB, 215x329, ComGuiChiGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get this book, and practice the exercises in it.

This is what monks do on their journey to buddhahood.

Doing these exercises will make you a Buddhist before any books and philosophical reflection.

check out this site, it has a lot of good books.


Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was the only Buddhist author i ever read. He's pretty alright. The Way of The Warrior is what i read, its autobiographical, and it's alright.


>> No.1971896

>White hipster pseudo-Buddhist turning to other white hipster pseudo-Buddhists for white hipster pseudo-Buddhist reading recommendations

Be sure to read this shit in public so everyone at Starbucks can see how cosmopolitan and 'enlightened' you are.

>> No.1971899


Islam is more like Buddhism than the other two, because Islam says that every person can know god on his own.

>> No.1971901

>Where should I get started?

Not here. Never here.

>> No.1971902


did that put down comment make you feel like a big man?

>> No.1971905

You forgot to mention Apple this time, bro.

>> No.1971907
File: 291 KB, 800x600, Earthworm_Jim_by_Trebeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here we go.
All desire leads to suffering (according to Buddhist doctrine). Their solution to this is to deny themselves as much earthly pleasure as possible, eat shitty food like rotted yak butter, spend long periods of time relaxing and thinking about nothing, and become pacifists and amiable with all living things (due to their believe in reincarnation).
Masochistic much?
Natural selection will stomp out these dumb fucks in no time (it's cruel but it is true), unless a different society that lives by different principles protects them.

Another interesting observation about Buddhism is enlightenment/nirvana. Apparently some scientists did a study and found that monks who reach this stage have an abnormal ability to increase or decrease levels of dopamine in their brain.

That's a brain hack through meditation and programming. By desiring nothing, simply living on minimal subsistence is enough to make them happy.

If that doesn't sound like a worm, I don't know what does.

>> No.1971912

>Not Qi-Gong

>> No.1971914

You don't really get Buddhism.

>> No.1971916

I totally appreciate how you didn't quote me to prove your statement.

>> No.1971918


>Their solution to this is to deny themselves as much earthly pleasure as possible

That's asceticism. Buddhists do do this, but for very different reasons. They make students do this so that they can come to realise it's impossible to stop desiring. That's it. They could just tell them, but Buddhism is big on experience, unlike you, because you obviously have none.

>> No.1971921


Generally not without the guidance of a legitimate murshid.

>> No.1971922

Nagarjuna, just Nagarjuna

>> No.1971926

Wow, that totally made sense and didn't have a single conveyance of adolescent immaturity.

>> No.1971931

You want me to pick apart your poorly formed arguments? Fine.

>Their solution to this is to deny themselves as much earthly pleasure as possible
Buddhists actually have lots of fun. Most of the priests I have met drink...

>eat shitty food like rotted yak butter
...and most of them don't eat rotted yak butter. Especially the ones who don't live near yaks.

>spend long periods of time relaxing and thinking about nothing
Worms spend a lot of time relaxing?

>become pacifists and amiable with all living things (due to their believe in reincarnation)
I don't think worms are capable of making the choice to be pacifists; also, many Buddhists do not believe in literal reincarnation.

>Natural selection will stomp out these dumb fucks in no time
That's not how natural selection works.

>an abnormal ability to increase or decrease levels of dopamine in their brain
Is this an ability that is commonly found in annelids? I've never read any scientific research discussing it.

>> No.1971936
File: 85 KB, 470x352, bodhidharma_and_the_martial_arts8d75b87604b4e088b5a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

2) One who knows doesn't speak, one who speaks doesn't know.

don't waster you time, get this. Practice it religiously and you'll notice a change within a couple honest sessions of calisthenics; by Bodhidharma himself.



>> No.1971938

This guy going to be reborn a worm,
calling it now.

>> No.1971940


you're an expert theologists.

>> No.1971941

I laughed. Thank you.

>> No.1971945

>Buddhist "priests" drinking

Using intoxicants (even if you're a layperson) is explicitly forbidden according to the fifth precept. Claiming to follow a religion and then ignoring its proscriptions or attempting to downplay them with silly modernist interpretations is a hallmark of New Age pseudo-religious crap.

>> No.1971949
File: 22 KB, 284x353, Trungpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On September 28, 1986, Trungpa, in failing health due to the auto accident in his youth and to years of heavy alcohol use, suffered cardiac arrest,[21] subsequent to which his condition deteriorated further, requiring intensive care at the hospital, then at his home, and finally back at the hospital in mid-March 1987, where he died on April 4 from the effects of cirrhosis of the liver. His wife Diana Mukpo asserted in 2006 that: "Although he had many of the classic health problems that develop from heavy drinking, it was in fact more likely the diabetes and high blood pressure that led to abnormal blood sugar levels and then the cardiac arrest".[22] However, when asked in a November 2008 interview, "What was he ill with? What did he die of?," his doctor Mitchell Levy replied, "He had chronic liver disease related to his alcohol intake over many years."[23] One of his nursing attendants reports that in his last months, he suffered from the classic symptoms of terminal alcoholism and cirrhosis, yet continued drinking heavily. She adds, "At the same time there was a power about him and an equanimity to his presence that was phenomenal, that I don't know how to explain."[24]

>> No.1971953

>New Age pseudo-religious crap
One of the most famous figures in the history of Zen is well known for his love of drinking and prostitutes, and he lived during the 15th century. That is not what I would consider "new age."

