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File: 287 KB, 831x1008, Ayn_Rand_(1943_Talbot_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19707562 No.19707562 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.19707569

Power bottoming in a BDSM sense apparently

>> No.19707577

her problem is why did fountainhead turn me no so much?

>> No.19707614

Believing her self help books for the individual should apply as a responsible ruling methodology for the group of individuals

>> No.19707625


>> No.19707678

Rand writes about great individuals that would thrive in a laissez faire capitalist systems but she's hardly the only one to defend that kind of government.

>> No.19707851

Doesn't matter how many defend something, anarchy is irresponsible and immature,

It is easy when only focusing and considering the self, but there needs to be responsible consideration for the group of selves,

Her philosophy is for the subject, but there is nessecarily needed philosophy for responsibly ruling subjects

>> No.19707874

She's a chud

>> No.19707889

Ayn Rand isn't an anarchist, she defends the existence of a state that would only supply defense and justice.

>> No.19707950

statists are the ones who organized genocide against entire groups of people brainlet

>> No.19707980

It's all very complicated, but the world is in a crazy state as it is, I don't even know how to begin this conversation.

Or what there is to talk about, it seems there are places one can go to find more and less examples of areas to live that she would agree with.

But if her ideas absolutely ruled America, how different do you think America would be?

What is the goal of her ideas?

>> No.19708053

And if there were no states there would be no violence?

The people in power who made those decisions were anarchical when making those decisions, nothing in the concept of individuals forming a community necessitates the need for genocide

You are familiar with human personality types, look at the history of the names of kings, (I don't know the exact names off hand) John the good, peter the great, Steve the wise, Carl the merciful, Greg the mad, etc.

Yes modern statehood attempts to distance from this, but really what happened is the royal court removed the king and instated themselves as such

So it is the possible evil nature of man, the ability for wicked men (and women) to gather together to exert their power on others, that makes states good and bad, for if states did not exist these qualities still would, and whose to say they would not be more so

The current state more and less cares for the weak and unable, maybe one of the major contentions and cruxes of rand and the conflict between admirers of her and lambasters

Maybe if it didn't the world would be filled with increased misery, the world is already filled with misery, some people instinctually cannot help but think an aspect of civilizations progression over history should include the minimizing of human misery.

For much of human history real slavery existed, today places around the world real slavery still exists, countless horrors occur everyday.

What would Rand think of if all the strongest richest men in the world teamed up to literally enslave all others in the world, literal shackles and rape and such.

Just play along with such questions please, I am not being hyperbolic there are points to them.

Was there a time in history where the first most advanced race of men could have literally conquered the world and killed every race not there's?

Why would it have been wrong for a man stronger than her to shackle her if he wanted?

>> No.19708212

Too based for this world

>> No.19708218

If the entire group to he ruled was composed entirely of white males with 19th Centruy morality she would be right.

>> No.19708450

I would.

>> No.19708453


>> No.19708462
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>Alissa showed strong Objectivist traits from the start: As a child, she was solitary, opinionated, possessive, and intense—a willful and brilliant loner with literally zero friends. At 9, she decided to become a writer; by 11 she’d written four novels, each of which revolved around a heroine exactly her age but blonde, blue-eyed, tall, and leggy. (Rand was—by her own standards—unheroically dark, short, and square.) At 13, she declared herself an atheist. It’s hard not to suspect, based on many of these childhood anecdotes, that Rand suffered from some kind of undiagnosed personality disorder. Once, when a teacher asked her to write an essay about the joys of childhood, she wrote a diatribe condemning childhood as a cognitive wasteland—a joyless limbo in which adult rationality had yet to fully develop. (It was possibly a good thing that she never had children.) In middle school she found herself uncharacteristically intrigued by another student, a seemingly intelligent girl who was also popular—a contradiction in the Rand cosmology. Hoping to solve the mystery, and possibly even make a friend, Rand approached her. “Would you tell me what is the most important thing in life to you?” she asked, showing once again her flair for smooth opening lines. “My mother,” the girl answered. Rand turned away, disgusted. As an adult, she called this exchange “the first most important event in my life socially” and analyzed it as follows: “I had thought she was a serious girl and that she was after serious things, but she was just conventional and ordinary, a mediocrity, and she didn’t mean anything as a person.”

