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/lit/ - Literature

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19708472 No.19708472 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19708517

Moby Dick opened my eyes for transcendentalism,and made me start reading Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, making me a more enlightened brand of autist than you dime a dozen existentialist nihilist faggots.

>> No.19708527

The Bible, and Fear and Trembling after that

>> No.19709597

Moby Dick was pretty anti-transcendalist though. "Over descartian vortices you hover" and all that

>> No.19709613

post your favorite verse

>> No.19709628

I'm trying to think of one but I can't. No book has had the honor of changing my life. Circumstance and experience did that. I believe this will be the case for most others.

>> No.19709721

Notes from the underground made things in my head move. I realised that being bitter and self sabotaging is a suboptimal strategy for living a happy life.
Fuck the underground man, that cunt.

>> No.19709729

Agreed. Although I simply laughed off the story when I read it the first time. It reached a bit too far into my psyche with his endless lies and rationalizations. Reading it again now

>> No.19709771
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>> No.19709783

The descent of man cured my remaining Nietzsche ideals.

>> No.19709794
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>> No.19709811

Party Monster made me realize I could just pretend to be a faggot and have endless drugs and warm holes to stick my dick into and even fun little sidegigs where I murder my drug dealer and stuff

>> No.19710369

I am not too religious but Suma Theologiae and Aurelius's Meditations made realize that perception is more important than reality. It got me thinking hard since then on how can I alter my perception to enjoy all aspects of life regardless of how shit they are. I came to the conclusion that we can never see the world that is beyond our senses but we can change how we percieve it. Everything that's outside our bodies is a lie and it's up to us to make that lie suit our needs.

>> No.19710409
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>> No.19710463
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I have a horrible memory. I forget what ive read almost in a week

>> No.19710513
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>> No.19710523

I will follow his footsteps but hopefully avoid the poverty and cancer.

>> No.19710525
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>> No.19710526
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Forgot pic.

>> No.19710689

catcher in the rye unironically helped me overcome a coming of age crisis because i didnt want to be a faggot like holden and got my act together

>> No.19710729

this was the most bullshit book i've ever read. it was garbage new age shit that new age idiots and bored housewives would typically read. i can't believe i fell for the meme.

>> No.19710741

I would say Moby Dick, but for different reasons. I think up until that point in my life I didn't really understand the "classics" and only read fantasy/sci fi, but Moby Dick was so god damn good and it opened my eyes to how prose can be used as poetry. It was sort of the kick in the shin I needed when I was 18.

>> No.19710745

Wow you couldn't even get it when it was dumbed down that much? Lower case posters proven retarded yet again.

>> No.19710753

redpill me on this

>> No.19710760
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not sure which book specifically, but somewhere in the middle of reading Heidegger and Sartre for school i realized i had no excuse to keep being such a fucking loser and that my internal suffering had no merit to it so i stopped being a repressing transsexual and became just a normal transsexual

>> No.19710777
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This book helped me understand the world and myself more then anything I have ever read

>> No.19710785

Book of disquiet helped me fix my shit. Journey by Celine helped me come to grips with everything else

>> No.19710794

Now you have to move on to Zarathustra.

>> No.19710840

Been meaning to for quite sometime, think I will now, thanks anon

>> No.19710866

Ender's Game was probably the most influential.

>> No.19710876

this this this. That book literally inspired me to self-improve just not to end up like the main guy

>> No.19710927

I just started reading this yesterday and understand none of what is being said. Should I just go back to picture books? nice trips btw

>> No.19710940

Stick with it the beginning is very heavy and is largely reliant on having read his previous book on the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason, which is extremely heavy, but it gets easier after that and you can still derive alot from the book without fully understanding this section

>> No.19710951

I thought fiction but especially fantasy was frown upon in /lit/?

>> No.19710992
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In no order:
>Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein
>Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson
>The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
>Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell

>> No.19711002
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>> No.19711004

My diary desu

>> No.19711398

you have to read it