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19713266 No.19713266 [Reply] [Original]

Do people not realize that ones own philosophy spring out of one self? Reading Nietzsches letter; specifically from 1879 onward just gives you a appreciation of Nietzsche like nothing else:

Nietzsche To The President Of The Educational Council - May, 1879
>The state of my health, which has forced me to address so many appeals to you in the past, now urges me to take this last step and beg you to be so good as to allow me to resign the post of Professor at the University which I have held hitherto. All this time my headaches have increased so much that they are now scarcely endurable; there is also the increasing loss of time occasioned by my attacks of illness which last from two to six days, while I have once more been told by Herr Schiess that my eyesight has again deteriorated so much so that at present I am scarcely able to read or write for twenty minutes at a time without pain.


I’m some what in the same predicament, chronically ill albeit not anywhere near as bad as Nietzsche was at this point. Reading the letters in chronological order has helped cope with my own suffering.

Nietzsches philosophy is the result of a man’s intimate acquaintance with suffering who held no feeling of resentment and in turn realized the harsh truth that life would be so much better if people were simply healthier, more beautiful, more intelligent, more athletic and less mentally challenged. Leftists, instead of acknowledging this fact that suffering in the world would be far less if humanity made a concerted effort to, through medical and scientific means, make people less sickly instead do the opposite of upholding the beautiful and healthy to feed the resentment of the sick. I said this as someone who is sick myself. If I had resentment in my heart I would have become a leftist and advocated for the destruction of the beautiful and healthy too

>> No.19713313

no it doesn't

>> No.19713333

yes it does

>> No.19713360

I've often heard that people with chronic illnesses identify somewhat with Nietzsche, but as someone with a fairly painful chronic illness I don't get it myself. I feel a much greater kinship with Plotinus, for example.

>> No.19713370

>Leftists, instead of acknowledging this fact that suffering in the world would be far less if humanity made a concerted effort to, through medical and scientific means, make people less sickly instead do the opposite of upholding the beautiful and healthy to feed the resentment of th
>I would have become a leftist and advocated for the destruction of the beautiful and healthy too
Stop speaking of leftism like you know anything about it.
I mean it’s mostly useless the way you people throw it around. You could have used the word “Christian” for the first instance and it would have worked. You don’t like charity to the sickly, you don’t know people in poor health can be cured of that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

t. Socialist without resentment

>> No.19713373

He should've shaved that ghastly mustache

>> No.19713386

Oh, I know exactly what I’m talking about when I say leftist. Stop gaslighting. Why can’t you admit that inequality and oppression would not exist in a world free of sick and weak individuals?

>> No.19713406

You know exactly what he means when he says 'leftist'. Otherwise there is no left, there is no opposition. No scientific socialist is politically active. It's a fringe position. Socialism means you are actively trying to overthrow western government. If you aren't then your head is up your ass and you're doing nothing.

>> No.19713407

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder
And the beholder is rarely, if ever, very far from the norm in regards to judgements of beauty.

>> No.19713410

When the proletariat overthrows the bourgeoisie it is an expression of health and virility from the perspective of the proletariat. Nietzsche was wrong in that regard.

>> No.19713419
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Are lolis beautiful?
Why can't I fugg?

>> No.19713425

The proletarian is the horde of zombies that overwhelm, through sheer numbers, the gates of the noble Elves. Nietzsche did understand this.

>> No.19713434

If you lose to numbers you are still weak.
Imagine using this argument in war time.

>> No.19713441

How impotent does one have to be to congratulate himself on not being a particular political alignment?

>> No.19713442

You approach it wrong. The cause of these things isn’t your personal aesthetics of beauty. Health of what? If a birth defect, “the left” admit abortion. Is cancer, “the left” want a cure and comprehensive treatment and at no cost, though this opens up the root cause of the inequality of our age. The economic system that upholds classes. “The left” would like that system gone altogether. How about it?