The fact that you think Buddhists don't drink just shows how radically disconnected your ideas of Buddhism are from reality.

>> No.1971960

>Buddhists actually have lots of fun. Most of the priests I have met drink...
A lot of muslims drink (but they aren't supposed to). Some buddhists (probably most), don't adhere to the principles, we aren't talking about that. We are talking about the fundamentalists.

>...and most of them don't eat rotted yak butter. Especially the ones who don't live near yaks.
Again, we are talking about the hardcore monks in Tibet

>Worms spend a lot of time relaxing?
They shuffle around eating crappy food (like buddhist monks), and spend a lot of time being dormant

>I don't think worms are capable of making the choice to be pacifists; also, many Buddhists do not believe in literal reincarnation.
My worm analogy went over your head. Worms are pacifists in that they have no means of seriously defending themselves (like modern day Buddhist monks). (Don't talk about kung-fu monks, a fist cannot beat a bullet)

>That's not how natural selection works.
Seems like you forgot how china annexed Tibet, and who systematically tries to destroy their way of life.

>Is this an ability that is commonly found in annelids? I've never read any scientific research discussing it.
Once again you are taking my analogy too literally. Worms are happy eating shit and doing nothing, just like Buddhist monks.

Buddhist are dogmatic and have "little desire" to progress technologically and intellectually.

They are graceful savages, and I say let them be.
They are an anomaly of our species and interesting to gawk at.

>> No.1971966


花間一壺酒。 A pot of wine, under the flowering trees;
獨酌無相親。 I drink alone, for no friend is near.
舉杯邀明月。 Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon,
對影成三人。 For her, with my shadow, will make three people.

月既不解飲。 The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine;
影徒隨我身。 Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.
暫伴月將影。 Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave
行樂須及春。 I must make merry before the Spring is spent.

我歌月徘徊。 To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;
我舞影零亂。 In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and breaks.
醒時同交歡。 While we were sober, three shared the fun;
醉後各分散。 Now we are drunk, each goes their way.
永結無情遊。 May we long share our eternal friendship,
相期邈雲漢。 And meet at last on the paradise.


>> No.1971970

>Again, we are talking about the hardcore monks in Tibet
No, YOU are talking about them. They are a niche group of practitioners of a huge religion.

If you want to argue about what Tibetan Buddhists do, then you should explicitly say that. They are not the only group of Buddhists in the world.

>> No.1971973


Huh. A guy who rose to prominence in the 20th century, ignored the doctrines of the religion he claimed to follow, smoked, was known to be an alcoholic, taught drunk, renounced his vow of celibacy and fucked (or tried to fuck) a number of female students, was accused by former followers of using massive amounts of cocaine...

Yes, thank you, this is precisely the sort of pseudo-religious bullshit I was talking about.

>> No.1971974

My fucking hero.

>> No.1971975

We are talking about Buddhism, it's principles, and those who practice them most devoutly.

>> No.1971983


i want to watch this movie now

>> No.1971988

Stop using the word "we." These are things that you are talking about, and you alone.

The following are all posts in this thread that are talking about non-Tibetan Buddhism.

>> No.1971991


Is this supposed to be proof of the permissibility of alcohol in Buddhism? This reminds me of pseudo-Sufis who drink and invoke the wine/intoxication poetry of Jalal ud-Din Rumi and Ibn ul-Farid as if those poems are referring to the literal consumption of alcohol...

Refer to this quote of Shaykh ul-Akbar. I'm sure it's just as applicable to Buddhist esotericism.

"We are a group whose works are unlawful to peruse, since the Sufis, one and all, use terms in technical senses by which they intend other than what is customarily meant by their usage among scholars, and those who interpret them according to their usual significance commit unbelief."

>> No.1971997

No, it's just a great poem from a Zen master.

It's also a reminder that the idiot who is trying to argue against Buddhism using only his superficial knowledge of the prescribed practices doesn't have any real experience with Buddhism; he's trying to claim that "Buddhists are this, and Buddhists are that," but in reality, he's only talking about the hypothetical construction of a Buddhist he has in his head.

>> No.1972005

The damage has been done.
Buddhism is not as romantic as some people would like it to be. People who have a fascination with buddhism who weren't born buddhist are just fan boys charmed by the media/society.

>> No.1972006


those who know zen will be many, those who practice zen will be few.

posting on 4chan boards is the least zen thing you could do.

>> No.1972009

But I'm sitting down while I do it.

>> No.1972011


>Tibetan Buddhism

that sounds so dogmatic.

>> No.1972013


Tibetan buddhism? The little knowledge I have is on Zen. Care to give a little info on it?

>> No.1972016


and through your chakras out of alignment.

>> No.1972024

It's true, my chakras are shit right now.

>> No.1972026

This is the age of the degenerate dharma, the only true path to enlightnement is through the grace of Amita Buddha.

>> No.1972030



this is also great, apparently.

>> No.1972040


>the only true path

that's so cute.

>> No.1972046


Nope, this is Kali Yuga, baby. We're all fucked.