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/lit/ - Literature

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1971140 No.1971140 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this book?

I just finished it. Good read. I think the theme was pretty easy to relate with, and probably would be for most people. The gory parts were... pretty damn gruesome, stomach churning. Still, the book dragged at quite a few places. I mean, I understand the idea is to convey just how pointless, repetitive, and inane his life is, but that doesn't make it any less interesting.

>> No.1971148

You mean that doesn't make it any more interesting.

>> No.1971152

err, yeah. Sorry, just woke up.

>> No.1971154

People who think that book was 'stomach churning' or 'gruesome' have always really just left me confused. I fapped to that book like three times. And I thought it was really, really tame.

Ooh, a rat eats her out... Literally! The play on words in that scene was godly.

But yeah, it was an entertaining book. If you liked it, read more of his work. It's all pretty much the same.

>> No.1971162

Chapter type rankings...

1. Social chapters, i.e. he and his 3 friends at expensive restaurants and wearing nice clothes
2. Sexual chapters
3. Torture chapters
4. Music chapters

I thought the bits where he and his friends are having shallow conversations were the best. The sexual and torture chapters were okay, but got too explicit and stomach churning towards the end. The music chapters were dull, but only because A. I didn't recognise much of the music, and B. they were out of place.

A good book though. Porbably the author's best work.

>> No.1971168

I feel like there is probably some sort of correlation to the music chapters and the rest. I reread them a few times to see if there was anything I was missing but I couldn't find anything besides the fact that Patrick likes it when bands turn shitty and sell out.

>> No.1971174

It is important because they're music reviews lifted directly from magazines. Patrick _doesn't_ experience music, he experiences the reviews of music which tell him if they're socially appropriate.

Therefore Bateman is the anti-hipster.

>> No.1971177

>Therefore Bateman is the anti-hipster.

but maybe hes doing it... ironically.

>> No.1971178


Made me laugh out loud.

>> No.1971201

8.1/10 IMO

>> No.1971206

I think that the monotonous chapter about his morning routine was a cop out and an easy way for a mediocre writer to convey the monotony of contemporary life.

Disagree with me.

>> No.1971209


>mfw while reading the book bateman is actually referred to as batman

>mfw i am not sure whether it was a typo or intentional

>> No.1971212

Holy fuck, OP here. I remember that. It happens twice, about halfway through the book. There was nothing in the text to suggest it was intentional but I don't want to believe it was a typo.

>> No.1971216


>There was nothing in the text to suggest it was intentional

you know what, i think its not a typo. now that i think about it it could be intentionally written in, just to fuck with the reader. compare w/ theme of characters confusing people with others (aka bateman/marcus halberstram etc)

>> No.1971226

Your face when Christian bale who plays batemen in the american psycho movie five years later plays bateman.

>> No.1971228
File: 95 KB, 750x1011, Bubbles Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do believe he actually says that some drunk woman kept calling him batman for some unknown reason.

I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read it.

>> No.1971230


my face exactly