Western? Eastern, southern, northern. Lets go.

>> No.19713443

>aquinas was a big fatty
>his entire philosophy is multiple layers of cope because christfags were getting bullied by jews and muslims
checks out

>> No.19713450

>Western? Eastern, southern, northern. Lets go
What are you saying?

>> No.19713451

You are degenerate for sexualizing a prepubescent child. There’s obvious beauty, but you aren’t appreciating it in its proper context.

I want all governments overthrown and no nationstate to replace them.

>> No.19713458

>“The left” would like that system gone altogether
You can't just snap your finger and make class go away. Even the early stage of socialism has remnants of capitalism.

>> No.19713466

>You are degenerate for sexualizing a prepubescent child.
You are the degenerate. Men have sexualized 'children' since all of ancient history.

>> No.19713469

I don’t buy into Marxism, but yeah, some steps. And the steps after communism can be Übermensch

>> No.19713471

>I want all governments overthrown and no nationstate to replace them.
Lol good luck with that pal.

>I want I want I want
How about 'I will', lol.

>> No.19713478

Lol, you are a utopian socialist and thus your opinion is irrelevant. Not that I'm a Marxist, but his work is as good as it comes for aspiring 'socialists'.

>> No.19713479

>Degenerates have sexualized their children for a long time

Which is why I want tight knit communities, strong equality for women, and no elitists. This would engender healthier sexual habits and avoid these aberrations of nature.

>> No.19713484

>sexual habits which are healthy
No, sexual habits which sits right with your ego, lmao. How old was Helen of Troy again?

Look at a primitive tribes, 'pedophilia', will be everywhere.

>> No.19713493

How about “we will”?
I would like, but nothing is certain. A dimension of our future is of course the very real possibility of extinction. Luck, hope, meh. I’ll do what I can.

How old are you?

>> No.19713501

I hate how this thread got derailed

>> No.19713504

There is no 'we'.

>> No.19713510 [DELETED] 

Old enough to stick my cock in loli butthole

>> No.19713515

OP's fault for mentioning 'leftists'.

>> No.19713522

>I’ll do what I can.
And with no resentment

>> No.19713529

>I hate how a discussion of the Übermensch devolve into discussions on methods to get to the Übermensch

>> No.19713556

I have a chronic illness. I have terrible IBS. Not just like "I get sick sometimes", if I eat anything which is too weird I get diarrhea for weeks which saps all my energy and makes me weak.

What people don't get is that when you get sick like this, you more acutely feel the difference between strength and illness. When my digestion is good for a long period I feel so fucking strong and full of life.

I see fat retards around me with no health conditions, who are unable to appreciate the gift God gave them and just throw it the fuck away.

Seeing how people dispose of their youth for fucking nothing like gay fucking video games, anime, fast food, total loser shit is infuriating when you cant have that same level of health.

It makes you totally elitist when you exert 3x the discipline to stay healthy for 1/3rd the results. The strong today totally squander themselves. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.19713609

>Do people not realize that ones own philosophy spring out of one self?
Yes, Nietzsche wrote about that in a variety of ways, for example when he said there is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.

>> No.19713628

ywnbaw also dilate

>> No.19713662

>the harsh truth that life would be so much better if people were simply healthier, more beautiful, more intelligent, more athletic and less mentally challenged
philosophy stops making sense when you're sick
it's also why children are the best at praxis

>> No.19713671

Have you looked into probiotics, specifically, lactobacillus reuteri and e. coli?

>> No.19713685

I finally have health insurance (American here) and am in the process of seeing a GI doctor to figure out the problem.

>> No.19713686

>Leftists, instead of acknowledging this fact that suffering in the world would be far less if humanity made a concerted effort to, through medical and scientific means, make people less sickly instead do the opposite of upholding the beautiful and healthy to feed the resentment of the sick
Go back to reading Nietzsche. The expression of health, strength, nobility, is a expression of the Will. There is no room for an institutionalization of Nature's offspring, precisely, this is the gregarious will, the will to unite, to make equal. The bad and sick are important for the good and healthy, to their own affirmation (despite the fact that there is a need for the sick and bad to do the things of the sick and the bad, to sustain and serve the healthy).