>> No.19708503

She wants to be dicked by a Ubermensch

>> No.19708945

extremes. Rightly believing that the country that she left was inherently bad for it's collectivist, communist ideology and deducing that the exact opposite of this ideology was inherently good

>> No.19709005


>> No.19709514

because she lived through the bolshevik revolution

>> No.19709530

Amphetamine and barbiturate abuse. I'm not being facetious.

>> No.19709545


Being forced to share a world with a bunch of stupid theists and communists.

>> No.19710002


>> No.19710623

dominating Hatesex is the true sexual preference of real men

>> No.19710864

Russian stupidity. It's no coincidence Russia made anything of worth when it was Francophile.

>> No.19710895

>Drug addiction
>Hatred of children
The last one is especially telling, as objectivism would work really well in a world made up only of adults.

>> No.19711939

>What is the goal of her ideas?

Her defense of laissez-faire capitalism was, ultimately, a rationalization of two things: her almost fetishistic fascination with her ideal man, whom she thought could thrive only in such a society, and her hatred of communism given her experiences in Russia. The hypercapitalism was in service of what she called "man-worship", not the other way around.

I'd recommend Anne Heller's Ayn Rand and the World She Made if you're interested in Rand's biography. The author is obviously critical of Rand (though a fairer critic than most), so you might want to temper it a little with Rand's own Journals/Letters, We the Living, and the Sense of Life doc on her. But it does provide some interesting insight in Rand's motivations.

>> No.19712308

Rewrite this with fewer reddit spaces and shorter and I'll read it, slave.

>> No.19712314

I can't even be bothered wading through 700 pages of her autism

>> No.19713393

They are not reddit spaces. It's so the divine important grandeur of the ideas have breathing room. When there are walls of text it's easy to breeze by lines and lines without giving them the attention they deserve.

>> No.19713409

She's completely irrefutable and makes those who don't find her philosophy appealing seethe like no one else. Any criticism amounts to ad hominem, obscurities, and strawman of the consequential framework of Objectivism. You won't find a logical argument against the universal morality of the non-initiation of force and an individual's highest ideal being their own true happiness because it doesn't exist.

>> No.19713467

pussy game too tight, the men of her era couldn't handle it. fr fr no cap.

>> No.19714002

HRT could of saved him

>> No.19714641

>“Would you tell me what is the most important thing in life to you?” she asked, showing once again her flair for smooth opening lines. “My mother,” the girl answered. Rand turned away, disgusted. As an adult, she called this exchange “the first most important event in my life socially” and analyzed it as follows: “I had thought she was a serious girl and that she was after serious things, but she was just conventional and ordinary, a mediocrity, and she didn’t mean anything as a person.”

such is the case of the autist

>> No.19714774

She was a woman and her books reflected this.
Pretty much the entire plot of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead reflect the travails of a woman with practically no skills or ability trying to fuck the ideal man.
Atlas Shrugged does this by having the protagonist Dagny be the woman who really runs the railroad because her figurehead brother can't, except she fucks off to fuck hot guys and delegates the actual responsibility to the beta cuck Eddie Willers. At first she fucks billionaire playboy Francisco d'Anconia, but she leaves to "run the railroad" (Rand's brilliant euphemism for having a train run on her). Then she fucks Hank Rearden who is also super rich but works really hard unlike Francisco. She loves him unlike his bitch wife. But Rearden is the strong traditional monogamous male, so she leaves him for John Galt, the non-rich alpha male who is highly principled and could be super rich if he wanted to but he chooses not to be. Also he demonstrates himself to be even more of a megachad by inventing a knockoff perpetual motion machine.
At no point does Dagny really do anything of value. Her big thing is deciding to make a railroad using Rearden metal, but she doesn't build it, she didn't make the metal, she didn't do shit. Then eventually she goes and crashes a plane into Galt's Gulch the ultimate sausage-fest of high-value men who are on "strike" from society. Shockingly there's like one or two women there because women have no value. Dagny wasn't even invited because she's worthless which was why she had to break in with her plane. She's like the ultimate female protagonist since she just fucks and sucks her way to the top tier alpha male.

