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/lit/ - Literature

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19708276 No.19708276 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19708349
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>> No.19708388
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>> No.19708397
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>> No.19708402

Don't freak out OP I reposted your stack from last thread.
t. Just for fun

>> No.19708418
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>> No.19708815

Learn French, pleb.

>> No.19708994

You got me. Books have been trickling in from book depository orders weeks ago. I usually buy a book at a time but decided to splurge on stuff I was unsure of. I figured if I threw enough shit at the wall…

>> No.19709000

Some cool books here. You should make threads after reading

>> No.19709022
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This is everything I bought myself for Christmas. Last book just came in the mail today (the SS-Wiking book).

>> No.19709319
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>> No.19709326

based sjon poster

>> No.19709699
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>> No.19709719

Surely you guys read your stacks, right?

>> No.19709738


>> No.19709741

I really liked After Dark. It's probably about as divisive as his other books if not even more so, but it's really short and the atmosphere and everything just felt really cozy to me. If you haven't read it you might want to give it a shot.

>> No.19709777

You should post this on Facebook instead where people know you and care about what you do in your free time.

>> No.19709861


>> No.19710024
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what i read last year + Dracula

>> No.19710288

this year, I have decided to read all of Dostoievski's major works.

>> No.19710300

I'm starting to think they don't and just like taking pictures or trying to impress people with pseud titles.

>> No.19710466

How "multicultural" is this board? If I want to discuss a German book that I've just read, would there even be anybody to discuss it with me, or, worse, are non-English books even allowed to have threads created for them?

>> No.19710474

Try it

>> No.19710475

Thomas Wolfe. Nice. He's one of the greatest American authors and he's not really discussed much on /lit/.

>> No.19710486

Welches Buch hast du denn gelesen?

>> No.19710492

Naja, will einfach generell nach jedem Buch irgendeine Diskussion dazu aufbauen. Zurzeit versuche ich alle für den Buchpreis nominierten Bücher abzuklappern. Habe mal mit Ulrike Draesners "Spiele" angefangen und werde bald fertig damit.

>> No.19710494

/lit/ discusses books from all over the world, provided they've been translated into English.

>> No.19710504

Alright, so I know not to create threads on books that definitely have no English twah8vranslation.

>> No.19710518

Tokarczuk is a ukrainian hack, I don't know how her other books are but Drag Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead was one of the worst books I read last year. Pick up some real polish lit anon, enjoy some Sienkiewicz or Herbert!

>> No.19710528

at least the spacing is gone

>> No.19710607

>are non-English books even allowed to have threads created for them?
Niggas will say yes but let's be honest, they always talk about the same authors whose books were translated. I'm fucking sick of Borges, Mishima, Bolaño, Cervantes, Dostoevsky. Can't we talk about Vizconde Lascano Tegui, Edogawa Ranpo, Antonio Gala, Leonid Andreyev?

>> No.19710615

I loved Perfume.

>> No.19710627

Yes, that's what I think this board is lacking. It's always about the same fucking books...

>> No.19710669

Sounds right up my alley, I'll check it out. The newer, longer Murakami is a bit too much form over function for me. My personal favourite is the South of the Border West of the Sun. Surprised no one has made fun of the stack yet haha

>> No.19710671

stackgma dick

>> No.19710682

I’m flying through it now. Such a beautiful book.

>> No.19710949

>tfw I have the exact same edition of Sexus

>> No.19710975

>look at all these books I’ve consooomed but won’t ever actually read


>> No.19710981


>> No.19711156

This year I will read books.

>> No.19711193

hi thanks for recommendations on polish authors will check out. I didn't I didn't think primeval and Other Times was too bad actually but have had no experience of the author prior to that

>> No.19711200

Me too, have you got any other Suskind recommendations?

>> No.19711234

>book of disquiet
>not the complete edition
oh nononono

>> No.19711241

You can create threads in any language except spanish
Fucking jannies

>> No.19711251

Let me guess, the captcha was

>> No.19711628
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I plan to have all these read within the first 3 or 4 months

>> No.19711649

Lol at insecure anons accusing others of not reading

>> No.19711669
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>> No.19711686

I am confused, the Stack is the ones you are reading or the next ones you are going to read

>> No.19711749

Whatever you want. Sometimes I just post books I feel like talking about. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t

>> No.19711764
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All my reading since November 15 2021

>> No.19711809 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19711825
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>> No.19711826

How do i call you a fag in french

>> No.19711841

tu devrais privilégier la traduction de Markowicz pour Dostoïevski

>> No.19711898

Enculé ou pédé

>> No.19711906

J'alterne entre l'audio et l'écris pour Dosto ça compte ?

>> No.19712123

How do you guys read so many books at once? I usually have 2 books in my stack, more than that and I feel like I’m not really taking everything in and overcrowding my brain

>> No.19712177

He hasn’t written too much, but I enjoyed his novella The Pigeon.

>> No.19712198

Sounds like I struck a chord.

>> No.19712376

How is it? I’ve loved 4 other Miller books

>> No.19713077
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>> No.19713169

How's that Macmillan edition, in terms of quality? I'm thinking of getting their Moby Dick

>> No.19714305
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They are great.

>> No.19714715

How are you liking Don Quixote?
I am reading it for the first time as well.

>> No.19714738

>Enculé ou pédé

>> No.19714787

All of you have really nice books. All my books are beat to shit since I buy them used

>> No.19714827

That copy of The Tartar Steppe has a nice looking spine

>> No.19714874
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Where do you buy them? I just bought these two and they are in good condition.

>> No.19714888


>> No.19714901
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>> No.19715470