>> No.19713706

You threw a wrench into my thinking anon. Maybe my desire to extort eugenics to bring about goodness (health, beauty, strength) is just an underlying will to equality that I’ve not come to terms with?

>> No.19713736


(You will never get out of your mother’s basement)

>> No.19713738

Well it's not his fault that leftists are the biggest parasites produced in modern history and embody the worst symptoms of ressentiment and slave morality ever seen. When you see them fucking everywhere these days it's hard not to make the connection with how Nietzsche described such mentalities.

>> No.19713758
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>leftists are the biggest parasites produced in modern history
You're thinking of bankers.

>> No.19713775

I will make everyone strong and beautiful and destroy all weakness. If Nietzsche thinks this is pathological then he can suck my cock.

>> No.19713785

>He said resentfully

Poor lost coward. May you be ground to dust before you hurt anyone else with your poison.

>> No.19713808

Where is the resentment in ny post?

>> No.19713810

Resentment is normal. Defining your life on your resentments is not. Leftists are the latter. That's why they call themselves leftists. All politics is ressentiment and liberal democracy is aware of this, hence why it allows people to argue over this shit endlessly since it will never lead anywhere and always keep us decadent. Nietzsche also figured this out.

>> No.19713828

You probably have ulcerative colitis. I have it too. I'd recommend getting on stelara.

>> No.19713837

You resent people for trying to break free of their chains!
How old are you!?

We define our lives as wanting to break away from a mad system.
Nietzsche is pissed with christian socialism

>> No.19713844

Yes, Nietzsche is very easy to be misinterpreted. He himself warns this when he writes in some of his books (Beyond Good and Evil is the first one that comes into my mind) that one needs to dedicate seriously to understanding what he means. On the other side of the coin, the individualist elements (body, impulses, will to power, etc.) in Nietzsche's philosophy is misinterpreted by leftists to posit their political moralism, their anarchy.

Then you should side yourself with the scum who wants to make everyon good, empathetic, moralistic. You are just another nihilist, exhausted and afeard of difference, individuality.

>> No.19713869
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>le strong and beautiful society means moralism and no individuality
See pic
I don't think Nietzsche is saying he wants people to be stupid and weak, lol.

All human actions are by definition moral ones, Nietzsche preaches immorality, not amorality, and an immorality often ends up becoming a morality.

>> No.19713978

>>le strong and beautiful means moralism and individuality
No, but your will to equality, to homogeneity, to unification, indifferentiation, antinaturalism is. And why be so dishonest to say the strong and beautiful MEANS it, when I said it is wanting to MAKE EVERYONE as such, equal, that is those things.
Nietzsche wants the strong to be strong, the noble to be noble. He doesn't care about the weak, the sick.
> Preventing the sick making the healthy sick—for that is what such a soddenness comes to—this ought to be our supreme object in the world—but for this it is above all essential that the healthy should remain separated from the sick, that they should even guard themselves from the look of the sick, that they should not even associate with the sick.

>> No.19714039

>If I had resentment in my heart I would have become a leftist and advocated for the destruction of the beautiful and healthy too
this is just nonsense. Please try interfacing with reality for a change.

>> No.19714045

Well equality to me does not exist, and racial homogeneity is quite nice!
What is wrong with unification? Didn't Nietzsche also want a United Europe? Anti-naturalism is a non concept. Everything which exists is by definition, natural.

Children are also weak and can often times be sick. Does Nietzsche not care to make the weak children into strong men?

>> No.19714049

not resentful btw

>> No.19714057

Holy shit dude just read anything from Nietzsche before coming here.