The Fountainhead is even better though. Dominique is a virgin who doesn't find any man worthy of her (she's a very attractive woman with no other qualities). Meanwhile main character Roark is an uncompromising alpha male who got kicked out of architecture school for being too Chad-tier in his designs. So Roark works as a manual labourer and becomes super jacked. Their worlds coincidence when Roark walks into Dominique's house and rapes her for some reason that I can hardly remember.

Dominique feels so worthless at being raped and enjoying the guy who did it that she decides to debase herself. But rather than doing drugs or being slutty, she decides to marry a mediocre cuck architect who Roark went to architectural school with. This is presented as the ultimate act of debasement by Rand, and the "beta cuck" is not a metaphor because he literally makes Dominque sleep with a client so he can get a job. The client is the uber-rich playboy Gale Wynand who has a big apartment but has no actual morals and Dominique loves him so much she immediately leaves the cuck. But when Gale hires Roark to build a building for him he ends up getting cucked as well since Roark has actual opinions on things.

Anyways, all this is more or less what a woman feels are really tough challenges to overcome.

>> No.19714983


>> No.19714997

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a “laissez faire free market” and there never has been in history. Deliberate government policy is needed for a “free market” to exist and the only people who truly benefit or capital owners

Spinning ruling class ideology into “big government” telling you to be gay and drive a prius is the way the rich manage to convince the poor and stupid (and the middle classes) to put up with their exploitation, get cucked, and they thank you sir may i have another.

>> No.19715109

Neurotic Jew, many such cases

>> No.19715178

Peak chuunibyou

>> No.19715609

>browbeats her own henpecked husband into letting her cheat on him with her young disciple (who would also be cheating on his own wife)
>constantly flaunts said affair in her husband's face and on her followers
>gets mad and goes into a massive meltdown after said young disciple cheats on her with a younger and prettier woman

Her sex life was something.

>> No.19716223

she wanted to be stuck in the rape zone

>> No.19716668
File: 58 KB, 402x402, Ayn-Rand-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was anti-statist but arguably only advocated the defense of the state in a minimal capacity (minarchism) because she rightfully concluded that there was no better alternative at present. Neo-Objectivists have argued that her philosophy does integrate with anarchism and I would agree. If you read between the lines of her works, she clearly did not have a concretized political system. At some point, all the industrialists go to a single US state that only is basically a minarchist state with only the military, police and judicial system and they flourish, but eventually, the government ruins it. People gather in Galt's Ranch but Ayn Rand emphasizes that it's just a bunch of people coming together, not a state. And at the end, the heroes fly into the sunset to create their new utopia state. The best evidence that she didn't have an answer is that, at the end, a judge character is meant to rewrite parts of the US constitution. When asked in interviews, Ayn Rand said that she didn't know which parts she intended on changing. It hints that she didn't have an answer politically.

The goal of her ideas was to create a man like in her fiction that would be independent through self-actualization that would eventually lead to a capitalistic society where people were free to coexist, build and flourish.

>But if her ideas absolutely ruled America, how different do you think America would be?
It's hard to tell because her ideas, arguably, cannot be implemented politically. She is morally correct that people should act productively and creatively (as any proper Nietzschean would agree) but the issue is that her own works

Unironically correct. Every time a man writes about her, it's always in this reverence for her intellect. Rothbard even comments that she's like the sun where you must not come too close, which I find funny. Everyone around her circle genuinely respected and admired her because she seemingly had the answer to everything. I also suspect that her enduring legacy is a result of her efforts to convey an integrated holistic philosophy that convinces many in their youth, as they are looking for answers, and everyone else only gives bullshit answers or bits and pieces.

>> No.19716711

I feel like Nathaniel Branden deserves more credit than "young disciple," he and Rand were partners on a lot of things and started a couple institutes together. And that isn't even touching on Branden's own self help empire.
That whole story is wild, though, and if you need a few laughs, look up Objectivist cope about that whole story (she TOLD her husband, Branden wasn't HONEST about his affair so he is a fake objectivist, etc)

>> No.19716729

>Pretty much the entire plot of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead reflects the travails of a woman with practically no skills or ability trying to fuck the ideal man.
But that's wrong? In The Fountainhead, Dominique is a respected art critic, and in Atlas Shrugged, Dagny is the vice president of a train company. How are these nothing?