>> No.19714090

i'm saving nietzsche for later. i can't debate with a book. can you adequately defend your point? I'm sure most people TT have not read nietzsche either, and those who often do gravely misunderstand him. communication is only possible between 'equals', to understand nietzsche you must possess the same genius as him, which often no one does.

>> No.19714096

>Stop gaslighting
back to tiktok

>> No.19714125

>i'm saving nietzsche for later
>i can't debate with a book
and I can't debate with someone who hasn't read about what is being debated.

>> No.19714135

but I am debating you, not nietzsche- if I didn't make it clear. I hope your worldview isn't nietzsche's. that would be un-nietzschean

>> No.19714141

Your mistake was ever thinking litterateurs would have the spine to hold their own views

>> No.19714146

i never said i wasn't

>> No.19714194

I use Nietzsche's to affirm a very particular theosophy even. I intersect many of his ideas with different philosopher's.
You were the one replying to my post which addressed exclusively Nietzsche's philosophy. You replied saying Nietzsche would agree with your retarded un-Nietzschean view. You were forced to admit you haven't read a single page (as you didn't even need to do, it was crystal clear from the first reply of yours to me) and now is changing the issue here to ''debate me''. You are a dumb retard.

Read above.

>> No.19714253

>You replied saying Nietzsche would agree with your retarded un-Nietzschean view.
And which post was that? I only ever asked you questions.
>You were forced to admit you haven't read a single page
I never claimed I did, again I'm only questioning your 'theosophy', which you use Nietzsche to justify.
>"debate me"
This entire exchange was me asking you questions gauging your worldview and how you justify it through Nietzsche. Nietzsche wrote a lot, and you can use his writing to support multiple perspectives, case in point his differing views of nationalism over his life. I also don't think someone who has read Nietzsche would call someone 'antinaturalist', considering N's critique of the stoics.
>You are a dumb retard
How rude!

>> No.19714278
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Oh man. I get to say it again!
>another thread for people who haven't read N to debate people who didn't understand him about whether it is based and redpilled to agree with him or not

>> No.19714281

Also I made it quite clear that I haven't read Nietzsche in the first which you replied to which was here >>19713775

obviously I wouldn't write : 'if nietzsche thinks", if I was implying I had read him! My post was a clear invitation to a 'nietzschean' to engage with me! which you proceeded to do- and then got angry when I was asking you questions you didn't like and then proceed to tell me to 'read Nietzsche'.

how silly of you!

>> No.19714342

>which post?

>I only ever asked you questions.
About Nietzsche.
>again I'm only questioning your 'theosophy', which you use Nietzsche to justify.
You didn't question my theosophy, lol. You were talking (assuming things) about Nietzsche's philosophy (how he would agree with you).
>This entire exchange was me asking you questions gauging your worldview and how you justify it through Nietzsche.
So then we can settle that your views and what you posted about Nietzsche is retarded. Nice. I'm not here to tell you anything else, much less about what I think myself to someone like you.
>you can use his writing to support multiple perspectives
Except the ones that go against what he wrote and reaffirmed through all his works, which was the case here.
>his differing views of nationalism over his life
They are not constitutive of the general, fundamental principles of his as we were discussing. His views on nationalism changes only insofar as he changes how he analyses the subject. Nationalism in itself is dumb for him, but as a means it can be useful (because it simplifies, as he affirms). Of course you have no idea about what Nietzsche and I mean since you haven't read a page of what you are still insisting to discuss.
>I also don't think someone who has read Nietzsche would call someone 'antinaturalist', considering N's critique of the stoics.
Dude you can't even read things properly. I said that YOU had antinatural (life-denying) inclinations with that aim.

There is no discussion of something with someone who doesn't know anything about the issue being discussed.

>> No.19714428
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What an idiot

>> No.19714432
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>> No.19714433
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>> No.19714438
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>> No.19714484

You don’t know what you have until you lose it. If you were never sick, you might be destined to a life of mediocrity too. People with impressive achievements usually come from intense backgrounds. Most of us are too afraid and stay inside a bubble of fear, or are too scatter brained to stick to any definitive plans. What have most of us experienced that would give us appreciation or knowledge of what we have? I can’t even say it’s sad because I don’t know what I am missing myself, I just know this can’t be it.

>> No.19714492

>You didn't question my theosophy, lol. You were talking (assuming things) about Nietzsche's philosophy (how he would agree with you).
No I didn't say he would agree with me, I said that I don't 'feel' he 'wants' people to be stupid and weak. I ascribed to him 'immorality', and an immorality is still a morality. That quote which you responded with here >>19713978
>Preventing the sick making the healthy sick—for that is what such a soddenness comes to—this ought to be our supreme object in the world—but for this it is above all essential that the healthy should remain separated from the sick, that they should even guard themselves from the look of the sick, that they should not even associate with the sick.
Is saying that the healthy ought not become sick, and that the two shall be separate as virtue and sin. For Nietzsche, the only sin is weakness. This line is clearly making a virtue out of health, it's a moral statement and Nietzsche assigns as a moral duty of keeping the healthy 'healthy'. This says absolutely nothing about molding the sick to health, whether it is either possible or desirable. Sickness and health is always in flux, [even the concept of what is healthy and what is sick is in flux!] nobody is always healthy or always sick. Taking your logic to it's conclusion we ought to pull the plug on people who get the cold, which is obviously not what N is saying here.
>Except the ones that go against what he wrote and reaffirmed through all his works, which was the case here.
You haven't shown me that yet.
>They are not constitutive of the general, fundamental principles of his as we were discussing.
It was an example that I gave, in his youth he adhered to 'Prussian nationalism'. He grew disillusioned with it because of the subsequent German culture. Again in my earlier post I ascribed to Nietzsche someone who believes in a 'European identity', especially with his conception of a 'good European'. This identification with being a European is itself a form of nationalism. A 'simplification' if you will.
>Of course you have no idea about what Nietzsche and I mean since you haven't read a page of what you are still insisting to discuss.
I can read your posts just fine.
> I said that YOU had antinatural (life-denying) inclinations with that aim.
Dude, you can't even read what I say properly either.
Life-denying/= antinatural. You might as well say suicide is antinatural when it clearly isn't (naturally people kill themselves don't they?!' Life denying beings are not 'antinatural', life denial is their 'nature'. Do you understand why I am saying 'anti-natural' is a non concept? You might as well say slavery is antinatural.

>> No.19714517


>> No.19714520

>the youthful Jew of the stock exchange is the most repugnant invention of the whole human race.

>> No.19714577

He's correct though, as usual. Most people haven't "given up" the faith, even if they adorn themselves in new labels granted to them by new institutions, like those of science and democracy.

>> No.19714655

Lol poo poo

>> No.19714673

Most pedophilia and "sexual abuse" occurs in those "tight-knit" communities retard.

>> No.19714687

So you advocate children be raised by the state professional.
Wow. Thanks liberal.

>> No.19714691

>Most pedophilia and "sexual abuse" occurs in those "tight-knit" communities retard.

>> No.19714700

Citation needed

>> No.19714701

life experience

>> No.19714708

He’s probably just going on the stat that it’s often a family member.
Socialist families aspire to be more than just the “nuclear” mom-dad-son-daughter, so even if you have a predator parent, you have grandparents, aunts and uncles close by. It closes chances

>> No.19714713

The Right doesn't grasp that humans are not concerned with objective "well-being", but rather with their relative ranking with status hierarchies. One can be objectively miserable (sick, poor, etc.) but subjectively ecstatic due to a high status rank, such as being a math researcher. Justice is only possible by destroying status differences. Every other arrangement is unfair because all aspects of human life are determined, hence there is no free will and no desert in the philosophical sense. Socialists who still want to be respected academics or artists or whatever get the guillotine to be quite honest with you family.