>At no point does Dagny really do anything of value. Her big thing is deciding to make a railroad using Rearden metal, but she doesn't build it, she didn't make the metal, she didn't do shit.
She uses the capital that she accumulated from stocks to build it, identifies Rearden Metal as the best metal on the market, find the right company to build the railroad and set of engineers to get it made. You can literally make the same strawman argument that Readen didn't make the metal himself. This is just a stupid strawman post.

>> No.19716797

It's hard to judge because it's clear that she had figured out most of her philosophy by the time Nathaniel came into the picture. He read The Fountainhead when he was in his teens and met up with her when she had already begun writing Atlas Shrugged. In an interview, he talked about how he was trying to understand what capitalism meant and what her politics were and couldn't figure it out. She explained to him that people should be free to coexist, act productively and have their individual rights and freedom protected, which Nathaniel agreed, and then she said 'that's capitalism.' Nathanial recalled that moment as a lightbulb had lighten up, and if she had already detailed everything up to the point of explaining capitalism to Nathaniel, you have to wonder what more he could have contributed. He was her intellectual heir for a reason, and he did have a really good grasp of her overall philosophy.

The story of how Nathaniel and Rand hooked up is both funny and tragic because you do get the sense that if they had remained together, the entirety of America would have become Objectivists. It's clear that Ayn Rand married Frank for his looks and that he was the strong silent type but she also wanted that but with the intellect to match it. I also suspect that she wanted popularity and resented that it took her until she was in the 40s and 50s to get it, which by then she had lost her youth. She wanted to pretend that she was still young and could date but Nathaniel couldn't cope with Rand's age and that he was smothering himself into just being a disciple of her views.

>> No.19717138

She was roo based.

>> No.19717202

Commie took her daddy's store.
Also she lived on welfare.

>> No.19717223

>Also she lived on welfare.
Fun fact, there's no evidence of her ever taking welfare and it seems that it was bullshit that people made up to discredit her.

>> No.19717381

>What the fuck is her problem?

The problem is not this retarded ugly jew. The problem are the unwashed masses of brainlets that follow her.

>> No.19717488

>“Would you tell me what is the most important thing in life to you?” she asked, showing once again her flair for smooth opening lines. “My mother,” the girl answered.
That's the right answer for a middle school girl, though, even an "intelligent" one.

>> No.19717608

Is it? Ayn Rand expected something like 'I love writing more than anything else' or other passion because she expected that smart people were all like her: ambitious in their creative endeavours at a young age. It made her realize that one's intelligence is not the only thing that determines a person, which is the correct lesson to learn.

>> No.19717706

A middle school girl still has a lot to learn from her mother, with very few exceptions.

>> No.19717751

I don't disagree but that doesn't make your mother the most important thing in life for a person? You know, thinking on it, Ayn Rand really shits on people who are bound by their mothers. In The Fountainhead, Keating asks his mother for approval on what to do in life and she wants him to pursue architecture rather than painting because it makes more money, which sets him down the path of ruin. And in Atlas Shrugged, Readen's mother is literally a villain that nag him to death.
Honestly, I think this anti-mother quip against that girl is just projection by Ayn Rand. If you read her biography, when she was a kid, her mother asked her to sacrifice their favorite toy with the intention that they would get it later. Ayn Rand really liked some golden duck and reluctantly gave it await, thinking about for an entire year. On the day she was supposed to get it back, her mother said that she just sold it because Ayn Rand didn't need it or some random bullshit. It made Ayn Rand hate her mother and perhaps all mothers. Maybe the girl was right in loving her mother and, as you say, she had a lot to learn, but Ayn Rand was fucked by her mother and didn't feel that she had anything to learn from her and scorned that other kid for not agreeing as she did that mothers are stupid and that one shouldn't see them as the most important thing in the world. Either way or it's what I said about not valuing some ambitious creative endeavor as the standard by virtue of being born smart. Hell, it could be both, who knows.