>> No.19714721

>Why can't I fugg?
Because you are a failed sociopath.

>> No.19714725

It's fairly common knowledge that a large amount of sexual abuse comes from close family members rather than strangers, especially when there is little chance of being caught ("close knit"). As paradoxical as it >>19714687 sounds, a fragmented society where people are paranoid of each other is less likely to see these types of crimes so long as there is a strict authority enforcing the rules.

>From the evidence available, it is clear that with the exception of child sexual abuse, children are most likely to be abused or neglected by parents and/or caregivers (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2005; May-Chahal & Cawson, 2005; Sedlak et al., 2010)
About 90% of children who are victims of sexual abuse know their abuser.12,13 Only 10% of sexually abused
children are abused by a stranger.12
• Approximately 30% of children who are sexually abused are abused by family members.12,13
• The younger the victim, the more likely it is that the abuser is a family member. Of those molesting a child
under six, 50% were family members. Family members also accounted for 23% of those abusing children
ages 12 to 17.9
• About 60% of children who are sexually abused are abused by people the family trusts.1

>> No.19714730

what does that even mean
pedos have high empathy

>> No.19714765

No they don’t. They care nothing for their victims. You hear it on this site all the time. “Too old”. That’s it. They’re just sex objects.

>> No.19714820

You don't get it

>> No.19714824

>without resentment
Pick one

>> No.19714857

>fragmented society where people are paranoid of each other is less likely to see these types of crimes so long as there is a strict authority enforcing the rules.
False. Though the first part is valid, an actual close knit community, one with direct democracy, would fill that gap. As for paranoia, this is a big part of why pedophile priests go free so often. Everyone trusts them, the unquestionable authority figure. In Socialism without any of these authority figures, with healthy questioning directly democratic groups, women's groups especially

No. Picked both. Your brain can’t fathom it?

>> No.19714903

>False. Though the first part is valid, an actual close knit community, one with direct democracy
You have literally no evidence to back that claim up. All that would happen is that child abuse would likely go unreported because there is no central authority

>> No.19715075

In order to comprehend Nietzsche's relationship with the Jews, you must understand the concept of the "Worthy Opponent." Nietzsche DID blame the Jews for the creation of Slave Morality. However, he also respected them for being survivors, who, despite being persecuted and genocided by every civilization, still emerged to become successful and triumphant. Today, Jews dominate Science, Philosophy, Economics and Politics. Ironically, the inventors of Slave Morality became the exemplars of Master Morality.

>> No.19715081

I am so scared of pain, bros…

>> No.19715094

I have a bad chronic illness and I was heavy into Schopenhauer before turning to Christ. I wish I had done that 20 years ago.

>> No.19715143
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>You view that child as a object whose innocence is to be swiftly taken I view that child whose innocence is to be swiftly mourned.

>> No.19715186
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Yes, some do, when they realise who their Self truly is.

>> No.19715243

Just realised that in that image the left eye which is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain has moved in to the crown chakra. Whereas the right eye is still attached to its bodily place.

>> No.19715263 [DELETED] 

That child has been hurt and abused. Can you sense the darkness in her soul? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.19715273

Thst child had been hurt and abused. You must sense the darkness in her soul.

>> No.19715311

>Thst child had been hurt and abused
They all have been.

>> No.19715370

>In the doctrine of socialism there is hidden, rather badly, a "will to negate life"; the human beings or races that think up such a doctrine must be bungled. Indeed, I should wish that a few great experiments might prove that in a socialist society life negates itself, cuts off its own roots. The earth is large enough and man still sufficiently unexhausted; hence such a practical instruction and demonstratio ad absurdum would not strike me as undesirable, even if it were gained and paid for with a tremendous expenditure of human lives."

He predicted the 20th century, what he didn't predict is that even after all of that there are still people retarded enough to buy into marxism

>> No.19715382

But you're feeling it all the time lol

>> No.19715383

t. liberal

>> No.19715408

Syphilis was cool

>> No.19715414

I idenrify with Neitszche because I have chronic autism.

>> No.19715427

He had brain cancer

>> No.19715432

Cancer didn't exist before pufas

>> No.19715439

Some more than others

>> No.19715444

Hello God
Or is it someone else?

>> No.19715475

It's worse and worse I'd say. Whole generation with repressed sexual trauma caused by hardcore porn exposure at a very young age. Many otherwise regular people acting in the same manner a rape/molestation victim would. That plus the "coolness" of trauma and suffering so common in youth culture will outwardly manifest in hurting both others and oneself. (Not for mention the normalization of self-destructive behavior in females and hyperintroversion in males) TikTok is a window into the psyche of a very broken generation.

>> No.19715476

It would seem wisest to give that wish up.

>> No.19715494

When everything is broken nothingness still remains. I'm hesitantly optimistic.

>> No.19715522

Elaborate. I hear what you're getting at but I don't want to misinterpret you.

>> No.19715880


>> No.19716631

>Ironically he inventors of slave morality became the exemplars of master morality
You've talked to none of them, I can tell. Nietzsche followers being nobodies applying N's concepts that explain the world they've never even peeked in is great.

>> No.19716659

Leftism itself is a biological inferior position even if buff Chad professes it. Buff Chad would father spiteful mutant babies who would harbor patricidal extremism unbound and spawned in the most delicate of settings.

>> No.19716669

This, jews are miserable neurotics

>> No.19716691

Reminds me of One Punch Man as a great man too great to register in an inferior world. That is the whole point of the Ubermensch. That is the point of sacrificing oneself to that goal.

>> No.19716693
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>Jesus writes the bible
>Gets whipped and nailed to the cross like a nerd

You're right OP, people's philosophies should be judged on how they lived their lives!

>Karl Marx writes communist manifesto
>Lives a wealthy bohemian lifestyle never knowing the hardships of labor or the pain of hunger

WOW and it works in every context too! I guess judging by Marx's lifestyle communism must literally turn people into affluent intellectuals who don't need to work!

Thank you OP! for enlightening us ignorant peasants with this kernel of your infinite wisdom.

>> No.19716716

>Jesus writes the Bible
How about you try READING the Bible before blabbering this nonsense
>The Bible by Jesus Christ pg 1
>I'd like to thank my cuck Dad for being a beta bucks to my mom who I never listened to because I'm God
>In the Beginning...

>> No.19716721

Based Machiavelli

>> No.19716864

>I said that I don't 'feel'
Yes you ''feel'' because you don't know. And you feel wrong.
>This identification with being a European is itself a form of nationalism
Except he ascribes nobility and identification to the blonde beasts: Romans, Arabs, Japanese, etc. as he says. Not even going to quote him on his critique of nationalism.

>Sickness and health is always in flux, [even the concept of what is healthy and what is sick is in flux!] nobody is always healthy or always sick. Taking your logic to it's conclusion we ought to pull the plug on people who get the cold, which is obviously not what N is saying here.
And this is why we don't discuss things with someone who hasn't the least idea about what they are talking. You don't even know what Nietzsche means by sickness, health, weakness, strength. This was already clear when you said about children being weak, sick, etc. The physiological metaphors to indicate spiritual nobility, strength of will abounds in Nietzsche.

>Life-denying/= antinatural. You might as well say suicide is antinatural when it clearly isn't.
Again, just as above, you don't know what Nietzsche means by life-negation, nature, etc. yet you want to talk about it and worse you think you can have a point getting everything wrong.
>Life denying beings are not 'antinatural', life denial is their 'nature'
See what Nietzsche says about Nature. This is clear in his response to the stoics who ''live according to nature''. Nietzsche opposes the impulses, body, nature, will, individuality to the cerebral, rational, moralistic, gregarious, social, artificial.