>> No.19717896

I think the whole discussion between "my mother" versus "high abstract ideal" is a discussion about, ultimately, total worldviews. Even in Rand's philosophy, any high abstract ideal is not an end in itself. It's a means to man's ultimate end, which is the furthering and continuing of his own life. You don't love, for example, writing for writing's sake; the Randian-rational reason for loving writing is that writing provides an objectively useful value towards the furthering of your own life.

"Your mother", as such, does not, or at least not necessarily so. A mother qua mother is defined solely by having birthed you; a birth is a thing in the past and does not objectively mean anything regarding your life in the future. The only way it means more is if one assumes the altrustic ethos of motherly self-abnegating love for their children, an ethos that for Rand is not only evil but irrational and impossible to justify. Family, parents, children etc as one's highest values are thus one representation of the arbitrary and the subjective.

But of course, that anedocte was something experienced by the young Rand, who most likely hadn't developed her philosophy to that extent by then. So it's possible that the answer may have been shaped by Rand's own personal issues with her own mother which she then rationalized away. I wonder how she would have reacted had the girl said "My father" instead, considering Rand idolized her father.

>> No.19719503

congenital parasite forever embittered by the loss of her host

>> No.19719665
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What did they get wrong?

>> No.19719667

Desu that thing with the fur coat was a sexual awakening. I read it a decade ago and that’s the only part I remember properly.

>> No.19719675

Sorry, I was talking about atlas shrugged, not the fountainhead.

>> No.19719786

Everything. Rapture is an anarcho-capitalist society. Ayn Rand advocated a minarchist society. Andrew Ryan advocated closed borders. Ayn Rand advocated open borders (she was an immigrant). The entire system of mafias operating under a class system of workers that are out of a job is stupid because that's like arguing that building a city anywhere means that you'll never build anything else. Workers will always be properly paid for their services. Andrew Ryan nationalized businesses for the greater good and became a dictator, literally the opposite of what Galt did which is to leave his business and refuse power. Hell, Andrew Ryan banned the bible because of his dumb atheism, and Ayn Rand was a staunch advocate of free speech. How do you ban books in an anarcho-capitalistic society?

There's two ways to look at Bioshock.
1- a game that took the philosophy of Ayn Rand, didn't fully understand it and tried to criticize it horribly.
2- a game that understood the philosophy of Ayn Rand yet intentionally twisted it by making it a warning to objectivist of what happens if you compromise. Andrew Ryan is sort of a Dr Stadler-type character.

People who say that Bioshock criticized Ayn Rand never read her and just point to the game as a lazy own. The fact that you can make the case that Rapture went to shit specifically because Andrew Ryan deviated from Ayn Rand's philosophy disproves all arguments that the game criticized her philosophy.

>> No.19719808

What it got right is that children have no place in Ayn Rand's dream world.

>> No.19719835

>everyone has sex
>create magic goo
>no one creates magic contraceptive or magic abortions

>> No.19719845

well it's easily 1) because ken levine claims he'd never even heard of objectivism before he started working on the game then decided to read rand, so i doubt he has much of an understanding of rand's autism

>> No.19719867
File: 8 KB, 1033x73, Ayn Rand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me put on my thinking cap

>> No.19719872

jews are... LE BAD

>> No.19721420

>I chose to become American. What did you do, besides being born?

Well /lit/?

>> No.19721540

>condemning childhood as a cognitive wasteland—a joyless limbo in which adult rationality had yet to fully develop

I don't care about Rand in general, but this is unimpeachably correct.

>> No.19721552
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>i doubt he has much of an understanding of rand's autism
Can't wait for him to read Hoppe.

>> No.19721558
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I don’t know but she inspired some great and bitchin’ music by Rush so that’s cool.

>> No.19721559
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>> No.19721563
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>> No.19721581

Crazy jew women

>> No.19721585

Holy fucking BASED, she is quite literally me

>> No.19721590
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1641351048089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brother Mouzon
>an athlete with a library card

Is this what they're calling black people now? Because that's not the fucking line

>> No.19721594
File: 87 KB, 837x879, SadisticKnifeWieldingJewess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, my favorite :)

>> No.19721621


>> No.19721653

What a wicked woman

>> No.19721663

This post is bullshit but I still enjoyed reading it.
Dagny was like a producer on a movie, yeah she didnt act in front of the camera but she hired the director, the actors and so on. In the book she always takes responsibility in order to get shit done.

>> No.19721761
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I think that they read Atlas Shrugged? It mentions the city in Atlantis and one of the characters burns their oil fields the same way Andrew Ryan burns his forest. The issue is that since Ayn Rand was vague about her politics in the book, it is echoed in Bioshock. If anything, Bioshock is an example of why just reading her fiction isn't enough to understand her philosophy. I do think that they tried to criticize her philosophy and failed because Bioshock 2 is all about collectivism and duty and why that's bad which fits in line with the objectivist views of such things, but when you put Bioshock 1 and 2 together, it just becomes a boring 'extremes are bad ok?' position. To be frank, Bioshock is not really interesting as a criticism of objectivism because it's completely wrong and you have to see it under the objectivist lens of 'well it's a cautionary tale of why you should check your premises, even if you have good intentions.' Hell, the most obvious thing is that Ayn Rand was vehemently against anarchism, calling it
>the most irrational, anti-intellectual notion ever spun by the concrete-bound, context-dropping, whim-worshiping fringe of the collectivist movement, where it properly belongs.
and Bioshock just proves her right.

Personally, I think she's right that all anarchism is doomed to fail other than crypto-anarchism because then you have a system beyond the failures of human nature. It's also present in her writing that laissez-faire capitalism is anarcho-capitalistic in nature but it can't exist in an anarchist world which is why she settled on minarchism. The inherent contradiction is that anarcho-capitalism is the right answer but there's no process on achieving and transitioning towards a proper anarcho-capitalism world. Anarcho-capitalists might talk about a system of arbitrators and private police, but they always fail to explain how to achieve such a world because there is none. Except for crypto-anarchism, of course.

Dagny is just a competent brat who wants to be put in her place but never finds a man to do it. Ayn Rand always inserts herself in her female characters. Modern audiences are shocked at the rape scene in The Fountainhead but women are into that and so was Ayn Rand. In Atlas Shrugged, Dagny gets completely dominated by Francisco at a young age and has sex all the time the moment she gets her period. Then she fucks Readen by sexually awakening him from his shit wife. And when she catches up to Galt, there is a scene where she becomes a maid to him. It's pure erotic fiction. Atlas Shrugged is funny if you read it under an eroticism lens because it's a woman desperately trying to find the best man possible as they all vanish from society. It's quite literally the reverse of the 'men can't find a good woman these days' but flipped on its head because it's Ayn Rand saying 'yeah, and you're all fucking shit.' That sort of anxiety and lamentation was present in Ayn Rand's life which makes it funny.

>> No.19721770

I would.

>> No.19721782

Her problem was not deducing the IQ distribution was related groups of people that could live without the state

Dumb people need assistance and guidance, she implies ancap would work for all based on in principles

>> No.19721785

Do dumb people need assistance at the expense of the non-dumb and geniuses?

>> No.19721798

They won’t go away, you would still need them for crap labor until they get replaced by robots
That is why moved away from the masses
But how get rid of dumb people? Voluntary eugenics, well, paying for dumb people not reproduce would be more profitable but le state thrives on dumb people voting on them

>> No.19722468

Sounds like too much effort. Why not just let the smart people do their own thing and not bother with those who are dumb?

>> No.19722483

Because dumb people are also violent and they will vote against you
That is why Galt moved away, that part is most fantasy because there’s no not owned land in the planet, you can’t just start a new country
Until mats become a possibility we have to deal with the dumb one way or another

>> No.19722499

You don't need owned land: you just become invisible with cryptography. Your views are archaic, bound by a false dichotomy that won't be relevant within the next decade.

>> No.19723018
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>false dichotomy

Get a load of this pseud

>> No.19724211
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>> No.19724645

>shit strawman + appeal to emotion + thinking that people have any duty to serve/help others

>> No.19725254

>Can't cite any quotations from the text to support the argument!
>Must be true!