You are a fucking retard, read books before you start spouting your own retarded opinions.

>> No.19718656
File: 48 KB, 810x877, qetl1yl1y1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Jesus writes the bible

>> No.19718862

Read The Will to Power, all will become clear to you

>> No.19719390

>You guys I am super serious here!
>You see Jesus was a real person who actually existed
>OK Guys just trust me on this
>No he didn't write any holy books or... hey wait guys no stop listen! He didn't write any books but He totally existed guys you just gotta believe me on this
>Also the bible is the literal word of God even though he didn't write it and even though I'm not sure if Jesus actually is God or not because he never claimed to be and other people wrote the bible but...
>No wait guys hear me out
>We gotta like base all of western philosophy, law, morals, and ethics on this holy book that is the literal word of God even though he didn't write it but it's totally what he would have written OK?

Truly the origin of pea brained slave morality.

>> No.19719866

The authority would be anyone who isn’t a pedophilic predator, the agency they go through is the kitchen cutlery. The predator would face commons law justice and perhaps a speedy execution.

When wondering about fictive social arrangements one has to search anthropological records or use their common sense. All these horrible things can be brought up in democratic council meetings and children would be taught well. It’s the isolated loner families that might harbor dark secrets.

>> No.19719944

proletariats are bugmen

>> No.19719979

Suffering is good.

>> No.19720119

>You could have used the word “Christian” for the first instance and it would have worked.
Yes. Leftism is slave morality born from Christianity.

>> No.19720299

Christians have never claimed the bible is the literal word of God. They claim it was written by men who were divinely inspired.

>> No.19720539

thats why plato was the most based one

>> No.19720973

Well yes, philosophy only exists to bring comfort to one's soul. Nietzsche probably felt a certain sense of peace thanks to it despite his situation not getting any better. In a way, this very philosophy is counter intuitive,it dluded Nietzsche into a false sense of satisfication. The truth is, stop relying on philosophy and just listen to primitive outputs like pain and pleasure. Can't trust a man who talks non-stop about overcoming limitations and suffering when he did nothing at all about it and just let himself die.

>> No.19720978

Then why are all the christians rightwing with the left heavily atheist. Just stop.

>> No.19720983

>t. Socialist without resentment

>> No.19721080

Why are leftists absolutely disgusted by good?
Even the ones that are successful.
I have a leftist friend who made a very surprising comment to me one time, we saw a picture of a white family with white kids, everyone looked perfectly happy. And she was disgusted by it, she claimed it was "too perfect" and that it wasn't representative.
What's wrong with a good white family?
She is white herself by the way

>> No.19721090

Leftists either are masochists or envious if not both. Your friend disliked what you saw as beautiful because of what is one of the two. She was either envious of the family she did not have rather then being happy to see someone with something she lacked or is masochistic regarding it because she hates her own people and doesn't like seeing them happy.

>> No.19721100

Leftists do not like beauty, Leftism is deeply tied to hating beauty. I don't want to try and pathologize them or something but I think it's very obvious by their behavior that they hate ideals, virtue, beauty, etc.

>> No.19721101

They are resentful, often not for themselves But for others. Yet another case of messiah complex. Unless everyone is happy, nobody can be happy. That kind of mentality.

>> No.19721110

This is a conditioned progressive liberal. She may self identify as a leftist, but she isn’t. SJW and IDpol is poisonous to both sides of the liberal spectrum. This is to keep them fighting each other and not the power structure. You’re both mad.

I would guillotine the system if I could. I would stand it up against the wall before the firing squad. I would drown it in its pool, but it is a system that I resent. Is this allowable to your sensitive überman fee fees?

>> No.19721131

>but it is a system that I resent
Okay thanks for admitting it.

>> No.19721135

>The predator would face commons law justice and perhaps a speedy execution.
So basically the same as right now minus the execution.
And you have virtually nothing to back your claim up except muh feefees.

>> No.19721339

Good post. I agree.